Outline : Dalam The Story of Reality, Gregory Koukl membukakan kisah dunia kita melalui sudut pandang yang luas, menjelaskan bagaimana dunia ini bermula, mengapa dunia ini menjadi seperti sekarang, peran manusia dalam kisah ini, dan bagaimana seluruh alur kisah ini terselesaikan. Ini adalah kisah Alkitab yang lebih dari sekadar pandangan keagaamaan pribadi, relasi dengan Allah, ataupun sumber p…
Outline : How does the voice of God come to us in the text of scripture? Scholars from biblical studies and theology have recently been engaged in various ways in the project of theological interpretation of Scripture. Their work has raised issues about the theological content of the biblical material. authorial intention, the reception and formation of the Bible as Christian Scripture, the imp…
Outline : Dietrich Bonhoeffer is best known for his role in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler and his subsequent execution at the hands of the Nazis. However, most of us are less familiar with his tireless work educating seminary students for a life of pastoral ministry―a role that occupied him for most of his adult life. Anchored in a variety of influential lectures, personal letters, and m…
Outline : How can God be three and one? How can God take on a human nature? If God planned everything, how can I be responsible? Do my prayers make any difference in God's plan? Will we finally knows everything when we get to heaven? These are questions that recognize some of the mysterious tensions that Scripture presents to us. They are good questions, but wrong answers to good questions can …
Outline: It is appropriate that the first volume in this new series of interreligious documents is on relations between Christians and Muslims. Together they comprise the world's most populous religious traditions. The many occasions of their good relations have often been eclipsed by memories of rivalry, war and confrontation; and today in Africa, Asia, Europe, and America Christians and Musli…
Outline : Kemerosotan Agama-Agama di Dunia Modern Terbukti Hanyalah Mitos. Kekristenan adalah sistem kepercayaan global yang paling menyebar luas dan diyakini akan terus begitu di masa depan. Namun, bagi banyak orang terpelajar, agama yang bersandar pada Alkitab ini adalah sebuah gagasan yang berbahaya. Maka mereka berusaha menantang beberapa keyakinan mendasar orang Kristen. Dengan mengguna…
Outline : The doctrine of the Trinity is taught and believed by all evangelicals, but rarely is it fully understood or celebrated. In The Deep Things of God, systematic theologian Fred Sanders shows why we ought to embrace the doctrine of the Trinity wholeheartedly as a central concern of evangelical theology. Sanders demonstrates, engagingly and accessibly, that the doctrine of the Trinity is …
Outline: Anda tidak perlu menjadi ahli komputer untuk masuk dalam pembahasan mengenai arah dari teknologi dan kecerdasan buatan. Apa yang akan terjadi pada Anda di tahun 2084 – pada teman Anda, keluarga Anda dan masyarakat pada umumnya? Apakah kita pasti akan mengalami dunia yang kelam seperti yang dibayangkan George Orwell dalam novelnya 1984? Dalam buku ini, ilmuwan dan filsuf John Lennox a…
Outline: Leadership Training prepares those who have gone completed the discipleship training and have shown the ability to serve others by teaching the Word. The focus of discipleship training was to guide the believers was to guide the believers to be like Jesus and to live like Him. The emphasis of leadership Training is to guide them to become "little pastors" to teach others under pastoral…
Outline: Apakah riwayat Nabi Elisa (+/- 883 - +/-795 sM), khususnya semua nubuat dan mukjijatnya, masih berarti bagi gereja abad XXI? Atau hanya bermanfaat bagi umat Israel pada masanya? Dalam buku ini, kita diajak untuk mendalami dan menafsirkan riwayat Nabi Elisa sebagai fakta dalam rangka pelaksanaan seluruh rencana keselamatan TUHAN. Dia memakai Nabi Elisa sebagai sarana untuk melanjutkan p…
Outline: Times are changing. Withs iTunes and MP3s readily available online, our teens are encountering new musical influences every day. How can we help our kids make God-honoring decisions when it comes to their playlists? Don't get swept up in a playlist war. Let the auhtor teach you how to have conversations, not conflict, with your kids about music. Realizing that one-size-doesn't-fit-all…
Outline: The questions and answers in this book are categorized under five main headings: Human relationships, Spiritual concerns, Psychological problems, Ethical issues, Biblical questions. Because this book responds directly to the heartfelt concerns of everyday people, this collection has the practical relevance that makes for compelling reading. The author's understandable and usable adv…
Outline: Bagaimana jika alasan-alasan terbaik Anda yang meragukan Tuhan justru membuktikan bahwa Ia ada? Dengan cara menarik dan mudah diingat, buku ini menunjukkan bagaimana sejumlah besar argumen ateis bukannya melenyapkan Tuhan namun justru menunjukkan bahwa Tuhan itu benar-benar ada.
