Outline : Medical and Psychiatric Issues You are bored or stressed or hurt. Something is hard in life and you want a break. What do you grab for that you hope will protect, soothe, and comfort? Whatever it is shopping, overeating, drinking, drugs-promises relief, but never delivers. Instead, you are left feeling empty, anxious, guilty, and wanting more. David Powlison shares that God made us f…
Outline: Resources for Medical and Psychiatric Issues Everyone feels better some days than others-but some people struggle with exaggerated and unrestrained mood swings. These kinds of mood swings have come to beknown as mania, manic-depression, or bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is confusing and difficult both for those who struggle with it and for those who care for them, Edward T. Welch …
Outline: Sebelum Aku Dilahirkan adalah buku kedua dalam seri MAKSUD ALLAH MENCIPTAKAN SEKS, ditulis untuk dibaca bersama anak usia 5 sampai 8 tahun. Dengan cara penyampaian yang sesuai dengan usianya, teks yang lugas, dan ilustrasi yang informatif, Sebelum Aku Dilahirkan menjelaskan seks sebagai karunia istimewa Allah yang diberikan kepada suami-istri dan mencakup beberapa topik seperti: - Men…
Outline: IBCD Observation gives you the opportunity to watch biblical counseling in action. Each video in the IBCD Observation series applies the philosophy and methodology of "one-another" biblical counseling to the complexities of helping others through life's struggles. Aaron and Ellie have turned to biblical counseling on the heels of Aaron's most recent manic episode which ended in his hos…
Outline: Widely used by both family therapists and family physicians, the genogram is a graphic way of organizing the mass of information gathered during a family assessment of finding patterns in the family system. Until now, however, genogram symbols have sometimes been used idiosyncratically and underlying assumptions for generating hypotheses have been fuzzy. McGoldrick and Gerson remedy th…
Outline: Memang sudah banyak buku yang menuliskannya. Tapi buku ini lain dari yang lain, karena usahanya untuk melihat sisi lain dari praktek 'olah raga' ini. Selama ini buku-buku yang ada, hanya menguraikan jenis-jenis gerakan dan manfaatnya bagi tubuh jasmani manusia. Padahal, ada sisi lain yakni filsafat atau ajaran yang mendasarinya, yang perlu ditinjau dan dikaji kebenarannya. Sebagai umat…
Outline: Most parents have never seriously considered that they need training for parenthood - even thought it's probably the hardest job they will ever have. Even the handful who might have wanted training in parent effectiveness would not have found it. Now they can. More than 60,000 parents have completed Dr. Thomas Gordon's Parent Effectiveness Training, a course being taught in hundreds of…
Outline: TAMU portrays the life of a New Zealand medical couple and their young family from 1959-71. It is a tale of turmoil and tension interspersed with hilarious situations in the crowded quarter of Bandung, West Java. It highlights the reaction of people from many cultures who came to help the developing republic. Not only an excellent travel book, it is an authentic and sensitive journey i…
Outline : Bill Bryson lagi-lagi membuktikan diri sebagai kawan seperjalanan yang berharga selagi dia mengajak kita menjelajahi tubuh manusia—bagaimana fungsinya, kemampuan luar biasanya menyembuhkan diri, dan (sayangnya) cara-cara tubuh bisa gagal. Penuh fakta luar biasa (tubuh Anda membuat sejuta sel darah merah sejak Anda mulai membaca tulisan ini) dan anekdot Bryson yang menarik, The Body …
Outline: Start With Why menggunakan contoh dunia nyata untuk menguraikan konsep Lingkaran Emas yang merangkum pentingnya mengidentifikasi tujuan untuk keberadaan organisasi sebelum hal lainnya, kemudian mengambil tindakan untuk membuat visi menjadi kenyataan. Asal mula perusahaan harus menjadi alasannya. Begitu juga dengan kehidupan pribadi kita juga. Setiap orang atau organisasi dapat menjelas…
Outline: Kamu telah mendengar mengenai seks. Kamu mendengar anak-anak lain membicarakannya, dan mungkin kamu mendengarnya dibicarakan di TV. Tetapi TV tidak memberitahumu mengenai segalanya, dan mungkin kamu masih punya beberapa pertanyaan. Ini bagus karena buku Apa Masalahnya? ditulis untuk membantu anak-anak sepertimu, yang berusia 8 - 12 tahun, menemukan jawaban yang kalian butuhkan. Buku in…
Outline: When a crisis enters our lives, how do we respond? Os Hillman was a successful executive whose world dramatically changed when his marriage, business, and personal finances all crashed at the same time. Where is God in all of this? What he learned this process will help many make sense of unexpected events that God brings into our lives.
