Outline : "A treasure of pastoral wisdom on a signature virtue of the Christian life" What is gratitude? Where does it come from? Why do we need it? How does it change us? Award winning author Cornelius Plantinga explores these questions and more in Gratitude. Celebrating the role of gratitude in our lives, Plantinga makes the case that is the very key to understanding our relationships with on…
Outline : Philosophy is for everyone. We think philosophically whenever we ask life's big questions: - What is real? - How do we know what we know? - What is the right thing to do? - What does it mean to be human? - How should we view science and its claims? - Why should we believe that God exists? Yet many people find philosophy intimidating, so they never discover how invaluable it c…
Outline : One of the theological classics of the twentieth century, Niebuhr's Moral Man and Immoral Society argues that using moral persuasion and shaming to affect the behavior of such collectives as corporations and nation states is fruitless, as these groups will inevitably seek to promote only their self-interest. He calls for a realistic assessment of group behavior and enumerates how indi…
Outline : Many answers have been offered throughout history in response to these perennial questions, including those from biological, anthropological, sociological, political, and theological approaches. And yet the questions remain. Philosopher Joshua Rasmussen offers his own step-by-step examination into the fundamental nature and ultimate origin of persons. Using accessible language and cle…
Outline: Recognizing that faithful theological study is an integrative task, uniquely combines biblical and systematic theology in dialogue with historical theology and with application to church and life. The series addresses classic doctrines of systematic theology and other relevant topics, pairing careful scholarship with the practical understanding that theology finds its focus within the …
Outline : Yohanes Duns Scotus (1265-1308) adalah salah seorang pemikir besar Fransiskan Abad Pertengahan. Pemikirannya menjadi dasar bagi Stoisisme, salah satu aliran skolastik penting selain Thomisme dan Ockhamisme. Dalam buku ini, Anda akan diajak untuk menjelajahi refleksi Duns Scotus mengenai infinitum (yang-tak-berhingga). Scotus bermaksud menyelidiki sejauh mana batas-batas bahasa dan pen…
Outline : Alvin Plantinga is the contemporary world’s most influential Christian philosopher. His work over the past six decades has paved the way for Christian thinkers in the fields of epistemology, metaphysics, and science. In this accessible overview and analysis of Plantinga's work, philosophy professor Greg Welty examines his approach to faith and reason, the problem of evil, theistic a…
Outline: There are many misconception about what it means to be humble. Some think that being humble involves hinding your talents or denying your value, making humility an impossible burden. In this book, Gavin Ortlund casts a vision for a gospel-centered, externally focused life, exploring Scripture and historical texts in order to define humility as God does - self-forgetfulness leading to j…
Outline : Grandma was right. You've got to get the weeds by the roots, or they'll just grow back. So too with deep-rooted anger. You must uproot it from your heart, or it'll resurface. Uprooting Anger reveals how the Bible generates hope and help for all who struggle with this sin.
Outline : Masyarakat luas memberi bermacam-macam tafsiran tentang etika. Begitu pula judul buku ini menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan. Di sini etika dilihat sebagai ilmu atau refleksi sistematik atas keseluruhan norma-norma dan penilaian-penilaian, yang digunakan oleh suatu masyarakat untuk mengetahui bagaimana manusia seharusnya menjalani kehidupannya. Buku ini merupakan usaha seorang ahli etika m…
Outline: We Can't Fight What We Don't Understand. We live in the murderous hundred years in history, and we are the first generation to witness every human atrocity and every natural disaster as they happen. Now more than ever it is important to understand evil and how to deal with us. We cannot allow evil to triumph because good people do nothing.
