Outline: Reflecting on more than sixty years of service at All Souls Church in London and a worldwide ministry, John Stott alerts a church that is in transition to the marks of a church that is living. The Living Church is the full articulation of Stott's dream for the body of Christ in the world today.
Outline : Recent scholarship on ancient Judaism, finding only scattered references to messiahs in Hellenistic- and Roman-period texts, has generally concluded that the word ''messiah'' did not mean anything determinate in antiquity. Meanwhile, interpreters of Paul, faced with his several hundred uses of the Greek word for ''messiah,'' have concluded that christos in Paul does not bear its conve…
Outline : In this book the renowned medievalist G.R. Evans provides a concise introduction to St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153), a figure of towering importance on the twelfth-century monastic and theological scene. After a brief overview of Bernard's life, Evans focuses on a few major themes in his work, including his theology of spirituality and his theology of the political life of the Ch…
Outline: This book is the first to describe not only what competent mentors do but the skills they need to be effective. It is a step-by-step guide to being a good mentor and will be invaluable to anyone who wants to help another to learn more from their work or other experience. It is also essential reading for anyone contemplating introducting mentoring into their organisation.
Outline: Keterampilan diplomasi suatu bangsa merupakan ujung tombak dalam penyelenggaraan suatu pemerintahan. Boleh dikatakan bahwa diplomasi merupakan kunci kesuksesan dalam hubungan internasional (international relationship). Bagi Indonesia, pengalaman dalam dunia diplomasi sebenarnya sudah dimulai sejak lama. Hal ini, antara lain, telah dibuktikan oleh Kerajaan Aceh - sebagai pusat perdagang…
Outline: No writer of our times has done more than Bronislaw Malinowski to bring together in a single comprehension the warm reality of human living and the cool abstractions of science. Malinowski's gift was double: it consisted both in the genius given usually to artists and in the scientist's power to see and to declare the universal in the particular. This volume includes three of the great…
Outline: Selama kita hidup bermasyarakat, masalah sosial seperti kemiskinan, ketidakadilan, pelecehan, dan manipulasi hiukum, selalu hadir menyapa kehidupan kita yang mungkin tenang-tenang saja. Namun, sebagai makhluk sosial, kita dengan sendirinya memilki keterikatan dan seharusnya mempunyai kepedulian terhadap sesama dan lingkungan kita. Dalam konteks itulah pengejawantahan misi sosial gereja…
Outline: Buku ini merupakan sebuah bahan kajian yang secara teologis dan filosofis berusaha untuk meninjau kedudukan dan peranan pendidikan Kristen, baik dalam konteks keluarga, sekolah maupun gereja di Indonesia. Tulisan-tulisan di dalamnya banyak membahas tentang perlunya kepekaan dan kepedulian terhadap konteks pelayanan pendidikan itu sendiri. Bahan-bahan pembentuk dari kajian ini adalah ma…
Outline: "This is interpretation at its most daring and at its best" Widely respected scholar J. Richard Middleton suggests we have misread and misapplied the story of the binding of Isaac and explains that God desires more than silent obedience in difficult times.
