Outline: We all know that everything we have is a gift from God. But sometimes it's hard to know just how to give back to God. How much is enough? What does the Bible really say? What should giving look like in our everyday lives? Filled with good news for followers of Jesus, Mark Allan Powell's Giving to God shows Christians the way to a better life and a better relationship with their money -…
Outline : That there are four canonical versions of the one gospel story is often seen as a problem for Christian faith: where gospels multiply, so too do apparent tensions and contradictions that may seem to undermine their truth claims. In Gospel Writing Francis Watson argues that differences and tensions between canonical gospels represent opportunities for theological reflection, not proble…
Outline: What are the origin and meaning of the words "greed is idolatry" found in Ephesians 5: 5 and Colossians 3: 5? In what sense are the greedy guilty of idolatry? Many different answers have been given to this question throughout the history of interpretation. In fact, a consensus exists on only one score - that the expression serves to vilify greed. Brian Rosner ably takes on the challeng…
Outline: Modern Protestant debates about spousal relations and the meaning of marriage began in a forgotten international dispute some 300 years ago. The Lutheran Pietist ideal of marriage as friendship and mutual pursuit of holiness battled with the idea that submission defined spousal roles. Exploiting material culture artifacts, broadsides, hymns, sermons, private correspondence, and legal c…
Outline: A History of Biblical Interpretation provides detailed and extensive studies of the interpretation of the Scriptures by Jewish and Christian writers throughout the ages. Written by internationally renowned scholars, this multivolume work comprehensively treats the many different methods of interpretation, the many important interpreters from various eras, and the many key issues that h…
Outline: Tak ada yang lebih memikat daripada cerita yang baik. Salah satu kekuatan Yesus adalah kemampuan-Nya untuk memanfaatkan cerita, khususnya cerita-cerita yang dikenal sebagai perumpamaan. Cukup banyak perumpamaan Yesus yang tercatat dalam kitab-kitab Injil, khususnya Injil Matius. Berulang-ulang dituliskan bahwa Kerajaan Surga adalah seperti apa yang terjadi pada misalnya seorang yang me…
Outline: There are now over 250 theological seminaries in the United States and Canada. Leading these diverse institutions is a difficult task that combines elements of executive management, academic prowess, master storytelling, and spiritual discipline. Apart from informal mentoring relationships, however, there has been no resource specifically designed to impart collected presidential wisdo…
Outline: How do you as a parent continue to relate to a child who refuses to cooperate, responds in persistent anger or hatred toward you, or rejects the Christian faith? When Good Kids Make Bad Choices offers thoughtful encouragement and guidance based on the firsthand experiences of the authors and those whom they've counseled. While the path is a difficult one for any parent to walk, there a…
Outline: How does the New Testament echo the Old? Which versions of the Hebrew Scriptures were authoritative for New Testament writers? The appearance of concepts, images, and passages from the Old Testament in the books of the New raises important questions about textual versions, allusions, and the differences between ancient and modern meaning. Written by ten distinguished scholars, Hearing …
Outline: This insightful book examines nine case studies in the history of exegesis in order to demonstrate the valuable insights into Scripture that we can gain not only from what individual commentators say but from fifteen centuries' cumulative witness to the meaning of Scripture in the life of the church.
