Outline: Walau begitu banyak orang masa kini membaca Alkitab setiap hari, namun masih banyak di antaranya yang tidak memahami 'Buku Tua' itu, yang telah berumur lebih dari 2000 tahun, yakni ALKITAB. Barangsiapa membaca sebuah kitab yang terdapat dalam Alkitab, pada awalnya akan banyak menghadapi kesulitan untuk memahaminya, karena adanya perbedaan situasi zaman penulisan kitab itu dengan masa k…
Outline: A Diary of Private Prayer is not an anthology of previously published prayers; Dr. Baillie has himself written each one-and each has that rare quality of seeming to have been written for the reader personally, to fit his own special needs. The book is thoroughly devotional; it compels a deep searching of our inner life. Here is an understanding of the aspects of God's relation to man a…
Outline: Leadership. Where do leader come from? What does it take to be a leader? When does leadership begin? The answers to these questions may surprise you. Leadership is not confined to position, title, or training, nor it is limited by experience. In fact, these things sometimes cloud the real issues of leadership. In The Making of a Leader,, Dr. Robert Clinton identifies the patterns God u…
Outline: "We have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the writtn code" (Romans 7: 6). That's a promise from God to you - and it can revolutionize your life. It's the promise of a New Way of life. What is this New Way? In The Pressure's Off Larry Crabb reveals ... - what this New Way isn't, explaining the misconceptions and confus…
Outline: Examining a series of processes (islamization, arabization, africanization) and case studies from North, West, and East Africa, this book gives snapshots of Muslim societies in Africa over the last 1000+ years. In contrast to traditions that suggest that Africa is not Muslim, or that Islam did not take root in Africa, author David Robinson shows the complex struggles of Muslims in the…
Outline: Theodicy attempts to resolve how a good God and an evil world can coexist. The neo-atheist side of this debate has dominated twenty-first-century bestseller lists with books like The God Delusion, God Is Not Great, and The End of Faith. Their popularity illuminates a changing mental environment in which people are asking harder questions about divine goodness. Suprisingly, these books …
Outline: Global missions is in the midst of multiple paradigm shifts that affect everything done in the name of missions. Trends and issues presents the major shifts in the way the task of world evangelism is taking place in the 21st century. Nine issues that need to be understood to stay current in missions today: - Brief history of trends in missions - Holism : serving the whole person - T…
Outline: His converson is one of the most dramatic in the New Testament. His inspired writings were a critical foundation for Augustine and Martin Luther. The meaning of his writings and the shape of his legacy continue to be debated to this day. Perhaps more than anyone besides Jesus Himself, the Apostle Paul has left a profound imprint on the Christian faith. And yet, many Christians today kn…
Outline: How much did the theological arguments of the church affect the copying of the New Testament text? Focusing on issues of textual criticism, this inaugural volume of the Text and Canon of the New Testament series offers some answers to that question and responds to some of Bart Ehrman's views about the transmission of the New Testament text. Revisiting the Corruption of the New Testamen…
Outline: The heart of the Sermon - Through careful attention to the structure of Matthew's Gospel and the place of the Sermon within it, keen sensitivity to the patterns and themes of Israelite prophecy, and judicious comparisons with other Jewish and rabbinic lierature, Jack R. Lundbom elucidates the meaning of the Sermon and its continuity with Israel's prophetic heritage as well as the best …
Outline: Alkitab diberikan agar setiap orang percaya mengenal Dia dan mengetahui segenap kehendak-Nya, sebagai landasan bagi pengajaran dan pelayanan gereja-Nya, serta sebagai tuntutan bagi setiap umat-Nya. Akan tetapi, beragamnya pengajaran yang saling bertolak belakang, dan maraknya fenomena-fenomena "spiritualime" dan kultur populer dalam kehidupan bergereja, memunculkan pertanyaan apakah Al…
Outline: The Explorations in Biblical Theology series addresses the need fro quality literature that attracts believing readers to good theology and builds them up in their faith. Each title in the series combines solid content with accessibility and readability - a valuable addition to the library of any college student, thoughtful lay reader, seminarian, or pastor. The doctrine of justication…
Outline: Most cross-cultural church-planting ministries face three critical issues. First, church planters must be accepted as valid messengers. They must be people with credibility that can speak clearly into their listeners' situation. Second, their message must be understandable. Muller explains that everyone has a worldview built from three basic building blocks found in Genesis 3: shame, g…
Outline: John Calvin adalah sebuah kekuatan yang mentransformasi bagi peradaban modern. Ia telah menyampaikan ribuan khotbah di gereja St. Pierre's Cathedral di Jenewa, tempat dia melayani dari tahun 1536 sampai akhir hidupnya di tahun 1564. Oleh karena itu tiada cara yang lebih baik untuk memperingati 500 tahun kelahirannya dengan mengundang para hamba Tuhan Reformed terkemuka untuk berkhotbah…
Outline: Setelah Yesus menyelesaikan tugas-Nya di dunia ini dan kembali kepada Bapa-Nya, seluruh pengikut-Nya hanya berjumlah 120 orang. Kelompok kecil yang pada umumnya terdiri atas orang-orang yang sederhana itu lambat laut berkembang. Hingga kini ada begitu banyak orang Kristen yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Apakah rahasia "pertumbuhan gereja" ini? Professor Barclay menulis bahwa penjelasan…
Outline: Apakah orang beriman tidak berpikir? Apakah orang yang berpikir tidak dapat beragama? Apakah mungkin seorang yang beriman kuat dapat tetap memiliki pikiran yang bertanggung jawab dalam menghadapi berbagai kesulitan, dengan berpikir sesuai dengan firman Tuhan? Buku ini menyajikan suatu pemikiran akan iman dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan pikiran dan kebenaran yang hakiki.