Outline: Pendeta, pengkhotbah, dan penulis buku terlaris New York Times, Timothy Keller, mempersembahkan sebuah buku yang luar biasa mengenai penjangkauan terhadap orang lain melalui berita-berita Kristen. Orang Kristen umumnya - termasuk para pendeta - memiliki pergumulan ketika ingin membicarakan iman mereka sedemikian rupa agar kekuatan Injil Kristen bisa mengubah hidup orang. Penulis, pe…
Outline: The Psalms are undeniably beautiful. They are also difficult, and readers often come away convinced that tremendous riches remain just beyond their grasp. In this book, W. Robert Godfrey invites us to accompany him on a journey into a greater understanding and love for these sacred poems. The timeless beauty of the Psalms, their depth of expression, and testimony to the greatness of Go…
Outline: Leadership Training prepares those who have gone completed the discipleship training and have shown the ability to serve others by teaching the Word. The focus of discipleship training was to guide the believers was to guide the believers to be like Jesus and to live like Him. The emphasis of leadership Training is to guide them to become "little pastors" to teach others under pastoral…
Outline: Leadership Training prepares those who have gone completed the discipleship training and have shown the ability to serve others by teaching the Word. The focus of discipleship training was to guide the believers was to guide the believers to be like Jesus and to live like Him. The emphasis of leadership Training is to guide them to become "little pastors" to teach others under pastoral…
Outline: The church must recover its essence and calling in order to renew its members and rejuvenate its image. This is possible only when the church firmly establishes its identity as both people of God called from the world and as disciples of Christ sent to the world. Discipleship Training is the most biblical and effective way to awaken the laity to their identity and calling. I have no do…
Outline: The church must recover its essence and calling in order to renew its members and rejuvenate its image. This is possible only when the church firmly establishes its identity as both people of God called from the world and as disciples of Christ sent to the world. Discipleship Training is the most biblical and effective way to awaken the laity to their identity and calling. I have no do…
Outline: The church must recover its essence and calling in order to renew its members and rejuvenate its image. This is possible only when the church firmly establishes its identity as both of God called from the world and as disciples of Christ sent to the world. Discipleship Training is the most biblical and effective way to awaken the laity to their identity and calling. I have no doubt tha…
Outline: The success or failure of each discipleship training group does not depend on a study guide but on its leader. Any study guide which is based on an inductive approach will have a simple format, so it would be fair to say that almost everything depends on one who teaches it. Character, spirituality, and skill of the leader will determine the quality of the discipleship training. Discipl…
Outline: The success or failure of each discipleship training group does not depend on a study guide but on its leader. Any study guide which is based on an inductive approach will have a simple format, so it would be fair to say that almost everything depends on one who teaches it. Character, spirituality, and skill of the leader will determine the quality of the discipleship training. Discipl…
Outline: This comprehensive treatment of Christian doctrine was first issued in 1909 under the title The Wonderful Works of God. It has served well as a synopsis of Bavinck's larger, four-volume Dogmatics, for it presents in clear perspective all the fundamental doctrines of the Bible. Above all, Bavinck was a thoroughly Scriptural theologian - he was always guided by the Bible as he systematiz…
Outline: "Those who believe that presuppositionalism eliminates communication between believer and unbeliever underestimate God's power to reach the unbelieving heart. They also underestimate the variety and richness of a biblical apologetic, the creativity that God has given to us as his spokeman and the many forms that biblical apologetic can take." Here John M. Frame unveils some of the "var…
Outline: Randall C. Zachman places Calvin in conversation with theologians such as Pascal, KIerkegaard, Ezra the Scribe, Julian of Norwich, and Karl Barth, and attends to themes in Calvin's theology which are often overlooked. Zachman draws out Calvin's use of astronomy and his great concern to see ourselves in comparison to the immensity of the universe, acknowledging in wonder and awe our not…
Outline: For nearly a half century J. I. Packer has distinguished himself as a theologian for the church. While his erudition sets him apart in the academy, his calling and his heart's desire have been doing theology for the people of God. In honour of his seventieth birthday, friends, colleagues and students from around the world have contributed this notable group of essays, making their own …
Outline: Many approaches for interpreting the Bible have been put forth in recent years. All have their strengths - and their weaknesses. Various members of the Regent College faculty join forces here to articulate a multidisciplinary approach that will enrich our reading of the Bible. Following an introductory caveat lector from Eugene Peterson, Gordon Fee and Elmer Dyck discuss history and ca…
Outline: As striking and dramatic as any conversion experience recorded in history are the words of Blaise Pascal found sewn into the lining of his jacket by a servant after his death: "From about half-past ten in the evening until about half-past twelve - FIRE. God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, not of the philosophers and scholars. God of Jesus Christ." Known as the memorial, these w…
Outline: What was it like to be an ordinary Christian in the beginning decades of the Roman Empire? In this absorbing and authority book, Meeks analyzes the earliest extant documents of Christianity - the letters of Paul - to describe the tensions and the texture of life of the first urban Christians.
