Outline : "Provides instruction as well as motivation" This book provides 90 days of guided reading and brief exercises to help current and former students retain their knowledge and skill in reading and interpreting Biblical Greek.
Outline : Hebrew for the Rest of Us, Second Edition by Lee M. Fields is a guide for English-only readers to understand the highlights taught in three or four semesters of Hebrew language study to deepen their approach and understanding of Scripture. Fields highlights essential Hebrew grammar by drawing on parallels to English grammar and then moves the reader toward developing necessary skills …
Outline: Learning Greek is one thing. Retaining it and using it in preaching, teaching, and ministry is another. Greek for Life offers practical guidance, inspiration, and motivation to help readers learn, retain, and use Greek for ministry, setting hem on a lifelong journey of reading and loving the Greek New Testament. The book also surveys helpful resources for recovering Greek after a long …
Outline: This book aim to give English speaking people the opportunity to master the basic essentials of "Bahasa Indonesia". The author introduced colloquial Bahasa Indonesia as spoken by the average educated Indonesian in daily life, as the majority of foreigners visit Indonesia as temporary residents. In the reading section, to give readers adequate practice material, the author provides simp…
Outline: For almost a century, Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar has proven to be one of the most comprehensive works on Hebrew, covering all aspects of the language, including historical background, pronunciation, etymology, syntax, and sentence structure. Generally recognized as the most useful and authoritative reference grammar for Biblical Hebrew, the text includes indices of Hebrew words, subject…
Outline: This comprehensive course provides intermediate students (TOEFL test scores 380 - 480) with the skills, strategies, practice, and confidence they need to improve their scores on all sections of the paper TOEFL test, including the Test of Written English (TWE). The Introductory Paper Test Book features:
- Language skills sections that cover the intermediate-level language skills regul…
Outline: For seminary students, the goal of studying Greek grammar is the accurate exegesis of biblical texts. Sound exegesis requires that the exegete consider grammar within a larger framework that includes context, lexeme, and other linguistic features. While the trend of some grammarians has been to take a purely grammatical approach to the language, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics intergra…
Outline: A Student-friendly workbook for use with basics of Biblical Greek Grammar. This workbook is a companion to Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar : Fourth Edition, the most widely used textbook for learning the Greek of the New Testament. Each chapter of the workbook contains exercises that correspond to the content of the chapter in the main grammar. The exercises for each chapter are divid…
Outline : While there are almost 1000 questions in the Greek New Testament, many commentators, pastors, and students skip over the questions for more ‘theological’ verses or worse they convert questions into statements to mine them for what they are saying theologically. However, this is not the way questions in the Greek New Testament work, and it overlooks the rhetorical importance of que…
Outline : Advances in the Study of Greek offers an introduction to issues of interest in the current world of Greek scholarship. Those within Greek scholarship will welcome this book as a tool that puts students, pastors, professors, and commentators firmly in touch with what is going on in Greek studies. Those outside Greek scholarship will warmly receive Advances in the Study of Greek as a re…
Outline: Sebagai nama bidang ilmu pengetahuan, filsafat semiotika adalah bidang pengetahuan yang ingin mengetahui segala sesuatu yang mendalam, berobjek tanda-tanda (signs). Sebagai sebuah proses, filsafat semiotika dapat dimaknai sebagai nama bagi proses berpikir yang radikal dan menyeluruh, cara berpikir yang mengupas sesuatu sedalam-dalamnya tentang tanda, baik pada proses penandaan (signifi…
Outline: Buku ini merupakan karya metodologis yang menyajikan metode-metode analisis teks, menguraikan dasar-dasar teoritisnya, dan mencoba membandingkan dan mengkontraskan ke-12 metode yang berbeda di bidang ini secara keseluruhan. Pada bagian terakhir buku ini dipersembahkan perbandingan metode-metode secara bibliometris dan perbandingan frekuensi munculnya kutipan dan referensi dalam berbaga…
Outline: This book was created to aid in the study of the Greek New Testament, using sophisticated computer resources to ensure an accurate, helpful, and in-depth analysis of the word forms that make up the New Testament. Its combination of features sets it apart from all previously analytical lexicons:
- Based on the UBS 3rd edition (revised)
- Includes both accepted and variant readings
Outline: This book assembles the core of his most important writings and allows us to appreciate both the range of his interests and the scale of his achievement. Here is an unprecendented, comprehensive overview of the author's thought.
