Outline: Konsep teologis apa yang melatari pemberian tanah Kanaan? Adakah konsep pemerintahan yang ideal atas dasar kegagalan dan kesuksesan pemerintahan raja-raja di Israel? Bagaimana memahami Yerusalem sebagai kota Allah? Bagaimana nabi-nabi memberi kontribusi bagi transformasi masyarakat secara sosial maupun spiritual? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini mewakili pokok-pokok teologis yang diangkat di …
Outline: Suara saksi-saksi Perjanjian Lama berasal dari zaman yang berbeda-beda, demikian pula tekanan dan spiritualitasnya, namun semuanya terarah kepada Tuhan yang Esa. Meneliti Perjanjian Lama berarti terjun ke dalam dunia yang majemuk dan memungkinkan dialog antara saksi-saksi yang berlainan, namun semuanya memberitakan karya dan Firman Allah dari sudut pandang masing-masing. Melalui buku i…
Outline: "An excellent primer for hearing the voice of our triune God in the text of Holy Scripture" This accessible, up-to-date, and theologically grounded guide to interpreting the Bible helps us read Scripture with an ear toward hearing God's address.
Outline: This accessible introduction to Christian worldview explores how Christians can live faithfully at the crossroads of Scripture and postmodern culture. Living at the Crossroads first lays out a brief summary of the biblical story and the most fundamental beliefs of Scripture. The book then tells the story of Western culture from the classical period to postmodernity. Authors Michael Goh…
Outline : Recent years have seen renewed interest in divine action, but much of the literature tends to focus on the science-theology discussion. Resulting from the multiyear work of the Scripture and Doctrine Seminar, part of the Kirby Laing Centre's Scripture Collective, this book explores the many different ways in which divine action is foregrounded and portrayed in one major biblical text,…
Karl Barth adalah seorang teolog terbesar dalam paroh pertama abad ke-20 ini. Kebesarannya nyata dari pikiran-pikirannya yang tertuang dalam karya-karya yang ia tulis terutama dalam dua buku karya utamanya: Tafsiran Surat Roma dan Dogmatika Gereja, yang hingga kini masih saja dibaca dan dibahas para teolog di seluruh dunia. Buku ini adalah cuplikan dari karya-karya Karl Barth yang secara khusus…
Karl Barth was, without doubt, one of the most significant religious thinkers of modern times. His radical affirmation of the revealed truth of Christianity changed the course of Christian theology in the twentieth century and is a source of inspiration for countless believers. Pope Pius XII declared that there had been nothing like Karl Barth's later thought since Thomas Aquinas. God Here and …
At the end of the book of Ecclesiastes, a wise father warns his son concerning the multiplication of books: “Furthermore, of these, my son, be warned. There is no end to the making of many books!” (12:12). The Targum to this biblical book characteristically expands the thought and takes it in a different, even contradictory, direction: “My son, take care to make many books of wisdom witho…
This reissue of Barth’s A Shorter Commentary on Romans links to the renewed interest today in a ‘theological’ interpretation of Scripture. In response to the modern preoccupation with what lies behind the text (the author’s context), and to a postmodern preoccupation with what lies in front of the text (the reader’s context), both theologians and biblical scholars are asking the follo…
Outline: Although the author's monumental work, this book, is recognised as a landmar k in Protestant theology - perhaps the most important work of this century - the sheer size and range of its fourteen volumes has meant that its content and significence may not be so widely known or appreciated as it deserves to be. In this concise introduction, the introductor provides a selection of the mo…
Outline: There was NO HARVEST UNTIL God's heard His people pray. As surely as a boat stuck on a sandbank needs the tide to lift it off and the plants need to be watered and well needs to be made into garments before it can be worn, The gospel needs the tide of prayer, the rain of intercession, and the garment that God's people weave when they meet together for prayer to flourish into a full har…
Outline: Umat Yahudi mengharapkan bahwa dengan pembebasan dari Babel pada tahun 438 sebelum Masehi itu Yerusalem akan segera diliputi oleh damai sejahtera di hadapan Allah; namun penduduknya mengalami berbagai-bagai kekurangan dan ketegangan, sehingga mereka pun "patah semangat". Dalam mengharapkan masyarakat adil dan makmur, baiklah kita juga di Indonesia ini memperhatikan firman yang Allah sa…
Outline: Though Karl Barth wrote his lectures on John Calvin more than seventy years ago, the wrestling of one theological giant with another can hardly fail to be exciting and instructive. Delivered at the University of Gottingen in 1922, Barth's lectures offer a brilliant analysis of the Reformation - of Calvin in particular - while at the same time providing vital insights into the developme…
Outline: "Mengapa orang baik bisa menderita?" Itulah pertanyaan sepanjang masa. Ada yang menduga bahwa penyebabnya adalah dosa tersembunyi dari orang itu. Ada yang mempersalahkan orang-orang dianggap sebagai lawan, yang cemburu kepadanya. Ada yang mengaitkan dengan perselisihan dewa-dewi. Ada yang yakin penyebabnya adalah tatanan masyarakat yang tidak adil. Ada orang yang berpendirian bahwa mu…
Outline: Kitab Mazmur adalah ungkapan perjalanan iman umat Israel yang dibentuk dalam suatu doa, nyanyian, ataupun kata-kata bijaksana yang mengajarkan hikmat. Walaupun kitab ini sudah ada sejak beberapa ribu tahun yang lalu, tetapi untaian karangan di dalamnya masih sesuai dengan berbagai konteks kehidupan. Bahkan, buku ini memperlihatkan Kitab Mazmur sebagai suatu ungkapan doa-doa yang bisa d…
Outline: In The Old Testament and God, Craig Bartholomew examines what we should do with the Old Testament, argues for a critical realist approach, situates the Old Testament against the worldviews of the ancient Near East, and explores Yahweh as he comes to us in the Old Testament. This volume is the first in a four-volume project that explores the question of God and what happens to Old Testa…
Outline: In popular perception, Wisdom literature is a "self-help" or "philosophy" section of the Old Testament library - the odd and interesting bits of canonical mortar between History and Prophets. But Old Testament scholarship has come to see the wisdom of the wise as reflecting as aspect of the Israelite worldview. The covenant beliefs are presupposed, even if rarely rising to the surface.…
Outline: Christian Philosophy offers a comprehensive narrative of philosophical thought from a distinctly Christian perspective. After exploring the interaction among Scripture, worldview, theology, and philosophy, Craig Bartholomew and Michael Goheen tell the story of philosophy from ancient Greece through postmodern times, positioning the philosophers in their historical contexts and providi…
Overview: In this book the author conduct an archaeological investigation and critique of four modern worldviews. In grand vision charged with profound insight, they engage us in an honest, interdisciplinary, and global dialogue, always pointing the way forward, beyond the modern age.
Overview: In this book the author has given us a systematic introduction and indispensable guide to one of the most significant schools of Christian thought in the modern age. And this book provides an ideal launching pad for explorations into Kuyper's wide range of thinking.
Overview: In this book, the author explains how to preach so that the powerful message of the Bible penetrates the daily lives of your congregation. While we need to be intimately acquainted with Scripture, we also need to understand the context which we preach. Some preach sermons firmly grounded in Scripture, but the message will fall flat if it is not contextually applied. Others excel at…
Overview: This book is the fruit of the first ever interdisciplinary international scientific conference on Mathew's story of the Star of Bethlehem and the Magi, held in 2014 at the University of Gronigen, and attended by world-leading specialists in all relevant fields: modern astronomy, the ancient near-eastern and Greco-Roman worlds, the history of science, and religion. The scholarly discu…