Outline: Kajian tentang realitas komunitas Muslim di Wilayah Rote Ndao Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur seringkali diabaikan pada tataran akademis. Hal ini terjadi karena dalam realitas masyarakat, Rote Ndao seringkali diidentikkan dengan kekristenan. Melalui buku ini, Daud Alfons Pandie mengemukakan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan bahwa dari sisi historis, Islam telah hadir di Rote Ndao sejak akhi…
Outline : The Politics of the Periphery in Indonesia is a thought-provoking examination of local politics and the dynamics of power at Indonesia's geographic and social margins. After the fall of Suharto in 1998 and the introduction of a policy of decentralisation in 2001, local stakeholders secured an consolidated decision-making power, and set about negotiating
Outline : Jurgen Habermas semakin berpengaruh di dalam perkembangan ilmu-ilmu sosial dewasa ini. Makin banyak kepustakaan dan diskusi yang mengacu pada karya-karya filsuf Jerman kontemporer ini. Konsep sentralnya, pada karya-karya filsuf Jerman kontemporer ini. Konsep sentralnya, "tindakan komunikatif", telah memberi insights yang tajam kepada banyak intelektual yang lebih memilih jalan pantang…
Outline : Leslie Schmucker's story is a testimony to the sufficiency of God in the gruelling day-to-day reality of raising a child with a mental health disorder. Writing to encourage parents who find themselves in a similar situation, she explores aspects of her and her family's experience with their daughter, Jackie. Life is not always neat, but Leslie shows us how the gospel is sufficient for…
Outline : Activity time or story time? Why not both? With seventeen beloved Bible stories and activities to accompany each one, Preschoolers Best Story and Activity Bible will provide hours of entertainment, creativity, and learning for your 4-to-7-year-old kids. Read the brief stories with your children, and stimulate their growing minds with activities designed just for them. By engaging with…
Outline : As Identity Politics quickly gain influence, they're creating confusion around aspects of personhood and morality that were once certain. From the sexual revolution to gay marriage and gender issues, the personal has become politicized. What should our response be? In Strange New World, Carl R. Trueman examines the historical, philosophical, and technological factors driving identity …
Outline : Dutch politician and historian Groen van Prinsterer's Unbelief and Revolution is a foundational work addressing the inherent tension between the church and secular society. Writing at the onset of modernity in Western culture, Groen saw with amazing clarity the dire implications of abandoning God's created order for human life in society. Groen's work served as an inspiration for many…
Outline : You are different, but that's not bad. It's beautiful. When the popular girls invite Kiki to try out for the school's talent show with them, she's excited to be part of their group. But after a successful audition, Mom tells Kiki she can't sing the song the girls chose. Now Kiki has a big choice to make: stay with her new friends and ignore the bad feeling in her stomach, or take a ri…
Outline : In these stormy times, voices from all fronts call for change. But what kind of revolution brings true freedom to both society and the human soul? Cultural observer Os Guinness explores the nature of revolutionary faith, contrasting between secular revolutions such as the French Revolution and the faith-led revolution of ancient Israel. He argues that the story of Exodus is the highes…
Outline: How do you navigate the intersection between faith and your academic discipline? In Faithful Learning, Jacob Shatzer offers an accessible theological primer for Christian educators who desire to understand their disciplines through a theological lens. Each chapter includes doctrinal introductions followed by paradigms that reader can learn from and implement. Ultimately, Shatzer outlin…
Outline: Share if you love Jesus, Scroll past if you follow the devil. Most Christians have encountered phony posts on our feeds meant to riles us up. But not everything we see on social media is obviously absurd. As online spaces increase in importance, we urgently need to consider how to love our neighbors on the internet - and this includes sharing the truth. Rachel I. Wightman has seen this…
Outline : Grandma smiled. "Little Lee, I'm going away soon, going home." Home? I thought. Grandma is already home. Lee is not sure what his grandma means when she tells him she's going home." Isn't she happy in her house, where he can always visit her? As everyone prepares for Grandma to pass away, Lee finds himself feeling more scared and confused. But Lee soon learns that walking someone home…
Outline : Foxes can run fast, rabbits can jump high ... but what talent do turtles like Tanner have? Little ones can interact with Tanner as he discovers his special, God-given fit, using the special pull tab to help the shy turtle show his amazing talent to the world.
