Outline: Selama enam puluh tahun terakhir ini telah timbul minat baru kepada karya kaym Puritan. Pembacaan karya-karya mereka telah memberikan manfaat yang besar bagi umat Allah di berbagai belahan dunia. Inilah yang dialami oleh editor buku ini, Richard Rushing: "Betapa menggetarkannya bagi saya untuk membaca tulisan tokoh-tokoh Puritan ... Di setiap kesempatan [kebenaran-kebenaran firman Alla…
Outline: Keunikan Theologia Kristen. Keunikan theologia kristen berasal dari keunikan Allah Tritunggal yang dipercaya dalam suatu sistem keyakinan theologis yang konsisten, koheren dan komprehensif, bahwa Allah adalah: Allah yang esa hakikatnya (the singular God) sekaligus Allah yang majemuk pribadinya (the plural God) yaitu Pribadi Allah Bapa, Allah Anak (Tuhan Yesus) dan Allah Roh Kudus. All…
Outline : The Integrated Life : Kehidupan Kristiani yang Seutuhnya merupakan sebuah Festschrift atau buku penghargaan bagi Dr. Yakub dan Esther Susabda. Dr. Yakub Susabda adalah rektor Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Reformed Injili Indonesia (STTRII) dan Dr. Esther Susabda adalah salah satu pionir dalam pengembangan konseling Kristen di Indonesia. Buku ini diterbitkan dalam rangka memperingati ulang ta…
Outline: The apostle Paul has been justifiably described as the first and greatest Christian theologian. His letters were among the earliest documents to be included in the New Testament and, as such, they shaped Christian thinking from the beginning. As a missionary, theologian and pastor Paul's own wrestling with theological and ethical questions of his day is paradigmatic for Christian theol…
Outline: Gunter Stemberger's revision of H.L. Strack's classic introduction to rabbinic literature, which appeared in its first English edition in 1991, was widely acclaimed. Gunter Stemberger and Markus Bockmuehl have now produced this updated edition. Following Strack's original outline, Stemberger discusses first the historical framework, the basic principles of rabbinic literature and herme…
Outline: Written by one of twentieth-century's foremost modern Trinitarian theologians The Christian Doctrine of God remains a classic ground work for scholars and students alike. Thomas F. Torrance offers a detailed study of the most profound article of the Christian faith - the Holy Trinity. Torrance adopts a holistic when examining the inter-relatedness of the three persons - Father, Son, an…
Outline: The Cambridge History of Christianity offers a comprehensive chronological account of the development of Christianity in all its aspects - theological, intellectual, social, political, regional, global - from its beginnings to the present day. Each volume makes a substantial contribution in its own right to the scholarship of its period and the complete History constitutes a major work…
Outline: Buku ini memberi latar belakang, isi, sifat sastra, dan berita tiap kitab dalam Perjanjian Lama. Tentu saja tujuannya bukan mengganti Alkitab itu sendiri, melainkan untuk menolong pembaca agar memahami Kitab Suci secara lebih mendalam. Walaupun penulis membahas Perjanjian Lama dari sudut pandang umat Israel, mereka juga memperhatikan hubungan antara Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru,…
Outline: Harus diakui bahwa hari-hari ini kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia terhadap eksistensi Pancasila sebagai ideologi dan dasar negara terpecah antara setuju dan tidak setuju, menerima dan tidak menerima, menyadari dan tidak menyadari, dst. Terdapat cukup banyak masyarakat yang menyatakan bahwa Pancasila haruslah dipertahankan sebagai dasar negara. Bahkan sebagaian besar memandang bahwa Panca…
Overview: Buku ini merupakan pedoman penafsiran Alkitab bagi siapa saja yang ingin menganalisis metode-metode kritik Alkitab. Setelah menyajikan penjelasan mengapa penafsiran Alkitab menjadi satu disiplin ilmu tersendiri, para penulis juga secara ringkas menyajikan penelusuran penafsiran Alkitab dalam sejarah. Dalam bagian-bagian berikut, kedua penulis menyajikan penjelasan apa yang dimaksud …
Outline : JANJI TENTANG PERUBAHAN NYATA Anda tidak perlu berpura-pura bahwa Anda mengendalikan segalanya... jika ternyata tidak. Anda tidak perlu berpura-pura bahwa hubungan terbaik Anda sangat memuaskan...jika ternyata tidak. Anda tidak perlu berpura-pura bahwa pergumulan Anda melawan dosa sudah lewat...jika ternyata tidak."Hanya orang-orang Kristenlah yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk tidak pe…
Outline: Real change may not be what you think it is. It is more than simply going to church, reading the Bible, teaching Sunday school, or being nice. It has everything to do with facing the realities of your own internal life and letting God mold you into a person who is free to be honest, courageous, and loving. "Only Christians have the capacity to never pretend about anything," says Larry …
Outline: Charles Hodge's American context and Reformed identity illustrate the persistence and change of Reformed ideas in nineteenth century America. Encompassing philosophy, science, and several areas of theology, this volume traces the development of Hodge's ideas with an eye both to Reformed orthodoxy and to American thought. The goal of these essays is to explore trajectories in Reformed a…
Outline: In his vast treasury of writings, Abraham Kuyper addressed nearly every sphere of society, including politics, science, and the arts. But his views on business and economics are often overlooked because he rarely engaged with that sphere directly. Still, his doctrine of common grace has great significance for showing how Christ is at work in the workplace. In this anthology of essays, …
Outline: "An excellent primer for hearing the voice of our triune God in the text of Holy Scripture" This accessible, up-to-date, and theologically grounded guide to interpreting the Bible helps us read Scripture with an ear toward hearing God's address.
