Outline: Many familiar Gospel narratives are filled with geographic details that we gloss over because of our distance from the Holy Land. Yet climate, landscape, natural resources, and other features of geography leave a lasting mark on the societies and cultures that have developed within them. In a world of dirt roads and dry riverbeds, where shepherds watch their flocks in the hills and fir…
Outline : Petrus van Mastricht’s Theoretical and Practical Theology presents one of the most comprehensive methods of treating Christian doctrine. In it, Mastricht treats every theological topic according to a four-part approach: exegetical, dogmatic, elenctic, and practical. As a body of divinity, it combines a rigorous, scholastic treatment of doctrine with the pastoral aim of preparing peo…
Outline: This thorough Commentary presents a coherent reading of 1 Corinthians, taking full account of its Old Testament and Jewish roots and demonstrating Paul's primary concern for the unity and purity of the church and the glory of God. Roy Ciampa and Brian Rosner's well-informed, careful exegesis touches on an astonishingly wide swath of important, sensitive issues and reinforces the letter…
Outline: This commentary by Scot McKnight expounds the often-vexing letter of James both in its own context and in the context of ancient Judaism, the Greco-Roman world, and the emerging Christian faith. Though interacting with the best available scholarly work on James, McKnight first connects deeply with the text of the letter itself, striving to interpret James's teaching rigorously in light…
Outline : The book of Numbers tells a story that has two main characters -- God and Israel. The way the story is told sounds odd and often harsh to readers today. The main point of the book is nevertheless of immense importance for God's people in any age: exact obedience to God is crucial. This comprehensive and erudite commentary presents a thorough explication of this significant Hebrew text…
Outline : If you are someone who thinks theology is hard to understand or boring, then Systematic Theology will likely change your mind. All 57 chapters in this new edition have been revised and expanded, while retaining the features that have made it the standard in its field: clear explanations, an emphasis on each doctrine's scriptural basis, and practical applications to daily life. New …
Outline : The Apostle Paul's Pastoral Letters ― 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus ― have made an enduring contribution to understanding the role of leadership in the church. With a spirited devotion to the text, Robert Yarbrough helps unlock the meaning of these short but rich letters in this commentary. In keeping with the character of Pillar New Testament Commentary volumes, The Letters to …
Outline : A compelling exhortation to hold true to the faith in the face of adversity. A sermon full of iconic imagery and Old Testament allusions. A signal work of theology in the New Testament. Above all, the Letter to the Hebrews proclaims the high priesthood of Jesus Christ. Yet readers may find this central theme difficult to discern, given the epistle’s complexity and long history of in…
Outline : Second Samuel includes some of the most well-known and theologically layered episodes in the Old Testament, such as the Lord’s establishment of an eternal covenant with David, David’s sin with Bathsheba, and the subsequent account of Absalom’s rebellion. In this second part of an ambitious two-volume commentary on the books of Samuel, David Toshio Tsumura elucidates the rich tex…
Outline : Over the centuries, the prophetic book of Zechariah has suffered from accusations of obscurity and has frustrated readers seeking to unlock its treasures. This work by Mark Boda provides insightful commentary on Zechariah, with great sensitivity to its historical, literary, and theological dimensions. Including a fresh translation of Zechariah from the original Hebrew, Boda delivers d…
Outline : Do not urge me to abandon you, to turn back from following after you. For wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you lodge, I will lodge. Your people are my people, and your God is my God. In this pivotal verse, Ruth’s self-sacrificial declaration of loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi forms the relationship at the heart of the book of Ruth. Peter H. W. Lau’s new commentary ex…
Outline : In this commentary, Thomas Renz reads Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah as three carefully crafted writings of enduring relevance, each of which makes a vital contribution to the biblical canon. Discussing the historical settings, Renz takes up both long-standing issues, such as the relationship of Zephaniah to Josiah’s reforms, and the socioeconomic conditions of the time suggested by…
Outline : Micah spoke powerfully to the people of Judah millennia ago. His prophecy has the same power to change the minds and hearts of Christians today. As a volume of the New International Commentary on the Old Testament, James D. Nogalski's fresh commentary on Micah is academically serious and pastorally relevant. Based on Nogalski's original translation of the Hebrew text, this commentary …
Outline : This commentary from widely respected biblical scholar John Goldingay navigates the complexities of Jeremiah in the same spirit as other volumes of the New International Commentary on the Old Testament - rooted in the book's historical context but with an eye always trained on its meaning and use as Christian Scripture. After a thorough introduction that explores matters of background…
Outline : In this commentary on Deuteronomy, Bill Arnold treats the book as the heart of the Torah and the fulcrum of the Old Testament - crystallizing the themes of the first four books of the Bible and establishing the theological foundation of the books that follow. After a thorough introduction that explores these and other matters, Arnold provides an original translation of the first eleve…
