Drawing on the latest in Genesis scholarship, this volume offers twenty-nine essays on a wide range of topics related to Genesis, written by leading experts in the field. Topics include its formation, reception, textual history and translation, themes, theologies, and place within Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
One of the most difficult questions facing us today is that of the proper attitude toward possessions. In wealthy nations such as Britain and the USA, individuals accumulate much and yet are daily exposed to the plight of the poor, whether the homeless on their own city streets or starving children on their TV screens. What action should they take on behalf of the poor What should they do with …
'Some may object to my dogmatic assertions; but I do not apologize for them. Every preacher should believe strongly in his own method; and if I cannot persuade all of the rightness of mine, I can at least stimulate them to think and to consider other possibilities. I can say quite honestly that I would not cross the road to listen to myself preaching, and the preachers whom I have enjoyed most …
This Tragic Gospel suggests that the "Gospel" of John intended to supplant the first three gospels and succeeded in gaining undue influence on the early churches. This study focuses on the tragic moment when Jesus prays for deliverance from his impending death in the garden of Gethsemane. Ruprecht contends that John rewrote this scene in order to convey a very different dramatic meaning from th…
Outline: Yesus lahir untuk apa dan untuk siapakah? Buku T'lah Lahir bagiku! - yang memuat renungan tentang kelahiran dan kedatangan Yesus Kristus, Anak Allah - memberikan kesaksian bahwa Dia lahir untuk menebus dosa manusia, kita semua. Yesus telah lahir bagiku. Itulah yang kita imani sebagai umat manusia yang dikasihi Allah. Hanya melalui Yesus, janji pemulihan dan keselamatan dari Allah bagi …
Outline: The widespread activity of the Roman Catholic Church makes it imperative that all Christians regardless of denomination should know something about its doctrines, its practices and its goals for the future. Dr. Boettner has written an interesting and informative book from the viewpoint of evangelical Protestantism which presents the two systems in strong contrast. The present day Roman…
Outline : Kristologi adalah studi yang mengacu pada Kristus, sebagai tokoh pusat dalam iman Kristen. Banyak topik penting dalam pembahasannya, antara lain mengenai Siapakah Kristus, Kekekalan-Nya, Kemanusiaan dan Ke-Ilahian-Nya, Inkarnasi dan Kenosis yang dialami Kristus serta bidat-bidat yang menyebarkan ajaran sesat mengenai Kristus. Dengan membaca buku ini diharapkan Anda dapat memiliki peng…
Outline: And how will they preach unless they are sent? As an ordinary human being interested in missions yet called to stay at home, how can I get involved in the Great Commission of evangelization with South America Mission? You can serve as a sender, a partner in ministry! Those who go and those who serve as senders are like two units or partners on the same cross-cultural outreach team. Bot…
Outline: Antara tahun 1932-1950, Gereja Protestant di Indonesia mengalami perubahan-perubahan mendalam. Jemaat-jemaat di Indonesia Timur bergabung menjadi tiga gereja mandiri (GMIM, GPM, GMIT). Di Indonesia bagian Barat terbentuk gereja keempat yang mendapat nama GPIB. Ikatan antara GPI dengan negara yang sudah menentukan kehidupan gereja sejak zaman VOIC itu ditiadakan. Pada masa itu, Pdt. Lo…
Outline: Lebah mendengung dan flamingo berkoak, tetapi hanya manusia yang diciptakan untuk berbicara dengan Allah. Karena Dia mengasihi kita, kita dapat berbicara kepada Allah di gereja, di rumah, di tempat bermain, bahkan di bulan! Debby Anderson menjelaskan kebenaran yang menarik ini dalam sebuah buku yang penuh warna dan menyenangkan berdasarkan Firman Allah sendiri. Dia menyertakan referens…
Outline : Mengubah Perseturuan Menjadi Percakapan. Ada sebuah mobil yang tidak dikenal parkir di dekat rumah Anda, dan dua orang berpenampilan rapi mendekati pintu rumah Anda. Bel rumah pun berbunyi, dan setelah sedikit berbasa-basi, tamu tak diundang tersebut menawarkan beberapa bacaan dari Watchtower Society. Apa yang akan Anda katakan? Apa yang harus Anda katakan? Pengajar Trusted Bible, Ron…
Outline: Ketika seseorang menjadi Kristen, Allah memberikan suatu kehidupan baru dalam dirinya. Itulah sebabnya Yesus berbicara mengenai keharusan setiap orang untuk dilahirkan kembali. Setiap orang Kristen memiliki dua macam kehidupan: kehidupan di luar yang dapat dilihat orang lain dan kehidupan di dalam (hidup batiniah) yang hanya diketahui Allah dan dirinya sendiri. Kehidupan di luar dapat …
Outline: Multiplied millions of women all over the world are looking over the church's shoulder, longing to see the freedom Jesus purchased for them at Calvary. Millions more have found freedom in Jesus but are still bound by human ideas - ideas that pressure a woman to let culture, not God, determine her place in the Kingdom. While hurting men and women outside the church cry out, "Is there an…