Outline: The process of sanctification is personal and organic - not a one-size-fits-all formula. Many popular views try to reduce the process of Christian growth to a single template: Remember past grace. Rehearse your identity in Christ. Avail yourself of the means of grace. Disciple yourself. But Scripture portrays the dynamics of sanctification in a rich variety of ways. No single factor, t…
Outline: Presented as the letters of a mature pastor to several fictional recipients, Letters to New Pastors delves into the professional, emotional, and spiritual needs of those new to the ministry. In a manner reminiscent of C. S. Lewis's Letters to Malcolm and Reinhold Niebuhr's Leaves from the Notebook of a Tamed Cynic, Michael Jinkins connects readers with valuable pastoral wisdom gleaned …
Outline: "Why can't I change?" Have you ever asked this? Maybe you want more discipline in your eating habits. Or perhaps you struggle to keep your spending under control or maintain daily Bible reading and prayer. Change is hard and our attempts often result in failure. This book explains that it is the gospel - what God has done for us - that is the key to change and empowers us to make chang…
Outline: The historical movement known as Pietism emphasized the response of faith and inward transformation as crucial aspects of conversion to Christ. Unfortunately, Pietism today is often equated with a "holier-than-thou" spiritual attitude, religious legalism, or withdrawal from involvement in society. In this book, Roger Olson and Christian Collins Winn argue that classical, historical Pie…
Outline: Ressourcement: Retrieval, and Renewal in Catholic Thought is a series, edited by David L. Schindler, that offers the best in twentieth-century Catholicism: theology, and philosophy that draw on the riches of the Church's two-thousand-year tradition, literature and culture studies that give renewed form to a classic Catholic sensibility. Originally published in French as Exegese medie…
Outline: Anger is widespread; it is even a major problem among professing Christians. While people express anger in different ways, it is a challenge for every Christian. Some feel powerless as anger rises. Others try to justify themselves. The question that must be addressed is how a sinfully angry person can become a person of grace. This mini-book provides the answer and gives us hope by dir…
Outline: For Jesua and His Contemporaries, what we now know as the Old Testament was simply the Scriptures - and it was the fundamental basis of how people understood their relationship with God. In this book John Goldingay uncovers five major ways in which the New Testament uses the Old Testament. His discussion paves the way for contemporary readers to understand and appreciate the Old Testam…
Outline: This accessible text by James P. Ware provides both a concise guide to Paul's theology and a general introduction to the key issues and debates in the contemporary study of Paul. Examining Paul's message in the context of the ancient world, Ware identifies what would have struck Paul's original audience as startling or unique. By comparing Paul's teaching to the other religions and phi…
Outline: "Celebrating the Lord's Supper," says award-winning author and theologian J. Todd Billings, "can change our lives." In this book Billings shows how a renewed theology and practice of the Lord's Supper can lead Christians to rediscover the full richness and depth of the gospel. At once strikingly new and deeply traditional. Remembrance, Communion, and Hope will surprise and challenge re…
Outline: The premier Dead Sea Scrolls primer ever since its original publication in 1994, James VanderKam's Dead Sea Scrolls Today won the Biblical Archaeology Society's Publication Award in 1995 for the Best Popular Book on Biblical Archaeology. In this expanded and updated edition the book will continue to illuminate the greatest archaeological find in modern times.
Outline : Cotton Mather (1663-1728) was America's most famous pastor and scholar at the beginning of the eighteenth century. People today generally associate him with the infamous Salem witch trials, but in this new biography Rick Kennedy tells a bigger story: Mather, he says, was the very first American evangelical.
Outline: This superb commentary offers the first sustained attempt to read the Gospel of Mark both as an ancient biography and as a form of ancient rhetoric. Ben Witherington applies to the Mark the socio-rhetorical approach for which he is well known, opening a new perspective on the earliest Gospel that also emphasizes Mark's theological and ethical interests and purposes. Based on a fresh tr…
Outline : The Landmark Book That Changed Us All. "The founder of L'Abri... shows how evangelism of modern man must begin with the reality of God." Leighton Ford. If you want to understand your world, The God Who Is There is the place to begin. We are constantly bombarded with conflicting ideas about God, religion and what our future holds. Where did these views come from? Where are they going? …
Outline: Biblical counselors should acknowledge past failures to adequately protect victims and hold perpetrators of abuse accountable. In reaction to these, however, it seems that the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction through the adoption of secular theories and methodologies. By applying the inerrant and sufficient Scripture to this complex issue, this booklet equips biblic…
Outline : Today's pastors -- often expected to be multitasking marvels who can make their churches "successful" -- are understandably confused about their role. Craig Barnes contends that the true calling of a pastor is to help others become fully alive in Christ, to be a "minor poet," or poet of the soul. As such, pastors are to read the major poets of Scripture and history in light of the dus…
Outline: Parents can get lost in the jungle of formulas that compete for our attention, promising success with our children if we just follow certain guidelines... How do we navigate all the options? Jim Newheiser teaches us how to discern the value of parenting methods and critique them against God's Word. Formulas may fail, but be encouraged: the gospel surpasses any formula.
Outline: In an increasingly global world, context becomes more important than ever. As our national and international narratives intertwine, untangling them can become a difficult task, especially in the field of theology. In this book, Hans Schwarz leads us into the web of Christian theology's recent past from Kant to Schleiermacher to Mbiti and Zizioulas, pointing out all the theologians of t…
Outline: Ernst Wurthwein's classic introduction to the textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible is here thoroughly updated in the light of new critical editions of the texts and recent contributions and findings in the various areas of the history of the text - especially the Masoretic text, the Septuagint, and the Peshitta, with attention given to the Dead Sea Scrolls. New in this edition are a c…
Outline: A friend feels rejected. A counselee is angry. A church member's child is ill. You want to help, but where do you begin? Counselor Michael R. Emlet outlines a model of one-another ministry based on how God sees and loves his people as saints, while bringing comfort to the sufferer, and faithfully speaking truth to the sinner.
