Outline: Each book in the Big Theology for Little Hearts series introduces a big idea from the Bible with concise definitions and engaging illustrations to help young minds gain a foundational understanding of God's word. With each volume written to complement all the others, this series a designed to help children develop a cohesive framework of theology that includes God, creation, humanity, …
Outline: Resonant Witness gathers together a wide, harmonious chorus of voices from across the musical and theological spectrum to show that music and theology can each learn much from the other - and that the majesty and power of both are profoundly amplified when they do. With essays touching on J. S. Bach, Hildegard of Bingen, Martin Luther, Karl Barth, Oliver Messiaen, jazz improvisation, S…
Outline: What are the most important lessons the New Testament has to teach us about being a Christian? Sinclair Ferguson shows that a deep-seated concern of the writers of the New Testament was to see Christians grow to spiritual maturity - and if that was the concern of the first believers, then it should be our concern too. In clear and logical chapters that are rooted in the reality of the …
Outline: What does the Bible actually tell us about the end times, and how has the church traditionally understood it? In a clear and accessible manner, Kim Riddlebarger presents and defends amillennialism - the belief that millennium is a present reality centered in Christ's heavenly reign, not a future hope of Christ's rule on earth after his return - as the historic Protestant understanding …
Outline: An inspiring collection of sermons on perhaps the most significant event the world ever experienced - the Cross of Christ. Through masterful sermons by great pulpit masters, the reader will gain a greater understanding of the theological, devotional, and practical importance of the Cross of Christ.
Outline : Buku ini berisi rekaman pengalaman pribadi seorang Indonesia yang kini memasuki usia senja kehidupannya. Sebagian besar pengalamannya berupa keterlibatan dalam perjuangan merebut dan mengisi kemerdekaan pada tahun- tahun awal berdirinya Republik Indonesia. Dari segi ras. penulis berasal dari golongan etnis Tionghoa, tetapi dari semangat kehidupan dan perjuangannya dia adalah orang Ind…
Outline : THE BETHANY PARALLEL COMMENTARY ON THE NEW TESTAMENT. An entirely new concept in Bible study! Three classic commentaries in one volume-The New Testa- ment Commentaries of Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke, and Jamieson/Fausset/Brown, condensed and presented in this unique format. Highly regarded in evangelical circles for more than a century, these com- mentaries are now presented side by si…
Outline : THE BETHANY PARALLEL COMMENTARY ON THE OLD TESTAMENT. Completing the whole Bible in a one-of-a-kind presentation-three of the most widely respected commentaries ever written now in parallel columns! The Bethany Parallel Commentary on the Old Testament offers three classic, evangelical commentaries in parallel columns for handy reference and comparison-the Old Testament commentaries of…
Outline : FOR YEARS, BIBLICAL COUNSELOR DARBY STRICKLAND has served women in oppressive marriages. Now she writes to anyone who wants to help, regardless of their level of experience. You will learn how to identify the toxic entitlement that drives abusive behavior and to better understand its impact on victims-including children who are raised in a home with domestic abuse. Ultimately, you wil…
Outline: Develop a deeper understanding of the Bible's Jewish heritage. The Complete Jewish Study Bible pairs the newly updated text of the best-selling Complete Jewish Bible with detailed notes and comprehensive study material to help both Jewish and Christian readers understand and connect with the essence of their faith - God's redemptive plan for his people. Readers will be enriched through…
Outline: Throughout Scripture the form of expression reminds us of God's gracious approach to us in covenant union, of our infidelity to sworn obligation, and of God's purpose to accomplish his promised purpose in spite of our infidelity. Chapter 4. Since Jesus teaches inerrancy, we may not abondon it. Chapter 5. It is not enough for the Church to know and confess that the Bible is inspired; …
Overview: Di dalam buku ini, penulis mengeksplorasi kekosongan yang menguasai hati manusia dan menolong kita untuk: - melihat alasan di balik penderitaan kita - menghilangkan perasaan bersalah kita - menemukan kebebasan dalam kesenangan - merasa nyaman dalam kesepian kita - sunguh-sungguh mengenal Allah - memiliki iman yang kuat
Outline : Helping Others Change and Grow Paul David Tripp designed this interactive small group resource using the principles fromahis best-selling book, Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands. Formerly published as Helping Others Change, this updated and reformatted Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands Study Guide offers a comprehensive, hands-on overview of the process of biblical change that wi…
Outline: The central theme of the Bible is expanded and expounded in this collection of sermons, compiled by one of today's great preachers. The reader will be encouraged by messages from such great pulpit masters. These Classic Sermons on the Birth of Christ will be a welcome addition to both preachers and teachers and will provide inspiration, ideas, and insights into this important event.
