Outline : New scholarship on the development of Luther's four solas. Volker Leppin explores the four "solas" of the Reformation - Christ, grace, faith, and scripture - as both anchored in the culture of late-medieval devotion and representing new, firmly demarcated formulae. Leppin helps readers understand that in the journey toward new theological understandings, continuity and discoutinuity…
Outline : Modern theology claimed it ignited a renaissance in Trinitarian Theology. Really, it has been a renaissance in social trinitarianism. Classical commitments such as divine simplicity have been jettisoned, the three persons have been redefined as three centers of consciousness and will, and modern agendas in politics, gender, and ecclesiology determine the terms of the discussion. Conte…
Outline: Since Biblical times covenants have been a part of everyday life. Simply put, they are promises, agreements, or contracts. But how do they translate into faith and the reading of Scripture? Are covenants merely elements of a narrative? Or do they represent something more? And what are the eternal implications of "cutting" a covenant with God? In Introducing Covenant Theology, author Mi…
Outline : In Historical Theology for the Church, editors Jason Duesing and Nathan Finn bring together top contributors to survey key doctrinal developments in every era of church history. They not only trace the development of various doctrines within historical congregations; they also provide a resource for contemporary congregations. Steered by the conviction that historical theology serves …
Outline : Too often scholars impose on the past modern terms and theories. This is particularly evident concerning discussions of divine sovereignty and human responsibility, where libertarian and compatibilist notions of freedom obscure older understandings of concurrence. Providence, Freedom, and the Will is one historian’s attempt to help us interpret early modern documents in context with…
Outline : Carl Trueman analyses the theology of the great Puritan theologian, John Owen, paying particular attention to his vigorous trinitarianism. To understand Owen, we need to see him as a seventeenth-century representative of the Western trinitarian and anti-Pelagian tradition. Trueman demonstrates how Owen used the theological insights of patristic, medieval, and Reformation theologians t…
Outline : Paul is known as a theologian, and indeed his writings yield rich theological insights. But Paul was foremost a missionary and a pastor who wrote to real people and churches. In this fresh approach to Pauline theology, respected scholar Joshua Jipp brings Paul's pastoral concerns to the fore, specifically his concern for human flourishing in his congregations. Jipp argues that Paul's …
Outline : In Biblical Critical Theory, Christopher Watkin shows how the Bible and its unfolding story help us make sense of modern life and culture. Critical theories exist to critique what we think we know about reality and the social, political, and cultural structures in which we live. In doing so, they make visible the values and beliefs of a culture in order to scrutinize and change them. …
Outline : In one systematic volume, James Montgomery Boice provides a readable overview of Christian theology. Both students and pastors will benefit from this rich source that covers all the major doctrines of Christianity.With scholarly rigor and a pastor's heart, Boice carefully opens the topics of the nature of God, the character of his natural and special revelation, the fall, and the pers…
Outline: Everlasting Dominion is the magnum opus of the greatly esteemed Dr. Eugene H. Merrill, an exceptionally researched theology of the Old Testament based on decades of study and teaching experience. He takes a high view of Scripture as the inspired, authoritative Word of God and guides readers to a deeper understanding of our Creator and the Old Testament's very nature. Employing a well-b…
Outline : How can sinners stand before a holy God? Thankfully, the gospel gives hope for salvation through an essential doctrine - justification through Jesus Christ. In this addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series, Thomas R. Schreiner examines both the Old and New Testament teachings and the historical background of the doctrine of justification. By considering the relation…
Outline : Driven by the desire to be successful, pastors are tempted to judge their ministries by the worldly standards of power, prestige, privilege, and prosperity. In contrast, J. Stephen Yuille reorients our understanding of pastoral ministry by presenting a standard of excellence measured by faithfulness, humility, and submission to God - even when the results look unsuccessful in the eyes…
Outline : Doctrine not only equips you with more knowledge about God, it also shapes your affections toward him and directs your actions for him―but it can be difficult to know where to begin. This concise handbook, developed from John MacArthur’s larger work Biblical Doctrine, is an entry point for studying theological topics such as the Bible, the Holy Spirit, the church, and more. As Mac…
Outline : Over the last fifty years, the apostle Paul’s theology has come under immense critical examination. One important issue prompted by recent scholarship is the correct translation of the Greek phrase pistis Christou as “faith in Jesus Christ” (Galatians 2:16). Many English-speaking scholars now interpret this Greek phrase as the “faithfulness of Jesus Christ.” This new transla…
Outline : Some scholars argue that Jacob Arminius was a Reformed theologian and held to the basic tenets of Reformed soteriology. But is this the best way to understand Arminius? In this perceptive set of essays, J. V. Fesko reassesses the context and meaning of Arminius’s writings on topics such as predestination, effectual calling, union with Christ, justification, and perseverance. Grantin…
Outline : This accessible yet comprehensive primer on major issues in evangelical theology has been updated and revised throughout.
