Overview: Buku ini merupakan pedoman penafsiran Alkitab bagi siapa saja yang ingin menganalisis metode-metode kritik Alkitab. Setelah menyajikan penjelasan mengapa penafsiran Alkitab menjadi satu disiplin ilmu tersendiri, para penulis juga secara ringkas menyajikan penelusuran penafsiran Alkitab dalam sejarah. Dalam bagian-bagian berikut, kedua penulis menyajikan penjelasan apa yang dimaksud …
Anda tidak perlu berpura-pura bahwa Anda mengendalikan segalanya... jika ternyata tidak. Anda tidak perlu berpura-pura bahwa hubungan terbaik Anda sangat memuaskan...jika ternyata tidak. Anda tidak perlu berpura-pura bahwa pergumulan Anda melawan dosa sudah lewat...jika ternyata tidak."Hanya orang-orang Kristenlah yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk tidak pe…
Outline : Buku yang ditulis Pdt. Hasan Sutanto, D. Th., ini menekankan pentingnya personalitas pengkhotbah. Pengkhotbah yang berbobot menyampaikan khotbah yang berkualitas. Khotbah tidak sama dengan pidato. Khotbah harus dibuat berdasarkan penafsiran yang bermutu. Tanpa menggali kekayaan Alkitab, isi khotbah akan menjadi dangkal. Itu sebabnya pengkhotbah perlu memperhatikan unsur penafsiran, pe…
Outline: Real change may not be what you think it is. It is more than simply going to church, reading the Bible, teaching Sunday school, or being nice. It has everything to do with facing the realities of your own internal life and letting God mold you into a person who is free to be honest, courageous, and loving. "Only Christians have the capacity to never pretend about anything," says Larry …
Outline: The great Reformed theologian Herman Bavinck (1854 - 1921) is well-known for his theological study of many disciplines, including psychology. The pinnacle of his studies in theological psychology is Biblical and Religious Psychology. This book is divided into two parts which work in harmony to cultivate a theological anthropology that attends to who man is psychologically, in relation …
Outline: Tanpa disadari, sebenarnya Artificial Intelligence (kecerdasan buatan - disingkat AI) sudah masuk dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Artificial Intelligence adalah bagian dari bidang ilmu atau teknik komputer yang berfokus pada pembuatan mesin cerdas yang mampu melakukan tugas-tugas yang biasanya membutuhkan kecerdasan manusia seperti persepsi visual, pengenalan ucapan, pengambilan keputusan…
Outline: Charles Hodge's American context and Reformed identity illustrate the persistence and change of Reformed ideas in nineteenth century America. Encompassing philosophy, science, and several areas of theology, this volume traces the development of Hodge's ideas with an eye both to Reformed orthodoxy and to American thought. The goal of these essays is to explore trajectories in Reformed a…
Outline: In his vast treasury of writings, Abraham Kuyper addressed nearly every sphere of society, including politics, science, and the arts. But his views on business and economics are often overlooked because he rarely engaged with that sphere directly. Still, his doctrine of common grace has great significance for showing how Christ is at work in the workplace. In this anthology of essays, …
Outline: "An excellent primer for hearing the voice of our triune God in the text of Holy Scripture" This accessible, up-to-date, and theologically grounded guide to interpreting the Bible helps us read Scripture with an ear toward hearing God's address.
