Outline: Kenneth Cragg describes his authoritative book The Event of the Qur'an as "an exercise in religious enquiry and in trans-religious openness of the heart ..." in the common context of our single humanity and our separate histories." The question "what happens in the Qur'an?" holds profound historical fascination as well as being a matter of great religious sensivity to all readers, rega…
Outline: The Mandate must precede the mission. True discipleship challenges us to radically redefine success in ministry - not by "how many", but rather, by "what kind" of disciples we have made - for the mandate (our walk with God) must precede the mission (our work for God). In this insightful book, Edmund Chan sounds the clarion call to return the Church to her disciplemaking roots - of repr…
Outline: Jesus is the point of reading the Bible. Christians read Scripture to encounter Christ and be conformed to his image. Scripture is no more human text; it is God's living Word. So how should we read it? For Christians throughout the centuries, the answer has been lectio divina - "divine reading." In Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition, Hans Boersma invites Chris…
Outline: The Islamic challenge to the Church, if not Western society, is no longer something in the far distance that can be ignored. It is in all of our cities and neighbourhoods - now. Islam and Christianity ae on a pathway of confrontation. "In the next fifty years, we will capture the Western World for Islam,' stated one key Muslim religious leader. In Mosque and Miracles, Robinson exhorts …
Outline: Since the early nineteenth century - the first report appears in Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles' A History of Java published in 1817 - foreigners have always been fascinated by Javanese puppet theatre or wayang. This book is concerned with one form of wayang - wayang golek - found exclusively in West Java or Sunda. Wayang golek is performed with three-dimensional wooden rod-puppets, and i…
Outline: Classic Style is a glorious celebration of the profound effect of Greek and Roman art and architecture on subsequent centuries and civilizations throughout the world. Studied and evoked by great architects and designers, from Palladio in sixteenth-century Italy to Michael Graves in twentieth-century America, its effect on architecture and interior design is uniquely enduring and pervas…
Outline: As the old jokes goes, if you find a perfect church you should't join it, because if you do it won't be perfect anymore. Whenever sinners work together in close quarters, whether in churches or in families, conflict and disappointment will arise. Regardless of flaws God designed us to need one another and for the church to need us. But how do you find a good church? What are the qualit…
Outline: The ancient myths of China date back several thousand years and provide a wealth of fascinating stories. In this book the author has drawn on varied and original sources to present a new collection which reflects the richness of Chinese myth and legend. The stories include ancient myths about nature, the gods and creation; later folktales featuring human and animal characters; relig…
Outline: You may have always expected your job as a parent to be done once your children reached adulthood ... but you're quickly finding out that you never stop being a parent! Jim Newheiser and Elyse Fitzpatrick ground you in the guidance of God's Word, reminding you that your relationship with your adult children can only be as deep and meaningful as your relationship with him.
Outline: The four - volume New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (NIDNT) is recognized worldwide as a benchmark in New Testament study. Christianity Today has called it "an essential reference work." "[It] has proved its worth," says New Testament scholar F.F. Bruce. This abridged edition distills the critically acclaimed set into one convenient and accessible reference. If you…
Outline: We are used to having our parents help us, but how do we handle it when the tables are turned and our parents are the ones who need help? Declining health, financial needs, divorce, relational issues - what's an adult child's role when their parents are struggling? Counselor Jim Newheiser understands the many types of challenges adults may face in their relationship with their parents,…
Outline : A CHILD-LIGHT BOOK. "Education is an adventure.... It's about people, children, life, reality!" - Susan Schaeffer Macaulay Every parent and teacher wants to give their children the best education possible. Everyone would like education to be a joyous adventure and celebration of life, as well as a solid preparation for living. Sadly, most education today falls far short of this goal.…
Outline: A pastor inhabits multiple roles - teacher, preacher, youth leader, and counselor. Yet many church leaders feel unprepared to counsel church members who are struggling with difficult, multifaceted problems. David Powlison reminds pastors of their unique role as the shepherds of God's people, equipping them to apply biblical wisdom to the thoughts, values, moods, expectations, and decis…