Outline: It's impossible to know a man well until you know what he believes. Americans who are concerned about the people of Asia must be acquainted with the religions of Asia. One of the most important of these faiths is Buddhism, which in some form or other holds the allegiance of millions of human beings from the Hawaiian Islands west to Japan, Thailand, Burma, India, and other countries in …
Outline: Waktu telah membuktikan Tafsiran Matthew Henry sebagai sarana yang sangat menolong untuk memperdalam pengertian dan pengenalan akan Firman Allah. Sudah lebih dari 300 tahun Tafsiran Matthew Henry tetap menjadi salah satu tafsiran favorit para guru, pengkhotbah, dan orang Kristen secara luas. Penyampaian eksposisi dan aplikasi kebenaran Alkitab yang begitu kaya dalam bahasa yang luwes d…
Outline: Many Christians around the world today face severe persecution, while others daily feel the weight of coultural pressure against them. The apostle Peter speaks to this as he reminds us that Christians are aliens and exiles in an often-hostile empire. Yet we are simultaneously the chosen of God, equipped by Jesus's work for us and in us to live faithfully in our dual identity. In this e…
Outline : An indispensable guide for exploring the literary, historical, and theological issues behind the Old Testament. The purpose of studying the Old Testament is to understand God and his redemptive work more fully. However, this goal is complicated by the fact that it was transmitted through a very different language and culture from our own. A Survey of the Old Testament addresses backgr…
Outline : Accessible and comprehensive, Contemporary Theology: An Introduction by professor and author Kirk R. MacGregor provides a chronological survey of the major thinkers and schools of thought in modern theology in a manner that is both approachable and intriguing. Unique among introductions to contemporary theology, MacGregor includes: - Evangelical perspectives alongside mainline and li…
Outline: Apa yang memotivasi pemuda Adolf Hitler menjadi tokoh yang haus kekuasaan? Keyakinannya terhadap supremasi ras bangsa Arya? Atau keyakinannya bahwa bangsa Jerman layak untuk menguasai Eropa? Apa sumber sikap anti-Semit sang diktator? Apakah karena persekusinya terhadap kaum gipsi dan homoseksual, serta keyakinannya bahwa perang itu sendiri adalah akhir dari segalanya? Penulis Michael K…
Outline: By the year 2050 only one Christian in five will be non-Latino and white, and the center of gravity of the Christian world will have shifted firmly to the Southern Hemisphere. The Next Christendom is the first book
Outline: Some Aspects of Malay Customs and Practices is written to enable non-Malay Singaporeans, especially community leaders, to have a better understanding and appreciation of Malay customs and practices. It also aims to provide some handy tips to non-Malay Singaporeans on how they can interact with the Malay community at large. The contents of the book are presented in a Question and Answer…
Outline: Perubahan dan perkembangan pandangan mengenai Gereja mempengaruhi dan menentukan hidup dan kegiatan Gereja, termasuk kegiatan katekis. Setiap kegiatan Gereja terkandung gambaran Gereja tertentu yang hendak dibangun. Gambaran itu perlu disadari. Buku Membangun Gereja Indonesia 1 secara khusus menganalisis gambaran Gereja macam apa yang ada di balik contoh-contoh Katekese Umat Gereja Ind…
Outline: Hidup tidak pernah terpisah dari kehilangan. Kehilangan harta benda, pekerjaan, orang yang kita kasihi, kesehatan, dan lain-lain. Anak-Anak Tuhan yang hidup saleh pun tidak terluput dari kenyataan ini. Di dalam bukunya "Mendapatkan-Mu Dalam Kehilanganku", Pdt. Yohan Candawasa menolong kita mengenal kasih Allah dan cara-Nya bertindak dalam dimensi yang tidak terpikirkan oleh kita. Mener…
Outline: Driving a very old jeep, George McT. Kahin crossed the status quo line separating the Dutch and the Republical forces. He succeeded. But how could he face the angry, suspicious civilians and armed forces who believed that he was a Dutch intruder? A very helpful officer, who believed that he was just a graduate student trying to gather material for dissertation on Indonesian Revolution,…
Outline: Zen is life. Zen makes the art of spontaneous living the prime concern of the human being. Instead of advocating living by rules of conduct. Zen believes in the flowering of natural goodness. And this total freedom of the spirit can come about only when the ego is extinguished. When life is no longer limited by the ego, a person is one with the whole movement of life. Tsai Chih Chung d…
Outline: "Dalam hal inilah Bapa-Ku dipermuliakan, yaitu jika kamu berbuah banyak dan dengan demikian kamu adalah murid-murid-Ku" - Yohanes 15: 8 Pada waktu Tuhan menciptakan tumbuhan, Dia menghendaki tumbuhan itu menghasilkan buah yang mengandung biji di dalamnya, sehingga selain menjadi hasil pertumbuhan, buah-buah itu juga boleh menjadi tumbuhan yang baru; inilah dalil hidup. Biarlah orang K…