Outline : How much culture lurks in common conversation? According to Craig Storti, so much that many of our most common, seemingly innocent exchanges in social settings, on the job, in the world of business-are cultural minefields waiting to explode. These explosions-cultural misunderstandings can cause confusion, irritation, even alienation. At the workplace and in the world of business these…
Outline: Perjuangan bangsa Indonesia belumlah berakhir. Meskipun kemerdekaan dari penjajahan bangsa asing sudah tidak lagi kita rasakan, namun harus kita sadari masih adanya penjajahan berupa kecemburuan, iri hati dan ketidakpuasan. Gereja Tuhan dan juga beberapa sekolah kristiani yang merupakan aset bangsa Indonesia menjadi sasaran pelampiasan kemarahan karena kecemburuan, iri hati dan ketidak…
Outline: Capitalism has gone astray. Today we face ecological exhaustion, persistent inequality, financialization, stress on communities, short-termism, and new power concentrations. An avalanche of new economic thinking and a reorientation of European values show the way toward a different economy. A new perspective is necessary if we want to implement the Sustainable Development Goals and if …
Outline: Antara 1974 dan 1990 sistem politik lebih dari tiga puluh negara di Eropa Selatan, Amerika Latin, Asia Timur, dan Eropa Timur bergeser dari otoriter ke demokratis. Revolusi global yang disebut sebagai Gelombang Demokratisasi Ketiga ini mungkin merupakan kecenderungan politik terpenting pada akhir abad kedua puluh. Dalam buku ini Huntington menjelaskan mengapa dan bagaimana gelombang de…
Outline: Penggunaan naratif dalam pendidikan cenderung masih reduktif kepada analisis unsur-unsur instrinsik atau pelajaran moral. Meskipun sudah ada usaha untuk mengaitkan teks sastra naratif kepada pendidikan dengan lebih utuh, seperti dalam konsep "penyekolahan gairah" Karen E. Bohlin, kaitan tersebut belum didukung oleh filsafat bahasa, manusia, dan etika yang lebih komprehensif. Tulisan…
Outline: Revelatory studies capture a moment in Indonesian women's history - a leap forward in what may be a major transition from patriarchy to gender equality. This important book offers an edifying narrative of Indonesian women who find a new and powerful voice in the course of preparing to become Christian pastors and theologians in their native land. By assuming roles of responsibility, th…
Outline: Ungkapan "Born to Fight" terinspirasi dari perjuangan Santo Ignatius Loyola. Ignatius seorang prajurit Spanyol yang gigih melawan pasukan Prancis dalam memperebutkan Benteng Pamplona. Setelah mengalami pertobatan diri, ia lahir baru, menjadi prajurit yang melawan kebatilan dan musuh-musuh rohani. Seluruh hidupnya ia abdikan demi kemuliaan Tuhan dan keselamatan jiwa umat manusia. Tulisa…
Outline: Harus diakui bahwa hari-hari ini kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia terhadap eksistensi Pancasila sebagai ideologi dan dasar negara terpecah antara setuju dan tidak setuju, menerima dan tidak menerima, menyadari dan tidak menyadari, dst. Terdapat cukup banyak masyarakat yang menyatakan bahwa Pancasila haruslah dipertahankan sebagai dasar negara. Bahkan sebagaian besar memandang bahwa Panca…
Outline: Pidato kebudayaan Mochtar Lubis (1977) di Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) diterbitkan menjadi buku berjudul Manusia Indonesia. Karena gaya dan sikapnya yang lugas dalam mengupas terutama sifat-sifat negatif orang Indonesia, buku ini menimbulkan pendapat pro dan kontra, selain membangkitkan pemikiran kritis tentang manusia Indonesia. Sifat-sifat manusia Indonesia yang dimaksud ialah munafik,…
Outline: Simone de Beauvoir adalah satu dari sedikit filsuf yang secara serius merenungkan bagaimana sebaiknya perempuan menjalani hidupnya. Hasil refleksinya tentang perempuan tertuang dalam buku The Second Sex yang ketika terbit pertama di Paris, 1948, langsung menuai kritik, sekaligus mendatangkan decak kekaguman. Menuai kritik, karena pada saat itu dunia belum siap menerima pikiran dan pend…
Outline: The ancient myths of China date back several thousand years and provide a wealth of fascinating stories. In this book the author has drawn on varied and original sources to present a new collection which reflects the richness of Chinese myth and legend. The stories include ancient myths about nature, the gods and creation; later folktales featuring human and animal characters; relig…
Outline : A CHILD-LIGHT BOOK. "Education is an adventure.... It's about people, children, life, reality!" - Susan Schaeffer Macaulay Every parent and teacher wants to give their children the best education possible. Everyone would like education to be a joyous adventure and celebration of life, as well as a solid preparation for living. Sadly, most education today falls far short of this goal.…
Outline: Indonesia adalah negara dengan orientasi agama yang kuat. Pengamalan hidup beragama di tengah masyarakat telah mengakar jauh sejak sebelum republik ini berdiri. Agama menjadi pedoman nilai yang penting dalam konteks bermasyarakat. Namun, dalam konteks berbangsa dan bernegara, yang dekat dengan aspek politik, agama masih memiliki peran yang kurang signifikan. Gerakan privatisasi agama m…
Outline: The Abortion Debat in the United States is confused. Ratings-driven media coverage highlights extreme views and creates the illusion that we are stuck in a hopeless stalemate. In this book Charles Camosy argues that our polarized public discourse hides the fact that most Americans actually agree on the major issues at stake in abortion morality and law. Unpacking the complexity of the …
Outline: Are you facing an unexpected financial crisis or anticipating the possibility of difficult times ahead? Financial problems happen for so many reasons, but right now the uncertainty of the future, coupled with unstable economic conditions, means that money worries are high on our list of concerns. How are we to prepare for financial difficulty? What do we do if we're already in the midd…
Outline: What do you do when it's hard to hope? A story of adoption that's real, raw, redemptive, and edifying.