Outline : Deep faith requires consistent study of God's word, but to understand the original text as God intended, students of Scripture must develop a strong inductive, historical, and descriptive exegetical process. In Biblical Theology, Andreas J. Kostenberger and Gregory Goswell offer a clear, comprehensive methodology for interpreting the sixty-six books of the Bible - identifying their ce…
Outline : The Culmination of James D. G. Dunn's Three - Volume Magnum Opus on the development of early Christianity.
Outline : Many people wondered during their most painful moments, Why would a good, all-powerful God allow this? The Bible explains how suffering entered the world and why there is so much of it, and declares God's promise to believers that one day it will end. But in their distress, even Christians may have trouble seeing how their personal suffering connects to the storyline of Scripture. In …
Outline : Richard Gamble’s three-volume Whole Counsel of God explores the relationships between exegesis and hermeneutics, and between biblical, systematic, and historical theology. “He bridges the gap so many have identified between traditional systematic theology and biblical theology,” Richard Pratt writes; not only that, he “penetrates beyond scholarly concerns to life issues that e…
Outline: Give[s] readers a deeper appreciation for the spiritual power and contemporary relevance of the Psalms.
Outline: What do the attributes of truth reveal about God and his word? Skeptics and moral relativists may debate universal truth, but Christians know that its characteristics - including omnipresence, everlastingness, and unchangeability - reflect the existence of the one true God. In fact, the concept of truth informs and confirms every area of systematic theology. In Truth, Theology, and Per…
Outline : “All these essays illustrate, in one way or another, how I have sought to carry out scholarly work as an aspect of discipleship—as a process of faith seeking exegetical clarity.” Richard Hays has been a giant in the field of New Testament studies since the 1989 publication of his Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul. His most significant essays of the past twenty-five ye…
Outline : Everything about the gospel message leads to the cross, and proceeds from the cross. In fact, within the narrative of Scripture, the crucifixion of Jesus is literally the crux of the story―the axis upon which the biblical story turns. But it would be a mistake to think we could sum up the significance of the crucifixion in a tidy sentence or two. That kind of thinking only insulates…
Outline : Francis Robers, like other Puritans, believed Christians can and should have a deep assurance of their salvation. He was also convinced that 1 John contains more marks of being a true believer than any other book in the Bible, making it "a rich treasury for Christian assurance," In Believer's Evidences for Eternal Life, Robers curates this precious repository of comfort and exhibits i…
Outline : How did the apostles understand the Old Testament? Although relatively few in number, the New Testament's explicit summaries of the Old Testament story of Israel give readers direct access into the way the earliest Christians told this story―that is to say, into the way they did biblical theology. This stimulating New Studies in Biblical Theology volume examines the passages in the…
Outline : The authors of the New Testament regularly quote and allude to Old Testament passages that point to the presence, person, and work of Jesus. Jesus himself claimed that Moses wrote about him (John 5:46). And on the road to Emmaus, Jesus instructed the disciples from "Moses and all the prophets" regarding himself (Luke 24:27). Though Christians affirm that the Old Testament bears witnes…
Outline : William McEwen is one of the forgotten writers of the Scottish church of the eighteenth century and one of the great popular exponents for a sound biblical typology. In this book, McEwen investigates numerous people, places, and things in the Old Testament and shows how they prefigure the Lord Jesus Christ. Each chapter exhibits a lively meditation, providing concise, conversational, …
Outline: Modeled after the bestselling Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem, Historical Theology gives students of theology of the opportunity to study the rich development of Christian doctrine according to a topical-chronological arrangement, setting out the history of theology one element at a time. This approach allows readers to concentrate on a specific tenet of faith and its formulation b…
Outline: Understand the Bible through the lens of God's Covenants. This volume helps students of the Bible understand the big picture of God's covenant s with humanity as they play out in both the First and the New Testaments.
