Outline: When a friend or family member is struggling spiritually, do you ever feel uncertain about what to say? You may sense your loved ones need to hear biblical encouragement or advice but, feeling inadequate for the task, you might simply commiserate or say nothing. God calls you to something more. In When Words Matter Most, Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser help you discern spiritual…
Outline: This reader of 20th-century analyses of Christianity by representative non-Christians gives rare insight into how the Christian faith appears from the outside. Christianity through Non-Christian Eyes provides new perspectives for thinking with theological seriousness and historical sensitivity about the reality and challenges of religious pluralism, by showing the extent to which the p…
Outline: It's on nearly everyone's shelf, and the best-selling book of all time. And yet the Bible goes unread and unheeded by so many. Rather than seeking in its pages wisdom on how to live and revelation as to who God is, people look within themselves, mining their thoughts and feelings for "the voice of God" and maintaining all the while that their subjective revelations offer clearer insigh…
Outline: Dalam dunia yang hiruk-pikuk dan berjalan serba cepat ini seorang Kristen, sama halnya dengan setiap orang yang lain, setiap hari harus mengambil bermacam-macam keputusan. Ada yang rutin dan yang sifatnya sangat menentukan, yang menyangkut bukan hanya dirinya pribadi, tetapi juga orang-orang lain. Dalam situasi-situasi tertentu kita diperhadapkan dengan pertanyaan : apakah tindakan ter…
Outline: From Disgrace to Grace and from Victims to Victors. Sexual abuse ravages the soul, causing unimaginable distress, damage, and disgrace. it is faced honestly and openly in the Bible - but can the church truly help those who has been sexually abused? Bob Kellemen says yes, it can; and using the biblical story of Amnon and Tamar, he realistically portrays the damages wrought by sexual and…
Outline: The Leadership Style of Jesus. Most believers are familiar with Jesus' recipe for leadership success: "Whoever wants to become great among you must be servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all" (Mark 10: 43 - 44). But when it comes to putting that into practive, many leaders are content to leave Jesus' advice on a dusty road in Galilee and follow society's leadership …
Outline: Apakah Anda lelah untuk mendapatkan penerimaan dan menghindari penolakan? Tekanan kelompok, saling ketergantungan, rasa malu, harga diri rendah - inilah beberapa istilah yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana orang dapat dikendalikan oleh opini orang lain. Mengapa begitu pentingnya kita disukai orang lain? Mengapa penolakan menjadi hal yang traumatik? Jawaban Edward T. Welch y…
Outline: Biblical Counseling and the Church equips your congregation to be a family where every member is empowered to speak the truth in love so your entire church matures in Christ. Bob Kellemen and Kevin Carson have assembled over twenty respected ministry leaders who practically and relevantly describe the relationship between counseling and the local church. This comprehensive resource, pa…
Outline: Istilah "pendidikan holistik" sudah dipakai di mana-mana. Sayangnya sering kali praktiknya berbeda. Tingkat kesulitan pelaksanaan pendidikan holistik akhirnya membuat banyak pelaksanaan pendidikan mengabaikan pendidikan emosi. Emosi sering kali diasumsikan sebagai "pembelajaran" alamiah yang tidak perlu diajarkan secara khusus. Ternyata banyak ditemukan masalah yang muncul dari emosi y…
Outline: Has Christianity become little more to you than a series of responsibilities and a list of requirements? Do you feel alone in the depths of your soul? Do you have a sense of your desperate need for God? Do you desire greater intimacy with Him? In Radical Reliance : Living 24/7 with God at the Center, nationally known Bible teacher Joe Stowell reminds you that God wants adoring devotion…
Outline: Having written a spate of best selling books in subjects of marriage and parenthood, Dr. James Dobson now turns his attention to the most serious and destructive causes of family breakup. Love Must Be Tough is addressed squarely to the phenomenon of disrespect in marital relationships, describing its role in the gradual drift toward divorce for millions of couples. Specifically, Dr. Do…
Outline: Buku peraih penghargaan Allah Trinitas dari Robert Letham menerima pembaruan yang sangat baik dalam edisi baru yang direvisi dan diperluas, Letham memeriksa dasar-dasar Alkitab dari doktrin Allah Trinitas dan menelusuri perkembangan historisnya sebelum membahas isu-isu kritis. Edisi baru ini membahas perkembangan dalam studi tentang tulisan-tulisan Augustinus, pengajaran tentang Trinit…
Outline: Pengakuan Iman Westminster merupakan sebuah perumusan yang setia dan ringkas dari pokok-pokok ajaran Alkitab yang paling penting dan mendasar; yang dianggap sebagai sebuah perumusan ortodoksi Calvinis/Reformed yang paling komprehensif, seimbang dan akurat, yang belum ada tandingannya. Dalam buku ini Williamson menunjukkan bahwa Pengakuan Iman Westminster merupakan ajaran yang bersumber…
Outline: Here in a convenient daily format are 365 classic hymn texts, along with stories of how they came to be written. Helpful indexes enable you to locate specific titles or hymn writers or to look up hymns on specific topics. The One Year Great Songs of Faith is an ideal starting point for personal or family devotions.
