Outline: How did the controversy between Jesus and the Scribal Elite begin? We know that it ended on a cross, but what put Jesus on the radar of established religious and political leaders in the first place? Chris Keith argues that an answer to this question must go beyond typical explanations such as Jesus's alternative views on Torah or his miracle working and consider his status as a teacher.
Outline: For the Beauty of the Earth provides the most thorough evangelical treatment available on a theology of creation care. Arguing that authentic Christian faith requires ecological obedience, Steven Bouma-Prediger urges Christians to acknowledge their responsibility and privilege as stewards of the earth. The second edition has been substantially revised and updated with the latest scient…
Outline : Union with Christ is a debated theological theme in Pauline studies, yet surprisingly a comprehensive exegetical analysis of the theme within the Pauline canon has not been produced. Until now, This book offers the first thorough exegetical and theological investigation of union with Christ in Paul's letters, carefully examining every occurrence of the phrases "in Christ," "with Chris…
Outline: In today's religiously pluralistic world, is it theologically and morally acceptable to maintain that one religion is uniquely true and that the others are at best incomplete or even false? Specifically, is Jesus Christ merely a savior, or is he the one and only Savior of humankind? At the heart of Dissonatnt Voices lies a strong, well-reasoned defense of Christian exclusivism, which h…
Outline: The Foundations of Theological Exegesis and Christian Spirituality series critically recovers patristic exegesis and interpretation for contemporary theology and spirituality. Each volume covers a specific church father and illuminates the exegesis that undergirds the Nicene tradition.
Outline: This volume provides an introduction to early Christian literature and its setting, with basic writings of the first two centuries rendered by fresh, new translations into clear, readable English. The selections include, first, one of the earliest Christian documents the Church possesses, Clement's First Letter, written about A.D. 96. Following are The Letters of Ignatius, Bishop of An…
Outline: Seeking to bridge the existing gap between biblical studies and systematic theology, this distinctive series offers section-by-section exegesis of the Old Testament texts in close conversation with theological concerns. Written by respected scholars, the THOTC volumes aim to help pastors, teachers, and students engage in deliberately theological interpretation of Scripture. In this com…
Outline: Godlines is not a spiritual luxury enjoyed only by saints of the past and superstars of today. It is both the privilege and the duty of every Christian. God has given to each of us "everything we need for life and godliness." But what makes a Christian godly? Godliness, says Jerry Bridges, is devotion to God which results in a life that is pleasing to Him. Devotion is impotent without …
Outline : Few issues in Christian theology have sparked as much controversy over the centuries as the question of election. In this book — the inaugural volume of the Kantzer Lectures in Revealed Theology series — Stephen Williams offers a rich and nuanced account of the doctrine of election, arguing that we should diminish the role of "system" in Christian theology. After expounding the Bi…
Outline: Buku ini merupakan kristalisasi pengarang pada saat memberi kuliah "Latar Belakang Perjanjian Baru" di sekolah-sekolah teologi selama bertahun-tahun. Bermanfaat untuk "menguraikan firman kebenaran seturut dengan arti yang sesungguhnya" (II Tim. 2: 15), dan untuk "siap sedia pada segala sesuatu, untuk memberi jawab kepada tiap-tiap orang dengan lemah lembut dan hormat" (1 Pe. 3: 15) pad…
Outline: Modern theologians have focused on the doctrine of divine impossibility, exploring the significance of God's emotional experience and most especially the question of divine suffering. Professor Rob Lister speaks into the issue, outlining the history of the doctrine in the views of influential figures such as Augustine, Aquinas, and Luther, while carefully examining modernity's growing …
Outline: Understanding language is essential to interpreting the Bible. The Bible was written in ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek-languages no modern reader can claim to have a native understanding of. A better understanding of how language works should help us understand the Bible better as we seek to discern the original intent and meaning of each biblical author. In this book, you will get…
Outline: The church is more than a building - it is an assembly of people joined together across distances and even through time to fulfill God's purposes in the world. Each local gathering of that assembly needs a vision to help its members accomplish the work God has called them to do. But how do you inspire your church to create and follow through on a vision? Mike Milton provides tested, bi…
Outline: Before time began, war was declared in heaven. Throughout the ages it has raged relentlessly. And today, affecting your life and mine, warfare in two arenas - the inward battle and the battle for lost souls, continue out of control. To live in the victory that Christ won for us on Calvary, we must PREPARE FOR BATTLE! Thus, Neal and Yvonne Pirolo have teamed up to produce this practical…
Outline: Augustine's Commentary on Galatians is his only complete, formal commentary on any book of the Bible and offers unique insights into his understanding of Paul and of his own task as a biblical interpreter. In addition to the English translation with facing Latin text, this volume provides a comprehensive introduction and copious notes. Since Galatians happens to be the only biblical bo…
Outline: THE CLIMAX OF BONHOEFFER'S THEOLOGICAL LIFE - according to Eberhart Bethge, Bonhoeffer's close friend and biographer - occurs in his meditative commentary on Psalm 119, even though his premature death prevented its completion. Here for the first time is Bonhoeffer's final great work, along with sermons and meditations on other selections from the Psalms. MEDITATING ON THE WORD displays…
Outline: The twenty-first century is marked by a renewed emphasis on the missional responsibility of individual Christians and local churches. Churches on Mission : God's Grace Abounding to the Nations is an attempt to explore the relationship between the local church and its missionary responsibilities. Through history, theology, case studies, and actual ministry practices, each author in this…
Outline: The relation between divine sovereignty and the human will is a topic of perennial theological dispute and one that is gaining increased attention among contemporary evangelicals. In Still Sovereign, thirteen scholars write to defend the classical view of God's sovereignty. According to the editors, "Ours is a culture in which the tendency is to exalt what is human and diminish what is…
Outline: Case study of missionary activity in Korea by the Presbyterian and other major denominations, with consideration given to the religious, social, political and geographical situations affecting church growth.
