Overview: Buku ini menghadirkan lima tulisan hasil penelitian: Skema Keagamaan dan Fundamentalisme Agama sebuah Tinjauan Psikologi yang ditulis oleh seorang dosen psikologi; Transformasi Pelayanan Administrasi Pernikahan - Kependudukan yand dilakukan di KUA Gondomanan Kota Yogyakarta, dalam tulisan ini digambarkan tentang perubahan-perubahan penting dalam pelayanan KUA; Masih Perlukah FKUB? T…
Outline: Sources in Philosophy is a series of short (approximately 128 pages), inexpensive, paperbound volumes. Each volume conains a substantial original essay and selected readings in a major segment of philosophy. The introductory essay for each volume provides an original point of view from which the coherence and unity of the diverse selections can be appreciated. The carefully selected re…
Outline: This landmark book about America's "habits of the heart" - Tocqueville's expression for the mix of traits essential to our national character - explores the traditions Americans use to make sense of themselves and their society, and it presents one of today's major moral dilemmas: the conflict between our fierce individualism and our urgent need for community and commitment to one anot…
Outlined: The distinguished social critic Richard Sennett here shows how the excessively ordered community freezes adults - both the young idealists and their security-oriented parents - into rigid attitudes that stifle personal growth. He argues that the accepted ideal of order generates patterns of behavior among the urban middle classes that are stultifying, narrow, and violence-pence. And…
Outline: This book is gripping, authoritative account of the epic battle between modernity and militant Islam that is reshaping the Middle East. The author, a reporter who has covered the Middle East for twenty years, takes us inside the militant Islamic movements in ten countries: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Algeria, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, and Iran. She shows that just as ther…
Overview: Moving from a sweeping overview of history to blow-by-blow accounts of his negotiations with world leaders, the author describes how the art of diplomacy has created the world in which we live, and how America's approach to foreign affairs has always differed vastly from that of other nations. Brilliant, controversial, and profoundly incisive, this book stands as the culmination of a…
Overview: Tulisan-tulisan dalam buku ini adalah pengendapan pemikiran-pemikiran penulis yang sebagai orang Kristen selama bertahun-tahun menggumuli tempat, sumbangan dan partisipasi orang-orang Kristen dan Gereja Kristen Indonesia di bumi Pancasila ini. Walaupun penulis membahas pokok-pokok tulisan beliau dari perspektif Kristen, itu bukan berarti bahwa buku ini baik dibaca hanya oleh orang-or…
Overview: This book by the author has established itself as THE introductory book on the basics of social research. It provides practical and straightforward guidance for those who need to conduct small-scale research projects as part of their undergraduate, postgraduate or professional studies. This brand new fifth edition has been thoroughly updated and revised throughout and includes new m…
Overview: Written in the intense political and intellectual tumult of the early years of the Weimar Republic, this book develops the distinctive theory of sovereignty that made the author one of the most significant and controversial political theoritsts of the twentieth century. Focusing on the relationships among political leadership, the norms of the legal order, and the state of exception, …
Overview: Dalam buku ini, penulis menunjukkan bagaimana pembaca dapat mengenali pola komunikasi yang salah, yang selama ini mungkin telah pembaca warisi dari orangtua pembaca. Pembaca juga akan ditolong untuk mempelajari cara-cara komunikasi yang baru, benar dan efektif yang dapat pembaca gunakan untuk mengasuh, mendidik, mendisiplinkan anak-anak pembaca menuju kedewasaan. Melalui buku ini, …
Overview: Buku yang merupakan wawancara dengan 70 cendekiawan Muslim maupun ataragama, termasuk ahli sosial, filsafat dan teologi ini mewacanakan pentingnya mendiskursuskan kembali ide demokrasi, hak asasi manusia, toleransi, sekularisme, liberalisme dan pluralisme sebagai ide yang akan melindungi kebebasan beragama dan berkeyakinan.