Outline: How are young people to arrive safely at the marriage altar? This book captures some of the premarital counsel which John Calvin gave to the youth and families of Geneva. It draws from two categories of Calvin's writings, bringing up interesting and helpful counsel for young people and their families in order to help them navigate the single years and enter successfully into marriage. …
Outline: Five hundred buildings by Frank Llyod Wright were built during the architect's extraordinary seventy-year career. But as difficult as it is to believe, one-fifth of them have been demolished, burned, or destroyed by neglect. Lost Wright tells the compelling story of these special buildings - how they came to be, what they looked like, and how they met their end. Each tale documents gen…
Outline: Since ancient times, Southeast Asia has been an important link in the trade routes connecting China with India, Arabia dan Europe. Contacts between China and the states if the Malay - Indonesian archipelago were reported as early as the fifth century AD, and Chinese tradespeople began to settle in this region in the 15th century. Chinese communities emerged in the port cities of Java, …
Outline : Tak mungkin seekor burung terbang hanya dengan sesisi sayapnya. Sepertiseekor burung, Serikat Yesus bisa terbang, karena ia mempunyai sepasangsayap. Dan, kedua sayap itu adalah para imam dan para bruder. Buku Sisi Sepasang Sayap ini adalah usaha kecil untuk memperkenalkan kehidupan para bruder Yesuit di Indonesia, yang kiranya belum banyak dikenalorang. Kehidupan mereka adalah harta r…
Outline: Salah satu keunikan Kekristenan adalah kepercayaan kepada Allah Tritunggal, yang tidak terdapat pada agama-agama lain. Doktrin Alkitab ini selalu menjadi kesulitan besar bagi orang Kristen maupun orang bukan Kristen untuk memahaminya. Memang secara terminologi istilah ini tidak muncul dalam Alkitab, namun seluruh Alkitab mengandung ajaran yang penting ini. Dalam sejaran gereja selalu m…
Outline : Studi singkat tentang etika zaman sekarang ini adalah suatu carayang cepat tetapiinformatif untuk memahami konsepsi alkitabiah tentang kebenaran, kesalahan, dan tanggungjawab orang Kristen. Menurut ahli teologi R. C. Sproul, etika Kristen tidak dibentuk dalam kehampaan. Etika Kristen dibangun berdasarkan pengakuan akan dua hal: kedaulatan Allah dan kasih Allah. Meskipun hukum dalam Al…
Outline : Khazanah pengetahuan René Girard memang luar biasaLava dan luas. Mulai dari sastra, sejarah, mitos, sampai kitah suci. Buku ini upaya untuk sekadar mengenalkan pemikiran Girard. Teori Girard biasanya dibagi dalam tigalfase. Pertama, teori mimesis, yang terkait dengan penelitiannya mengenai karya sastra. Kedua, teori kambing hitam.vang terkait dengan penelitiannya di bidang antropolog…
Outline: John Piper pleads with fellow pastors to abandon the secularization of the pastorate and pursue the prophetic call of the Bible for radical ministry. We pastors are being killed by the professionalizing of the pastoral ministry. The mentality of the professional is not the mentality of the prophet. It is not the mentality of the slave of Christ. Professionalism has nothing to do with t…
Outline: Apakah penginjilan itu? Penginjilan adalah proklamasi dinamis tentang Injil penebusan sebagai titik pusat iman kita kepada umat manusia. Bolehkah orang Kristen menginjili tanpa mengetahui apa yang ia beritakan? Bolehkah orang Kristen yang sudah mengenal Allah tidak membagikan pengalamannya dan pengenalannya kepada orang lain? Orang yang mengetahui theologi tidak boleh tidak pergi mengi…
Outline: All too often, argues Ben Witherington, the theology of the New Testament has been divorced from its ethics, leaving as isolated abstractions what are fully integrated, dynamic elements within the New Testament itself. As Witherington stresses, "behavior affers and reinforces or undoes belief." Having completed commentaries on all of the New Testament books, a remarkable feat in itself…
Outline: Understanding the doctrines of grace provides a clearer picture of God's sovereignty, mercy, and majesty. From the lawgiver Moses to the Apostle John, and from the early church fathers to modern defenders of the faith, there are marched onto the stage of human history a long line of godly men, a triumphant parade of spiritual stalwarts who have upheld the doctrines of grace. In this bo…
Outline : All too often, argues Ben Witherington, the theology of the New Testament has been divorced from its ethics, leaving as isolated abstractions what are fully integrated, dynamic elements within the New Testament itself. As Witherington stresses, "behavior affects and reinforces or undoes belief." Previously published as The Indelible Image, Volume 1, Witherington offers the first of a …
Outline: More Christians now live in the Majority World than in Europe and North America. If we take seriously the Spirit's movement around the world, we must consider how the rich textures of Christianity in the Majority World can enliven, inform, and challenge all who are invested in the ongoing work of theology. Majority World Theology offers an unprecedented opportunity to enter conversatio…
Outline : WANITA YANG DIBENTUK Allah Sejak zaman Hawa di taman Eden, kaum wanita telah bergumul untuk mengambilkeputusan yang bijak dan menyeimbangkan prioritas mereka. Bagaimana seorangwanita dapat secara efektif menghadapi isu-isu keseharian seperti pernikahan, kepemimpinan, dan penderitaan dengan cara yang berani dan bijaksana? Dalam buku Wanita yang Dibentuk Allah, Anda akan menyelami kehi…