Outline: In this book, Rolland Muller removes the mystique from shame-based cultures. Using the Bible, he introduces us to honor, shame, and fear-based cultures, illustrating their development over the years and demonstrating their influence on our understanding of the gospel message. Muller goes on to illustrate how the 10/40window is made up almost exclusively of shame-based cultures. He then…
Outline: Muslims - they're unreachable, right? Wrong! Today's Christian is typically uninformed about the way Muslism think and may underestimate their receptivity to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Reaching Muslims for Christ is a treasury of facts, insights, analysis, and examples gleaned from men and women who are engaged in witness to Muslims in North America and abroad. William J. Saal and oth…
Outline: Pandemi Covid-19 sungguh sebuah bencana kemanusiaan yang merenggut jutawan jiwa di berbagai pelosok dunia. Daya rusaknya bukan hanya memorak-pondakan bidang kesehatan, tetapi seluruh dimensi kehidupan manusia, termasuk ekonomi, sosial, budaya, politik hingga agama. Cepatnya penyebaran Covid-19 ke seantero jagat menciptakan teror bagi siapa pun, tanpa pandang bulu; mengubur segala impia…
Outline : Pulau-pulau dan pantai-pantai Asia Tenggara, dari Semenanjung Malaya, Indonesia, sampai Filipina—dalam buku ini diistilahkan “Nusantaria”—adalah kawasan kebudayaan maritim terbesar di dunia, dan sejak dulu menjadi pusat perdagangan dan pelayaran. Nusantaria merupakan satu kawasan dengan identitas budaya, bahasa, dan etnis Austronesia, bangsa pelaut dengan tradisi arung samudra…
Outline: Aroma rempah yang wangi dan menguar dari bumi Nusantara menggoda para pelaut dari Portugal, Spanyol, Inggris, Belanda, dan lainnya berdatangan berabad-abad silam. Berbagai catatan sejarah menunjukkan bahwa negeri ini merupakan istana megah dari raja bumbu, yaitu rempah-rempah. Tidak hanya di masa lampau, hingga saat ini, potensi rempah Indonesia sangat tinggi. Berdasarkan penelusuran T…
Outline: This reader offers an overview of anthropological findings about religion that spans 100 years of work. Eighteen new readings are among the fifty-six selections in the Fourth Edition. The selections are organized into nine categories: The Origin and Development of Religion, The Function of Religion in Human Society, The Interpretation of Symbolism, The Analysis of Myth, The Symblic Ana…
Outline: Find the words you want - in your Pocket! You can keep your Pocket with you all the time - when you're reading a newspaper, working online, or studying in English. You can: - Look up over 30,000 British and American English words and phrases - Understand the clear, concise definitions - Learn new words - is it uncool to use WAP? How good are you at multitasking? - Check over 8,000…
Outline: Mei 1853, Jelle Eeljest Jellesma, seorang zendeling dari Nederlandsch Zendeling Genootschap (NZG), bertemu degan seorang paruh baya yang dijuluki dengan nama Tunggul Wulung di Mojowarno. Jellesma memberikan Alkitab kepadanya dan Tunggul Wulung mempelajarinya. Setelah Tunggul Wulung percaya Injil, menjadi Kristen, dan dibaptis dengan nama Ibrahim, struktur sosial dan kehidupan masyarak…
Outline: Dalam buku ini Adam Hamilton menawarkan beberapa kunci untuk menolong Anda membangun pernikahan yang sehat, memuaskan, dan sukses. Pandangan-pandangan yang dipaparkannya diambil dari hasil survei terhadap lebih dari 2.000 lajang dan orang yang sudah menikah, pengalaman pasangan yang telah ia wawancara, refleksi setelah menjadi konselor selama 15 tahun, dan pengalaman pernikahannya send…
Outline : Psalms 1 to 72 Psalms contain the praises of the people. It is the people of Israel's creed. But more than that, they display historical accounts which demonstrate how the people are to put their trust in God. They display the character of God who is majestic, compassionate and our Creator God. Mentor Commentaries retains a high view of Scripture whilst interacting with other research…