Outline: Seseorang yang merasa ditolak sunguh-sungguh tidak mampu mengasihi dan dikasihi. Penolakan dapat dimulai pada awal masa kanak-kanak bahkan semenjak di dalam kandungan, dan sering kali ada hubungannya dengan orangtua yang mempunyai masalah yang sama. Penolakan merusak kepribadian seseorang, dan menciptakan sakit hati serta luka batin yang dalam tanpa disadari. Akibatnya kehendak, pikira…
Outline: How the Creeds and Confessions of the Past Can Protect the Church Today? Historic statements of faith - such as the Apostles' Creed, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Westminster Confession of Faith - have helped the Christian church articulate and adhere to God's truth for centuries. However, many modern evangelicals reject these documents and the practices of catechesis, proclaiming …
Outline: Ada dua pertanyaan pokok yang akan kita hadapi selama kita membaca serangkaian pemikiran filsuf-filsuf besar tentang manusia ini. Pertama, apakah hidup kita saat ini masih bermakna? Dan, kedua, jika masih bermakna, makna yang bagaimana? Dua pertanyaan ini timbul dari kegelisahan eksistensial masa kini ketia kita dikejar-kejar oleh bayang-bayang hari esok. Pertanyaan itulah yang kemudia…
Outline : Ricoeur's theory of productive imagination in previously unpublished lectures. The eminent philosopher Paul Ricoeur was devoted to the imagination. These previously unpublished lectures offer Ricoeur's most significant and sustained reflections on creativity as he builds a new theory of imagination through close examination, moving from Aristotle, Pascal, Spinoza, Hume, and Kant to Ry…
Outline: Because of the nature of his moral principles the therapeutic is, according to the author, the basic revolutionary type of our time, cutting across all lines that divide men in the social order. He is the true unbeliever, the postulant of an anticreed, using all faiths or none in the systematic pursuit of his sense of well-being. Philip Rieff's commanding study Freud: The Mind of the M…
Outline: WORRY. ANXIETY. PANIC. Does any problem hamper our lives more? It plagues us daily, draining our joy and exhausting our energy. It springs up suddenly, clouding our thinking and wrecking our relationships. Most of us have come to accept it, and even expect it... but do we have to? Biblical counselor Robert Jones brings hope for this common problem by demonstrating that it's also a solv…
This book explores the intertwining domains of artificial intelligence (AI) and ethics-two highly divergent fields which at first seem to have nothing to do with one another. AI is a collection of computational methods for studying human knowledge, learning, and behavior, including by building agents able to know, learn, and behave. Ethics is a body of human knowledge-far from completely unders…
Outline: Buku ini mengupas berbagai persoalan mendasar yang hingga kini tetap aktual, seperti hidup dan mati (aborsi, eutanasia), diskriminasi gender, kebebasan berpikir dan menyatakan pendapat (misalnya menyangkut penghinaan dan pencemaran nama), pengaturan ekonomi masyarakat, hormat pada binatang, persoalan ekologi, dan sebagainya. Dengan bahasa yang jelas dan lugas, penulis berani melawan ar…
Outline: Abortion, Fetal Issue Use, Euthanasia, Civil Disobedience, Divorce and Remarriage, Genetic Engineering and Screening, Artificial Insemination, Freezing Embryos, Cloning, Surrogate Motherhood, Homosexuality, Capital Punishment, Sexual Minority, Birth Control, Nuclear Arms, War. "So much is changing today in regard to the control of life and death and the understanding of human sexuality…
Outline: The Chinese people constitute more than a quarter of the world's population, yet until now there has been no single volume that summarizes and integrates the wealth of data available, in English and Chinese, on the psychological functioning of Chinese people. The Psychology of the Chinese People fulfils this role, emphasizing the prime areas of research, both past and present, the theo…
Outline: Man is dead. God is dead. Life has become meaningless existence, man a cog in a machine. The only way of escape lies in a non-rational fantasy world of experience, drugs, absurdity, pornography, an elusive 'final experience', madness ... If this is the twentieth-century mentality, how did it come about? And how can the Christian faith be made meaningful today? In this highly original b…
Outline: What is the origin of evil? Where does what we term evil come from? According to Paul Ricoeur, to think through evil is to think through fallibity; because human freedom is summed up as existence prior to evil. Deriving from a lecture given in Lausanne in 1985, this small text adds to the immense ouevre of this philosopher who is not regarded as a theologian but whose thinking readily …
Outline: Lao Zi was the founder of Taoism, one of the most influential philosophies in Chinese civilization, besides Confucianism. Tsai Chih Chung, the most popular contemporary Chinese cartoonist, has presented the thoughts of Lao Zi in a light-hearted and entertaining manner. Featuring the selected sayings from Tao De Jing, Tsai provides the readers with a fast and easy way to understanding t…