Outline: Childcare & Family/Parenting. One of the greatest gifts you can give your children is a strong sense of personal values. Helping your children develop values such as honesty, trustworthiness, and self-discipline is an important a part of their education as teaching them to read or how to cross the street safely. The values you teach your children are their best protection from the infl…
Outline: Aroma rempah yang wangi dan menguar dari bumi Nusantara menggoda para pelaut dari Portugal, Spanyol, Inggris, Belanda, dan lainnya berdatangan berabad-abad silam. Berbagai catatan sejarah menunjukkan bahwa negeri ini merupakan istana megah dari raja bumbu, yaitu rempah-rempah. Tidak hanya di masa lampau, hingga saat ini, potensi rempah Indonesia sangat tinggi. Berdasarkan penelusuran T…
Outline: After her first two weeks observing the problems at Decision Tech, Kathryn Petersen, its new CEO, had more than a few moments when she wondered if she should have taken the job. But Kathryn knew there was little chance she would have turned it down. After all, retirement had made her antsy, and nothing excited her more than a challenge. What she could not have known when she accepted t…
Outline: Tidak pernah terlalu cepat untuk mulai memberikan pemahaman praktis kepada anak Anda tentang tubuh mereka yang unik dan indah mengapa Allah merancangnya sebagaimana adanya. Kisah tentang Diriku adalah buku pertama dalam seri MAKSUD ALLAH MENCIPTAKAN SEKS, ditulis untuk dibacakan bagi anak usia 3 sampai 5 tahun. Dengan bahasa yang sesuai dengan usianya, jujur, dan ilustrasi yang realist…
Outline: This book is the first to describe not only what competent mentors do but the skills they need to be effective. It is a step-by-step guide to being a good mentor and will be invaluable to anyone who wants to help another to learn more from their work or other experience. It is also essential reading for anyone contemplating introducting mentoring into their organisation.
Outline: A journey through the intriguing, fascinating, and oftentimes startling world of primitive psychiatric practices. Discover how exorcism of a devil spirit takes place, secret fraternities help the mentally ill to recuperate, sorcerers summon the spirit of the dead to cleanse the evil from the living. Magic, Faith, and Healing explores the beliefs, rituals, and such diverse cultures as t…
Outline: The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. Hailed by Jerome Frank as "the best book that exists on the subject, today and for the foreseeable future," Irvin D. Yalom's The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy has long been the standard text in its field. Indeed, in a survey reported in a recent issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry, it was cited as one of the ten most …
Outline: Many of those who discover cross-cultural training, and who find it to be so glamorous and so exciting, are totally unaware that there is also related and overlapping field, known as Training, which they must also master in order to become an effective cross-cultural/diversity trainer. Training Know-How for Cross-Cultural and Diversity Trainers provides an introduction to the mechanics…
Outline: There are currently more than one million cancer sufferers in the UK. Around 260,000 new cases of cancer are registered each year. Four in ten people will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. In this book, Marion Stroud draws on personal experience and the experiences of many others to answer the questions that everyone wants to ask when cancer touches them. She takes the re…
Outline: Apa yang membentuk diri, kehidupan, sifat, bahkan nasib manusia? Pencarian selama ribuan tahun menunjukkan adanya unsur pembawa pewarisan sifat antargenerasi makhluk hidup, termasuk manusia. Ternyata unsur itu bukan sesuatu yang gaib, bukan bintang-bintang jauh, melainkan ada dalam diri kita, berwujud fi sik sehingga bisa ditemukan upaya sains: gen, instruksi pembentukan dan pengoperas…
