Outline: Those inside and outside of the biblical counseling movement recognize growing differences between the foundational work of Jay Adams and that of current thought leaders such as David Powlison. But, as any student or teacher of the discipline can attest, those differences have been ill-defined and largely anecdotal until now. Heath Lambert, the first scholar to analyze the movement's d…
Outline: You're trapped. You don't know how you ended up in such a mess - locked in habits you can't seem to break or caught in sin. You're a Christian and this sort of thing doesn't happen to Christians ... or so you've been told.
You are not alone. The Bible warns repeatedly that all Christians will struggle against Satan and his spiritual forces of darkness. While the spiritual conflict th…
Outline: A Theology of Christian Counseling connects biblical doctrine with practical living. Salvation, that central concern of Protestant theology, is often too narrowly defined. It is thought of as "being saved from the consequences of sin." But God is doing much more. He is making something new out of the old sinful nature. He is, in Christ, making new our of the old sinful nature. He is, i…
Outline: An Abridged Presentation of Richard Baxter's Classic Work. Originally written in 1656 and endorsed by generations of leading pastors as an essential book on the work of ministry, this abridged version of The Reformed Pastor presents the best of Richard Baxter's timeless advice in simple, modern language that's more accessible to a new generation of church leaders. In inspiring communic…
Outline: Psikoterapi, Kesehatan mental, Psikologi & Psikiatri; Agama & Pelayanan Pendampingan Pastoral; Pernikahan dan Keluarga. Buku ini berisikan materi pelayanan konseling berikut kasus, catatan, kegiatan, dan pekerjaan rumah yang sangat membantu pemulihan klien Anda. Orang Kristen dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah yang juga dialami oleh orang lain di sekitarnya. The Christian Therapist's Not…
Outline: Masalah yang selalu dihadapi oleh para pelayan Allah (pendeta) atau orang yang mendapat tugas dalam jemaat untuk melayani di bidang pastoral adalah: bagaimana menerapkan teori-teori pelayanan bimbingan pastoral yang sudah mereka ketahui? Untuk itulah buku ini hadir guna menjawab kebutuhan tersebut. Dengan demikian dapat membantu para pelayan dalam melakukan tugas bimbingan pastoral. A…
Outline: Salah satu pelayanan pastoral yang dianggap penting adalah pelayanan kepada orang berduka. Kedukaan terjadi saat seseorang kehilangan sesuatu yang ia cintai, entah itu orang, barang, atau bahkan peluang, dan lain sebagainya. Reaksi terhadap kehilangan ini juga tidak selalu sama. Ada yang bersikap pasif, yaitu menyerah dan memandang semua peristiwa sebagai "kehendak Allah". Ada yang be…
Outline: Apakah Penggembalaan itu? Gembala (budak angon) di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sudah banyak yang mengenalnya. Tetapi, apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan gembala dan penggembalaan dalam kehidupan kekristenan? Apakah ada hubungannya dengan gembala (budak angon) tadi? Atau, dengan Gembala yang Baik dalam Yohanes 10? Jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu dapat Anda temukan dalam buku ini, bu…
Outline: Many women struggle daily with habits, emotions, and difficulties that they long to overcome. This book interweaves the perfect wisdom of God's Word with heartfelt compassion and concern as it addresses...
- fear, worry, and depression
- single parenting, wayward teenagers, the "perfect mom" syndrome
- eating disorders, same-sex attraction, and other habitual struggles
- verbal a…
Outline: This groundbreaking book presents a system of biblical truth that brings together people, their problems, and the living of God. It is founded on three convictions:
- That God's Word should be the counseling authority of Christians helping people with broken lives,
- That counseling is a part of the essential ministry of the local church,
- That God's people can and shoudl be trai…
Outline: What is necessary for the church's life and growth? Perhaps it's more dynamic fellowship. Or holistic small groups. Or adequate parking. Or adequate parking. Or attractive programs. Or passionate spiritually. Or gift-oriented ministry. Or visionary leadership. Or high-impact worship. Or missional living. Or ... the list is endless. But the author has noticed that Jesus said only one th…
Outline: In this volume, two of today's more respected authors help pastors recover their gospel identity and clarify their vision of Christian leadership. The authors reconnect pastors with biblical text that equip them to be countercultural servants of the gospel. In this chapters the author explores 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, drawing from them scriptural images for pastoral identity. In alte…
Overview: Psikologi Kepemimpinan: adalah salah satu judul menarik yang telah lama digumuli serta menggugah hati penulis karena perannya sebagai seorang pemimpin untuk mengkaji lebih dalam. Pengalaman dalam memahami salah satu unsur terpenting dalam kepemimpinan adalah unsur manusia itu sendiri. Manusia terdiri dari Tubuh, Roh, dan Jiwa yang berkehendak, berpikir, berperasaan dan berperilaku. …
Overview: This book has become a standard reference work for Christian psychologists, counselors and pastors and a key text at Christian universities and seminaries. This thoroughly revised edition retains core material on counseling ethics that has made it so valuable in a variety of settings. Now fully updated, it weighs and assesses new and emerging ethical issues in the field. For exampl…
Overview: How do you counsel couples who have a high level of conflict? Utilizing a relational conflict and restoration model, the authors point the way beyond the cycle of pain toward martial healing. This book is a welcome resource to train counselors and therapists who deal with couples often heading toward divorce by the time they look for help.
Overview: After years of discussion about the relationship between psychology and theology, it is time to move the discussions to a more intimate level: what actually happens in the Christian counseling office? It is here hat counseling becomes intensely personal, reflecting counselor's spiritual lives as much as their psychological preparation and theological sophistication. This updated lan…
Overview: This volume in honor of Richard L. Pratt Jr. broadly covers his lifelong themes of biblical studies, theological studies, hermeneutics, the kingdom of God, ministry training, missions, evangelism, and biblical education for the world.
Allen, an experienced scholar and hospital chaplain, is the first to use the Old Testament book of Lamentations to throw light on grief, and to use contemporary examples and discussions of grief to throw light on Lamentations.