Outline: How is the missionary force for the twenty-first Century to be trained? This is the challenge that emerges from this provocative book as it focuses on the task of effective missionary training. Western missions have tended to place most of their training emphasis on schooling and formal education - witness the number of Bible schools, Christian colleges and theological seminaries that …
Outline : How should one approach the task of theology? The question of methodology is increasingly one of interest among theologians, who recognize that the very manner in which we approach theology informs both the questions we ask and the conclusions we reach. This volume in IVP's Spectrum Multiview series brings together five evangelical theologians with distinctly different approaches to t…
Outline: Aroma rempah yang wangi dan menguar dari bumi Nusantara menggoda para pelaut dari Portugal, Spanyol, Inggris, Belanda, dan lainnya berdatangan berabad-abad silam. Berbagai catatan sejarah menunjukkan bahwa negeri ini merupakan istana megah dari raja bumbu, yaitu rempah-rempah. Tidak hanya di masa lampau, hingga saat ini, potensi rempah Indonesia sangat tinggi. Berdasarkan penelusuran T…
Outline: Biblical Hermeneutics is designed for students and ministers who want to grow in their ability to interpret, teach, and preach God's Word. It requires no understanding of biblical languages or of the technical details of hermeneutics, the art and science of interpreting the Bible. You will learn:
- A step-by-step approach to interpreting a passage
- Hermeneutical principles that app…
Outline: Evangelicals are no strangers to the creation versus evolution debate. Now the argument has spread beyond the contents of the creation account in Genesis 1 and into Genesis 2-3, with speculation about the historicity of Adam and Eve and the Fall. But does it matter which position one holds? Is anything really at stake? The faculty of The Master's College have come together to show that…
Outline: Before time began, war was declared in heaven. Throughout the ages it has raged relentlessly. And today, affecting your life and mine, warfare in two arenas - the inward battle and the battle for lost souls, continue out of control. To live in the victory that Christ won for us on Calvary, we must PREPARE FOR BATTLE! Thus, Neal and Yvonne Pirolo have teamed up to produce this practical…
Outline : The problem of evil is one we're all familiar with ... but what about the problem of good? If Christianity is true, why do many people seem to live moral, fulfilling lives outside the gospel? Do such moral non-Christians really need the gospel, or will their good deeds save them? Is the traditional view of hell really justified? And if it is, how do we evangelize people who seem more …
Outline: The New American Commentary is for those who have been seeking a commentary that honors the Scriptures, represents the finest in contemporary evangelical scholarship, and lends itself to the practical work of preaching and teaching. This series serves as a minister's friend and a student's guide. The New American Commentary assumes the inerrancy of Scripture, focuses on the intrinsic t…
Outline: In this addition to the Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms series, Tremper Longman combines a careful exegetical reading of the book of Job with keen theological insights. The series is tailored to the distinctives of poetry and Wisdom literature, featuring emphasis on the message of the biblical book; special attention to poetic structure and literary devices; inc…
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491 hal
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Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms
Outline: The New American Commentary is for those who have been seeking a commentary that honors the Scriptures, represents the finest in contemporary evangelical scholarship, and lends itself to the practical work of preaching and teaching. This series serves as a minister's friend and a student's guide. The New American Commentary assumes the inerrancy of Scripture, focuses on the intrinsic t…
Outline: Dalam buku ini, Simonetta Carr menceritakan kepada para pembaca mengenai kehidupan John Owen. Kita dibukakan akan hal-hal apa saja yang menarik minat John Owen di masa sekolahnya, perhatiannya yang ia tunjukkan pada orang lain ketika menjabat sebagai pendeta, dan buku-buku berpengaruh yang ia tuliskan. Anak-anak juga akan mengetahui masa-masa sulit yang dilalui oleh Owen, dan bagaimana…
Outline: Kepulauan Maluku adalah daerah yang mashyur akan keberagaman dan toleransinya. Sayangnya, pada periode 1999-2004, Maluku dilanda konflik horizontal yang menimbulkan korban jiwa dan kerugian harta benda. Budaya kekeluargaan yang selama ratusan tahun terpelihara lewat kearifan lokal pela dan gandong seolah tak tersisa. Beruntung, melalui berbagai upaya serius yang dilakukan banyak pihak,…
Outline: Pernahkah kamu mengalami musibah banjir? Dan apa yang kamu lihat dan rasakan setelah banjir itu surut? Mungkin kamu melihat banyak sampah berserakan, genangan air, juga lumpur. Pasti tidak menyenangkan. Buku ini akan menceritakan pengalaman si kembar, Angga dan Anggi, setelah banjir. Kamu akan diajak untuk melihat sekitarmu melalui kejadian-kejadian yang mereka alami. Kadang menyenangk…