Outline: One Saturday morning, Lucy and her brother, Lewis are each allowed to pick out a piece of candy from the store. But Lucy's delight quickly disappears when she unwraps her chocolate and discovers it melted! Envying her brother's long-lasting lollipop, Lucy spirals into a pattern of discontent: see, covet, take, and hide. Through colorful illustrations and engaging characters, Lucy's sto…
Outline : No one could have imagined that the frail, enslaved, seven-year-old girl who arrived in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1761 would become the first published African American, achieving fame for her poetry in both America and England. After arriving, Phillis quickly learned to read the Bible and other classic literature, publishing her first poem in 1767 when she was thirteen and a book of …
Outline : From the voice of a loving Creator, life begins and and grows. Close to this careful Sower, there is abundant nourishment. Far from him, only suffering and brokenness. In this imaginative book, Scott James tells the story of redemption in Scripture, from God's creation and restoration to the promise of final reconciliation. Through engaging story and classic imagery, children learn ho…
Outline: One day mischievous Eddie decides to run away from home. Eventually, feeling scared and guilty about his choice, Eddie returns home to find his father waiting for him with open arms. But his brother Charlie, who is confused by his father's immediately welcoming reaction, is hesitant to join in the celebration. This engaging picture book retells the story of the prodigal son through the…
Outline : Grab your bike and join Lucas and Ella as they work and play around the neighborhood. Is Mr. Lawson really a thief? Why does he always bike around the town with a bag on his handlebars? And why does Mrs. Robinson shout at the children? Maybe those new boys living in the corner house will help them find out. Then there are the girls who live down by the woods. Lucas won't go near them.…
Outline : Caleb desperately wants a cat, but his mother is allergic to them. When a stray cat show ups at the house, Caleb can't resist taking care of it--despite his mother's sneezing! Hopes are dashed when Caleb's father explains to him that he cannot expect God to always answer his prayers in the way he wants. Yet a surprising twist in the story makes Caleb eventually realize that "God does …
Outline : From December 1941 until October 1942, the BBC broadcast a series of radio dramas written by Dorothy L. Sayers. Against the backdrop of World War II, the plays presented twelve episodes in the life and ministry of Jesus, from the visit of the magi to his death and resurrection, collectively affirming the kingship of Christ. Noted for their use of colloquial English as part of Sayers's…
Outline : The venerable, time-tested guide to style, usage, and grammar - an indispensable reference informing the editorial canon with sound, definitive advice. With the wisdom of nearly 120 years of editorial practice and a wealth of industry expertise from both Chicago's staff and an advisory board of publishing professionals, the eighteenth edition of The Chicago Manual of Style is the go-t…
Outline: Farmer Dan loved all the animas at the sanctuary. They were all special, and together made one big happy family. And this family fathered around Farmer Dan, waiting to hear about an exciting new arrival to the farm. All the animals at Barn Sanctuary are excited when Farmer Dan tells them a new cow named Buttercup is coming to the farm. Little Dude the pig wonders if she likes mud parti…
Outline: C.S. Lewis is probably the greatest popularizer of the Christian faith in recent times, and certainly one of the most widely read believers in the history of the church. His, The Chronicles of Narnia are consistently among the best selling children's books, firmly established as classics along with Alice in Wonderland, The Hobbit and the Wind in the Willows. Yet how well is C.S. Lewis …
Outline: Sukma Syekh Amongraga mengembara, terbang ke Gua Langse, Gua Songpati, dan Gunung Merapi, namun di situ ia selalu menemukan ludah bekas kunyahan sirih yang dikenalinya milik Sultan Agung. Tubuhnya bergetar menahan gejolak murka, menyadari bahwa dirinya telah terungguli oleh Sultan Agung. Ia memutuskan untuk kembali ke raganya, menguatkan tekad untuk bersemadi memohon wahyu Hyang Widi a…
Outline: Buku ini merupakan catatan ingatan Emha Ainun Nadjib tentang bagaimana benih sebuah komunitas dituai dan ditumbuhkan. Sebuah memoar yang menceritakan masa muda Emha ketika bertemu dengan berbagai sosok penting dalam hidupnya.