Outline: How can we make sense of Violence in the Bible? Joshua commands the people of Israel to wipe out everyone in the promised land of Canaan, while Jesus commands of God's people to love their enemies. How are we to interpret biblical passages on violence when it is sanctioned at one point and condemned at another? The Violence of the Biblical God by L. Daniel Hawk presents a new framework…
Outline: The Bible's sixty-six books form overreaching story - the story of a Hero and his heroic mission. And this story is personal, focusing on the relationship of God and his people in the past, present, and future. On this eye-opening journey through the Old and New Testaments, Dennis Johnson shows how pervasive, recurring themes are always pointing us to Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of a…
Outline: Dunia yang Bermakna merupakan bunga rampai dari berbagai tulisan mengenai kisah-kisah di Perjanjian Lama. Warisan umat Yahudi ini tidak bisa dianggap hanya sebagai pelengkap Perjanjian Baru saja. Tetapi ia justru memberikan kekayaan iman bagi umat Kristen. Perjanjian Lama memiliki penekanan pada hal-hal 'keduniaan'. Segala perhatian dan keterlibatan manusia di dalam dunia material bes…
Outline: Those who have come to expect expert analysis of contextualization from David Hesselgrave will not be disappointed with his newest work. "His expertise," writes George Peters, "shines through in this book." Teaming up with Hesselgrave is Ed Rommen, who, according to Peters, is "becoming an authority in practical contextualization." Together they skillfully bring the labyrinth of meanin…
Outline: Teologi Kontekstual dan Kearifan Lokal Toraja mengajak kita untuk menelusuri ragam cipta dan nilai-nilai kebudayaan Toraja beserta relasinya dengan teologu. Hal yang menakjubkan di sini adalah ketika manusia sebagai makhluk yang kental dengan kebudayaan dapat menjalin relasi yang erat dengan Injil dan menemukan makna teologis dalam setiap lakunya. Buku ini akan mengungkapkan bagaimana …
Outline: Kamu telah mendengar mengenai seks. Kamu mendengar anak-anak lain membicarakannya, dan mungkin kamu mendengarnya dibicarakan di TV. Tetapi TV tidak memberitahumu mengenai segalanya, dan mungkin kamu masih punya beberapa pertanyaan. Ini bagus karena buku Apa Masalahnya? ditulis untuk membantu anak-anak sepertimu, yang berusia 8 - 12 tahun, menemukan jawaban yang kalian butuhkan. Buku in…
Outline: The Septuagint is the most influential of the Greek versions of the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. The exact circumstances of its creation are uncertain, but different versions of a legend about the miraculous nature of the translation have existed since antiquity. Beginning in the Letter of Aristeas, the legend describes how Ptolemy Philadelphus (285-247 B.C.E.) comm…
Outline: TIDAK ADA ESOK mengisahkan perjuangan kaum gerilyawan kita melawan pasukan Belanda dalam perang kemerdekaan yang lalu. Mengapa mereka mengangkat senjata dan bersedia menyabung nyawa? Bukan hanya perjuangan fisik saja yang digambarkan oleh pengarangnya, tapi juga perjuangan moral yang dilukiskan secara jujur dan luhur.
Outline : A worship disorder. Will we worship ourselves and our own desires, or will we worship the true God? Scripture reveals addicts' true condition : like guests at a banquest thrown by "the woman Folly," they are already in the grave. (Prov. 9: 13 - 18). Can we not escape our addictions? Following Jesus, we have "immense hope that God can give power so that we are no longer mastered by the…
Outline: Memahami Alkitab secara lebih baik - dan semakin menikmatinya. - Mengapa orang pada masa Alkitab saling membasuh kaki? - Apakah ada yang salah dengan mata Lea yang "tidak berseri"? - Mengapa orang Israel tidak boleh memasak anak kambing dalam susu induknya? - Apakah yang dimaksud Yesus tentang "beban-Ku pun ringan"? - Dimanakah Yesus sebenarnya disalibkan? - Apakah "cium kudus" …
Outline : Sebuah cara pandang baru terhadap Kasih. Kebanyakan orang tidak asing dengan "Pasal Kasih" di dalam Alkitab, yaitu 1 Korintus 12, tetapi di sini Phil Ryken memiliki sesuatu yang baru untuk disampaikan. Berangkat dari teladan hidup dan pelayanan Yesus, untuk menggambarkan apa kasih itu dan apa yang bukan kasih, Ryken menyodorkan sebuah perspektif unik dalam menyoroti perikop yang cukup…
Outline: Today's Church growth is centered Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and evangelicalism must adapt to changing demographics or risk becoming irrelevant. Yet many evangelicals behave "tribally," valuing the perspective of only those like themselves while also denying any evidence of racial attitudes in the church. Anthony Bradley has gathered scholars and leaders from diverse "tribes" - b…
Outline: "Unnoticed by most Westerners," Daniel Pipes wrote in 1995, referring to militant Islam, "war has been unilaterally declared on Europe and the United States." Pipes, director of the Philadelphia-based on Middle East Forum, was one of very few Americans to understand the significance of what to many appeared to be no more than isolated cases of violence. Long before September 11, 2001, …