Outline: In this comprehensive introductory textbook, the author covers the basics of biblical Hebrew morphology and syntax while developing skills in the beginner that are typically reserved for more advanced students. Hebrew study becomes rapidly rewarding as you start to
- appreciate nuances of God's Word that you would not be able to see in translation;
- understand how to appropriate…
Outline: With thirty lessons covering the major genres of theology (apologetics, biblical studies, church history, systematic theology, and practical theology), this book invites you to develop your English skills while actively putting them to use.
- Build your skills in listening to, reading, speaking, and writing English
- Reinforce your skills through relevant tasks and activities
- Expl…
Outline: This expanded workbook is designed with you, the student, in mind and intended for use with the standard-setting this book, now in its third edition. Two optional chapters have been added to this book, allowing you to read large chunks of the biblical text and enjoy the fruits of your labor faster than ever before. Each regular chapter is divided into six sections and includes extens…
Outline: This expanded workbook is designed with you, the student, in mind and intended for use with the standard-setting this book, now in its third edition. Two optional chapters have been added to this book, allowing you to read large chunks of the biblical text and enjoy the fruits of your labor faster than ever before. Each regular chapter is divided into six sections and includes extens…
Outline: This book presents a proven highly practical approach to the study of intermediate and advanced Greek grammar. Most textbooks focus on learning syntactical categories, illustrated by sentences taken from the Greek New Testament, and place little emphasis on how to apply Greek grammar to the Green text in preparing sermons and lectures. In contrast, this book stresses "real-life" appl…
Outline: This book is designed for use with The Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, which presents an entirely new, integrated approach to teaching and learning New Testament Greek. The Basics of Biblical Greek makes learning Greek a natural process and shows from the very beginning how an understanding of Greek helps in understanding the New Testament.
- Each exercises in this book has a parsi…
Outline: This book is an entirely new, integrated approach to teaching and learning New Testament Greek. It makes learning Greek a natural process and shows from the very beginning how a understanding of Greek helps in understanding the New Testament.
This book:
- combines the best of the deductive and the inductive approaches
- explains the basics of English grammar before teaching Greek g…
Outlne: Tujuan ditulisnya buku ini adalah membimbing pembaca untuk dapat memahami bahasa Yunani Koine, yang merupakan bahasa asli Alkitab Perjanjian Baru (PB), sehingga dapat menafsirkan teks-teks PB dengan lebih bertanggung jawab. Dengan mempelajari buku ini, pembaca diharapkan dapat menganalisa teks-teks PB, baik secara morfologis maupun sintaksis. Oleh karena itu, dari mulai awal pelajaran m…
Overview: This book is the first in a series of integrated Hebrew language resources (see below) produced by Zondervan in collaboration with the authors. These products have been designed specificaly for use by the beginning student. There is no other collection of resources like it. Feature of this book text:
- Combines both inductive and deductive approaches
- Uses actual examples from th…
Overview: Each year many new Greek inscriptions and papyri are published. Others are supplemented or revised. For teachers and students of early Christianity and ancient Judaism such documents may be difficult to access and interpret. But they offer fresh insight into the cultural setting of the literary sources. In every case the ancient text is reproduced here. A parallel English translation …
Deskripsi Fisik
Judul Seri
New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity Volume 10
Overview: This elaborate biographical sketch shows the way for further study on this versatile genius and his time and includes an extensive check-list of his printed works, a descriptive list of his preserved manuscripts, as well as a list of the most important literature of Vossius. A short list of the collections of letters forms a provisional aid to students. An inventory of Vossius' corr…
Buku ini merupakan bahan pelajaran untuk membantu dan membimbing mahasiswa-mahasiswi teologi Kristen di Indonesia mempelajari bahasa yang dipakai oleh penulis kitab-kitab Perjanjian Baru sebaik mungkin dalam jangka waktu yang singkat. Maksud dan tujuan buku ini adalah memberdayakan pelajar supaya menjadi pintar menerjemahkan ayat Perjanjian Baru ke dalam bahasa Indonesia secara mandiri
Karena …