Outline: Salah satu harta milik kita yang paling bersifat paradoks di dalam hidup kita adalah waktu. Manusia tidak mungkin melepaskan diri dari keterikatan dan keterbatasan waktu. Sebagaimana kita diikat dan dibatasi oleh tempat, demikian juga kita diikat dan dibatasi oleh waktu. Apakah ini menjadi suatu jalan buntu bagi makna hidup? Siapakah orang yang berbijaksana dan dapat meluputkan diri, y…
Outline: This Reader examines biblical patterns and principles of communication, and presents six case studies investigating aspects of communication in an Asian context. Intended to help promote the study of communication, the chapters have wide application as readings for courses in missiology, Christian anthropology, cross cultural communication, mass media, sociology, strategy evaluation an…
Outline: "I'm an unbeliever. So are you," Jeff Vanderstelt tells us in his book, Gospel Fluency. We slip in and out of believing God's word about us and trusting in his work on our behalf. We forget who he is, what he's done, and in light of that, who we are. Do these statements resonate with you? Then the Gospel Fluency Handbook was written for you. For those who've realized there are areas of…
Outline: Appropriate Christianity consists of 28 chapters by 18 authors approaching contextualization in three dimensions: truth, allegiance and spiritual power. Over the years, there have been quite a number of helpful discussions of the contextualization of theological truth. Though we have been helped greatly by them, it is high time we began to deal also with allegiance and spiritual power,…
Outline: A History of Christian Missions traces the expansion of Christianity from its origins in the Middle East to Rome, the rest of Europe and the Colonies, and assesses its position as a major religious force worldwide. Many of the world's religions have not actively sought converts, largely because they have been too regional in character. Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, however, are the…
Outline: James Livingston's widely acclaimed history of Christian thought - recently substantially revised and expanded - provides full, scholarly accounts of the major movements and thinkers, theologians and philosophers in the Christian tradition since the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, together with solid historical background and critical assessments. Distinctive in format and focus, the…
Outline: Buku ini berfokus pada kitab nabi-nabi besar dan nabi-nabi kecil dalam Perjanjian Lama. Pengarang, C. Hassell Bullock memilih untuk mengikuti jenis penelitian sejarah melalui kitab para nabi daripada mengikuti urutan kanonik yang biasa. Dr. Bullock berkata, "Rupanya ada manfaatnya untuk melihat hubungan timbal balik budaya, teologi, dan sejarah yang ada di antara nabi-nabi kanonik ini.…
Outline: All religions and worldviews seek to answer the fundamental questions of human existence : Why am I here? What does it mean to be human? Why is there evil in the world, and how do we deal with it? But not every worldview places equal emphasis on each issue. The main worldviews each tend to stress a different central quesion. Secular humanism focuses on: What is the inherent value of …
Outline: Nearly sixteen centuries ago, the city of Rome was sacked by German barbarian Alaric and his Goths - a blow to the very heart of the glorious empire. Rome had dominated civilization for over a thousand years, yet now this symbol of culture, commerce, and order was brought to her knees, and her citizens stripped of their homes, their belongings, and often, their very lines. In the wake …
Outline: Saat masih kecil. Brother Andrew bermimpin menjadi mata-mata rahasia yang bekerja dengan cara menyusup di tengah-tengah musuh. Setelah dewasa ternyata ia mendapati dirinya bekerja sebagai agen rahasia bagi Allah. Misi yang ia emban dipenuhi dengan bahaya, dibiayai dengan iman, dan disokong dengan mukzijat demi mukzijat. Meski diberi tahu bahwa mustahil untuk melayani di balik Tirai Bes…
Outline : Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman …
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayanan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman …
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mengadakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman …
Outline: Our technology shapes the way we live, interact, work, play, and even worship. Technology and its power are both old and new - as is the wisdom we need to envision, design, design, build, and use it well. For Christians passionate about developing technology, it's not always clear how their faith and work intersect. How can designing and using technology actually be a way of loving God…
Outline: The world recently learned as a result of the Persian Gulf War and other far-reaching developments in the Middle East that Islam is a force of tremendous importance. The West admittedly knows very little about the religion of Muhammed. It is the purpose of Dr. Ira Zepp's book to provide a popular, readable and comprehensive background for a better understanding of this wide-spread reli…
Outline: How we read the Bible has a profound impact on how we understand what mission is. This book encourages us to explore the Bible's grand narrative and to bring the whole counsel of God in Scripture to our understanding of who we are and what we must do as God's people.