Outline: With more than a million copies sold worldwide, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work has revolutionized the way we understand, repair, and strengthen marriages. John Gottman's unprecedented study of couples over a period of years has allowed him to observe the habits that can make and break-a marriage. Here is the culmination of that work: the seven principles that guide coupl…
Outline: Modern culture is obsessed with identity. Since the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision in 2015, sexual identity has dominated both public discourse and cultural trends - yet no historical phenomenon is its own cause. From Augustine to Marx, various views and perspectives have contributed to the modern understanding of the self. In this timely book, Carl Trueman analyz…
Outline: Why Chicken BULLY? Hampir setiap hari kita mendengar ada anak yang diejek, dipukul. dikucilkan, dan mendapat email menyakitkan dari temannya hingga mogok sekolah atau depresi. Masalah bullying seperti ini semakin parah dan semakin mendesak untuk ditangani oleh semua orang. Buku ini mengajak kita untuk mengenali MENGAPA anak- anak (dan bahkan orang dewasa!) mem-bully, juga perbedaan an…
Outline: Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp skillfully help individuals and small groups identify the deeper issues that keep relationships less than they are designed to be. They give practical direction on how to resolve conflicts, have difficult conversations, grant forgiveness, overlook weakness, celebrate strengths, and grow casual relationships into deep friendships. Based on principles…
Outline : Teks yang populer ini terus meneliti bidang komunikasi yang luas,termasuk situasi komunikasi antarpribadi, kelompok, publik, antarbudaya, dan massa, serta menjadikan proses belajar tentangkomunikasi efektif maupun menyenangkan. Edisi kelima ini disusunberdasarkan edisi sebelumnya, memperpadukan penetapan teori yenkuat dan dikaitkan secara langsung dengan perolehan keakomunikasi. Perub…
Outline : "Not then, men and their moments. Rather, moments and their men." writes Erving Goffman in the introduction to his groundbreaking 1967 Interaction Ritual, a study of face-to-face interaction in natural settings. that class of events occurs during co-presence and by virtue of co-presence. The ultimate behavioral materials are the glances, gestures, positionings, and verbal statements t…
Outline: Parentings Many teenagers are struggling to navigate adolescence successfully. Often, even though they have lots of material things clothes, electronics, spending money-they can be stressed, sad, and feel that life is without purpose. For an increasing number of teenagers, their struggle to manage pressures and expectations leads them to consider suicide as their only means of escape.…
Outline: Kita semua akan tiba di tempat tersebut. Sebagian orang mengatakan itu adalah arena purnakarya. Saya sudah di sana. Berjejak di karier kedua. Oleh karena itu, saya dapat melakukan shareloc. Tujuan itu bisa saya capai setelah menempuh sebuah peta jalan. Ada tangan Ilahi di sepanjang perjalanan. Sehingga saya dapat mendarat dengan mulus. Sebuah daratan indah bernama karier kedua. Izinkan…
Outline: Dunia yang kita huni ini tidak berumur panjang. Indikasi ke arah itu banyak sekali: banjir, gelombang panas, lubang ozon, el nino dan la nina. Ia di ambang kepunahan, andaikata para penghuninya tidak cepat-cepat mengambil sikap konstruktif dan terpadu secara global. Bagaimana kita dapat menghindari kesemuanya ini? Secara deskriptif buku ini menyajikan berbagai masalah yang sedang terja…