The Gods and Technology is a careful and original reading of the principal statement of Martin Heidegger's philosophy of technology, the essay Die Frage nach der Technik ("The question concerning technology"). That essay is a rich one, and Richard Rojcewicz's goal is to mine it for the treasures only a close reading of the original German text can bring out. Rojcewicz shows how the issue of tec…
The Movie Book, the latest in DK's award-winning Big Ideas Simply Explained series, profiles 100 of the best movies ever made throughout the world.
From classic 1930s film noir and Hollywood romance to international art-house and 21st-century sci-fi, The Movie Book brings the world's most influential films to life with its illustrative design. Unforgettable quotes, film stills, and original …
Explores the art of storytelling, discussing how to develop the skill of shaping a story so that listeners are able to relate to it on a personal level, looks at the key elements of storytelling, and includes an annotated list of stories, a bibliography of collections, and a brief list of recommendations for online sources.
“I wish I had your gift!” How do you handle those words as a creative artist? Somewhere between pride and self-abasement lies true humility---just one aspect of the balanced character God wants to instill in you as an actor, a musician, a visual artist, or other creative person involved in ministry. God is interested in your art and your heart.
The Heart of the Artist deals head-on with …
Covering a vast geographical and chronological span, and bringing new and exciting material to light, The Reformation and the Visual Arts provides a unique overvie of religious images and iconoclasm, starting with the consequences of the Byzantine image controversy and ending with the Eastern Orthodox churches of the nineteenth century. The author argues that the image question played a large r…
What is it about modern life that makes us see enigmas and puzzles in images? Has our world become more complex or are we struggling to make meaning where there is none?
Foxe's Book of Martyrs is a collection of unforgettable accounts of religious persecution. This modernized selection brings together some of the most stirring tales of the interrogation and execution of heretics burnt at the stake in the reign of Mary, with some of the original woodcut illustrations and an illuminating introduction.
In Mind and Mechanism, Drew McDermott takes a computational approach to the mind-body problem (how it is that a purely physical entity, the brain, can have experiences). He begins by demonstrating the falseness of dualist approaches, which separate the physical and mental realms. He then surveys what has been accomplished in artificial intelligence, clearly differentiating what we know how to b…
This book explores the intertwining domains of artificial intelligence (AI) and ethics-two highly divergent fields which at first seem to have nothing to do with one another. AI is a collection of computational methods for studying human knowledge, learning, and behavior, including by building agents able to know, learn, and behave. Ethics is a body of human knowledge-far from completely unders…
Martyn Lloyd-Jones, commonly referred to as “the Doctor,” had a successful career in medicine before abandoning it all to become a preacher in London. His sermons—displaying the life-changing power of biblical truth—diagnosed the spiritual condition of his congregation and prescribed the gospel remedy.
This study of Lloyd-Jones’s life will encourage and exhort readers to consider t…
Outline: Maranatha, hosiana, haleluya! Di banyak gereja Protestan di Indonesia, ketiga kata ini merupakan aklamasi liturgis yang menandai masa liturgi yang sedang dirayakan. Maranatha biasanya mewarnai Masa Adven yang mengungkapkan permohonan agar Tuhan segera datang, serta kesaksian bahwa Tuhan telah hadir. Hosiana digunakan dalam Masa Prapaskah untuk menegaskan Tuhan telah menyelamatkan, seka…
Outline: Widely used by both family therapists and family physicians, the genogram is a graphic way of organizing the mass of information gathered during a family assessment of finding patterns in the family system. Until now, however, genogram symbols have sometimes been used idiosyncratically and underlying assumptions for generating hypotheses have been fuzzy. McGoldrick and Gerson remedy th…
Outline: Stephen Tong (lahir 1940, anak ke-6 dari 7 saudara laki-laki) adalah seorang hamba Tuhan yang dipakai begitu luar biasa oleh Tuhan, bukan hanya di Indonesia, tetapi juga di dunia internasional. Kecintaannya kepada Tuhan merupakan ciri utama dari kehidupan dan motivasi setiap tindakannya. Dukungan penuh istri dan anak-anaknya atas panggilan suami dan ayah mereka mungkin sulit dikerjakan…
Outline: Putting Art (Back) in Its Place takes readers on a fascinating journey through the world of Christian art in medieval and Renaissance Italy to rediscover the sacred role artwork can play once again in our churches. Christian discussions of contemporary art often brand artists as lone geniuses disconnected from our churches and our daily lives, and public art is trapped behind signs com…
Outline: More Christians have died for their faith in the 20th century, than in the previous 19 centuries combined. Here's what's happening, where it's happening, and what America's Christians must do to stop it.
Outline: Serene Jones takes a fresh look at the Institutes of the Christian Religion as she draws a compelling portrait of Calvin as a Christian teacher engaged in the classical art of rhetoric. According to Jones, this art was used knowingly and skillfully by Calvin to persuade and challenge his diverse audiences. Thus, she offers a theological-rhetoric reading of the first three chapters of C…
Outline: Machine learning and data analytics are powering a wave of groundbreaking technologies. Is your company ready? If you read nothing else on how intelligent machines are revolutionizing business, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you understand how these technologies work together, how to…
Outline: The Engaging Culture series is designed to help Christians respond with theological discernment to our contemporary culture. Each volume explores particular cultural expressions, seeking to discover God's presence in the world and to involve readers in sympathetic dialogue and active discipleship. These books encourage neither an uninformed rejection nor an uncritical embrace of cul…
Overview: This definitive analysis of the theolgy of Martin Luther surveys its development during the crises of Luther's life and then offers a systematic survey by topics. Containing a wealth of quotation from less-known writings by Luther and written in a way that will interest both secular and novice, the author's magisterial volume is the first to evaluate Luther's theology in both ways. …
Buku ini disusun oleh Martin Luther sebagai penjabaran atau uraian lebih rinci dan mendalam atas Katekismus Kecil, yang telah beredar luas dalam lingkungan gereja-gereja di Indonesia. Katekismus ini sangat penting sebagai bahan pelajaran dalam Katekisasi, Sekolah Minggu dan dalam pembinaan warga gereja bagi para pelayan jemaat, juga para orang tua. Dengan gayanya yang khas, reformator Martin Lu…
"Martin Luther read and preached the biblical text as the record of God addressing real, flesh-and-blood people and their daily lives. He used stories of the faithful as depicted in biblical narratives to drive home his vision of the Christian life, a life that includes struggling against temptation, enduring suffering, praising God in worship and prayer, and serving one's neighbor in response …