Outline : This book initiates a dialogue where one does not exist, and continues a dialogue where one has been tentatively initiated, regarding the concept of God in the neoclassical philosophy of Charles Hartshorne and that found in analytic philosophers who adhere to classical theism. Two distinctive features of the book are a careful examination of Hartshorne's use of position martices in th…
Outline: This book argues that sound theological foundations are essential for sound pastoral care - and that pastoral care provides a rich resource for fresh, even profound theological reflection. The chapters present a series of case studies. Each begins with a chaplain's encounter with a patient in crisis, whether from pain, loss, abandonment, trauma, or guilt. The quest for God in these cir…
The modern chasm between "secular" work and "sacred" worship has had a devastating impact on Western Christianity. Drawing on years of research, ministry, and leadership experience, Kaemingk and Willson explain why Sunday morning worship and Monday morning work desperately need to inform and impact one another. Together they engage in a rich biblical, theological, and historical exploration of …
Outline: Teologi sebagai ilmu, tidak seperti ilmu-ilmu yang lain. Dari sisi sumbernya, ilmu ini sudah berbeda dengan sejumlah materi lain. Sumber teologi adalah wahyu Tuhan, yang dalam ilmu-ilmu lain tidak begitu terpakai sebagai sumber. Penghayatannya juga terjadi di dalam lingkungan yang berbeda dengan bidang yang telah pernah kita kenal; teologi dikembangkan dalam gedung dan dalam organisasi…
Outline: Long before the Megachurch, nearly 6,000 people crowded every service to hear Charles Spurgeon. Discover why his masterful preaching astonished his era! Considered by his peers then and now as "The Prince of Preachers," Charles Spurgeon built London's Metropolitan Tabernacle into the world's largest independent congregation during the nineteenth century. While many factors have been hi…
Outline: Coming alongside struggling children can feel like an uphill battle. Yet children can find hope in the same source adults can find hope - in Jesus. This manual helps counselors share Christ - the way, the truth, and the life - while tailoring interactions and teachings to the understanding of children.
Outline: Buku ini memberi latar belakang, isi, sifat sastra, dan berita tiap kitab dalam Perjanjian Lama. Tentu saja tujuannya bukan mengganti Alkitab itu sendiri, melainkan untuk menolong pembaca agar memahami Kitab Suci secara lebih mendalam. Walaupun penulis membahas Perjanjian Lama dari sudut pandang umat Israel, mereka juga memperhatikan hubungan antara Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru,…
Outline: New to this edition
- A new chapter on Meditated Interpersonal Communication (Chapter 2) offers an evenhanded, research-based exploration of the pros and cons of communicating via social media and other communication technologies
- A new section called "Conversation: From Monologue to Dialogue" (Chapter 13) provides an in-depth look at enhancing face-to-face communication skills, ran…
Outline: Harus diakui bahwa hari-hari ini kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia terhadap eksistensi Pancasila sebagai ideologi dan dasar negara terpecah antara setuju dan tidak setuju, menerima dan tidak menerima, menyadari dan tidak menyadari, dst. Terdapat cukup banyak masyarakat yang menyatakan bahwa Pancasila haruslah dipertahankan sebagai dasar negara. Bahkan sebagaian besar memandang bahwa Panca…
Outline: Pidato kebudayaan Mochtar Lubis (1977) di Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) diterbitkan menjadi buku berjudul Manusia Indonesia. Karena gaya dan sikapnya yang lugas dalam mengupas terutama sifat-sifat negatif orang Indonesia, buku ini menimbulkan pendapat pro dan kontra, selain membangkitkan pemikiran kritis tentang manusia Indonesia. Sifat-sifat manusia Indonesia yang dimaksud ialah munafik,…
Outline: Ada dua pertanyaan pokok yang akan kita hadapi selama kita membaca serangkaian pemikiran filsuf-filsuf besar tentang manusia ini. Pertama, apakah hidup kita saat ini masih bermakna? Dan, kedua, jika masih bermakna, makna yang bagaimana? Dua pertanyaan ini timbul dari kegelisahan eksistensial masa kini ketia kita dikejar-kejar oleh bayang-bayang hari esok. Pertanyaan itulah yang kemudia…
Outline: Simone de Beauvoir adalah satu dari sedikit filsuf yang secara serius merenungkan bagaimana sebaiknya perempuan menjalani hidupnya. Hasil refleksinya tentang perempuan tertuang dalam buku The Second Sex yang ketika terbit pertama di Paris, 1948, langsung menuai kritik, sekaligus mendatangkan decak kekaguman. Menuai kritik, karena pada saat itu dunia belum siap menerima pikiran dan pend…
Outline: The essays presented in this volume challenge commonly held assumptions about the prophetic books from Hosea to Malachi, also known as the Minor Prophets, the Book of the Twelve, or merely the Twelve. Never before in the history of the discipline have so many scholars explored the implications of ancient traditions treating these twelve prophetic writings as a single corpus. Reading an…