Outline: Speakers and Toastmasters Library makes available appropriate, interesting, and immediate helps to anyone alled upon to speak before adults, teens, or children. The books in this series have been carefully selected for their value in building sermons, speeches, and talks in a wide range of situations. Anyone can use this handbook as a ready source of mor, whether for public presentatio…
Outline: We've lost ourselves. Disconnected from the past and uncertain about the future, we are anxious about what our lives will be and troubled by a nagging sense of meaninglessness. Adrift in the world, many Christians have their identity completely wrapped up in work, and their definition of the "good life" is financial success. Fewer are staying committed to the Christian faith, finding i…
Outline: TIDAK ADA ESOK mengisahkan perjuangan kaum gerilyawan kita melawan pasukan Belanda dalam perang kemerdekaan yang lalu. Mengapa mereka mengangkat senjata dan bersedia menyabung nyawa? Bukan hanya perjuangan fisik saja yang digambarkan oleh pengarangnya, tapi juga perjuangan moral yang dilukiskan secara jujur dan luhur.
Outline: The modern canon of the short story is magnificently displayed in this new selection from the world's best offerings in the twentieth century. Probably the shrewdest and most experienced anthologist in America, Clifton Fadiman has been assembling distinguished writing since 1931. He brings to his work of selection a lifelong pleasure in the short story form and a literary critic's k…
Outline: Pernahkah kamu mengalami musibah banjir? Dan apa yang kamu lihat dan rasakan setelah banjir itu surut? Mungkin kamu melihat banyak sampah berserakan, genangan air, juga lumpur. Pasti tidak menyenangkan. Buku ini akan menceritakan pengalaman si kembar, Angga dan Anggi, setelah banjir. Kamu akan diajak untuk melihat sekitarmu melalui kejadian-kejadian yang mereka alami. Kadang menyenangk…
Outline: Lois Henderson, one of today's finest biblical novelists, lifts the story of Ruth off the Bible's pages and into a moving drama played right before our eyes. We are taken back to Moab and Betlehem at the time of Ruth and Naomi as the author fleshes out a compelling portrait of the Moabite widow whose strength as in her gentleness, whose courage was in her humility, and whose devotion t…
Outline: Find the answers to these and many other amazing and extraordinary aspects of J.R.R. Tolkien in this absorbing collection of stories and trivia. Whether you want to discover the meaning of the languages behind Elvish, learn how Tolkien's own marriage inspired the love story within the Lord of the Rings, or uncover how his books went from being predicted failures to bestsellers, there …
Outline: The Chronicles of Narnia dari C.S. Lewis telah menawan imajinasi juatan orang selama lebih dari setengah abad. Tetapi kisah-kisah ini bukanlah sekedar cerita dan fantasi yang hanya untuk dinikmati; kisah-kisah ini menyampaikan kebenaran-kebenaran yang berharga tentang bagaimana hidup di dunia kita. Kehidupan sehari-hari menawarkan kita dengan begitu banyaknya pilihan moral. Lewis perc…
Dalam pengembaraannya, Cebolang dan abdinya menyinggahi beberapa tempat dan menimba berbagai ilmu dari para gurunya. Di antaranya, ilmu pengobatan jawa, pengetahuan silsilah Raja Demak, Pajang, dan Mataram, Jangka Jayabaya, kisah Jaka Tingkir, ilmu olah senggama, khasiat Asmaul Husna, dan Kisah Dewaruci. Hingga sampai di Desa Paricara, Nyai Demang Puspamadu terpesona dengan Cebolang dan berakhi…
Outline: Syekh Ahadiyat (orangtua angkat Jayengsari dan Rancangkapti) memiliki seorang putra bernama Cebolang. Pemuda itu pergi mengembara mencari ilmu diiringi empat orang abdinya. Di awal perjalanan, mereka singgah di berziarah ke makam Syekh Jambukarang di Purbalingga. Disana, atas karomah dari Hyang Maha Agung, mereka mendapatkan restu untuk melanjutkan pengembaraan. Hal ini membuat niat me…
Outline : Syekh Amongraga mengembara dari timur hingga Gunung Lawu. Hingga sesampainya di Giri Bangun (Karanganyar), di sana ia menyebarkan ajarannya kepada penduduk sekitar. Penduduk sangat antusias dengan apa yang diajarkan Syekh Amongraga. la juga mendapat julukan Ki Ageng Lemahbang. Sebanyak 20 orang santri lurah mendapat bimbingan khusus dari Syekh Amongraga melalui ketiga pengikutnya, Kia…
Outline: Dua putra Ki Bayi Panurta bersama kerabat Wanamarta mengembara mencari Syekh Amongraga yang pergi dan meninggalkan duka mendalam bagi Niken Tambangraras. Pengembaraan secara diam-diam ini ternyata mengantarkan mereka berkunjung kepada Ki Demang Kidang Wiracapa, yang tak lain adalah sahabat lama Ki Bayi Panurta. Di sana mereka disambut secara istimewa dan diberikan berbagai ilmu luhur. …