Outline: Technology shapes us, But how do we shape a digital world? As an electrical engineer, Derek Schuurman wondered, what do bits and bytes have to do with Christian beliefs? Sitting in a cubicle farm in the high technology industry, he had difficulty understanding what his work had to do with the kingdom of God. In a concise and accessible style, Schuurman explores a wide range of topics f…
Outline: Dalam dunia yang penuh dengan pembicaraan santun, taplak linen dan jadwal padat, bagaimana seseorang dapat menunjukkan hospitalitas? Dalam dunia yang penuh dengan penembakan misterius dan lingkungan yang tidak bersahabat, bagaimana seseorang dapat mengasihi orang asing? Buku ini mengajak pembaca untuk memandang orang asing sebagai seseorang yang dapat membawa berkat bagi hospitalitas.
Outline: Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika mendapat tugas untuk membuat naskah khotbah atau renungan dari kitab Pengkhotbah? Apakah Kitab Pengkhotbah hanya berisikan nasihat hikmat belaka? Jawaban itu tentu tidak salah. Kitab Pengkhotbah berisi tentang pengajaran, nasihat, dan hikmat bagi manusia menjalani kehidupan dalam penyertaan Tuhan. Namun, Kitab Pengkhotbah sebenarnya menyimpan kekayaan makn…
Outline: A key refrain in Reformed theology is that God's Spirit trumpets the message of salvation through Jesus Christ into every book and cranny of the universe - but now? And in what way does this cosmic truth touch and shape the mundane reality of our lives and our world? In this distillation of his Warfield Lectures, delivered at Princeton Theological Seminary in spring 2014, leading Refor…
Outline: John Calvin's Institutes has established itself as "one of the most important theological works even written," writes Tony Lane. This abridged edition of the Institutes provides a readable and inexpensive sampler of Calvin's greatest work. Lane has condensed the 1559 edition, retaining the heart of Calvin's teaching on all his major themes. Hilary Osborne has put Henry Beveridge's tran…
Outline: Peacemaker Ministries President Ken Sande gives practical Biblical guidance for conflict resolution that takes you beyond resolving conflicts to true, life-changing reconciliation with family, cowokers, and fellow believers.
Outline: Suara apakah yang keluar dari mulut Yesus di atas kayu salib? Bukan caci maki, balas dendam, kutukan, tangisan atau pun jeritan kesakitan yang menyayat. Sejarah mencatat Tujuh Perkataan Salib yang keluar dari mulut Juruselamat adalah: Bapa, ampunilah mereka Engkau bersama Aku di Firdaus Lihatlah ibumu Mengapa meninggalkan Aku? Aku haus! Sudah genap! Kuserahkan nyawa-Ku! Hanya…
Outline: John Calvin was born almost 500 years ago on 10 July 1509. Many Christians around the world will celebrate the occasion in various ways. But perhaps the best way to commemorate the birth of the Reformer is to remember the gospel he preached. According to J. H. Merle d'Aubigne, the great historian of the Reformation period, Calvin's teaching centred on Christ - his Word, Person, Grace, …
Outline: Few Christians can agree on how believers should interact with the culture at large. Should they embrace it wholeheartedly? Reject it altogether? Form a subculture? Or pursue a more excellent way? These are but a few positions or approaches that believers have taken toward the world. In fact, T. M. Moore catalogs a total of six responses to culture and advocates for Christian unity in …