Outline: "Spiritual Formation" adalah upaya yang lahir dari kesadaran iman bahwa menjadi Kristen dan sudah dilahirbarukan tidak dengan sendirinya membuat diri orang beriman mampu merespons kasih karunia Allah (anugerah keselamatan) dengan tepat dan benar. Realitas kehadiran dosa yang masih aktif dalam tubuh dan jiwa menyadarkan orang beriman bahwa hidup baru dalam tuntunan Roh Kudus ternyata ti…
Outline: Today many pastors are struggling to adapt to a post-Christian culture without abandoing orthodox theology. How do we communicate the concepts of grace and substitutionary atonement in our globalized culture and context? In Center Church, Timothy Keller offers challenging insights and provocative questions based on over twenty years of ministry in New York City. This book outlines a th…
Outline: Is our gospel witness too small? Should the gospel be proclaimed in words only? Or should we preach the gospel in deeds ... and when necessary use words? In Recovering the Full Mission of God, Dean Flemming joins biblical scholarship with missionary experience in giving us a clear vision of the rich and multifaceted nature of gospelling the kingdom of God.
Outline: This small but importance book shows how genuine biblical Reformed piety is both covenantally based and experientially lived. Piety, covenant, and experience are all interrelated in genuine and vital Christianity, and all point to Jesus Christ as the head of the covenant and the focal point of true Christian experience. This book is intended as Geoff Thomas says in his Foreword to enco…
Outline: 2,000 Years of Christ's Power is a multiple volume series on the history of the church. Academically reliable, but written with an easy, even humorous style which makes it accessible to anybody with an interest, this work falls into a category all of its own. The Renaissance and Reformation were exciting times of learning and discovery - they pushed the boundaries of accepted thought. …
Outline: John and Charles Wesley were the leaders of the Methodist revival that swept early eighteenth-century England and resulted in the founding of what was destined to become a major force in in the history of Christianity. In this volume, the works of the two men who shared a spiritual as well as a natural brotherhood are considered. From John's early period are taken his Forms of Prayer, …
Outline: Buku ini memberi kita tujuh paradigma yang membuat kita justru bertumbuh lewat masalah. Di antaranya adalah: (1) Masalah tidak untuk disimpan, tetapi dibagikan; (2) Masalah tidak untuk disesalkan, tetapi dirayakan; (3) Masalah bukan tanda kelemahan, tetapi kekuatan; (4) Masalah tidak menjauhkan, tetapi mendekatkan kita dengan Tuhan. Bacalah buku ini, dan Anda akan bisa menguak rahasia-…
Outline : The problem of evil is one we're all familiar with ... but what about the problem of good? If Christianity is true, why do many people seem to live moral, fulfilling lives outside the gospel? Do such moral non-Christians really need the gospel, or will their good deeds save them? Is the traditional view of hell really justified? And if it is, how do we evangelize people who seem more …
Outline : Following his account of Jesus' life and ministry in his Gospel, Luke recounts the formation of the early church in Acts. And while the apostles appear to be at the center of this narrative, all of their work is done through the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit. In every chapter in Acts, we see Spirit-empowered apostles sharing the gospel reality of the risen Christ to the end…
Outline : Written from prison, Paul's Letter to the Ephesians is packed with grand theological themes. Addressing the mystery of the gospel, the work of the Trinity, the exalted nature of Christ, the gift of salvation, the church as the body of Christ, and spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness, Ephesians remains one of the most theologically rich texts in the New Testament. In Ephesi…
Outline : In Paul's Lettter to the Galatyinas, the gospel itself is at stake. Paul writes to churches that he founded on his first missionary journey, telling them to resist a group of Jewish Christians who were telling the Galatians that they had to be circumcised and follow the Old Testament law in order to be saved. In Galatians Verse by Verse, Grant A. Osborne offers a clear exposition that…
Outline: Bertentangan dengan gagasan populer bahwa doktrin Trinitas menghalangi orang-orang Kristen terlibat dengan realitas keberagaman agama, buku ini justru berpendapat bahwa doktrin tersebut adalah cara terbaik untuk membangun teologi agama-agama yang kontemporer. Sebuah cerapan imajinatif menggeluti 3 teolog trinitarianis agama-agama yang tersohor (Raimundo Panikkar, Gavin D'Costa, dan S. …
