Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Dr. John Sung's sermons preached in revivval meetings and Bible conferences in the 1930s have been published and widely circulated all these year even up to this day. They are, however, in the Chinese language and there has hardly been any volume written and published in English. The revival fire of the days of John Sung has therefore been little felt and comprehended among the English…
Outline: Buku ini merupakan salah satu judul dalam seri buku teks yang memaparkan tentang Perjanjian Baru, yang ditulis oleh pengarang-pengarang yang memiliki pengalaman luas dalam mengajar di bidang Teologi di peguruan tinggil internasional. Buku ini menerapkan pendekatan menjelajah yang akan mengundang pembaca ikut serta berkelana ke dalam teks yang alkitabiah, dan tidak sekedar menjadi pemba…
Outline: Waktu yang membuktikan Tafsiran Matthew Henry sebagai sarana yang sangat menolong untuk memperdalam pengertian dan pengenalan akan Firman Allah. Sudah lebih dari 300 tahun Tafsiran Matthew Henry tetap menjadi salah satu tafsiran favorit para guru, pengkhotbah, dan orang Kristen secara luas. Penyampaian eksposisi dan aplikasi kebenaran Alkitab yang begitu kaya dalam bahasa yang luwes da…
Outline: In this guide to the Reformed tradition, Donald McKim examines sixteen theological doctrines (for example, Scripture, Trinity, Sin, Person and Work of Christ, Church) and shows how the Reformed understanding of each contributes to the broader ecumenical family of Christian teachings. Each chapter gives the biblical basis for the doctrine, then traces its development through church hist…
Outline: A rare combination of analysis and speculation, this work is the first comprehensive study ever made of Javanese religion as a whole. It is also one of the few books on the religion of a non-Western people to emphasize variation and conflict in belief as well as similarity and harmony. The author reveals the nature of Javanese religious belief by focusing on the practices of one typica…
Outline: Buku ini dapat menjadi panduan lengkap untuk memahami kebanaran Agama secara hakiki yang didasari pengetahuan dan tela'ah mendalam. Semua ini dikaji secara komprehensif dari hadits-hadits shahih. Melalui buku ini diharapkan kaum muslimat dapat lebih mengenal dan memahami para tokoh sejarah Islam, tempat-tempat suci, dan lainnya, yang ditata secara khusus agar Anda dapat lebih mudah men…
Outline: Dalam buku yang sangat patut dibaca ini Richard Burridge melukiskan Yesus lewat gambar-gambar khas Yesus yang ditampilkan oleh keempat penulis Injil. Tanpa mengganggu pembaca dengn berbagai istilah teknis, Burridge menggunakan risetnya dalam membandingkan kitab-kitab Injil dengan biografi-biografi klasik dan memberikan suatu penafsiran jelas tentang gambar masing-masing penulis Injil. …
Outline: Tiap buku dalam seri MENJELASKAN menyelidiki berbagai aspek penting dalam iman Kristen dan ditulis dengan cara yang menyajikan pesan Alkitab dengan jelas dan sederhana. Dalam buku ini David Pawson mengajarkan apa yang Alkitab katakan tentang kehidupan gereja perdana, dan bagaimana ia melihat itu dalam praktik nyatanya masa kini.
Outline : XPLORE adalah 7 bab pelajaran yang akan menolong Anda menemukan: FIRMAN ALLAH Apakah Alkitab memiliki sebuah tema besar yang menghubungkan semua kitab, atau hanya sebuah koleksi dari berbagai kisah hebat? DUNIA ALLAH Apakah Anda tahu bahwa ada lebih dari 7 miliar orang di planet ini? Siapa saja mereka? Apa yang mereka percayai? Bagaimana gereja terlibat? PEKERJAAN ALLAH Apa tuju…
Outline: In the spirit of C.S. Lewis's Mere Christianity, this book by eminent Calvinist thinker J.H. Bavinck offers a compact and compelling treatise on Christian belief. Addressing big questions that haunt every thinking human being - Why are we here? Where do we come from? What is our destiniy? How should we live? - Bavinck's Riddle of Life also explores such essential topics as sin and salv…
Outline: "PREDESTINASI," ide inilah yang memulai perdebatan di antara orang Kristen. Apakah Allah menentukan sebelumnya di mana kita akan berada di dalam kekekalan? R. C. Sproul pernah membenci konsep ini, tetapi pada waktu ia meneliti firman Tuhan secara teliti, maka doktrin yang indah itu pun muncul. Apabila Allah sungguh-sungguh berdaulat, dan apabila manusia telah berdosa secara radikal, ma…
Outline: As a pastoral sytematics, The Christian Story rises from, and strives to be a resource to, the life and witness of the church and its leadership. The first volume (revised edition, 1984) offered an introductory overview of the basic Christian doctrines. Now turning his attention to the individual doctrines. Now turning his attention to the individual doctrines, Gabriel Fackre here surv…
Outline: Menurut Leon Wood, ada suatu kesinambungan di antara nabi-nabi Israel dari zaman sebelumnya yang tidak menulis kitab-kitab nubuat dengan nabi-nabi dari zaman sesudahnya. Keduanya harus kita pelajari untuk mendapatkan gambaran seutuhnya tentang kenabian Israel. Bukti-bukti yang diajukan oleh penulis untuk mendukung keyakinan ini mewarnai seluruh isi buku yang sangat berarti ini. Perhati…
