Outline : Parents : Helpless, but not hopeless. Many parents today are searching for the "secret" to successful parenting. In Parenting by God's Promises : How to Raise Children in the Covenant of Grace, Dr. Joel R. Beeke presents the difficult truth : there is no secret. When it comes to giving children what they need most - new hearts that trust in Christ for forgiveness of sins - parents are…
Outline : Petrus van Mastricht’s Theoretical and Practical Theology presents one of the most comprehensive methods of treating Christian doctrine. In it, Mastricht treats every theological topic according to a four-part approach: exegetical, dogmatic, elenctic, and practical. As a body of divinity, it combines a rigorous, scholastic treatment of doctrine with the pastoral aim of preparing peo…
Outline : Outline : Petrus van Mastricht's Theoretical-Practical Theology presents one of the most comprehensive methods of treating Christian doctrine. In it, Mastricht treats every theological topic according to a four-part approach: exegetical, dogmatic, elenctic, and practical. As a body of divinity, it combines a rigorous, scholastic treatment of doctrine with the pastoral aim of preparing…
Outline : Some scholars argue that Jacob Arminius was a Reformed theologian and held to the basic tenets of Reformed soteriology. But is this the best way to understand Arminius? In this perceptive set of essays, J. V. Fesko reassesses the context and meaning of Arminius’s writings on topics such as predestination, effectual calling, union with Christ, justification, and perseverance. Grantin…
Outline : William Perkins (1558-1602) was a master preacher and teacher of Reformed, experiential theology. He left an indelible mark upon the English Puritan movement and his writings were translated into Dutch, German, French, Hungarian, and other European languages. In Faith Working Through Love, a group of twelve scholars mine the depths of Perkins’s works on the Trinity, the work of Chri…
Outline : Petrus van Mastricht’s 'Theoretical-Practical Theology' presents one of the most comprehensive methods of treating Christian doctrine. In it, Mastricht treats every theological topic according to a four-part approach: exegetical, dogmatic, elenctic, and practical. As a body of divinity, it combines a rigorous, scholastic treatment of doctrine with the pastoral aim of preparing peopl…
Outline : Petrus van Mastricht's Theoretical-Practical Theology presents one of the most comprehensive methods of treating Christian doctrine. In it, Mastricht treats every theological topic according to a four-part approach: exegetical, dogmatic, elenctic, and practical. As a body of divinity, it combines a rigorous, scholastic treatment of doctrine with the pastoral aim of preparing people to…
Outline : The ESV Church History Study Bible features notes from nearly 400 of church history's most prominent figures - including Athanasius of Alexandria, John Chrysostom, Martin Luther, John Bunyan, Jonathan Edwards, and Charles Spurgeon - to help believers in all seasons of life understand Scripture. Edited by Stephen J. Nichols, Gerald Bray, and Keith A. Mathison, this study Bible highligh…
Outline : As an international Synod, Dort had a significant impact on the definition of Reformed orthodoxy for decades and centuries to come. Despite its tremendous influence, the decisions of Dort remain a mystery to many today and are subject to false stereotypes about disturbing Calvin's pure theology. This volume seeks to shed light on various aspects of the Synod of Dort in order to inform…
Outline : In 'Contending for the Faith', Joel Beeke and William Boekestein help children understand the struggle for reformation in England and how the Westminster Assembly sought to further the Reformation in that land. In this book, children will learn about the five documents that became key standards of Presbyterianism: the Form of Church Government, the Directory of Public Worship, the Con…
Outline: First published in 1700, The Christian's Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone. The title is derived from Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It expresses what God req…
Outline: First published in 1700, The Christian's Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone. The title is derived from Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It expresses what God req…
Outline: First published in 1700, The Christian's Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone. The title is derived from Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It expresses what God req…
Outline: First published in 1700, The Christian's Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone. The title is derived from Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It expresses what God req…
Outline: When was the last time you thought about being pious? The word tends to make us think of having a "holier-than-thou" attitude. But this negative views strays far from piety's beginnings. Joel Beeke reclaims the Reformers' vision for an attractive piety rooted in the knowledge of God and our union with Christ. Focusing on both mind and soul, he offers practical ways to cultivate a vibra…
Outline: The Christian's Only Comfort is the sermonic exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism by Theodore VanderGroe (1705 - 1784), a prominent divine of the Dutch Further Reformation. VanderGroe's exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism could be considered his magnum opus, and in some ways it was esteemed as highly by the godly in the Netherlands as The Christian's Reasonable Service of Wilhelmu…
Outline: The Christian's Only Comfort is the sermonic exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism by Theodore VanderGroe (1705 - 1784), a prominent divine of the Dutch Further Reformation. VanderGroe's exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism could be considered his magnum opus, and in some ways it was esteemed as highly by the godly in the Netherlands as The Christian's Reasonable Service of Wilhelmu…
Outline : The church needs good theology that engages the Head, Heart, and Hands. This four-volume work combines rigorous historical and theological scholarship with application and practically - characterized by an accessible, Reformed, and experiential approach. In this volume, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley unpack the doctrine of humanity (anthropology) and the doctrine of Christ (Christo…
