Outline: In this challenging book, four highly respected thinkers discuss the need for a renewal of Christian ethical reflection in a dramatically changed world and articulate their distinctive points of view on how this can responsibly be done. This book is thus both a call for renewal in our thinking and acting, and an introduction to the issue that must be addressed by any meaningful respon…
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Abingdon Press Studies in Christian Ethics and Economic Life
Outline: In this bold and compelling work, the author undertakes to reframe the central issues of Christian theodicy. By the author's estimate, theologians still draw too heavily on Augustine's response to the problem of evil. attributing pain and suffering to the mysterious "good" purposes of God. Through a close and sophisticated reading of both Old and New Testaments, the author argues tha…
Outline: Breaking down complex philosophical issues into a step-by-step self-help guide, the founder of the Institute for Global Ethics shows us how to grapple with everyday issues and problems: Should I take my family on a much-needed vacation or save money for my children's education? Should we protect the endangered owl or maintain jobs for loggers? This is a unique, anecdote-rich, and arti…
Outline: This book presents the most consequential ethical writings from the earliest days of Christianity through the late twentieth century. Introductory material for each selection places each piece in its proper historical and social context. Selections include writings by Ambrose, Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, Karl Barth, Bernard of Clairvaux, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, John Calvin, Catherine of Si…
- How do I resolve workplace conflicts sparked by differences of belief?
- How much profit can I conscientiously seek?
- Can I justify using prayer to try to beat the competition?
- Should I bring up the issue of faith with my co-workers, or should I keep my beliefs to myself?
It often seems difficult - if not possible - to reconcile matters of faith and business. At times it ma…
Outline: This book and its companion volume Applied Ethics provide a much-needed alternative to consequentialist orthodoxy. This book set out the basic system used to solve problems, the system that consequentialist deride as "traditional morality" and which they believe is 'dead". The central concepts, principles and distinction or traditional morality are explained and defended: rights, jus…
Overview: This book has become a standard reference work for Christian psychologists, counselors and pastors and a key text at Christian universities and seminaries. This thoroughly revised edition retains core material on counseling ethics that has made it so valuable in a variety of settings. Now fully updated, it weighs and assesses new and emerging ethical issues in the field. For exampl…
Overview: This collection of provocative essays by one of the world's most distinguished theologians deals with topic as diverse as the right to work, nuclear war, the Olympic Games, Lutheran and Reformed political thought, and the "common hope" of Judaism and Christianity - all within the framework of human rights. The author believes that the dignity of the human being is the source for all …
Overview: With its focus on the traditions and communities that form us over the course of a lifetime, virtue ethics has richly expanded our understanding of what the Christian life can look like. Yet its emphasis on human virtues and habits of mind and life seems inconsistent with the Reformed tradition's insistence that sin lies at the heart of the human condition. For this reason, virtue e…
Overview: Fifteen short chapters explore what happens when we see our bodies as machines to be manipulated, molded, and marketed. This book explores some of the horrors taking place in hospitals and labs and provides biblical direction for people wrestling with ethical issues such as:
- physician-assisted suicide and the "right" to die
- genetic manipulation
- fetal issues harvesting
Ketika seorang Robin Hood mencuri harta orang-orang kaya untuk dibagikan kepada orang-orang miskin, apakah perbuatannya itu ““jahat”“? Dapatkah kita katakan bahwa perbuatannya itu ““kasih”“? Apakah itu ““jahat”“? Dan apakah itu ““kasih”“, ketika jurang antara si kaya dan si miskin begitu lebar, dan upaya untuk mengubah keadaan secara damai tampak mustahil? Apakah…
In this important new book, social ethicist Larry Rasmussen lays the foundations for an approach to faith and ethics appropriate to a community of the earth, in all its peril and promise. Earth Community, Earth Ethics is a comprehensive treatment that synthesizes insights from religion, ethics, and environmentalism in a single vision for creating a sustainable community. Earth Community, Earth …
Akibat globalisasi, segala sesuatu dinilai secara global. Yang lokal dan partikular terpinggirkan. Globalisasi juga menyegmentasikan segala sesuatu: Timur-Barat, kaya-miskin, benar-salah, modern-kuno, teroris-bukan teroris, dan seterusnya. Bahasa ketegori ini pada akhirnya telah menciptakan rantai kekerasan. Dalam konteks seperti ini, apakah teologi (iman) Kristen masih memberikan harapan? Jawa…
Buku ini adalah sebuah kompendium etika Kristen. Didalamnya disajikan uraian mengenai pokok-pokok penting dan actual dibidang etika Kristen pada masa kini, sebagai upaya untuk memberi wawasan pada para pembaca, khususnya para mahasiswa Teologi dan Pelayan Jemaat. Para pembaca diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan, baik dalam jemaat setempat maupun masyarakat sekitarnya. Pokok-pokok yang dibic…
Orang-orang Kristen, dalam kehidupannya, selalu dihadapkan dengan tuntutan untuk memberi penilaian dan pertanggungan jawab tentang baik buruknya suatu peristiwa atau masalah yang sedang dihadapinya. Tentunya keputusan yang akan diambil adalah keputusan yang sesuai dengan kehendak dan jalan yang telah ditunjuk oleh Tuhan, yaitu “Jalan Yang Lebih Utama”, sebagaimana terdapat dalam satu-satuny…