Outline : The letter to the Ephesians provokes an array of interpretive questions regarding authorship, audience, date, occasion, purpose of writing, and the nature of its moral instruction—including its words addressed to slaves and masters. Interacting critically in an arena of intense debate, Lynn Cohick provides an exegetically astute analysis of the six chapters of Ephesians, offering an…
Outline : This commentary by Scot McKnight expounds the often-vexing letter of James both in its own context and in the context of ancient Judaism, the Greco-Roman world, and the emerging Christian faith. Though interacting with the best available scholarly work on James, McKnight first connects deeply with the text of the letter itself, striving to interpret James's teaching rigorously in ligh…
Outline : In this detailed, elegantly written commentary J. Ramsey Michaels gives primary attention to the Gospel of John in its present form rather than the sources or traditions behind it. Michaels examines both the Gospel's literary character and its theological significance for the Christian community in its own time and through the ages. This landmark commentary - seventeen years in the ma…
Outline : This landmark commentary, originally published in 1987, has been lauded as the best study available of Paul's theologically rich first letter to the Corinthians. Writing primarily for pastors, teachers, and students, Gordon Fee offers a readable exposition of 1 Corinthians that clearly describes the meaning of Paul's ideas and their larger theological relevance. Fee's revised edition …
Outline : One of the earliest Christian confessions—that Jesus is Messiah and Lord—has long been recognized throughout the New Testament. Joshua Jipp shows that the New Testament is in fact built upon this foundational messianic claim, and each of its primary compositions is a unique creative expansion of this common thread. Having made the same argument about the Pauline epistles in his pr…
Outline : A preeminent scholar of the Gospel of Mark, C. Clifton Black has been studying and publishing on the Gospel for over thirty years. This new collection brings together his most pivotal work and fresh investigations to constitute an all-in-one compendium of contemporary Markan scholarship and exegesis. The essays included cover scriptural commentary, historical studies, literary analysi…
Outline: Indonesia, bahkan seluruh dunia, sedang dilanda dua macam ekstrim dalam Doktrin Roh Kudus. Di satu pihak, ada gereja-gereja tertentu yang begitu takut membicarakan tentang Rohy Kudus, tetapi di pihak lain, ada gereja-gereja yang begitu berani, bahkan tanpa belajar secara benar, membicarakan dan mengklaim bahwa diri mereka memiliki Roh Kudus. Dimanakah posisi yang tepat bagi Doktrin ini…
Outline : Originally presented by Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) as the Stone Lectures at Princeton Theological Seminary. Philosophy of Revelation is the supreme entry into the mind of this Dutch Reformed theologian at the brink of the twentieth century. This groundbreaking framework of Bavinck's "organic motif" offers renders both a philosophy of revelation and a philosophy of revelation. In the i…
Outline : The Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament (EGGNT) closes the gap between the Greek text and the available lexical and grammatical tools, providing all the necessary information for greater understanding of the text. The series makes interpreting any given New Testament book easier, especially for those who are hard pressed for time but want to preach or teach with accuracy and a…
Outline : A robust scholarly defense of the distinctiveness of the canonical Gospels. Do the four New Testament gospels share some essence that distinguishes them from noncanonical early Gospels? The tendency among biblical scholars of late has been to declare the answer to this question no - that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were grouped together by happenstance are defended as canonical toda…
Outline : As evangelicals, we desire to be biblical―we want our doctrine to be rooted in the Bible, our lives to be guided by the Bible, and our disagreements to be resolved by the Bible. And yet, conflicts within our church communities continue to appear and seemingly multiply with time. Interpretations of the Bible and deeply held convictions often put Christians at odds. Encouraging us tow…
Outline : Resolved to be always discovering new ways to GLORIFY God in my life and increase both my joy in Jesus and that of others. In 1722, an 18–year–old Jonathan Edwards began setting down seventy resolutions, personal statements of intent, to which, by the grace of God, he resolved to hold himself accountable for the rest of his life, by reading them prayerfully once a week until his d…
Outline : The Workplace of today is fast, digital and busier than ever. Work is increasing exponentially while its rewards and benefits are reducing. It is easy to complain, drag one's feet, and face daily tasks with an apathetic attitude. In A Good Return, however, John C. Lennox encourages Christians to view their work as an avenue of worship. He has crafted a book with thoughtful, biblical d…
Outline : The Big Ten: Critical Questions Answered is a Christian apologetics series which aims to address ten commonly asked questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity. Each book, while easy to read, is challenging and thought-provoking, addressing subjects ranging from hell to science. Atheists often level charges at the God of the Bible as being angry and hateful. They claim that God c…
