Outline : Where Is Godin the Struggle?
Looking away from despair towards hope can feel risky. What if God doesn't come through for you? What if you don't feel instantly better? Instead of offering simple platitudes or unrealistic cure-all formulas. Edward T. Welch addresses the complex nature of depression with compassion and insight, applying the rich treasures of the gospel, and giving fresh…
Outline: You are a royal priest. That Reality Will Change Your Life. Human beings are wired for connection. We long for deep relationships and real intimacy - both of which reflect our fundamental desire to be close to God. But all too often, whether because of our sin or our failures, we imagine that God prefers to keep his distance. In this book. Edward T. Welch shows us the purpose for which…
Outline : Peer pressure, codependency, shame, low self-esteem-these are just some of the words used to identify how people are controlled by others' opinions. Why is it so important to be liked? Why is it so important to be liked? Why is rejection so traumatic? Edward T. Welch's insightful, biblical answers to these questions show that freedom from others' opinions and genuine, loving relations…
Outline: - Is human behavior purely an act of the will?
- What happens when the body becomes dysfunctional - especially the brain?
* Chemical imbalances controlled by the brain do have behavioral consequences, so how can counselors assess and deal with them?
These and many similar questions are addressed by this book.
The author presents clear and accurate information so that two extremes c…
Outline : walking with an addict through the process of change takes wisdom, love, and perseverance.
To walk with an addict is both a gift and a grief. In the Crossroads: A Step-by-Step -Guide Away from Addiction Facilitator's Guide, Welch walks leaders through the process of loving, connecting with, and speaking truth to a group of addicts. This book contains helpful observations about the me…
Shame controls far too many of us. Worthless, inferior, rejected, weak, humiliated, failure...it all adds up to wishing we could get away from others and hide. We know what shame feels like. The way out is harder to find. Time doesn't help, neither does confession, because shame is just as often from what others do to you as it is from what you have done. But the Bible…
Outline: Imagine ... an interconnected group of people who entrust themselves to each other. You can speak of your pain, and someone responds with compassion and prayer. You can speak of your joys, and someone rejoices with you. You can ask for help with sinful struggles, and someone prays with you. The goal of this book is that these meaningful relationships will become a natural part of daily…
Outline : Why am I always so angry? How many times today were you frustrated? Irritated? While you might not think about it often, if you look closely at any day, most everyone can find anger in their actions and attitudes. Anger is so common - yet it also hurts us and others. Can anyone truly find peace? Yes. But you need a plan.
As humans, we are prone to insecurities, fear of failure, and regrets, which we try to hide and cover up, resulting in isolation from both those around us and God. Through fifty devotionals, counselor Edward T. Welch shows us how God speaks with gentleness, depth, and hope that will lead us out of hiding and to live more openly, authentically, and regret-free
Everyone wants less anxiety and fear Gad speaks some of the most beautiful word in Scripture to anxious people. In & Small Book for the Anxious Heart Edward Welch shares fifty short readings to teach us about God, lead us to trust him for today and give assurance that he is with us
Outline : Medical and Psychiatric Issues
Depression makes so many things hard. Things you used to take for granted-a good night's sleep, having goals, responding to someone's love, looking forward to the future-now seem beyond reach. Is there any hope and help for those who are struggling with depression? Edward T. Welch insightfully describes the world of the depressed person and gives a bibl…
Outline : IF YOU HAVE EVER purposely injured yourself, it may seem normal, even right. But if you haven't, it seems impossible to understand those who have. After all, don't living creatures avoid pain? Edward T. Welch writes this eye-opening and encouraging booklet assuming that you feel trapped in a cycle of self-injury or that you love someone who does. Welch helps loved ones to understand t…
How to Help
Couples who publicly sit at peace in church pews can secretly be at war. How do you help the victim of domestic abuse? And doesn't the perpetrator of the violence also need our help? Three counselors reveal ways to clearly communicate God's grace to the victims of violence. They demonstrate how to minister with confidence and humility to the afflicted. They…
Outline : I hate it. I love it.
Sometimes our desires can be cruel lovers. We think we should be rid of a particular desire, but we feel stuck. "What's the use in trying to rid my life of this desire?" we ask ourselves. "I've tried, but there's just no way out for me."
Or is there?
