Outline: This book is both an introduction to contemporary life in Javanese society and an analysis of the emerging Javanese-Indonesian culture. Since the Javanese constitute half of the highly diversified population of two hundred million, it is only to be expected that they should have a major impact on the evolution of Indonesia as a modern nation-state. Their dominance in the country's affa…
Outline: Sejak memasuki masa pasca Perang Dunia II, Islam dan nasionalisme atau Islam dan proses politik di Asia Tenggara tampil sebagai tema penting yang membawakan dinamika kronologisnya sendiri; tidak hanya bagi kawasan ini sebagai suatu kesatuan, tetapi juga bagi masing-masing bangsa yang muncul menjadi negara-kebangsaan yang baru di kawasan ini. Buku ini tidak hanya merunut politik pada ma…
Outline: Current events continue to focus attention to resurgent Islam and its role in world affairs. Although many Westerners think of Islam as an Arab phenomenon, more than half of the world's 800 million Muslims live in Asia, the home of four most populous Muslim communities: Indonesia, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. In Islam in Asia, eleven leading authorities on Islam address the questio…
Outline: This stimulating gathering of representative Asian theological essays, readings, and church statements addresses the crucial issues central to the Christian faith in relation to Asia's cultural past and changing culture of the present. Presented are both ecumenical and evangelical positions as well as Protestant and Roman Catholic traditions. A revised edition of the formerly published…
Outline: This study attempts to analyse pribumi (indigenous Indonesian) perception of the Chinese minority and to ask how these perceptions, modified by economic and political constraints, manifest themselves in government policies towards this "trading minority" and towards China. It covers the period from 1949, when Indonesia became a sovereign state, to 1975 when the New Order Government abo…
Outline: Di mana pun mereka berada, orang Cina perantauan dihadapkan pada suatu situasi yang pelik; bagaimana secara dinamis menetapkan kombinasi identitas yang paling luwes bagi eksistensi mereka. Pada satu sisi, mereka harus menyesuaikan diri dengan kebutuhan-kebutuhan nasional di tempat mereka bermukim, sementara pada sisi yang lain mereka juga merasa perlu melestarikan warisan budaya mereka…
Outline: Do you know what the Koran really says? Is what you hear on the evening news about Islam the truth? Is their holy book, the Koran, a book of peace or a book of war? And how much do you know about the religion that will sook pass Judaism as the second-largest religion in America? Is there really an an Islamic strategy for world domination - or is this a paper dragon? Most people prefer …
Outline: Teks-teks yang ada dalam Alkitab Perjanjian Baru berasal dari waktu yang telah lalu dan masa yang berbeda. Artinya, di antara pembaca Alkitab masa kini dan teks-teks tersebut terbentang jurang yang cukup dalam dan lebar. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan "jembatan" yang dapat menghubungkan para pembaca Alkitab dengan teks-teks tersebut. "Jembatan" itu berupa metode tafsir yang dapat meno…
Outline: Authoritative, lively, and eminently readable, Primitive Religion is the definitive work in its field, Dr. Lowie first describes the beliefs, codes, and practies of a variety of primitive religions. Then he critically surveys these beliefs, incisively probing their psychological and historical aspects. Along the way Lowie includes a wealth of strange and fascinating information - detai…
Outline: Teori penebusan dosa dalam Agama Kristen mengatakan; bahwa Isa Almasih (Yesus) itu mati di atas kayu salib untuk menebus dosa umat manusia yang mempercayainya. Teori ini selain tidak sejalan dengan akal sehat, juga sebenarnya tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Injil (Bibel) sendiri. Penulis buku ini seorang Muballigh Pakar Ilmu Perbandingan Agama yang lama menetap di Amerika Serikat untuk meng…