Outline: One of the paradoxes about psychiatry is that we have never known more about and better treated mental disorders, yet there exists so much unease about the practice of mental healthcare. Patients feel still stigmatized, psychiatrists are struggling with their roles in a rapidly changing system of healthcare, there is lack of consensus about what mental disorders are and what the focus …
Outline: Machine learning and data analytics are powering a wave of groundbreaking technologies. Is your company ready? If you read nothing else on how intelligent machines are revolutionizing business, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you understand how these technologies work together, how to…
Outline: Trauma is a fact of life. Veterans and their families deal with the painful aftermath of combat; one in five Americans has been molested; one in four grew up with alcoholics; one in three couples have engaged in physical violence. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, one of the world's foremost experts on trauma, has spent over three decades working with survivors. In The Body Keeps the Score, he …
Outline: Kanker merupakan penyakit yang amat besar pengaruhnya, dapat mengubah hidup pasien maupun orang-orang di sekelilingnya. Kanker juga memiliki banyak wajah dan variasi; itu karena kanker bukan hanya satu penyakit, melainkan banyak penyakit dengan ciri sama: pertumbuhan sel tak terkendali. Melawan kanker seolah melawan tubuh yang berkhianat: sel-sel kita sendiri yang berubah jadi ganas d…
Outline: Anda dapat menangani masalah-masalah perilaku anak anda tanpa harus berteriak atau memikul. Buku yang berjudul "Disiplin Tanpa Teriakan atau Pukulan" ini memberikan pilihan yang efektif, praktis dan tanpa kekerasan untuk memperbaiki masalah perilaku yang paling umum pada anak-anak usia pra sekolah. Anda akan belajar cara untuk mengatasi perilaku buruk termasuk ledakan kemarahan, rengek…
Outline: Dengan uraian yang segar dan sederhana, di dalam buku ini James K. Van Fleet menguraikan 22 kesalahan terbesar yang dilakukan oleh para manajer, dan bagaimana memperbaikinya: 1. Gagal Mengikuti Perkembangan Dalam Bidang Anda Sendiri. 2. Membatasi Diri Pada Bidang Anda Sendiri. 3. Enggan Mencari Tanggung Jawab Yang Lebih Tinggi Atau Enggan Mengambil Tanggung Jawab Atas Tindakan-tinda…
Outline: Setiap orang setuju bahwa manajer harus mendelegasikan tugasnya. Namun demikian, ada hal yang harus diperhatikan yaitu: bagaimana caranya? Buku ini menyajikan suatu analisis secara menyeluruh atas salah satu tugas yang paling penting dari seorang manajer, yaitu mendelegasikan tugas. Selain itu, buku ini juga membeberkan konsep dan proses pendelegasian yang dapat dicerna oleh pembacany…
Outline: Apakah Anda ingin melakukan percakapan yang sehat, jujur, alkitabiah tentang seks dengan anak-anak Anda? Buku ini melengkapi Anda dengan strategi, alat, dan wawasan untuk diskusi yang sesuai dengan usia di setiap tahap kehidupan anak Anda. Dalam edisi revisi ketiga dari buku terlaris ini, penulis memberi saran yang jujur dan praktis untuk setiap orangtua mempelajari bagaimana cara: …
Outline: Do you have an opportunity to use your strengths every day? Chances are, you don't. All too often, our natural talents go untapped. From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to fixing our shortcomings than to developing our strengths. To help people uncover their talents, the publisher introduced the first version of its online assessment, StrengthsFinder, in the 2001 man…
Outline: Buku ini membahas masalah penting dalam membesarkan anak dengan menggunakan sistem penilaian kepribadian DSIK untuk membantu Anda memahami dengan lebih baik, menerima, dan menghargai temperamen-temperamen anak-anak Anda. - Temukan berbagai motivasi yang membuat setiap anak "hidup". - Perhatikan bagimana motivasi-motivasi ini dapat menolong anda membesarkan anak dengan lebih efekt…