Outline: Do you have money troubles? Often the underlying issues is not money but the promise of security, possessions, and pleasure that it brings. To lay a strong foundation for true financial success usually involves a change in perspective rather than in income. Biblical counselor Jim Newheiser's reflection questions and practical exercises, paired with Scripture's wisdom on financial and w…
Outline: In this illuminating festschrift, sixteen well-known evangelical scholars celebrate the work of a man who greatly contributed to Evangelical biblical scholarship as we know it today. G. K. Beale is renowned for his studies that explore how the writers of the New Testament used the Old Testament Scriptures in their letters, Gospels, narrative, and apocalypse. These collected essays, wri…
Outline: As a response to the unique challenges facing the tweinty-first-century American church, church planting has become a popular topic. But at a time when churches that spread the seed of the Word through preaching, the sacraments, when churches that spread the seed of the Word through preaching, the sacraments, and prayer are greatly needed, much of the focus has been on planting churche…
Outline: Hampir dapat dipastikan bahwa tidak ada seorang manusia pun di dunia ini yang tak pernah berbuat dosa. Hanya saja, ada yang menyadarinya, dan ada pula yang tidak. Di antara yang menyadari kesalahannya, ada yang tetap larut dalam dosanya, bahkan mungkin bangga dengan berbagai maksiat yang telah diperbuatnya. Namun, ada pula orang-orang yang berusaha memperbaiki diri dan membersihkannya.…
Outline : PERCAYA KRISTUS HANYALAH SEBUAH AWAL. Apakah Anda merindukan sesuatu yang lebih mendalam akan makna dan tujuan hidup Anda? Apakah Anda sudah lama menjadi orang Kristen, rajin ke gereja, dan setia membaca Alkitab, tetapi Anda masih merasa ada sesuatu yang terhilang? Anda mungkin benar. Dua ribu tahun yang lalu Yesus memberikan tugas mendesak bagi para pengikutnya sebelum ia naik ke sor…
Outline : KITA SEMUA TERJANGKIT SEBUAH PENYAKIT ROHANI, NAMANYA RASA MALU. Sadar atau tidak sadar, rasa malu mempengaruhi setiap aspek kehidupan pribadi dan pekerjaan kita. Ini menghancurkan identitas kita dalam Kristus dan menggantinya dengan versi diri kita yang rusak sehingga menghasilkan penderitaan dan kehancuran yang tidak bisa dipulihkan. Curt Thompson membahas tentang inti dari rasa mal…
Outline: Titik Temu lahir dari pergumulan mahasiswa-mahasiswi Kristen untuk mempertemukan iman Kristen dengan keilmuan yang mereka geluti. Buku ini merupakan buku seri berisi kumpulan tulisan-tulisan pendek mereka yang merupakan hasil refleksi keilmuan dan teologis terhadap Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang mereka selenggarakan di bawah pembinaan Persekutuan Mahasiswa Kristen (PMK) Kota Surabay…
Outline: “Allah berbicara kepada saya.” “Roh Kudus berbicara dalam hati saya.” “Allah menyingkapkan ide itu kepada saya.” Dekat dengan Allah artinya berkomunikasi dengan Dia, berbicara kepada-Nya tentang apa yang ada di hati kita dalam doa, sekaligus mendengar dan memahami apa yang Ia katakan kepada kita. Bagian kedua dari perbincangan dengan Allah inilah yang sangat penting, sekali…
Outline: Here in one volume are five of Lewis's best known works - a convenient combination for seasoned Lewis fans and a representative introduction for newcomers. Versatility and imagination are the hallmarks of this collection. His pen ranges from sparkling satire in THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS to hardhitting logic in THE CASE FOR CHRISTIANITY. The nitty-gritty issues of the faith walk come alive …
Outline: The deity of Christ. The purpose of the church. The accuracy of the Bible. Christian doctrine need not be intimidating or dull. Knowing the essentials of your faith - from the Trinity and the Atonement to Satan and the end times - will not only reinforce personal convictions but inspire boldness in witnessing. Whether you're a new believer or merely in need of refresher course, this bo…
Outline : The first of two volumes, this study explores the two common grace covenants: the Adamic and Noahic. The second volume will examine the special grace covenants: the Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, and New covenants. The volumes present the covenant as an expression of the nature of God, and show a paradigm of activity by which God works in covenantal relations, first to create the world a…