Outline : A teenage trip to the beach, a diving accident, and a life of disability testifies to the goodness of God. Joni Eareckson Tada was turned upside down at the age of seventeen when a serious diving accident meant she was paralysed from the shoulders down Catherine MacKenzie skilfully shows how Joni’s story is one that has encouraged and moved people around the world. Read it here and…
Outline : Leslie Schmucker's story is a testimony to the sufficiency of God in the gruelling day-to-day reality of raising a child with a mental health disorder. Writing to encourage parents who find themselves in a similar situation, she explores aspects of her and her family's experience with their daughter, Jackie. Life is not always neat, but Leslie shows us how the gospel is sufficient for…
Outline : Dutch theologian Herman Bavinck (1854 - 1921) is widely celebrated as one of the most eloquent divines in the Reformed tradition. Yet despite his renown, how he preached and what he thought about preaching have remained largely unknown - until now. Herman Bavinck on Preaching & Preachers, translated into English by James P. Eglinton, provides us with Bavinck’s key texts on preaching…
Outline : In 1913, Dutch Reformed theologian Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) completed his Guidebook for Instruction in the Christian Religion. Although he originally intended it for high school students, Bavinck's ultimate goal was to educate the average churchgoer in the rich, deep thoughts of Scripture as universally expressed in the Christian faith. An introductory systematic theology for anyone…
Outline: Henry Bullinger was one of the most widely esteemed leaders of the Reformation Churches. The Decades was the most famous of the 150 treatises and manuscripts that he wrote, deriving its name from being a series of fifty theological addresses divided into five groups of ten. Each address is a helpful, detailed exposition of an important doctrine. Combined, they provide an overview of th…
Outline: Buku ini mencoba menerangkan metode-metode yang telah dikembangkan oleh para penafsir, baik dalam gereja Kristen Protestan maupun dalam Gereja Katolik Roma. Metode kritik naas, bentuk dan analisis sastra, lisan, bidang kehidupan, peredaksian, pengaruh agama-agama, tempat dan waktu, relevansi firman hingga tujuan nas dibicarakan dalam buku ini bersama contoh-contoh yang sederhana.
Outline: Lompatan Tersingkat Jilid 2, karya Ally van den Herik ini, akan mencakup semua fakta inti yang terkait dengan pokok-pokok kepercayaan utama iman Kristen. Apabila jilid 1 meliputi bukti-bukti ilmiah, filsafat, sains untuk iman Kristen, Jilid 2 ini lebih tajam berfokus pada kebenaran Alkitab dan doktrin Kristen tentang Yesus Kristus. Kesaksian Alkitab tentang Yesus Kristus dan segala ses…
Outline : The last of a three-volume study, this work explores the final and culminating special grace covenant of the New Testament: the new covenant. It examines the formation of the new covenant, life under the new covenant, and eschatological fulfillment of the goals of the new covenant, which also fulfills the eschatological trajectory of all the divine-human covenants taken together in Go…
Outline : Discover the rich theology of neo-Calvinism. Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck sparked a theological tradition in the Netherlands that came to be known as neo-Calvinism. While studies in neo-Calvinism have focused primarily on its political and philosophical insights, its theology has received less attention. In Neo-Calvinism: A Theological Introduction, Cory C. Brock and N. Gray Suta…
Allen, an experienced scholar and hospital chaplain, is the first to use the Old Testament book of Lamentations to throw light on grief, and to use contemporary examples and discussions of grief to throw light on Lamentations.
Outline: Since Biblical times covenants have been a part of everyday life. Simply put, they are promises, agreements, or contracts. But how do they translate into faith and the reading of Scripture? Are covenants merely elements of a narrative? Or do they represent something more? And what are the eternal implications of "cutting" a covenant with God? In Introducing Covenant Theology, author Mi…
Outline : Studying the New Testament can be an exciting--and intimidating--experience. This readable survey is designed to make the adventure less daunting and more rewarding. Now in its fourth edition, this award-winning textbook takes into account the dramatic shift in the global Christian population. An accompanying website offers resources for students and professors. This fourth edition…
Outline: The Psalms are undeniably beautiful. They are also difficult, and readers often come away convinced that tremendous riches remain just beyond their grasp. In this book, W. Robert Godfrey invites us to accompany him on a journey into a greater understanding and love for these sacred poems. The timeless beauty of the Psalms, their depth of expression, and testimony to the greatness of Go…
Outline: Many women struggle daily with habits, emotions, and difficulties that they long to overcome. This book interweaves the perfect wisdom of God's Word with heartfelt compassion and concern as it addresses... - fear, worry, and depression - single parenting, wayward teenagers, the "perfect mom" syndrome - eating disorders, same-sex attraction, and other habitual struggles - verbal a…
Outline: Say bye-bye to bad behavior. 101 Solutions to your most frustrating discipline problems in children's ministry! This A-to-Z, quick-flip guide delivers classroom-tested, expert advice for: 1. Anger, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Attention Span; 2. Bad Language, Biting, Bored Kids, Bribes, Broken Hearts, Bullying; 3. Cell Phones, Challenging Kids, Cleanup, Clingy Child, C…