Overview: Buku ini adalah buku panduan yang sangat baik bagi semua orang yang ingin memahami dan mengkhotbahkan sejarah Alkitab dengan setia sebagai Firman Allah. Buku ini bukan hanya membahas prinsip-prinsip dan isu-isu, tetapi mendemonstrasikan sebuah metode dan mengilustrasikannya dengan contoh-contoh, serta memberikan sumber-sumber lebih lanjut untuk pendalaman Alkitab dan khotbah yang men…
Overview: Pemahaman dan perenungan tentang perkataan Yesus dari Yohanes 13-17 akan memperlihatkan tujuan Tuhan bagi kehidupan Anda dan akan menyemangati Anda untuk mengambil bagian dari gerakan yang paling menggairahkan di seluruh bumi.
Overview: Anak-anak laki-laki maupun perempuan akan menyukai kisah buku ini - dua anak yang bersemangat dan suka belajar, yang menemukan indahnya rancangan Allah yang sangat luar biasa di dalam dunia ini. Melalui dua puluh cerita dengan ilustrasi yang menarik, disertai waktu interaktif antara anak-anak dan orangtua, anak-anak Anda akan belajar tentang: - Prinsip penciptaan bahwa "Allah menci…
Overview: Tidak ada theologi Kristen lain dalam kurun waktu lima ratus tahun terakhir yang begitu mendalam pengaruhnya atas kebudayaan Barat seperti wawasan dunia John Calvin. Wawasan dunia ini menjangkau luas melampaui disiplin theologis, seperti terlihat dari daftar para kontributor dan topik-topik yang dibahas. Calvin menginspirasi begitu banyak orang Kristen untuk menerapkan pemikirannya …
Overview: Buku ini adalah edisi revisi dan diperluas dari buku Apologetika bagi Kemuliaan Allah karya theolog terkemuka Penulis. Di dalam buku ini Penulis memberikan pencerahan mengenai pesan dan metode apologetika yang benar-benar Kristen di dalam aspek pembuktian, pembelaan dan penyerangan.
Overview: Melalui kisah Anselm ini, Penulis menggambarkan bagaimana situasi hidup pada masa abad pertengahan Eropa Barat. Para pembaca muda akan belajar tentang relasi antara gereja dan negara yang penuh gonjang-ganjing selama era ini. Di samping itu, mereka akan belajar signifikansi tulisan Anselm berkenaan dengan mengapa Allah menjadi manusia dan relasi antara iman dan akal budi.
Overview: Seri Dasar-Dasar Iman memperkenalkan pembaca kepada doktrin dan praktik Reformed yang mendasar, namun pembahasannya sesuai dengan situasi semua gereja. Di dalam buklet yang ringkas ini, Penulis membahas kembali doktrin yang penting ini dengan pendekatan yang lugas, menjelaskan landasan Alkitabnya, memperhatikan pernyataan iman Reformed klasik, dan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang …
Overview: Seri Dasar-Dasar Iman memperkenalkan pembaca kepada doktrin dan praktik Reformed yang mendasar, namun pembahasannya sesuai dengan situasi semua gereja. Dengan gayanya yang pribadi dan hangat, Penulis menjelaskan peran Bapa, Anak, dan Roh Kudus di dalam konversi. Bagi banyak orang yang telah mengalami konversi kepada Kristus, mereka "benar-benar sadar bahwa ada sesuatu yang bersifat …
Overview: Seri Dasar-Dasar Iman memperkenalkan pembaca kepada doktrin dan praktik Reformed yang mendasar, namun pembahasannya sesuai dengan situasi semua gereja. Dalam panduan yang pastoral, setia, dan hangat bagi setiap orang Kristen yang ingin menggali lebih dalam tentang doktrin anugerah ini, Penulis menjelaskan doktrin ketekunan orang-orang kudus dengan kepekaan dan kejelasan. Penulis me…
Outline: The author gives us the kind of help we need to overcome the distance between the psalmists' world and ours. He explains the various kinds of psalms, the way they were used in Hebrew worship and their relationship to the rest of the Old Testament. Then he looks at how Christians can appropriate their message and insights today. Turning to the art of Old Testament poetry, he explains…
Outline: The author equips us to see a clear redemptive-historical progression that develops across the five books of Psalms. With the aid of charts in full color, he demonstrates how an intentional structure is indicated by elements such as the placement of acrostic psalms, strategic couplings of Messianic psalms with Torah psalms, and the grouping of psalms by topics. If you love the psalm…
Outline: Christianity has traditionally been at odds with the human body. At times in the history of the church, Christians have viewed the body and physical desires as the enamy. Now, the author, best selling author of The Jesus Creed, reconnects the spiritual and the physical in the ancient discipline of fasting. Inside you'll find: - in-depth biblical precedents for the practice of fa…
Outline: In this bold and compelling work, the author undertakes to reframe the central issues of Christian theodicy. By the author's estimate, theologians still draw too heavily on Augustine's response to the problem of evil. attributing pain and suffering to the mysterious "good" purposes of God. Through a close and sophisticated reading of both Old and New Testaments, the author argues tha…
Outline: Here, readers may find comfort as they look to God's ongoing presence in the midst of their own times of confusion and struggles for survival. The author believes that although the book of Esther raises questions that have no easy answers, its core issues are as important today as they were then. She identifies these issues, including prejudice, sexism, and patriarchy, and in the pro…
Overview: In this book, four perspectives are presented by a majo advocate of each: - Normative Pluralism : all ethical religions lead to God (John Hick) - Inclusivism: salvation is universally available, but is established by and leads to Christ (Clark Pinnock) - Salvation in Christ : salvation depends on explicit personal faith in Jesus Christ alone (R. Douglas Geivett and W. Gray Phillip…