Outline: Biblical Hermeneutics is designed for students and ministers who want to grow in their ability to interpret, teach, and preach God's Word. It requires no understanding of biblical languages or of the technical details of hermeneutics, the art and science of interpreting the Bible. You will learn: - A step-by-step approach to interpreting a passage - Hermeneutical principles that app…
Outline: This volume brings together work by scholars of international repute in order to explore fundamental questions about the kind of society we see reflected in the Bible. By adopting a cross-disciplinary approach, the various contributors recognise the valuable insights that can be gained when the social sciences are allowed to cross-fertilise with theology. Students of ancient Judaism an…
Outline: The apostle Paul gave the gospel the first place in his preaching, endeavoured with all his might to proclaim it clearly, and even went so far as to pronounce a curse upon all those who would pervent its truth. Yet how sad it is that many, even among those considering themselves evangelicals, have reduced the gospel message to a few trite statements to be repeated, and view conversion …
Outline : Romans is Paul's most thorough presentation of the good news he preached. Writing to a church he had not yet met, Paul lets them know that both Jews and Gentiles need to be rescued from death, and the crucified and risen Jesus is the Savior they need. In Romans Verse by Verse, Grant R. Osborne shows readers what Romans meant to its original audience and what it means today. Throughout…
Outline: Thoroughly updated and revised - with half of the chapters new to the second edition - Missiology equips the reader with a vast resource on contemporary missions. This graduate-level introduction is divided into five sections (Introduction to the Study of Missions, Biblical Basic of Missions, Theology of Missions, History of Missions, and Applied Missiology) and offers essays on modern…
Outline: Evangelicals are no strangers to the creation versus evolution debate. Now the argument has spread beyond the contents of the creation account in Genesis 1 and into Genesis 2-3, with speculation about the historicity of Adam and Eve and the Fall. But does it matter which position one holds? Is anything really at stake? The faculty of The Master's College have come together to show that…
Outline: How did the controversy between Jesus and the Scribal Elite begin? We know that it ended on a cross, but what put Jesus on the radar of established religious and political leaders in the first place? Chris Keith argues that an answer to this question must go beyond typical explanations such as Jesus's alternative views on Torah or his miracle working and consider his status as a teacher.
Outline: For the Beauty of the Earth provides the most thorough evangelical treatment available on a theology of creation care. Arguing that authentic Christian faith requires ecological obedience, Steven Bouma-Prediger urges Christians to acknowledge their responsibility and privilege as stewards of the earth. The second edition has been substantially revised and updated with the latest scient…
Outline : Union with Christ is a debated theological theme in Pauline studies, yet surprisingly a comprehensive exegetical analysis of the theme within the Pauline canon has not been produced. Until now, This book offers the first thorough exegetical and theological investigation of union with Christ in Paul's letters, carefully examining every occurrence of the phrases "in Christ," "with Chris…
Outline: In today's religiously pluralistic world, is it theologically and morally acceptable to maintain that one religion is uniquely true and that the others are at best incomplete or even false? Specifically, is Jesus Christ merely a savior, or is he the one and only Savior of humankind? At the heart of Dissonatnt Voices lies a strong, well-reasoned defense of Christian exclusivism, which h…
Outline: The Foundations of Theological Exegesis and Christian Spirituality series critically recovers patristic exegesis and interpretation for contemporary theology and spirituality. Each volume covers a specific church father and illuminates the exegesis that undergirds the Nicene tradition.