Outline : Anda dipilih dicintai dihargai diingini dipercayai oleh Bapa yang sempurna. Dalam buku Not Forsaken, Louie Giglio mengajak kita untuk memahami karakter Allah dengan cara yang mengubahkan hidup: sebagai Bapa yang sempurna, Dia ingin agar Anda hidup di bawah aliran berkat-Nya. Anda akan lihat bahwa Allah bukanlah versi lebih besar dari ayah duniawi Anda, Dia adalah versi yang sempurna d…
Outline : Designed for the pastor and Bible teacher, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament examines the biblical text in its original environment. Notable evangelical scholars carefully attend to grammatical detail, literary context, rhetorical flow, theological nuance, and historical setting in their interpretation. Critical scholarship informs each step, but does not domina…
Outline: Buku ini dimulai dengan menafsirkan perikop-perikop tentang silsilah nenek moyang seluruh umat manusia, dari Adam hingga Nuh. Dilanjutkan dengan perikop tentang air bah, daftar bangsa-bangsa, kisah tentang menara Babel dan perserakan umat manusia, diakhiri dengan asal-usul dan pemanggilan Abraham. Sejak semula Dr. Lempp dengan sengaja menunjukkan karya tulisnya ini kepada para mahasisw…
Outline: Persekutuan Doa Momentum adalah Persekutuan Doa yang diadakan oleh Lembaga Reformed Injili Indonesia khusus untuk mendoakan Penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah dalam Persekutuan Doa ini seluruhnya bertemakan pelayanan dan ditujukan bagi mereka yang memang mau sungguh-sungguh melayani Tuhan, khususnya di dalam doa untuk penginjilan.
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: Seri buklet Persekutuan Doa Momentum ini disusun dari seri khotbah Pdt. Stephen Tong dalam Persekutuan Doa yang khusus diadakan untuk mendoakan penginjilan sedunia. Khotbah-khotbah yang dibukukan ini meliputi pembahasan seputar tema pelayanan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan modal perlengkapan rohani bagi orang Kristen agar mereka memiliki kekayaan dan pengertian dalam memahami firman T…
Outline: KH. Ahmad Dahlan dan KH. Hasyim Asy'ari adalah sama-sama keturunan Sunan Giri (Syekh Maulana 'Ainul Yaqin), yang apabila ditarik garis ke atas, nasabnya sampai kepada Rasulullah Saw. Ketika keduanya lahir, oleh orang tua mereka masing-masing diberi nama depan yang sama, yaitu Muhammad. Nama kecil KH. Ahmad Dahlan adalah Muhammad Darwis, sedangkan nama kecil KH. Hasyim Asy'ari adalah Mu…
Outline: To what extent does Paul critique the Roman Empire in his letters? And how publicly critical could he have afforded to be? Having entered the conversation in 2015 with his book Hidden Criticism? Christoph Heilig contributes further insight and new research in The Apostle and the Empire, reevaluating the case for Paul hiding his criticism of Rome in the subtext of his letters. Heilig ar…
Outline: Bukan sekadar budak. Menguak relasi tersembunyi antara Filemon dan Onesimus. Surat Filemon merupakan salah satu surat Paulus kepada Filemon yang "membicarakan" tentang seseorang bernama Onesimus. Banyak orang, bahkan Calvin, sang Reformator, sekalipun menafsirkan relasi antara Filemon dan Onesimus adalah relasi 'tuan-budak' semata. Benarkah demikian? Buku ini akan mengungkapkan hal bar…
Outline: Land Grabbing atau Perampasan Tanah di wilayah Pulau Kalimantan (Borneo) adalah salah satu isu utama yang menjadi perhatian Kelompok Kerja (Pokja) Mission 21 Regio Indonesia - Malaysia. Isu telah mencuat sejak lama, bersamaan dengan munculnya perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang mendapat hak khusus untuk mengelola (baca: menebang) hutan ataupun mengelola tanah milik rakyat. Bahkan, tanah a…
Outline: Moving quickly from principle to practice, Vern Poythress helps us rethink how we interpret the Bible by showing us the implications of entering into God's presence as we study. This handbook outlines distinct steps for practicing faithful biblical interpretation by focusing on our fellowship with the God who speaks to us through his Word.