Outline: Swiss theologian Karl Barth has made a monumental impact all along the spectrum of theology and ethics. Among evangelicals, however, myths have arisen that must be dismantled to fruitfully engage with his work. Inviting readers to suspend their assumptions and calling evangelicals and Barthians to mutually edifying dialogue, Professor Shao Kai Tseng, a notable Barth scholar, seeks to e…
Outline: How to Read and Teach Literary Genres from Scripture. To properly preach God's word, pastors must discern its specific literary nature. Many preachers, however, treat the Bible as a single genre and fail to do justice to each text. As a result, congregations over the years have lost this critical component to understanding Scripture. Douglas Sean O'Donnell and Leland Ryken distill more…
Outline : Ricoeur's theory of productive imagination in previously unpublished lectures. The eminent philosopher Paul Ricoeur was devoted to the imagination. These previously unpublished lectures offer Ricoeur's most significant and sustained reflections on creativity as he builds a new theory of imagination through close examination, moving from Aristotle, Pascal, Spinoza, Hume, and Kant to Ry…
Outline: Melalui suratnya, Yakobus, saudara Tuhan Yesus menyampaikan berita perdamaian yang sangat penting dan relevan. Berita ini ditujukan kepada komunitas orang Kristen Yahudi yang menghadapi masalah ketegangan di antara mereka yang kaya dan yang miskin. Dengan ingatan yang segar akan ajaran Tuhan Yesus, pemimpin gereja masa awal ini menunjukkan sejumlah akar masalah yang ada pada pembacany…
Outline: The book of Proverbs has one central message (how to gain wisdom) and deals with an extensive array of practical topics including vocation, financial stewardship, moral purity, and how to have successful relationships. Here, Jim Newheiser guides the reader thorugh all the main aspects of the teaching of Proverbs while also emphasizing how these great, life-transforming truths are roote…
Outline: Biblical counselors and pastors often have questions when a counselee is struggling with a mixture of physical, emotional, and spiritual difficulties. Dr. Charles D. Hodges Jr. and a team of contributing physicians, health care professionals, and biblical counselors offer solid biblical principles for counseling individuals with medical issues and address a variety of specific problems…
Outline: The Oxford Handbook of Pauline Studies brings together a diverse international group of experts on the apostle Paul. It examines the authentic texts from Paul's own hand, other ancients texts attributed to him, the numerous early Christian legends about him, and the many meanings that have been and still are made of these texts, in sum, giving a twenty-first century snapshot of Pauline…
Outline: In recent decades, powerful telescopes have enabled astrophysicists to uncover startling new worlds and solar systems. An epochal moment took place in 1995, when an exoplanet - 51 Pegasi b - was located orbiting another star like our sun. This discovery profoundly changed perceptions of the universe. Since then, thousands of planets have followed. These astounding findings have transfo…
Outline: Many Christians share the assumption that the preaching of the word of God is at the heart of God's plans for the gospel in out age; that it is vital for the church's health: and that it is the central task of the pastor-teacher. Many helpful books on preaching are available, but the vast majority are concerned with 'how to'; relatively few focus primarily on the character and theology…
Outline : This volume is the result of the 2021 session of the Linguistics and the Biblical Text research group of the Institute for Biblical Research, which addresses the history, relevance, and prospects of broad theoretical linguistic frameworks in the field of biblical studies. Cognitive Linguistics, Functional Grammar, generative linguistics, historical linguistics, complexity theory, and …
Outline: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? Who - or what - can I trust to answer these questions? People are asking these questions in the 1990s. They were asking them centuries ago. They will ask them as long as human life endures on earth. There is no shortage of answers. But the various answers conflict. They can't all be right, can they? This book provides some answers. The…
Outline: New problems as well as new possibilities emerge from left and right when Christianity was first introduced to central and East Java in the nineteenth century. Here Christianity met with Javanese tradition, Islamic influence and nationalistic movements. How did the Dutch missionaries cope with these problems and possibilities? This dissertation makes an in-depth study of this decisive …
Outline: 160,000,000 street children around the world are facing a crisis on the streets. Who will weep for them?
"My eyes fail from weeping, I am in torment within, my heart is poured out on the ground ... because children and infants faint in the streets of the city. Arise, cry out ... pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of you…
Outline: Arab and Indian traders brought Islam to the coastal trading ports of the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Java between the 11th and 15th centuries, assimilating Hinduism and various animist sects that practices the supernatural. Over the centuries Southeast Asian Muslims became known for their tolerance of religious beliefs, including those of European colonists and laborers brought from…
Outline: The Arrival Kit launches "The Year of Equipping" for all incoming Cell Group members, whether or not they are new believers. It explains that believers relate to each other through "Basic Christian Communities." It sees this lifestyle in the Kingdom of God as primary to the development of a Christian value system. It is solidly based on scripture. Each day's session begins with "theme …