Outline : Kita sudah tahu anjuran untuk "work smart, not work hard", "bekerja cerdas, bukan hanya bekerja keras". Tapi bagaimana sebenarnya cara melakukan itu? Bagaimana cara bekerja cerdas, cepat, dan produktif? Apakah harus membentuk tim berisi orang-orang hebat? Mana yang lebih baik, memberi kelonggaran atau instruksi kepada anggota tim? Apakah kita harus menetapkan sasaran besar ambisius at…
Outline : The works of Philo of Alexandria, a slightly older contemporary of Jesus and Paul, constitute an essential source for the study of Judaism at the turn of the eras and the rise of Christianity. They are also of extreme importance for understanding the Greek philosophy of the time and help to explain the onset of new forms of spirituality that would dominate the following centuries. Thi…
Outline: This book, one of the first full-length studies of the modalities to emerge from the debate to which Saul Kripke, David Lewis, Ruth Marcus and others have contributed, is an exploration and defence of the notion of modality de re, the idea that objects have both essential and accidental properties. The argument is developed by means of the notion of possible worlds and ranges over key …
Outline : Menurut tradisi, filsafat telah bertindak sebagai ancilla theologiae (pembantu teologi) dengan mengambil peran ministerial (pelayanan) atau menolong. Namun, menganggap bahwa teologi memiliki "peran magisterial" - yakni, otoritatif - bukan dilakukan dengan merendahkan filsafat, melainkan dengan menyanjungnya karena filsafat telah memberikan bantuan yang besar agar kita dapat memahami d…
Outline: Forgiving is for giving. All of us have suffered painful emotional and relational hurts. God calls us to forgive those who have hurt us, but that's often easier said than done. We don't usually know how to forgive others, nor are we always sure if we have truly forgiven them. Psychologist and counselor Everett Worthington, the leading Christian researcher on forgiveness, says that forg…
Outline: Orang mengira ketika Anda ingin mengubah hidup, Anda perlu memikirkan hal-hal besar. Namun pakar kebiasaan terkenal kelas dunia James Clear telah menemukan sebuah cara lain. Ia tahu bahwa perubahan nyata berasal dari efek gabungan ratusan keputusan kecil - dari mengerjakan dua push-up, bangun lima menit lebih awal, sampai menahan sebentar untuk menelepon. Ia menyebut semua tadi atomic …
Outline: They're pushy, forceful, impatient, always in a hurry, and they're always ready to tell you how to do your job better. They're control freaks. Maybe you know one. Maybe you are one. We can learn to cope with the Control Freaks around us. Better yet, we can change. This book will show you how. You'll discover ... - How to Know When Control Is Good or Bad - How to Recognize the Top Ten…
Outline: "Pluralisme sekarang ini, seperti yang ditekankan oleh golongan postmodernis, adalah ciri khas masyarakat dewasa ini." "Seseorang tidak boleh menghakimi kelompok minoritas dengan menggunakan rumusan-rumusan universal tetapi mendengar mereka dari perbedaan yang mereka mau ungkapkan. Jadi hal yang ditonjolkan adalah pluralitas penalaran, bukan kesatuan penalaran." "Unsur-unsur dalam keny…
Outline: In this book the student meets the ideas of Plato, Christianity, Marx, Freud, Sartre, B.F. Skinner, and Konrad Lorenz in the context of what each has to say about human nature. Each of these seven theories of human nature is broken down into four essential components: 1. a background theory of the universe 2. a basic theory of human nature 3. a diagnosis of what is wrong with humank…
Outline: Dunia mengalami perubahan dengan kecepatan yang sangat luar biasa. Dan para pemimpin yang berhasil dalam dunia yang berubah ini hanyalah mereka yang dapat mengarahkan sumber daya yang paling kuat - inteligensi dan energi manusia - secara efektif. Buku ini menawarkan suatu pedoman keberhasilan yang sarat dengan spiritualitas, etika dan kekuatan, bagi para pemimpin seperti tersebut di …
Outline : MELIHAT DIRI SENDIRI―MELIHAT ORANG LAIN. Kebanyakan kita tidak tahu bagaimana orang lain melihat atau memproses pengalaman mereka. Dan ini sangat menyulitkan dalam menjalin relasi, baik dengan pasangan, sahabat, atau dalam kehidupan profesional. Memahami motivasi dan dinamika dari berbagai tipe kepribadian yang berbeda bisa menjadi kunci untuk memahami perilaku yang terkadang membin…
Outline : Why did the Chinese turn against the Western democracies? ... Why did they become Communists? In nontechnical language, H. G. Creel introduces us to a China of unending poverty, oppression and war, a China searching for a way to live with other people without being irritated by them, without being swallowed by them. Taking us behind the great philosophies that helped mold the thinking…
Outline: Jika kita bertanya siapa filsuf zaman modern yang paling menentukan pemikiran filsafat kemudian hari, kiranya hanya sedikit orang yang tidak akan menyebutkan Immanuel Kant. Professor yang tidak pernah keluar dari batas kota Konigsberg, ibu kota Prusia, dan mengikuti irama hidup harian yang amat teratur, bahkan rutin itu, dengan pemikirannya yang radikal yang amat teratur, bahkan rutin …