Outline: In this new edition, Bruce Joyce and Marsha Weil offer a revised and updated approach to the different theoretical views of teaching and show how these theories are applied in the classroom. The teacher and curriculum director will find a wide range of methods for teaching and a stimulating guide to creating environments for learning. The authors describe ways to analyze, compare, and …
Outline: This volume provides an introduction to early Christian literature and its setting, with basic writings of the first two centuries rendered by fresh, new translations into clear, readable English. The selections include, first, one of the earliest Christian documents the Church possesses, Clement's First Letter, written about A.D. 96. Following are The Letters of Ignatius, Bishop of An…
Outline: In 1968 Eric Wolf write that anthropology needed to discover history. In this book he applies history to world anthropology. But Wolf's history is not Western history, divided into separate "nations" and chronicling the progress of the victorious elite. Wolf sees history as a web of complex, changing relationships, spun by Europe's rise to world domination. The true history of European…
Outline: Seeking to bridge the existing gap between biblical studies and systematic theology, this distinctive series offers section-by-section exegesis of the Old Testament texts in close conversation with theological concerns. Written by respected scholars, the THOTC volumes aim to help pastors, teachers, and students engage in deliberately theological interpretation of Scripture. In this com…
Outline: Godlines is not a spiritual luxury enjoyed only by saints of the past and superstars of today. It is both the privilege and the duty of every Christian. God has given to each of us "everything we need for life and godliness." But what makes a Christian godly? Godliness, says Jerry Bridges, is devotion to God which results in a life that is pleasing to Him. Devotion is impotent without …
Outline : Few issues in Christian theology have sparked as much controversy over the centuries as the question of election. In this book — the inaugural volume of the Kantzer Lectures in Revealed Theology series — Stephen Williams offers a rich and nuanced account of the doctrine of election, arguing that we should diminish the role of "system" in Christian theology. After expounding the Bi…
Outline: Buku ini merupakan kristalisasi pengarang pada saat memberi kuliah "Latar Belakang Perjanjian Baru" di sekolah-sekolah teologi selama bertahun-tahun. Bermanfaat untuk "menguraikan firman kebenaran seturut dengan arti yang sesungguhnya" (II Tim. 2: 15), dan untuk "siap sedia pada segala sesuatu, untuk memberi jawab kepada tiap-tiap orang dengan lemah lembut dan hormat" (1 Pe. 3: 15) pad…
Outline: Modern theologians have focused on the doctrine of divine impossibility, exploring the significance of God's emotional experience and most especially the question of divine suffering. Professor Rob Lister speaks into the issue, outlining the history of the doctrine in the views of influential figures such as Augustine, Aquinas, and Luther, while carefully examining modernity's growing …
Outline: Explore the wonders of the human voice with the fun, magical activities in The Book of Pitch Exploration! Whether it's whooshing or shushing, hooting or booing, the human voice is capable of creating all kinds of sounds. This book allows children to discover these sounds through ideas, poems, stories, and songs that invite vocal participation from all involved. Not only are these activ…
Outline: Understanding language is essential to interpreting the Bible. The Bible was written in ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek-languages no modern reader can claim to have a native understanding of. A better understanding of how language works should help us understand the Bible better as we seek to discern the original intent and meaning of each biblical author. In this book, you will get…
Outline: The church is more than a building - it is an assembly of people joined together across distances and even through time to fulfill God's purposes in the world. Each local gathering of that assembly needs a vision to help its members accomplish the work God has called them to do. But how do you inspire your church to create and follow through on a vision? Mike Milton provides tested, bi…
Outline: Before time began, war was declared in heaven. Throughout the ages it has raged relentlessly. And today, affecting your life and mine, warfare in two arenas - the inward battle and the battle for lost souls, continue out of control. To live in the victory that Christ won for us on Calvary, we must PREPARE FOR BATTLE! Thus, Neal and Yvonne Pirolo have teamed up to produce this practical…
Outline: Now available in paperback, the second edition of this widely read classic by organizational development pioneer Edgar H. Schein transforms the abstract concept of culture into a tool that managers and students can continually use to better shape the dynamics of organization and change. Focusing on the complex business realities of the 1990s, Schein draws on a wide range of contemporar…
Outline: Augustine's Commentary on Galatians is his only complete, formal commentary on any book of the Bible and offers unique insights into his understanding of Paul and of his own task as a biblical interpreter. In addition to the English translation with facing Latin text, this volume provides a comprehensive introduction and copious notes. Since Galatians happens to be the only biblical bo…