Outline : How might premodern exegesis of Genesis inform Christian debates about creation today? Imagine a table with three people in dialogue: a young-earth creationist, an old-earth creationist, and an evolutionary creationist. Into the room walks Augustine of Hippo, one of the most significant theologians in the history of the church. In what ways will his reading of Scripture and his doctri…
Outline : In this contemporary classic, renowned scholar Gordon Fee explores the Spirit's significant role in Pauline life and thought. This edition includes reflection questions and a foreword by Dean Pinter.
Outline: How Christ attunes our hearts and minds to the Reality of God? This book demonstrates that theology is integrally related to formation in Jesus Christ and shapes our understanding of the world.
Outline : Living amid a modern-day crisis of authority, Christians need to be able to point to God's revelation in the natural world even as they defend God's unique revelation in the Bible and in the person of Jesus Christ. In The Knowledge of God in the World and the Word Workbook, authors Douglas Groothuis and Andrew I. Shepardson provide questions in various formats - multiple choice, essa…
Outline: Scholars tout various approaches to the Bible as "biblical theology," offering a dizzying array of methods for understanding the Bible as ancient history and as sacred Scripture. This book examines the five major schools of thought considered "biblical theology," giving a brief developmental history and exploring one contemporary scholar who champions each method. Using a spectrum betw…
Outline : Recognizing that faithful theological study is an integrative task, uniquely combines biblical and systematic theology in dialogue with historical theology and with application to church and life. The series addresses classic doctrines of systematic theology and other relevant topics, pairing careful scholarship with the practical understanding that theology finds its focus within the…
Outline : This sequel to G. K. Beale's renowned A New Testament Biblical Theology fleshes out nineteen significant theological realities and benefits of the believer's union with the resurrected Christ. Union with Christ is an important theological and practical concept that has received considerable attention in recent years. But not much consideration has been given to this union and its bene…
Outline : If we want to know the truth about God, we need a sound approach to incorporating what the whole Bible teaches. In this concise introduction to systematic theology, theologian Graham A. Cole explores how we move from Scripture to doctrine in order to shape what we believe, what we value, and how we live. He shows us the importance of having the right method: rooted in the word of God,…
Outline: "This is protestant theology at its very best" Protestants often view the doctrine of good works with suspicion. This book shows how biblical exegesis, systematic and historical theology, and practical theology can together contribute to the recovery of a robust account of good works.
Outline: Covenant theology is the study of God's eternal, unchanging purpose to bring a people to Himself through covenantal relationship. That redeeming purpose unfolds through-out divine revelation and redemptive history - from the eternal, intra-Trinitarian counsel of the Godhead to the consummation of history in the new heavens and the new earth. In God to Us, Stephen G. Myers explains this…
Outline : For many people, their job is merely “the daily grind” needed to provide for family or pay the bills. In reality, our jobs - whether we're laying concrete or painting in a studio - are daily opportunities to display God's character and care. Pastor and author Bryan Chapell shares this biblical perspective on vocation, explaining how God gives purpose to our work by making it an in…