Outline: Everybody ends up somewhere in life. You can end up somewhere on purpose! Visioneering is the engineering of a vision. It's the process one follows to develop and maintain vision. "Vision" writes Andy Stanley, "is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be." In Visioneering, Stanley builds a compelling case for the necessity of a clear, God-orda…
Outline: "Daniel," tulis D.S. Russell, "adalah buku paling mengagumkan yang berbicara lantang untuk masa kini seperti yang dilakukannya pada saat pertama kali ditulis. Pesannya dengan tegas menyatakan bahwa Tuhan Allah berkuasa mengendalikan bukan saja sejarah, tetapi juga akhir dari sejarah." Mempertunjukkan kepercayaan dan kesetiaan yang menggelora, Daniel menawarkan pesan positif tentang har…
Outline: The wisdom literature of the Bible (Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs) is filled with practical principles for everyday life. While some Christians are deterred by the seemingly general nature of these matter-of-fact guidelines, they are as integral to God's purposes for his people as the explicitly theological material that dominates other parts of Scripture. The wisdom b…
Outline: With contribution from leading Baptist theologians, this revised edition of A Theology for the Church retains its original structure, organized under traditional theological categories. Each chapter addresses four key questions: What does the Bible say? What has the church believed? How does it all fir together? How does this doctrine impact the church today?
Outline: The Bible is both a divine and a human book. It is the inspired word of God for his people. whether in biblical times or for the church today. It is also a fully human book, written by different people in a variety of cultural settings. Knowledge of biblical language and society is essential if the meaning of the human writer is to be grasped fully. The Apollos Old Testament Commentary…
Outline: Between 1870 and 1940 Lombok was transformed from one of the more powerful pre-colonial Indonesian states into an almost forgotten region of the Netherlands East Indies. This book evaluates Balinese rule in the last decades of tne nineteenth century and discusses in 1894 Dutch conquest. It shows that both Balinese and Dutch rule were based upon superior military force and examines some…
Outline: From Global to Local, the many faces of global Christianity - As they have from the very first century, the highly diverse and creative religious lives of ordinary Christians have decisively engaged the enormous developments of the twentieth century. However tentatively they can all be pieced together, these are some of their stories. Whether in the sugar cane fields of Central America…
Outline: Dealing with a time when followers of Jesus were moving toward separation from the movement's Jewish origins, this inaugural volume of A People's History of Christianity tells "the people's story" by gathering together evidence from the New Testament texts, archaeology, and other contemporary sources. Of particular interest to the distinguished group of scholar-contributors are the oft…
Outline: Exploring the Personal and Social Effects - of this momentous upheaval - Perhaps no period in Christian history experienced such vast religious tumult and rapid social change as the European Reformation, when it quickly became apparent that social and political issues - finding deep resonance with the common people - were deeply entwined with religious ones raised by the Reformers. Led…
Outline: Bringing alive the lost world of the Middle Ages - From the fall of Rome and the conversion of the Germanic tribes to the dawn of the Reformation, here is a rich and concrete exploration of the religious life ways and spirituality of medieval peasants and artisans, warriors and clerics, wives and children, and even the dead, in their daily interactions with each other, the church, the …
Outline: Christians encounter the modern spirit - After the Reformation, Christians found themselves living amidst wars of religion, Enlightenment, and colonization. The conflictive and fast-changing scene in which Christians of all allegiances were thrown yielded vase and distinct new challenges and venues to ordinary Christians. The spread of Christianity to lands outside Europe and the Middl…
Outline: John Colquhoun was a minister in the Church of Scotland whose sermons and writings reflect those of the Marrow brethren of the Secession church. Colquhoun's writings are theologically astute and intensely practical. He wrote on the core doctrines of the gospel, particularly on experiential soteriology. In this book, Colquhoun helps us understand the precise relationship between law and…