Deskripsi Fisik
235 hal
Judul Seri
Society of Biblical Literature Symposium Series No. 35
Outline: This book brings together lectures and articles by the renowned historian of world Christianity, making them available, many for the first time, to scholars and students of world mission. While examining the many aspects that have characterized mission, indigenous Christianity, and colonialism in modern Africa, The Missionary Movement in Christian History has a far broader reach. Essay…
Outline : Christians are taught in their churches and schools that prayer is the most powerful way to experience God. But few receive instruction or guidance in how to make prayer genuinely meaningful. In Prayer, renowned pastor Timothy Keller delves into the many facets of this everyday act. With his trademark insights and energy, Keller offers biblical guidance as well as specific prayers for…
Outline: The question of why God would allow pain and suffering in the world has vexed believers and nonbelievers forever. In Walking with God through Pain and Suffering, Timothy Keller takes on this enduring issue and shows that there is meaning and reason behind pain and suffering, making a forceful and groundbreaking case that this essential part of the human experience can be overcome only …
Outline : The most influential man to ever walk the earth has had his story told in hundreds of different ways for thousands of years. Can any more be said? Now, Timothy Keller, New York Times bestselling author of The Reason of God and the man Newsweek called a "C.S. Lewis for the twenty-first century," unlocks new insights into the life of Jesus Christ as he explores came as a king, but a kin…
Outline : Times are difficult. Disease, death, and the loss of a vision for a shared common good have shattered the idea of a bright and better future for everyone. How can we survive this moment together? HOPE.
The Resurrection accounts of Jesus in the Gospels hold the key to the hope we all need to face the desperation of daily life. HOPE IN TIMES OF FEAR examines the life-changing meaning …
Outline: "To err is human; to forgive, divine," has long been aspirational. But out complicated modern world has questioned the benefits of forgiveness. Timothy Keller passionately defends the central role forgiveness has to play in our lives and shows readers how and why forgiveness is the only way forward in an imperfect world. Forgiving anyone is a meaningful way is one of the hardest thins …
Outline: The biblical story is about more than sin and salvation. It is about the creator's purposes and the fulfillment of those purposes in the climatic revelation of God's glory in Sabbath with creation. Christ Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the one through whom all things are created and all things are fulfilled. We are creatures made in God's image, called to develop and govern the eart…
Overview: Buku ini merupakan pedoman penafsiran Alkitab bagi siapa saja yang ingin menganalisis metode-metode kritik Alkitab. Setelah menyajikan penjelasan mengapa penafsiran Alkitab menjadi satu disiplin ilmu tersendiri, para penulis juga secara ringkas menyajikan penelusuran penafsiran Alkitab dalam sejarah. Dalam bagian-bagian berikut, kedua penulis menyajikan penjelasan apa yang dimaksud …
Anda tidak perlu berpura-pura bahwa Anda mengendalikan segalanya... jika ternyata tidak. Anda tidak perlu berpura-pura bahwa hubungan terbaik Anda sangat memuaskan...jika ternyata tidak. Anda tidak perlu berpura-pura bahwa pergumulan Anda melawan dosa sudah lewat...jika ternyata tidak."Hanya orang-orang Kristenlah yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk tidak pe…
Outline : Buku yang ditulis Pdt. Hasan Sutanto, D. Th., ini menekankan pentingnya personalitas pengkhotbah. Pengkhotbah yang berbobot menyampaikan khotbah yang berkualitas. Khotbah tidak sama dengan pidato. Khotbah harus dibuat berdasarkan penafsiran yang bermutu. Tanpa menggali kekayaan Alkitab, isi khotbah akan menjadi dangkal. Itu sebabnya pengkhotbah perlu memperhatikan unsur penafsiran, pe…
Outline: Real change may not be what you think it is. It is more than simply going to church, reading the Bible, teaching Sunday school, or being nice. It has everything to do with facing the realities of your own internal life and letting God mold you into a person who is free to be honest, courageous, and loving. "Only Christians have the capacity to never pretend about anything," says Larry …
Outline: The great Reformed theologian Herman Bavinck (1854 - 1921) is well-known for his theological study of many disciplines, including psychology. The pinnacle of his studies in theological psychology is Biblical and Religious Psychology. This book is divided into two parts which work in harmony to cultivate a theological anthropology that attends to who man is psychologically, in relation …