Outline: Ketika Saudara mengunjungi suatu monumen bersama seorang pemandu wisata, Saudara berharap pemandu itu baik hati, bersedia membawa Saudara melihat monumen sedemikian rupa sampai Saudara dapat menikmati dan mendapat informasi tentang semua obyek yang paling penting dan menarik serta berkesan dari monumen itu. Buku ini dimaksudkan akan seperti pemandu wisata yang baik hati itu ke dalam P…
Outline: Anak-anak punya banyak pertanyaan: Dari mana aku berasal? Seperti apakah Allah itu? Apakah yang Yesus lakukan ketika Ia masih kecil? Mengenal Yesus Kristus adalah sebuah panduan bagi keluarga untuk mempelajari kehidupan dan pelayanan Yesus Kristus. Buku ini diperkaya dengan berbagai aktivitas, doa, dan rujukan Alkitab. Bahan panduan yang interaktif ini akan mengakrabkan anggota keluarg…
Outline: Mei 1853, Jelle Eeljest Jellesma, seorang zendeling dari Nederlandsch Zendeling Gennorschap (NZG), bertemu dengan seorang paruh baya yang dijuluki dengan nama Tunggul Wulung di Mojowarno. Jellesma memberikan Alkitab kepadanya dan Tunggul Wulung mempelajarinya. Setelah Tunggul Wulung percaya Injil, menjadi Kristen, dan dibaptis dengan nama Ibrahim, struktur sosial dan kehidupan masyarak…
Outline: Ketika seseorang menjadi Kristen, Allah memberikan suatu kehidupan baru dalam dirinya. Itulah sebabnya Yesus berbicara mengenai keharusan setiap orang untuk dilahirkan kembali. Setiap orang Kristen memiliki dua macam kehidupan: kehidupan di luar yang dapat dilihat orang lain dan kehidupan di dalam (hidup batiniah) yang hanya diketahui Allah dan dirinya sendiri. Kehidupan di luar dapat …
Outline: Christian theology didn't develop in a vacuum. Understanding the story behind the doctrines that have been debated, defined, and defended throughout history is crucial for truly understanding the doctrines themselves. In this groundbreaking resource, professor Gerald Bray traces the history of Christian theology from the early church to the modern era. Structured to parallel the order …
Outline: Surveying the barriers that contemporary thinking has erected between the natural and the supernatural, between earth and heaven, Hans Boersma issues a wake-up call for Western Christianity. Both Catholics and evangelicals, he says, have moved too far away from a sacramental mindset, focusing more on the "here-and-now" than on the "then-and-there." Yet, as Boersma point out, the teachi…
Outline: Islam and Christianity often appear at opposite and unabridgeable poles, both committed to world mission. Given the political tension violent acts that have surrounded these two major world religions, it is essential for both sides to understand the other's history, beliefs, traditions, and vision for the future. This invaluable resource from an expert in comparative religious studies …
Outline: Rapid urbanization and globalization processes worldwide have changed the landscape of our times. In Asia and Africa the number of urban dwellers increases by an average of one million per week, according to the United Nations. More than half of the globe's seven billion human beings now live in cities. These realities have far reaching implications for mission in urban contexts at the…
Outline: Multiplied millions of women all over the world are looking over the church's shoulder, longing to see the freedom Jesus purchased for them at Calvary. Millions more have found freedom in Jesus but are still bound by human ideas - ideas that pressure a woman to let culture, not God, determine her place in the Kingdom. While hurting men and women outside the church cry out, "Is there an…
Outline: What the New Testament Authors Really Cared About is a fresh approach to understanding what is really important in the New Testament. This introductory survey concentrates on the most imporant themes of each book and letter in the New Testament. By asking what Matthew (or any other New Testament author) really cared about when he wrote, we discover what to pay attention to when we read…
Outline: How is the missionary force for the twenty-first Century to be trained? This is the challenge that emerges from this provocative book as it focuses on the task of effective missionary training. Western missions have tended to place most of their training emphasis on schooling and formal education - witness the number of Bible schools, Christian colleges and theological seminaries that …
Outline : K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) merupakan pejuang kemanusiaan yang terbukti tak pernah lelah membela kelompok minoritas. Sepanjang hidup, Gus Dur berpegang pada nilai-nilai perjuangan kemanusiaan yang bersumber dari nilai agama sebagai rahmat semesta alam dan tradisi pesantren tempat ia tumbuh. Perjuangan Gus Dur membela minoritas yang tertindas (mustadh’afin) sering menghadapi ha…