Outline: A month's worth of daily readings with a common theme - "my soul, wait thou only upon God" (Psalm 62: 5). These stimulating meditations were born out of a burning conviction that Christians should learn to know God better. In his introductory sections, the author says: We want to ... give God time and place to show us what He could, what He will do. Let us expect great things of our …
Outline: What does it take to get along for a lifetime? Men and women share a deadly problem that kills good relating. The problem is this: we are committed, first of all, to ourselves. Each of us, without blushing, holds fast to an overriding concern for our own well-being. Giving numerous examples from his counseling and speaking ministry, Crabb explores how we can turn away from ourselves an…
Outline: If you've tried to appease God by being special enough, if you've tried to please God by being good enough, if you've tried to satisfy God by being pure enough, if you've tried to pacify God by giving enough, if you've given it your best only to find your best is never enough, if you're bone tired with burdens too big for your back, this book is for you. The Ragamuffin Gospel will revi…
Overview: Setelah lama menjadi buku pengantar standar untuk hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan gereja mula-mula, karya penulis buku ini telah diperbarui. Buku ini menyelidiki dan menganalisa secara detail berbagai lara belakang politis, sosial. keagamaan, dan latar belakang filosofis baik Roma, Yunani maupun Yahudi yang penting untuk mengerti Perjanjian Baru dan gereja mula-mula. Dalam edisi ini …
Outline: In wave after wave, epoch after epoch, God has come to enflame the hearts of believers and to bring new life to countless men, women, and children. God-sent revivals display a glorious diversity of methods, milieus, and models. Drs. Elmer Towns and Douglas Porter collaborated to write this fast-moving series of accounts and determined their order of One through Ten after asking sevente…
Outline: Meskipun Yesus dilahirkan di bagian wilayah Asia, namun baru setelah 1500 tahun kemudianlah Asia mengalami secara penuh dampak dari pribadi dan pengajaran Yesus. Para misionaris Barat, penyampai kekristenan utama, meninggalkan pemahaman mereka tentang Yesus. Kini, orang-orang Asia berusaha untuk mencari wajah Yesus yang asli - wajah Asia-Nya. Semua pemahaman mereka tentang Yesus dalam …
Outline: Imagine enjoying a feast with bowls full of food at your end of the table while your brothers and sisters sit hungry at the other end with empty or nearly empty bowls before them. This scenario is an apt metaphor to describe a world where 2.7 billion people survive on less than $2 day while others are well fed and prosperous. In the face of just such a global reality, Westerners have b…
Outline: Everyone has a spiritual journey. Where did yours begin? You may recall a particular moment of change. You may feel as though you've been a Christian forever. You may not yet believe. How does conversion work? What does it mean to be "born again"? Stephen Smallman unpacks these questions by looking at John's gospel as well as biblical, historical, and contemporary case studies, showing…
Outline: Careful exegetical attention, a robust knowledge of Reformed systematic theology, and an acute awareness of our spiritual needs all mark this staggering work of profound scholarship. In stunning detail, Murray leads us through the traditional landscape of a Romans commentary (authorship, purpose, structure, verse-by-verse exposition), engaging with leading scholars and theologians of h…
Outline: We are at war. The evidence is all around us. Child abuse. Epidemic drug and alcohol addiction. Government corruption. Random murder in the streets. The list goes on and on as never before. How can Christians fight back? How can we arm ourselves in this spiritual war to help win the victory for and through Jesus Christ? With these questions in mind, Dr. Ed Murphy offers a thorough,
Outline: Richard Gamble's three-volume Whole Counsel of God explores the relationships between exegesis and hermeneutics, and between biblical, systematic, and historical theology. "He bridges the gap so many have identified between traditional systematic theology and biblical theology," Richard Pratt writes; not only that, he "penetrates beyond scholarly concerns to life issues that every beli…
Outline: The Bible contains four Gospels which tell the story of Jesus of Nazareth. And yet, many more Gospels once existed. Who, then, determined which Gospels would, for the next two thousand years, serve as the main gateways to Jesus and his teaching? Who Chose the Gospels? takes us to the scholarship behind the headlines, examining the great (and ongoing) controversy about how to look at an…