Outline: Arab and Indian traders brought Islam to the coastal trading ports of the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Java between the 11th and 15th centuries, assimilating Hinduism and various animist sects that practices the supernatural. Over the centuries Southeast Asian Muslims became known for their tolerance of religious beliefs, including those of European colonists and laborers brought from…
Outline: The Arrival Kit launches "The Year of Equipping" for all incoming Cell Group members, whether or not they are new believers. It explains that believers relate to each other through "Basic Christian Communities." It sees this lifestyle in the Kingdom of God as primary to the development of a Christian value system. It is solidly based on scripture. Each day's session begins with "theme …
Outline; Ministry training often emphasizes expanding on the work of existing ministries to the neglect of addressing the difficulties of planting new churches in North America and across the world. This volume provides a practical, thorough, biblical, and inspirational corrective. Incorporating relevant sociological, anthropological, and historical insights, Hesselgrave extrapolates ten phases…
Outline: The Old Testament Library ...provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing. The editorial board consists of William P. Brown, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia; Carol A. Newso…
Outline: Do you long to embrace Muslim women as sisters in Christ? Can you envision hands of henna around His throne? In this book, you will discover - the needs of Muslim women - efforts that are bringing Muslim women to Christ - tactics to help cross-cultural workers cope with life in the Muslim world The contributions to this volume -- all active in Muslim ministries -- share their conce…
Outline: Kenneth Cragg describes his authoritative book The Event of the Qur'an as "an exercise in religious enquiry and in trans-religious openness of the heart ..." in the common context of our single humanity and our separate histories." The question "what happens in the Qur'an?" holds profound historical fascination as well as being a matter of great religious sensivity to all readers, rega…
Outline : Khazanah pengetahuan René Girard memang luar biasaLava dan luas. Mulai dari sastra, sejarah, mitos, sampai kitah suci. Buku ini upaya untuk sekadar mengenalkan pemikiran Girard. Teori Girard biasanya dibagi dalam tigalfase. Pertama, teori mimesis, yang terkait dengan penelitiannya mengenai karya sastra. Kedua, teori kambing hitam.vang terkait dengan penelitiannya di bidang antropolog…
Outline : WANITA YANG DIBENTUK Allah Sejak zaman Hawa di taman Eden, kaum wanita telah bergumul untuk mengambilkeputusan yang bijak dan menyeimbangkan prioritas mereka. Bagaimana seorangwanita dapat secara efektif menghadapi isu-isu keseharian seperti pernikahan, kepemimpinan, dan penderitaan dengan cara yang berani dan bijaksana? Dalam buku Wanita yang Dibentuk Allah, Anda akan menyelami kehi…
Outline: Three Middle Eastern village characters sit on a bench outside the wise man's house and discuss theology. Elder Yusef is the wise man. His friend, Abdu, asks the right questions. Abdu's sidekick, Baseat, is the "straight man" who never gets the point. After the manner of Job, these three characters, with the occasional help of some friends, discuss God ... The earlier edition of God Is…
Outline: The changes in the Evangelical movement in the last five years have exceeded all the cumulated changes in its previous history. Most of thses changes have taken place in the life-span of Christianity and New Evangelical Philosophies and are recorded and documented in its pages. The updates in this third edition fill 48 pages and it contains a new concluding section showing the impact …
Outline: Perspectives menghadirkan sebuah kumpulan bacaan bersifat multi facetted yang mencakup dimensi Alkitab, sejarah, budaya, dan strategi dalam penjangkauan dunia. Tulisan-tulisan dari 150 lebih akademisi dan praktisi misi (60 lebih diantaranya baru ditambahkan dalam edisi ini) memberikan gambaran tentang apa yang terjadi dalam sejarah dan memberikan persiapan dalam menghadapi potensi kege…
Outline: This accessible introduction to Christian worldview explores how Christians can live faithfully at the crossroads of Scripture and postmodern culture. Living at the Crossroads first lays out a brief summary of the biblical story and the most fundamental beliefs of Scripture. The book then tells the story of Western culture from the classical period to postmodernity. Authors Michael Goh…
Outline: Proverbial words of wisdom and inspiration - now more accessible than ever! Conveniently arranged by topic from Abraham, Action, and Advice to Youth, Zeal, and Zion, this practical and authoritative reference supplies nearly 3,000 quotations from the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha. Comprehensive and easy to use, it features: - More than 400 topics, among them Business, Law,…
Outline: This comprehensive course provides intermediate students (TOEFL test scores 380 - 480) with the skills, strategies, practice, and confidence they need to improve their scores on all sections of the paper TOEFL test, including the Test of Written English (TWE). The Introductory Paper Test Book features: - Language skills sections that cover the intermediate-level language skills regul…
Outline: We've lost ourselves. Disconnected from the past and uncertain about the future, we are anxious about what our lives will be and troubled by a nagging sense of meaninglessness. Adrift in the world, many Christians have their identity completely wrapped up in work, and their definition of the "good life" is financial success. Fewer are staying committed to the Christian faith, finding i…
Outline: This volume deals with with the crucial subject in today's theological debate, the authority of Scripture. Editor Henry in the Preface speaks of this subject as "the watershed of theological conviction." Twenty-four international scholars, under the editorship of Dr. Carl F. H. Henry, Editor of Chritianity Today, give evangelical view on such phases of the subject a ..., inspiration, t…
Outline : Mengapa Orang-orang yang Dibesarkan dalam Keluarga Kristen Meninggalkan Iman Mereka? Penulis Tom Bisset berbicara dengan mereka yang pernah meninggalkan imannya. Dengan keterbukaan dan kejujuran, ia menemukan inti masalahnya dengan menanyakan: • Mengapa Anda meninggalkan iman Anda? • Apakah ada sesuatu yang dapat dilakukan atau dikatakan seseorang yang dapat mengubah hasil Anda…