Outline: In debates surrounding the New Perspective on Paul, the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformers are often characterized as the apostle's misinterpreters-in-chief. In this book the author challenges that conception with a careful and nuanced reading of the Reformers' Pauline exegesis. Examining the overall contours of Reformation exegesis of Paul, the author contrasts the Reformers wit…
Outline: Christians feel increasingly useless, argues the author, not because we have nothing to offer a post-Christian society, but because we are trying to serve as "sponsoring chaplains" to a civilization that no longer sees Christianity sas necessary to its existence. In our individualistic, technologically oriented, consumer-based culture, Christianity has become largely irrelevant. The …
Outline: Breaking down complex philosophical issues into a step-by-step self-help guide, the founder of the Institute for Global Ethics shows us how to grapple with everyday issues and problems: Should I take my family on a much-needed vacation or save money for my children's education? Should we protect the endangered owl or maintain jobs for loggers? This is a unique, anecdote-rich, and arti…
Overview: Suatu buku kerja mengenai doktrin-doktrin utama dalam Alkitab. Dalam buku ini pembaca akan diajak mempelajari doktrin-doktrin sentral Alkitab, dan karena disusun dalam bentuk manual pengajaran (PA), buku ini dapat dipakai untuk studi kelompok maupun pribadi. Beberapa tema penting yang akan dipelajari di dalamnya antara lain: Doktrin mengenai Alkitab, Doktrin mengenai Allah dan kara…
Outline: The author's purpose in this book is to show how different approaches to the Old Testament can be brought together into single theology. The author confronts the issues through a series of questions that jusxtapose concepts often set in opposition to one another: - Is the Bible a record of God's revelation or of human religion? - How is the "Old" Testament normative if there is also…
Outline: "Is the life I am living the same as the life that wants to live in me?" With this searching question, the author begins an insightful and moving meditation on finding one's true calling. This book is an openhearted gift to anyone who seeks to live authentically. The book's title is a time-honored Quaker admonition, usually taken to mean "Let the highest truths and values guide ever…
Outline: This book presents a proven highly practical approach to the study of intermediate and advanced Greek grammar. Most textbooks focus on learning syntactical categories, illustrated by sentences taken from the Greek New Testament, and place little emphasis on how to apply Greek grammar to the Green text in preparing sermons and lectures. In contrast, this book stresses "real-life" appl…
Outline: This book is an entirely new, integrated approach to teaching and learning New Testament Greek. It makes learning Greek a natural process and shows from the very beginning how a understanding of Greek helps in understanding the New Testament. This book: - combines the best of the deductive and the inductive approaches - explains the basics of English grammar before teaching Greek g…
Outline: In examining one of the essential questions of the Christian faith, the author explores the limits as well as the gains to be made in speaking about crucifixion as a historical event, and considers the relationship of the crucifixion to the continuing process of God's saving activity. He considers the relevance of a past act of atonement to such areas of practical experience as forgiv…
Outline: In this volume in a widely used series, a respected Biblical scholar has gathered excerpts of the best that has been written about the literary dimension of the New Testament. From Origen and Augustine to such writers and critics as Gerard Manley Hopkins, Northrop Frye, and Eric Auerbach, among others of our own period, there is a fine array of excerpts reflecting many perspectives. T…
Outline: Conceived originally as a serious presentation of the development of philosophy for Catholic seminary students, the author's nine-volume book has journeyed far beyond the modest purpose of its author to universal acclaim as the best history of philosophy in English. The author, an Oxford Jesuit of immense erudition who once tangled with A. J. Ayer in a fabled debate about the existence…
Outline: What is necessary for the church's life and growth? Perhaps it's more dynamic fellowship. Or holistic small groups. Or adequate parking. Or adequate parking. Or attractive programs. Or passionate spiritually. Or gift-oriented ministry. Or visionary leadership. Or high-impact worship. Or missional living. Or ... the list is endless. But the author has noticed that Jesus said only one th…
Outline: Hegel and existensialism form two poles of a contemporary dialogue, according to Robert C. Solomon: Hegel's global perspective and pursuit of "the absolute" balance of the enthusiastic individualism of existentialism. The dialectic between these two philosophical perspectives, whose vicissitudes have come to define not only continental philosophy but much of life in Europe and America,…
Outline: In the middle years of the seventeenth century, philosophy sprang forward into its modern era. The motivating mind behind the revolution in metaphysical thought was that of Rene Descartes, who brought philosophy both a new spirit and a new method, and thereby founded the school that came to be known as rationalism. Contained in this volume are the five works, in their entirety, that pr…
Outline: Whether your church is healthy or struggling, the biblical principles in this book point the to way to greater spritual vitality. A pastor, seminary teacher, and conference speaker, the author has long specialized in church revitalization. He deftly alerts us to potential problems in our churches, help us to recognize our weeknesses and opportunities, and guides us in applying biblical…