Outline: In the decades since this prophetic volume was first published, Lesslie Newbigin's clarion call to reemphasize the missionary character of the church has grown more necessary than ever. Though "mission statements" are the order of the day for both secular and religious institutions, for many in the Christian church the true meaning of mission has been splintered into confusion. Aimed a…
Outline: In many parts of the world, Christians are struggling to understand their role in society. What is the mission of the church? Is it limited merely to the proclamation of the gospel? What is the relationship between Church and State? In Singapore, these questions are also being asked. These articles have been transcribed from talks that were given over the past two years. They are now p…
Outline : What is it you believe? Is this a new religion? It sounds like a Jewish religion to me," commented a Jewish inernational reporter. An orthopedic surgeon was puzzled. "Why is it that the Indian Jews ... returned to Israel at such tremendous cost ... all because they heard that the land of Moses was being once more a nation of Jews?" Through the years Edith Schaeffer has had many meanin…
Outline: This book has been designed to help leaders of sending agencies and churches in creating a comprehensive care plan for their members in mission. The first nine chapters give a comprehensive overview about the why and how to of setting up a member care plan for cross cultural workers. The following nine chapters discuss in depth the challenges cross-cultural workers are dealing with and…
Outline: Having discovered this sad state of affairs, Craig Blomberg, a committed Evangelical scholar, and Stephen Robinson, a committed Mormon scholar, set out to listen to one another and to ferret out the genuine agreements and disagreements between them. In the conversation that develops, you will read what each believes about key theological issues - (1) the nature and bounds of Scripture,…
Outline: Seperti apakah Gereja yang Hidup itu? John Stott menjelaskan, "Kita memerlukan gereja yang lebih konservatif radikal-'konservatif' dalam arti memelihara (conserve) apa yang dengan terang-terangan dituntut oleh Alkitab, tetapi 'radikal' dalam kaitan dengan kombinasi antara tradisi dan kesepakatan yang kita sebut 'budaya'. Alkitab bersifat tetap; budaya berubah." Buku ini merangkum sejum…
Outline: Rarely does a book amass the accolades given this one: "excellent," "profound," "masterful," "first-rate," "down-to-earth," "solid," "incisive," "illuminating," "both scholarly and devotional," "remarkable," "warm," "unprecedented," "fascinating," "crisp," "pastoral, lucid and biblical," "well-written," "a vigorous book," "a landmark." That is how reviewers have described John M. Frame…
Outline: Death is one of the certainties of life. But what happens beyond death? What inexpressible wonders - or unspeakable horrors - will we encounter beyond the pale of this life? The topic of life and judgment beyond death is one that has occupied the minds of Christians in former eras but today seems to be in partial eclipse. As Bruce Milne argues, we are poorer for it - without even recog…
Outline : Tom Wright menulis dengan gaya yang mudah diterima dan bersifat anekdot sehingga menolong kita untuk memahami kitab Kisah Para Rasul yang kaya dan bersisi banyak itu. Tom Wright menunjukkan bahwa kitab Kisah Para Rasul ditulis berdasarkan Injil Lukas, untuk menggarisbawahi karya dan pengajaran yang terus berlanjut dari Yesus yang sudah bangkit dan naik ke surga melalui kuasa Roh Kudus…
Outline : ALLAH MEMANGGIL ANDA. ALLAH PERTAMA-TAMA MEMANGGIL KITA KEPADA DIRI-NYA, untuk mengenal dan mengikuti-Nya, tetapi Ia juga memanggil kita kepada tujuan hidup yang spesifik, yakni alasan keberadaan kita. Panggilan kedua atau “vokasi” ini memiliki implikasi bukan hanya atas pekerjaan atau kehidupan kita, tetapi melibatkan juga talenta, kelemahan, dan komunitas kita, dan apa yang kita…
Outline: Buku ini menampikan Injil sebagai lensa untuk mencermati dan memaknai lima area efektivitas kepemimpinan pribadi, yaitu keinginan, identitas, martabat, motivasi, dan ambisi. Setiap momen penting yang mengubah dunia menjadi lebih baik selalu melibatkan kepemimpinan. Namun, sejarah juga menunjukkan bahwa para pemimpin paling tangguh sekalipun rentan mengalami penyimpangan dan kegagalan. …
Outline: A map of today's postmodern landscape. Dramatic shifts in American culture have nudged the