Outline: Apa yang terjadi dalam budaya kita sekarang, ketika keintiman dan keakraban dengan sesama semakin pudar, sementara kebrutalan dan kejahatan semakin meningkat? Mengapa banyak orang merasa sulit untuk benar-benar mengasihi orang lain, untuk berbahagia karena saling memiliki satu sama lain, untuk mengalami sukacita yang ditawarkan melalui anugerah Allah dan kehidupan dalam komunitas? Semu…
Outline: In The Old Testament and God, Craig Bartholomew examines what we should do with the Old Testament, argues for a critical realist approach, situates the Old Testament against the worldviews of the ancient Near East, and explores Yahweh as he comes to us in the Old Testament. This volume is the first in a four-volume project that explores the question of God and what happens to Old Testa…
Outline: Kitab Ester menampilkan kisah perjuangan Ratu Ester. Ia adalah tokoh yang mengupayakan keselamatan umat Yahudi di bawah penindasan Haman dan menampilkan nilai perjuangan kaum perempuan dalam memperjuangkan hak kesetaraan gender. Namun, Kitab Ester bukan hanya menampilkan hal itu saja. Penulis Pertolongan dari Balik Layar : Tafsiran Kitab Ester berupaya untuk mengungkapkan hal-hal kontr…
Outline: Ada dua cara untuk mencoba memahami para nabi. Pertama, dengan cara meneliti tulisan-tulisan mereka dan mempelajarinya dengan bantuan buku tafsiran. Cara yang lain adalah dengan mencoba memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar dari nubuat Perjanjian Lama, latar belakang pelayanan mereka, dan ide-ide utama yang mereka akui. Dalam buku Penuntun ke dalam Nubuat Perjanjian Lama ini, kedua metode itu…
Outline: The office of deacon is God's gift to His church to ensure that all can share in the liberating joy of redemption, but today it is often undervalued, misunderstood, and perceived to be of little importance. In The Deacon, the author considers the Old Testament background for this calling, the deacon in New Testament times and in church history, and the current function of the office. Y…
Outline: John the apostle left a rich legacy in his three letters. Seeking to lead his readers to a deeper assurance of fath, John argued that we can know with confidence that we possess eternal life if we examine our theological, moral, and social beliefs and behaviors. Pastor-scholar Douglas Sean O'Donnell illustrates and applies three essential questions from John that we must ask ourselves …
Outline : The work of the Spirit of God is a vibrant and much discussed topic in many contemporary Christian communities worldwide. Apparently, the Spirit is moving. Theological reflection on this phenomenon has even given rise to what is often called a 'pneumatological renaissance'. This volume not only takes stock of these remarkable developments, but also probes some of their hidden aspects …
Outline: Kitab Kejadian pada umumnya dibaca sebagai sejarah purbakala atau asal-usul langit dan bumi, manusia dan kebudayaannya. Banyak pembaca kitab ini yang memahaminya sebagai laporan pandangan mata. Pendekatan seperti ini justru tidak tepat. Sebenarnya cerita di dalam kitab ini berisi renungan dari umat Israel tentang masalah-masalah konkret yang mereka hadapi. Refleksi iman itu mereka ungk…
Outline: Khotbah di Bukit dianggap sebagai ringkasan Injil dan Hukum Taurat Allah. Isinya merupakan kabar baik bagi orang-orang yang berbahagia dan memuat panggilan bagi mereka untuk menempuh hidup yang baru. Pengajaran Yesus di atas bukit ini telah berkali-kali dibicarakan, dibahas dan ditafsirkan oleh banyak orang. Akhirnya soal yang mencekam bagi kita ialah dapatkah Khotbah di Dunia ini dipr…
Outline: The Holy Spirit empowers us, guides us, and enables us to grow and endure in our relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ. Often the most misunderstood member of the Trinity, the person of the Spirit continues to attract attention today amidst church revivals and renewals. In this new edition of his classic Keep in Step with the Spirit, J. I. Packer seeks to help Christians re…
Outline: Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming ubiquitous. Whatever its arrival portends for our future, whether riches or ruin, it cannot be avoided. The Artifice of Intelligence explores two questions at the heart of a theological response to AI. Is it possible for human beings to have authentic relationships with AI? How does the increasing presence of AI change the way humans related to …
Outline: - This book invites thoughtful readers of all persuasions to journey together in mutual understanding toward the goal of al fully realized humanity - Restoring the dignity of women - liberated, responsible, and equal before God - is vital to the spiritual reawekening of the Community of the Message. - Muslims and non-Muslims alike will profil from this frank examination of Islamic h…
Outline: Asia is the birthplace of many great religions and spiritualities - spiritualities that draw wealth and meaning from the ancient past yet still address contemporary reality. Asian Christian Spirituality explores popular religious traditions in Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and India, emphasizing how these traditions foster a liberative Christian spirituality.…