Overview: Buku yang merupakan wawancara dengan 70 cendekiawan Muslim maupun ataragama, termasuk ahli sosial, filsafat dan teologi ini mewacanakan pentingnya mendiskursuskan kembali ide demokrasi, hak asasi manusia, toleransi, sekularisme, liberalisme dan pluralisme sebagai ide yang akan melindungi kebebasan beragama dan berkeyakinan.
Overview: Buku yang merupakan wawancara dengan 70 cendekiawan Muslim maupun ataragama, termasuk ahli sosial, filsafat dan teologi ini mewacanakan pentingnya mendiskursuskan kembali ide demokrasi, hak asasi manusia, toleransi, sekularisme, liberalisme dan pluralisme sebagai ide yang akan melindungi kebebasan beragama dan berkeyakinan.
Overview: Buku yang merupakan wawancara dengan 70 cendekiawan Muslim maupun ataragama, termasuk ahli sosial, filsafat dan teologi ini mewacanakan pentingnya mendiskursuskan kembali ide demokrasi, hak asasi manusia, toleransi, sekularisme, liberalisme dan pluralisme sebagai ide yang akan melindungi kebebasan beragama dan berkeyakinan.
Overview: Penulisan buku ini dimaksudkan untuk mengevaluasi capaian yang sudah diraih. Selain itu, juga merefleksikan kendala dan tantangan yang dihadapi, sambil membangun permenungan mendalam ke masa depan atau vision yang baru. Seluruh evaluasi, refleksi dan perenungan ke masa depan itu digagas dalam empat tema penulisan yang meliputi: mewujudkan atMaluku yang sejahtera, mewujudkan masyarak…
Overview: This book examines the principles on which Soviet statistics is founded, the kind of work done by the statistical bodies, methods of accounting, current statistical observation, census techniques, episodic and sample surveys. It gives special consideration to questions like classification of branches of industry and the economy, systems of statistical indices, and the collection and …
Overview: There are some of the fundamental aspects of culture explored by the author, in this stimulating and provocative book which is based on extensive field work and profusely illustrated with photographs and line drawings. From New Zealand to Iceland, from Africa to New England - this comprehensive and concise analysis of the deeply rooted differences in customs and habits between "primi…
Overview: For over 40 years, this book has been the centerpiece of America's reference shelves in libraries, at work, and in the home. This 1988's edition, compiled anew by our professional editing and research teams, is the most comprehensive and authoritative to date. This is THE almanac for the 1980's - an immense and affordable "database" that you don't need a computer to use.
Overview: This book is an exploration of the joys and perils of the modern workplace. Here we see what other people wake up to do each day - and night - to make our frenzied world function. With a philosophical eye and his signature combination of wit and wisdom, the author leads us on a journey around an eclectic range of occupations, from rocket scientist to biscuit manufacturer, from accou…
Overview: More than a hundred years ago the author and his followers recognized that knowledge (curriculum) and behavior (pedagogy) are embedded in everyone's core beliefs about the nature of God, humanity, and the world. The author delivered the two convocation addresses included in this volume to the students of the Vrije Universiteit (Free University) in Amsterdam in 1889 and 1900. A long …
Overview: Inilah buku ketiga dan terakhir dari buku-buku di dalamnya Penulis memperkenalkan pemikiran Karl Marx dan pengaruhnya yang sedemikian dahsyat. Dalam buku ini, Penulis kemudian menjabarkan perkembangan teori-teori Marxis mulai dari Karl Marx sampai ke bagian kedua abad keduapuluh, serta pokok-pokok pikiran Mao Zedong, Ernst Bloch, Karel Kosik, Horkheimer dan Adorno, Marcuse hingga mun…
Overview: This book unfolds a panoramic secret history and explains the truth about money: what it is, where it comes from, and how it works. Drawing on stories from throughout human history and around the globe, this book will radically rearrange your understanding of the world, and shows how money can once again become the most powerful force for freedom we have ever known.
Overview: This book is the author's summa on making predictions about markets and economies, in theory and in practice. The author offers a thrillingly lucid and empirical argument about what exacty we can and can't know about economic decision making. With his trademark wisdom and nuance, he devises a brand-new economic map, one that intergrates the history of economic prediction, the recent…