Outline : This sixth volume of Hughes Oliphant Old's monumental, acclaimed study of preaching throughout history, The Modern Age, tells the story of preaching and worship from the French Revolution to the fall of the Berlin Wall (1789-1989). During this period preaching continued to support the historic Christian faith while the church under- took to resist secularization, come to grips with bi…
Outline: Those new to Christianity are often drawn to the rich teaching of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount as they find their footing in their new faith. Those who are familiar with Matthew 5 - 10 from many years in the church may forget just how radical his teaching was to the listeners of his day. Both the new believer and the seasoned saint, says D. A. Carson, need to study the Sermon on the Mou…
Outline: Konsep-konsep yang terdapat dalam buku pelatihan ini telah dikembangkan, diuji, dinilai dan diperbaiki selama satu periode waktu yang panjangnya sekitar empat puluh tahun. Sehingga dapat dianggap sebagai buku pelatihan penginjilan terbaik di lingkungan Kristen, yang disiapkan bagi pemimpin gereja yang berhasrat untuk melengkapi anggota-anggota mereka dengan keterampilan/pengetahuan ten…
Outline : Als Kenner der vergangenen Lutherjubiläen verfolgte Hartmut Lehmann mit besonderem Interesse die Aktivitäten der EKD während der Lutherdekade und im Jubiläumsjahr 2017. Der vorliegende Band enthält eine Auswahl der Texte, die er zwischen 2008 und 2018 verfasst hat. Lehmanns Bilanz ist kritisch. Zwar erkennt er die Bemühungen um eine zeitgemäße Erinnerung an Luther durchaus an.…
Outline : The Republic of Venice was the only Catholic territory in which an Anabaptist community formed in the 16th century. The history of Venetian Anabaptism, hitherto little known in Reformation Studies, is the focus of this book. Using a large quantity of archival material and rare printed sources Riccarda Suitner reconstructs the lives of the Republic's Anabaptists and the inquisitorial r…
Outline: Nach der Reformation waren Regeln für den Umgang mit Anders- gläubigen, Nonkonformisten und Glaubensgegnern erforderlich. Wer als Ketzer galt, war nach Sebastian Castellio eine Frage der Perspektive. Die Konkordanz der Glaubenssysteme, die von römisch-katholischen Intellektuellen angestrebt wurde, setzte zwar Kenntnisse des Islams und des Judentums voraus, schien aber nur durch Miss…
Outline : Der 1415 auf dem Konstanzer Konzil als Ketzer verbrannte Johannes Hus wurde vor der Reformation gemeinhin als ein Häretiker betrachtet. Mit Luther und der anbrechenden Reformation begann jedoch ein Umdeutungsprozess, der zu einer völligen Neubewertung von Hus führte. Bereits früh wurde er auf Seiten der Reformation als Heiliger, Märtyrer und Vorläufer Luthers betrachtet. Auf rö…
Outline: Die Entstehung und Entwicklung des siebenbürgischen Anti-trinitarismus war mit der Konsolidierung des noch jungen sie- benbürgischen Staates eng verflochten. Die antitrinitarische Version der radicalen Reformation war in Siebenbürgen mit dem Adel, dem Hof und der königlichen Freistadt Klausenburg mit ihren beiden Nationen verknüpft und prägte die Religions-politik. Mit den …
Outline: Augustinus ist mit seiner Sünden- und Gnadenlehre einer der wichtigsten Referenzpunkte der frühneuzeitlichen Theologie in allen Konfessionen gewesen. Den hier versammelten Beiträgen gelingt es, nicht nur das Wissen um Augustins Rezeptionsgeschichte für kontroverstheologische Absichten zu bereichern, sondern auch die Interferenzen von theo-logischen Methoden und Diskursen - den zwis…
Outline: How became a medieval crown a sacral object in use for modern nationalism? This book is about one of the most important elements of the political narratives in the history of Hungary in past and present: the Holy Crown of Hungary. This object is one of the oldest crown jewels which still has a political and religious significance today and is one of the most widely used symbols of mode…