Outline: The church needs good theology that engages the Head, Heart, and Hands. This four-volume work combines rigorous historical and theological scholarship with application and practically - characterized by an accessible, Reformed, and experiential approach. In this volume, Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley examine the Holy Spirit (pneumatology) and salvation (soteriology), exploring the L…
Outline: "I once was blind, but now I see" is the glad confession of the Christian's heart. However, what is it that a Christian now sees that so transforms his life? It is the Christian worldview. This is not an abstract philosophy so much as biblical doctrine for life. The Word of God establishes God-centered thinking, engages faithful living, and energizes ardent feeling for the kingdom of C…
Outline: Few teachings of the Puritans have provoked such strong reactions and conflicting interpretations as their views on preparing for saving faith. Many twentieth-century scholars dismissed preparation as a prime example of regression from the Reformed doctrine og frace for a mancentered legalism. In Prepared by Grace, for Grace, Joel Beeke and Paul Smalley make careful analysis of the Pur…
Outline: This small but importance book shows how genuine biblical Reformed piety is both covenantally based and experientially lived. Piety, covenant, and experience are all interrelated in genuine and vital Christianity, and all point to Jesus Christ as the head of the covenant and the focal point of true Christian experience. This book is intended as Geoff Thomas says in his Foreword to enco…
Outline: For years, William Gouge's Domestical Duties has stood as the foremost Puritan treatment of Christian family life. Yet due to its size and antiquated expression, it has become almost unknown among current generations of believers. To help revive the usefulness of this classic book, Scott Brown and Joel R. Beeke divided Gouge's work into three manageable volumes, updated the language to…
Outline: Leading and nurturing your family as you seek to glorify God and encourage spiritual growth in your home is both God's command and your privilege. One of the best and most effective ways to do this is through intentional, worshipful, daily family devotions where the truths of God's lifechanging Word are openly discussed chapter by chapter. Hand in hand with your Bible, this Family Wors…
Outline: In this installment of the Family Guidance series, Joel R. Beeke presents a heartfelt plea for the renewal of family worship in Christian homes. The family is modeled after the very being of God, providing a divine foundation for family worship from creation. This is not a mere idealistic suggestion for the godly family, but is presented in Scripture as a solemn duty. With great pastor…
Outline: "The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple" (Psalm 19: 7. In this age of uncertainty, we need to stand on the rock of God's revelation. You will find encouragement in his book to trust the Bible as God's inerrant, authoritative, clear, and sufficient word, as well as guideliness for how to use the Bible for personal joy and practical living. Contributors include Michael…
Outline: The essays in The Beauty and Glory of the Reformation call you to be grateful to God and to grow in appreciation for the rich biblical, doctrinal. experiential, and practical heritage passed on by the great sixteenth-century Reformation. Through these studies, you will be challenged to treasure basic Reformation principles such as Scripture alone, Christ alone, and the glory of God a…
Overview: Apakah Anda merindukan surga? Banyak orang Kristen sebenarnya berpegang pada kepercayaan yang samar tentang kehidupan setelah kematian. Mereka memang meyakini bahwa sama seperti Kristus bangkit dari kematian, semua yang dipersatukan dengan Dia dalam iman yang dibangkitkan secara jasmaniah untuk menikmati upah yang kekal. Tetapi apakah artinya ini? Bagaimanakah orang mati akan diban…
Outline: Dalam buku ini Anda akan memasuki ruang perbendaharaan gereja Yesus Kristus dan menemukan permata-permatanya paling berharga mengenai doa Kristen. Tulisan para Reformator dan tokoh Puritan memancarkan kemuliaan Tuhan dalam Kristus, memberikan banyak hikmat dan wawasan yang bisa menjadikan kehidupan doa kita lebih berisi, lebih luas, lebih sungguh, dan lebih efektif. Enam sarjana kon…
Outline: Kumpulan ceramah-ceramah tentang gereja sebagai mempelai wanita Kristus yang disampaikan di dalam konferensi tahunan Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary mengemas tiga tema utama: memandang kepada keindahan mempelai wanita Kristus, menyusuri jalan bersama mempelai wanita Kristus, serta berbagi kesedihan dan pengharapan bersama mempelai wanita Kristus. Topik-topik spesifik yang dibaha…
Outline: This four-volume work combines rigorous historical and theological scholarship with application and practically - characterized by an accessible, Reformed, and experiental approach. In this volume, the authors explore the first two of eight central themes of theology: revelation and God.
Outline: We've all heard sermons that sound more like a lecture, filling the head but not the heart. And we've all heard sermons tailored to produce an emotional experience, filing the heart but not the head. But biblical preaching both informs minds and engages hearts - giving it the power to transform lives. By the Spirit's grace, biblical preaching brings truth home from the heart of the …
Outline: John Bunyan was the author of the best-selling Christin book of all time. His Bible-saturated works have inspired generations to believers all over the world. And yet, as influential as it is, John Bunyan's theology contains a unifying thread that is sorely neglected oin the modern church: the vital importance of the fear of God. Fearing God is seen by many as psychologically harmful -…
Overview: The Puritans have gotten bad press for their supposed lack of teaching on the doctrine of spiritual adoption. In this book, the auhor dispels thris caricature and shows that the Puritan era did more to advance the idea that every true Christia is God's adopted child than any other age of church history. This little book lets the Puritans speak for themselves, showing how they recogniz…