Overview: Buku ini menjulang sebagai salah satu buku klasik terbaik: bukan hanya penuh dengan perkataan yang indah, melainkan juga sederhana dan dapat diterapkan oleh setiap orang Kristen. Buku ini berisi pengajaran untuk masuk dalam kuasa Allah sehingga Anda dapat menjalani hidup yang kaya, mendalam, dan utuh seperti yang dikehendaki Allah. Penulis percaya bahwa kuasa Roh Kudus telah terlalu…
Outline: Kehadiran Roh Kudus seringkali lebih dikaitkan dengan berbagai-bagai karunia Roh Kudus. Namun, dampak terpenting kehadiran Roh Kudus di tengah kehidupan orang percaya justru bukanlah berkaitan dengan karunia, tetapi bagaimana Roh Kudus memimpin setiap orang Kristen, sehingga mereka bisa hidup secara dinamis. Oleh karena itu, kehadiran Roh Kudus memiliki peranan yang sangat penting di d…
Outline : Tulisan-tulisan dalam buku ini menanggapi situasi kita memasuki abad ke-21. Di alam sekularisasi, apakah kepercayaan pada Tuhan masih mempunyai masa depan? Sekitar 200 tahunlalu, Auguste Comte mempermaklumkan penggantian agama dengan ilmu pengetahuan. Kisah-kisah penciptaan yang diyakini agama kemudian dihantam oleh ajaran Charles Darwin tentang evõlusi: Manúsia keťurunan dari ker…
Outline : Mempelajari sejarah gereja bukan hanya menambah wawasan kita semata atau sekadar mengenang peristiwa historis yang pernah terjadi, namun juga sebagai bahan perenungan dan pemikiran kita di masa kini. Ini karena history (sejarah) bukan hanya membaca catatan masa lalu, tetapi juga bahan untuk making history (membuat sejarah), menjadikan hidup kita yang satu kali ini saja Tuhan tempatkan…
Outline: Buku "KASIH ALLAH, DAN KEBERANIAN BERJUANG: EKSPOSISI SURAT EFESUS" yang berisi 32 tema ini disunting dari khotbah Pdt. Jimmy Parded di Persekutuan Doa GRII Bandung pada periode Februari 2019 - Oktober 2019. Melalui buku ini, gereja Tuhan diajak untuk terus melihat akan betapa lebar, panjang, tinggi, dan dalamnya kasih Kristus. Dengan demikian, satu-satunya dasar dan tujuan untuk gerej…
Outline : Buku ini ditulis untuk membantu kitamelihat, membedakan, menyadari,mengagumi, dan mengaplikasikan keindahan dan kuasa Injil sejati dalam kehidupan. Saya berdoa semoga melalui buku ini, hati kita dapat "dibenamkan" dalam Injil, immersed in the gospel, sehingga kita semakin larut dalam kekaguman akan keindahan Injil Yesus Kristus.
Outline: This book by respected philosopher and theologian William Lane Craig has been thoroughly revised and updated to equip believers in the successful proclamation of biblical truth claims. The author gives careful attention to crucial questions and concerns, including: How Do I Know Christianity Is True?, The Absurdity of Life Without God, The Existence of God, The Problem of Miracles, and…
Outline: Cross-cultural evangelists historically have attempted to transplant Western church culture in their work with other peoples. More recent efforts protect the culture of native believers, helping them live as Christians within their own milieus. Anthropologist and missiologist Sherwood Lingenfelter maintains that Western-style churches often remain irrelevant, and indigienization brings…
Outline: Ungkapan "Born to Fight" terinspirasi dari perjuangan Santo Ignatius Loyola. Ignatius seorang prajurit Spanyol yang gigih melawan pasukan Prancis dalam memperebutkan Benteng Pamplona. Setelah mengalami pertobatan diri, ia lahir baru, menjadi prajurit yang melawan kebatilan dan musuh-musuh rohani. Seluruh hidupnya ia abdikan demi kemuliaan Tuhan dan keselamatan jiwa umat manusia. Tulisa…
Outline: Apa itu Sepuluh Firman Allah? Di dalam Alkitab, hukum-hukum itu ditujukan secara khusus kepada umat Allah. Pernyataannya di Gunung Sinai menurut Kitab Keluaran diapit oleh lambang kekaguman - api, asap, dan sangkakala yang nyaring. David L. Baker memperkenalkan Sepuluh Firman dan kemudian membahas hukum-hukum itu secara satu per satu dalam tiga konteks. Pertama, ia mengamati setiap fir…
Outline : JIKA ANDA SEBAGAI ORANG TUASEDANG BERGULAT DENGAN TUHAANDA TIDAK SENDIRIAN. Ketika seorang anak mengungkapkan identitasnya sebagai LGBT+, orang atorsering kali merasa seperti berada di wilayah yang tidak familier dan menggelisahkan Mark Yarhouse dan Olya Zaporozhets, terapis dan peneliti dengan puluhan tahun pengalaman, menulis buku ini untuk memberikan sudut pandang, wawasan, dan ke…
Outline: For more than twenty years Douglas Moo's NICNT volume on Romans has been providing pastors, students, and scholars with profound insight into Paul's most famous letter. In this thorough revision of his commentary, Moo deals with issue that have come into prominence since the first edition (1996), incorporating the latest research and rewriting the text throughout for better comprehension.
