Outline: An Influencer motivates others to change. An Influencer replaces had behaviors with powerful new skills. An Influencer makes things happen. This is what it takes to be an Influencer. Whether you're a CEO, a parent, or merely a person who wants to make a difference, you probably wish you had more influence with the people in your life. But most of us stop trying to make change happen be…
Outline: Seneca sama seperti para pemimpin Romawi pada masanya, menemukan kerangka moral dalam Stoisisme, mazhab pemikiran Yunani yang dibawa ke Roma. Kaum Stoa mengajarkan kepada para pengikutnya untuk mencari kerajaan dalam diri sendiri, kerajaan akalbudi. Namun, sedikit berbeda dengan pemikir Stoa umumnya, Seneca memberikan penekanan baru pada doktrin tersebut, terutama yang berkaitan dengan…
Outline: Featuring more than 100 case studies, this timely volume explores ethical questions arising from real-world situations faced by health professionals, patients, and others. The most comprehensive and up-to-date collection of its kind, Case Studies in Biomedical Ethics : Decision-Making, Principles, and Cases, Second Edition, explores fundamental ethical questions arising from real situa…
Outline: Traditional Malay beliefs and practices - the folk-religion of the Malays divorced from its Islamic overlay - has held a fascination for Europeans and generated a body of literature to which Annandale, Skeat and Winstedt number amongst the distinguised contributors. In this study the author attempts to identify some order and coherence out of the vast labyrinth of concepts, superstitio…
Outline: Di dalam buku terlaris menurut New York Times yang mengguncang ini, Dr. Brené Brown mengajak kita untuk belajar menerima diri apa adanya, tidak terlalu mencemaskan “apa yang orang lain pikirkan” tentang diri kita, sehingga kita bisa lebih mencintai diri sendiri apa adanya. Tidak apa-apa jika kita tidak sempurna. Dia mengajari cara untuk menjalani hidup dengan sepenuh hati, dengan …
Outline: Buku Teori Kritis Sekolah Frankfurt memperkenalkan pemikiran filsuf Maz Horkheimer dan Theodor W. Adorno dalam dua pokok pemikiran. Pertama, konsep tentang teori kritis. Kedua, kritik terhadap usaha manusia rasional yang terlihat macet dan gagal. Pada edisi baru ini, Sidhunata menambahkan tulisan tentang teori Sekolah Frankfurt yang digunakan untuk menyoroti beberapa gejala sosial di m…
Outline: Kegagalan mempertemukan kebenaran firman Allah dengan realitas psikologis dalam jiwa manusia telah menjadi masalah dalam sejarah kekristenan. Orang Kristen tidak selalu menyadari bahwa dalam setiap manifestasi diri, mereka juga memanifestasikan disintegrasi diri. Integrasi antara teologi dan psikologi adalah masalah utama kehidupan kristiani, yaitu bagaimana orang percaya mengalami …
Outline: Bagi orang-orang Kristen yang ingin meningkatkan keahlian berpikir kritis, inilah karya pengantar yang dapat diakses baik untuk mempelajari logika maupun untuk menyelidiki secara mendalam terhadap bidang ilmu tersebut dari seorang profesor yang mengantongi enam gelar akademis dan lebih dari tiga puluh tahun pengalaman mengajar. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan untuk direnungkan lebih lanjut dis…
Outline: Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Hume, Kant, Hegel. These names and the philosophies associated with them ring through the minds of every student and scholar of philosophy. And in their search for knowledge, every student of philosophy needs to know the history of the philosophical discourse such giants have bequeathed us. Noted philosopher C. Stephen Evans brings his expertise to this…
Outline: What is posthumanism and why does it matter? This Reader offers an accessible introduction to the ways in which humanism's belief in the natural supremacy of the Family of Man has been called into question at different moments and from different theoritical positions. Can posthumanism have a politics - postcolonial or feminist? Are postmodernism and poststructuralism posthumanist? …
Outline: One of the most important thinkers of our time, Jacques Derrida continues to have a profound influence on postmodern thought and society. The author explains Derrida's complex philosophy with clarity and precision, showing not only what Derrida says about metaphysics, ethics, politics, and theology but also what assumptions and commitments underlie his positions. He then brings Derr…
Outline: The author's book, sixth edition, is really a story about experiences that may initally seem simple, such as seeing a face or smeeling a rose, but that turn out to be extremely complex. As you gain an appreciation for the impressive advances that researchers have made toward understanding perception, you will also appreciate how much is still left to be discovered. But most important…
Outline: Written by four members of the Calvin College philosophy department, this book is a valuable resource for teachers and undergraduate students of philosophy. In addition to providing clear introductions to the modes of reasoning students encounter in their philosophy course readings, it includes a nuanced description of common informal fallacies, a narrative overview philosophical accou…
Outline: Is science the only source of genuine knowledge about the world and ourselves? Is science our only guide to what exists? Scientism answers both questions in the affirmative, and is increasingly influential in the popular scientific literature and intellectual life in general. Yet philosophers have largely ignored it. This edited volume develops and assesses scientism as a serious …
Outline: This book investigates humanities, social sciences and politics from the perspective of the concept of creation order. It is the second volume in a series that provides a unique and topical overview of attempts to assess the current health of the concept of creation order within Reformational philosophy when it is compared with other perspectives. Divided into a section on fundament…
Outline: This work provides an overview of attempts to assess the current condition of the concept of creation order within reformational philosophy compared to other perspectives. Focusing on the natural and life sciences, and theology, this first volume of two examines the arguments for and against the beauty, coherence and order shown in the natural world being related to the will or nature…
Outline: In recent decades there has been a shift in focus from psychological and social problems - what might be called the "dark side" of humanity - to human well-being and flourishing. The positive psychology movement, along with changes in attitudes toward organizational and societal health, has generated a surge of interest in human happiness. This book is the definitive text for resear…
Outline: This is a book about ten Great Ideas. Each chapter is an attempt to savor one idea that has been discovered by several of the world's civilizations - to question it in light of what we now know from scientific research, and to extract from it the lessons that still apply to our modern lives.