The problem may be more complicated than just being stuck. Might there be a path to true change? (If so, would …
Outline : Easy distractibility or forgetfulness
Mouths, arms, hands, and legs that run ahead of thinking
Impulsive decisions, chronic difficulties meeting deadlines, mistaken notions of one's own abilities
... behaviors often associated with Attention Deficit Disorder.
What is ADD? What are the strengths and weaknesses of ADD children? What can be done about this puzzling disorder? Noting b…
Outline: LOST AMBITION. Emotional numbness. Fear and withdrawal. Fatigue. Marks of what is commonly called depression. If you are one of the many people suffering from depression, there is hope and there is help - a way up when you are down. Even if you don't feel like doing anything, this booklet provides manageable steps for getting started on the path that leads out of depression. Edward T. …
Outline: "HOMOSEXUALITY is the hot issue of the day," says Edward T. Welch in this booklet. "Even more than abortion, it will confront the church throughout this generation, forcing us to listen, study, and respond wisely." How can we answer claims that the Bible does not prohibit committed homosexual relationships? Or that science proves that homosexuality is genetic, not a chosen lifestyle? W…
Outline : Medical and Psychatriatic Issues
You've tried to stop more times than you can count. Now you've given up. Can someone who can't "just say not really change? There is hope-if you are willing to look deeper than your addictive behavior, Edward T. Welch helps you face what fuels your addiction and takes you straight to the heart of what your addiction reveals about you and your relation…
Outline : PEOPLE ARE COMPLEX. There is behavior that we see and motives that we don't. Behind the "what we do" of our lives is the "why we do it." Edward T. Welch challenges us to peer more closely into the "why." He insightfully reveals that, according to God's Word, the heart is the source of all human motivation. Our hearts contain motives such as
- Pleasure - Happiness - Meaning - Power Co…
Outline: Resources for Medical and Psychiatric Issues
Everyone feels better some days than others-but some people struggle with exaggerated and unrestrained mood swings. These kinds of mood swings have come to beknown as mania, manic-depression, or bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is confusing and difficult both for those who struggle with it and for those who care for them, Edward T. Welch …
Human beings are wired for connection. We long for deep relationships and real intimacy-both of which reflect our fundamental desire to be close to God. But all too often, whether because of our sin or our failures, we imagine that God prefers to keep his distance.
In this book, Edward T. Welch shows us the purpose for which we were created: to be brought near to God as a kingdom of priests.…
Imagine... an interconnected group of people who entrust themselves to each other. You can speak of your pain, and someone responds with compassion and prayer. You can speak of your joys, and someone rejoices with you. You can ask for help with sinful struggles, and someone prays with you. The goal of this book is that these meaningful relationships will become a natural part of daily life in y…
Outline: Apakah Anda lelah untuk mendapatkan penerimaan dan menghindari penolakan? Tekanan kelompok, saling ketergantungan, rasa malu, harga diri rendah - inilah beberapa istilah yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana orang dapat dikendalikan oleh opini orang lain. Mengapa begitu pentingnya kita disukai orang lain? Mengapa penolakan menjadi hal yang traumatik? Jawaban Edward T. Welch y…
Outline : A worship disorder. Will we worship ourselves and our own desires, or will we worship the true God? Scripture reveals addicts' true condition : like guests at a banquest thrown by "the woman Folly," they are already in the grave. (Prov. 9: 13 - 18). Can we not escape our addictions? Following Jesus, we have "immense hope that God can give power so that we are no longer mastered by the…
Outline: Penulis mengungkapkan rencana Tuhan untuk membesarkan hati mereka yang ada di dalam cengkeraman ketakutan. Di dalam terbitan buku ini, penulis menyelidiki akar-akar ketakutan dalam jiwa manusia dan efek-efek dari hidup di dalam cengkeraman kecemasan, kekhawatiran, dan ketakutan. Penulis menyemangati pembaca untuk menemukan sendiri bagaimana Alkitab penuh dengan kata-kata penghiburan…
Outline: Jika Anda lelah bergumul dengan kecemasan dan kekhawatiran Anda sendiri, maka buku pedoman ini tepa untuk Anda baca. Saat Anda menyusuri rangkaian meditasi, kecemasan perlahan-lahan akan beralih pada pengharapan, kedamaian, dan ketenangan. Tentu saja, ini adalah proses seumur hidup, tetapi dengan membahas buku secara tuntas, baik seorang diri atau dalam kelompok kecil, akan memulai p…