Outline: Dunia mengalami perubahan dengan kecepatan yang sangat luar biasa. Dan para pemimpin yang berhasil dalam dunia yang berubah ini hanyalah mereka yang dapat mengarahkan sumber daya yang paling kuat - inteligensi dan energi manusia - secara efektif. Buku ini menawarkan suatu pedoman keberhasilan yang sarat dengan spiritualitas, etika dan kekuatan, bagi para pemimpin seperti tersebut di …
Outline: This is a sociological religious study of popular religion in East Java in Indonesia. SRI is the Spirit of Javanese rice cultivation, the power within the life of thousands of Javanese people. It is the encounter between SRI and Christ that Professor van Akkeren investigates. "In many ways the life of the churches of Indonesia" says the editor's introduction "presents special features …
Outline: Sejarah wilayah-wilayah Jawa Barat dari abad ke-17 sampai akhir abad ke-18 memang menarik. Karena di sinilah terjadi perbenturan kekuasaan VOC yang telah menguasai Batavia dengan Mataram. Dinamika wilayah-wilayah ini, dan tentu saja aristokrat lokalnya, kelihatan ketika mereka, di satu pihak harus mempertimbangkan persaingan dua kekuasan hegemonik, dan di pihak lain, menjadi korban yan…
Outline: "In the name of the Lord Jesus, I deliberately set my feet on the soil of Bali and claim it for Him." To that original faith claim, R.A. Jaffray later added, "The light of gospel, preached by Spirit-filled missionaries, will drive out the millions of demons of darkness, and these people, enchained by the devil so long, will be set free." Rodger and Leila Lewis were among those missiona…
Outline: Persekutuan Doa Momentum adalah Persekutuan Doa yang diadakan oleh Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia khusus untuk mendoakan Penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah dalam Persekutuan Doa ini seluruhnya bertemakan pelayanan dan ditujukan bagi mereka yang memang mau sungguh-sungguh melayani Tuhan, khususnya di dalam doa untuk penginjilan.
Outline: Persekutuan Doa Momentum adalah Persekutuan Doa yang diadakan oleh Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia khusus untuk mendoakan Penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah dalam Persekutuan Doa ini seluruhnya bertemakan pelayanan dan ditujukan bagi mereka yang memang mau sungguh-sungguh melayani Tuhan, khususnya di dalam doa untuk penginjilan.
Outline: Persekutuan Doa Momentum adalah Persekutuan Doa yang diadakan oleh Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia khusus untuk mendoakan Penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah dalam Persekutuan Doa ini seluruhnya bertemakan pelayanan dan ditujukan bagi mereka yang memang mau sungguh-sungguh melayani Tuhan, khususnya di dalam doa untuk penginjilan.
Outline: The author dedicates this strikingly illustrated book to the Sunda people and to those interested in Sundanese history and archaeology. The book endeavors to bring back the spirit of the great history of West Java experienced from the time of Tarumanegara Kingdom in the early fifth century AD to the time of Pakuan Pajajaran Kingdom in the fifteenth early and sixteenth century. Now know…
Outline : In this groundbreaking work of first-order scholarship, Eric Johnson makes a vitally important contribution to the field of Christian counseling. He first presents a detailed overview and appreciative but critical evaluation of the reigning paradigms in the field of Christian counseling, particularly biblical counseling and integration. Building on their respective strengths, he seeks…
Outline: Asia is the continent where more than half of the world's population resides. This same continent contains millions of gods and goddesses of all the living religions that control the spiritual life of the masses. How can Christians in Asia effectively communicate the God of the Bible to other Asians who have different concepts of God in Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam? In th…
Outline: Kamu ingin melakukan hal-hal sulit, mengubah dunia sekitarmu, dan terpanggil untuk melakukan hal-hal yang luar biasa bagi Allah - tetapi kamu tidak tahu dimana harus memulainya, merasa lelah, letih lesu, dan terjebak pada hal-hal yang biasa saja. Melakukan Hal-Hal Sulit telah menginspirasi ribuan orang muda di seluruh dunia untuk melakukan hal terbaik selama masa remaja. Kini Alex dan …
Outline : In this volume, Peter Davids offers a comprehensive study of the General or Catholic Epistles of James, 1-2 Peter, and Jude, which are often insufficiently covered in more general New Testament introductions, theologies, and surveys. Before discussing a theology of each of the four letters, Davids first deals with their common aspects―their shared background in the Greco-Roman world…
Outline : A Theology of Mark’s Gospel is the fourth volume in the BTNT series. This landmark textbook, written by leading New Testament scholar David E. Garland, thoroughly explores the theology of Mark’s Gospel. It both covers major Markan themes and also sets forth the distinctive contribution of Mark to the New Testament and the canon of Scripture, providing readers with an in-depth and …