Outline: Prayer is the lifeline of the Christian. Only through an active prayer life can there be real spiritual growth. Fourteen pulpit giants present the need, the how-to, and the results of a life that is permeated with prayer. These classic sermons on prayer will energize your prayer life, show you how to expect great things from God, and help you experience the strengthening power of God i…
Outline: An Urgent Call for Christians everywhere to explore the nature of Kingdom amid the political upheaval of our day. Should Christians be politically withdrawn, avoiding participation in politics to maintain their prophetic voice and to keep from being used as political pawns? Or should Christians be actively involved, seeking to control and utilize political systems to control the levers…
Outline: Speakers and Toastmasters Library makes available appropriate, interesting, and immediate helps to anyone alled upon to speak before adults, teens, or children. The books in this series have been carefully selected for their value in building sermons, speeches, and talks in a wide range of situations. Anyone can use this handbook as a ready source of mor, whether for public presentatio…
Outline: Selama enam puluh tahun terakhir ini telah timbul minat baru kepada karya kaym Puritan. Pembacaan karya-karya mereka telah memberikan manfaat yang besar bagi umat Allah di berbagai belahan dunia. Inilah yang dialami oleh editor buku ini, Richard Rushing: "Betapa menggetarkannya bagi saya untuk membaca tulisan tokoh-tokoh Puritan ... Di setiap kesempatan [kebenaran-kebenaran firman Alla…
Outline: Orang Kristen harus mengenal penafsiran Alkitab, yang merupakan dasar iman dan teologinya. Isi buku Hermeneutik : Prinsip dan Metode Penafsiran Alkitab mencakup berbagai hal yang perlu diketahui oleh seorang penafsir. Pembahasan mengenai prinsip dan metode penafsiran Alkitab dalam buku ini didukung bermacam topik, di antaranya persiapan penafsir, buku referensi yang dibutuhkan, pengena…
Outlne: This informative survey of Paul's epistles is conversant with the latest scholarship, but written in an engaging style that emphasizes practical application. In each chapter, Gregory MaGee asks and answers a vital question for understanding Paul's letters, while prompting the reader to consider the discussion's personal implications. These questions get at the heart of understanding, in…
Outline : THE BIBLICAL RESOURCE SERIES The purpose of THE BIBLICAL RESOURCE SERIES is to make avail- able titles that the scholarly community regards as essential resources for the biblical thinker of today. Chosen in consultation with an editorial board of eminent biblical scholars Astrid B. Beck, David Noel Freedman, Harold W. Attridge, Adela Yarbro Collins, John Huehnergard, Peter Machinist…
Outline: Where Are Critical Theory and the Social Justice Movement Taking Us? Critical theory and its expression in fields like critical race theory, critical pedagogy, and queer theory are having a profound impact on our culture. Contemporary critical theory's ideas about race, class, gender, identity, and justice have dramatically shaped how people think, act, and view one another - in Christ…
Outline: Chun Tse presents the first full-length analysis of Thomas Boston's theology of assurance in six dimensions: trinitarian, covenantal, Christological, soteriological, ecclesiastical, and sacramental. This study disputes that Boston merely follows Calvin, English Puritanism, and Scottish federalism. For Boston, certainty is both extra nos and intra nos, rooted in union and communion with…
Outline: Semua manusia telah berdosa, hal ini sungguh tidak dapat dipungkiri. Semua jelas juga bahwa Allah tidak ingin membiarkan kita mati dalam dosa tanpa pengharapan apa pun. Allah sangat memperhatikan keselamatan manusia. Bukti-bukti dari Alkitab menyaksikan dan mengukuhkan hal ini. Namun, ada banyak sekali penafsiran berbeda mengenai keselamatan manusia dan pengaruhnya kepada kehidupa…
Outline: What is the real meaning of the church for Christian life? If we confess Christian faith, the church is one of the twelve articles, which implies that the church is rather important. In the creeds of the early church catholicity is confessed as characteristic for the church. This means that the church cannot exist without catholicity. What does this qualification mean? In this study th…
Outline: Samuel Rutherford's (1600-1661) scholastic theology has been criticized as overly deterministic and even fatalistic, a charge common to Reformed Orthodox theologians of the era. This project applies the new scholarship on Reformed Orthodoxy to Rutherford's doctrine of divine providence. The doctrine of divine providence touches upon many of the disputed points in the older scholarship,…