Outline: This book is a selective historical and critical study of moral philosophy in the Socratic tradition, with special attention to Aristotelian naturalism, its formation, elaboration, criticism, and defence. It discusses the main topics of moral philosophy as they have developed historically, including: the human good, human nature, justice, friendship, and morality; the methods of mora…
Outline: Each volume of this series of companions to major philosophers contains specially commissioned essays by an international team of scholars, together with a substantial bibliography, and will serve as a reference work for students and nonspecialists. One aim of the series is to dispel the intimidation such readers often feel when faced with the work of a difficult and challenging thin…
Outline: In this book, the author takes a fresh look at happiness from a practical perspective: the perspective of someone trying to solve the wonderful problem of how to give himself a good life. From this perspective, 'happiness' is the name of a solution to that problem for practical deliberation. The author's approach to happiness falls within a tradition that reaches back to ancient Gree…
Outline: In this sweeping and highly praised book, historian the author traces the fascinating ways our ideas of happiness have changed through the ages. From ancient Greece, where happiness stood for virtue, to the early Christians who saved it for the afterlife, to the Enlightment ear, which branded it a natural right, its meaning has shifted to accomodate our evolving expectaions of life.
Outline: Culture and value are the essential concerns of these remarks, hitherto available only in German as Vermischte Bemerkungen. Although the passages date from various periods of Wittgenstein's life, over half were written during his later years, and this edition adds material probably written in 1944. The German text is presented alongside the English translation by Peter Winch, and all …
Outline: Offering dramatic evidence of the transformative power of forgiveness, this book shares the stories of people of diverse faiths and cultures who, despite all odds, found the courage to reconcile with their enemies. Gathering the voices of Desmond Tutu, Benazir Bhutto, Rajmohan Gandhi, Jonathan Sacks, the Dalai Lama and others, the author's masterful anthology is an insipiring step f…
Outline: This book explores the interplay between chance and providence in the monotheistic religious traditions, looking at how their interaction has been conceptualized as our understanding of the workings of nature has changed. This lively historical conversation has generated intense ongoing theological debates, and provocative response from science: what are we to make of the history of o…
Outline: That the author is the most significant contemporary European philosopher cannot be doubted. He has yet to be completely understood and his place in the framework of European thought has still to be evaluated. His concern with the Being of being is a reflection of his deep longing to understand demands rejection of such definition as rational, economic, or pragmatic. That the author'…
Overview: Buku ini menelusuri secara runtun perkembangan historis pemikiran barat melalui sepuluh era. Buku ini menyoroti ide-ide fundamental yang merevolus cara orang berpikir dan bertindak mulai dari masa filsuf Yunani kuno dan para penulis Alkitab, melintasi periode Abadi Pertengahan, Renaisans, Reformasi, Pencerahan, Modern sampai kepada periode Postmodern saat ini.
Outline: After kicking open the doors to twentieth-century philosophy in Thus Spake Zarathustra, the author refined his ideal of the superman with the 1886 publication of this book. Conventional morality is a sign of slavery, the author maintains, and the superman goes beyond good and evil in action, thought and creation. The author especially targets what he calls a "slave morality" that foste…
Outline: As you begin your study of cognitive psychology with this best-selling book, you will explore these intriguing questions and many others. The author's approach is comprehensive and scholarly, and at the same time, filled with discussions of the real-life research and applications that show how very important and practical the study of cognitive psychology is to your life. With this boo…
Outline: Conceived originally as a serious presentation of the development of philosophy for Catholic seminary students, the author's nine-volume book has journeyed far beyond the modest purpose of its author to universal acclaim as the best history of philosophy in English. The author, an Oxford Jesuit of immense erudition who once tangled with A. J. Ayer in a fabled debate about the existence…
Outline: Hegel and existensialism form two poles of a contemporary dialogue, according to Robert C. Solomon: Hegel's global perspective and pursuit of "the absolute" balance of the enthusiastic individualism of existentialism. The dialectic between these two philosophical perspectives, whose vicissitudes have come to define not only continental philosophy but much of life in Europe and America,…
Outline: In the middle years of the seventeenth century, philosophy sprang forward into its modern era. The motivating mind behind the revolution in metaphysical thought was that of Rene Descartes, who brought philosophy both a new spirit and a new method, and thereby founded the school that came to be known as rationalism. Contained in this volume are the five works, in their entirety, that pr…