Outline: Bagi mereka yang belum pernah mengalami menjadi orang tua, tugas sebagai orang tua tampaknya sangat sederhana, tetapi mereka yang harus membesarkan anak mengetahui bahwa tugas menjadi orang tua itu jauh lebih sulit daripada kelihatannya. Anak-anak itu mahal, dalam arti kita harus menyediakan waktu, biaya, dan tenaga - tetapi mereka memang layak dibayar mahal. Buku ini menunjukkan kep…
Outline: Salah satu hal yang bisa dipelajari dari cerita adalah cerita dapat digunakan untuk membangun disiplin, sejak anak-anak masih kecil. Lewat cerita Natan menegur Daud; dan melalui cerita juga Yesus menyampaikan isi hati Bapa-Nya kepada manusia. Kini saatnya, kita mulai mendisiplin dan menanamkan tradisi luhur dalam hati anak-anak kita, lewat cerita, bukan pukulan atau kata-kata ancaman.
Outline: Breaking down complex philosophical issues into a step-by-step self-help guide, the founder of the Institute for Global Ethics shows us how to grapple with everyday issues and problems: Should I take my family on a much-needed vacation or save money for my children's education? Should we protect the endangered owl or maintain jobs for loggers? This is a unique, anecdote-rich, and arti…
Outline: According to the author, a leading Harvard psychiatrist and researcher, advances in science prove what many of us have always intuited is true: We are of two minds, each one with a different degree of maturity, and each one associated with the left or the right brain. This brilliant, provocative book illustrates how the inter-action of these two minds - whether they sabotage each other…
Overview: How do you counsel couples who have a high level of conflict? Utilizing a relational conflict and restoration model, the authors point the way beyond the cycle of pain toward martial healing. This book is a welcome resource to train counselors and therapists who deal with couples often heading toward divorce by the time they look for help.
Overview: Berdasarkan pengalaman mereka sendiri, para penulis buku ini ingin memberikan sumbangan kebijakan untuk menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan yang dihadapi oleh kaum usia setengah baya, seperti: - Bagaimana mengatasi perubahan fisik dan emosional? - Faktor-faktor apakah yang harus dipertimbangkan ketika memutuskan perawatan untuk orangtua? - Bagaimana merencanakan keuangan di ma…
Overview: In this classic work, internationally known Viennese psychiatrist the author, fouder of the school of logotherapy, set forth the principles of existential psychiatry. The author holds that man's search for a meaning in existence is a primary facet of his being; if the search is unrequited, it leads to neurosis. The role of the therapist, then, is to help the patient discover a purp…
Overview: It is the very problem of our time that people are caught by a pervasive feeling of meaninglessness, which is the most conspicuous symptom of the collective neurosis of our time. It is accompanied by a feeling of emptiness. The "existential vacuum" has increased and spread literally all over the world. Our industrialized society is out to satisfy all needs, and our consumer society…
Overview: Holocaust survivor the author converted the horrors he experienced in a German concentration camp into the pioneering philosophy he called logotherapy. Unlike Freud's "will to pleasure" and Adler's "will to power," the author based logotherapy on three things: the freedom of will, the will to meaning, and the meaning of life. By presenting three metodological concepts, the author s…
Overview: As internationally renowned psychiatrist, the author endured years of unspeakable horror in Nazi death camps. During, and partly because of his suffering, the author developed a revolutionary approach to psychotherapy known as logotherapy. At the core of his theory is the belief that man's primary motivational force is his search of meaning.