This work by Graham Ward contains nine interrelated studies of representations of Christ. Drawn from sources as diverse as the New Testament and twentieth-century continental philosophy. Ward develops his own original incarnational theology. From his exploration of contemporary categories such as the body, gender, desire, politics and the sublime, a Christology emerges that is both rooted in Sc…
This book is intended for counseling courses for undergraduate and graduate students in psychology, counselor education, human services, and the mental health professions. It surveys the major concepts and practices of the contemporary therapeutic systems and addresses some ethical and professional issues in counseling practice. The book aims to teach students to select wisely from various the…
Drawing on the latest in Genesis scholarship, this volume offers twenty-nine essays on a wide range of topics related to Genesis, written by leading experts in the field. Topics include its formation, reception, textual history and translation, themes, theologies, and place within Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
One of the most difficult questions facing us today is that of the proper attitude toward possessions. In wealthy nations such as Britain and the USA, individuals accumulate much and yet are daily exposed to the plight of the poor, whether the homeless on their own city streets or starving children on their TV screens. What action should they take on behalf of the poor What should they do with …
Highly respected New Testament scholar Craig Keener is known for his meticulous and comprehensive research. This commentary on Acts, his magnum opus, may be the largest and most thoroughly documented Acts commentary available. Useful not only for the study of Acts but also early Christianity, this work sets Acts in its first-century context. In this volume, the first of four, Keener introduces…
Highly respected New Testament scholar Craig Keener is known for his meticulous and comprehensive research. This commentary on Acts, his magnum opus, may be the largest and most thoroughly documented Acts commentary available. Useful not only for the study of Acts but also early Christianity, this work sets Acts in its first-century context. In this volume, the second of four, Keener continues …
This popular text has been updated to ensure that it continues to provide a current and comprehensive overview of the main Christian theologies of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
The first volume in this trilogy exploring Christian theological method addressed the problematic question of the theological status of nature; the second now turns to consider the epistemological and ontological status of the real world, prior to exploring the question of how this may be represented theoretically in the third and final volume of the series. The three volumes of this series att…
This trilogy had its origins in the long, hot and dry European summer of 1976. I was working at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, combining mastering the complex isolation of a protein thought to be implicated in phosphatidylcholine transport between biological membranes (which had been pioneered at Utrecht) with following through my continuing interest in the history and philosophy…
This generation has been blessed with an abundance of excellent commentaries. Some are technical and do a good job of addressing issues that the critics have raised; other commentaries are long and provide extensive information about word usage and catalogue nearly every opinion expressed on the various interpretive issues; still other commentaries focus on providing cultural and historical bac…
Up until just a few years ago, building your own e-commerce site was remarkably difficult. You had to install complex software, host it yourself, and hope that, whenever you made a change, nothing broke. That's very different from where we are now. WooCommerce was released in September 2011 and, since then, it's taken the e-commerce world by storm. As of 2015, there are nearly 400,000 sites tha…
This is a substantially expanded and completely revised edition of a book originally published in 1988 as Maenads, Martyrs, Matrons, Monastics. The book is a collection of translations of primary texts relevant to women's religion in Western antiquity, from the fourth century B.C.E. to the fifth century C.E. The selections are taken from the plethora of ancient religions, including Judaism and …
The interface between psychology, religion, and spirituality has been of great interest to scholars for a century. In the last three decades a broad popular appetite has developed for books which make practical sense out of the sophisticated research on these three subjects. Freud expressed an essentially deconstructive perspective on this matter and indicated that he saw the relationship betwe…
One of the twentieth century's greatest authorities on revival, Leonard Ravenhill gives a no-compromise call to the principles of biblical revival. The heart of his message to the church is in this volume. Appalled by the disparity between the New Testament church and the church today, his message is drastic, fearless, and often radical. As timely a call to revival today as when published nearl…
This book aims to introduce you to historical theology as an important and interesting subject. It is also a very large topic; to do justice to it, at least five substantial volumes would be required. This book is an introduction to its aims and themes, which aims to pack as much useful information into a single volume as is realistically possible, using approaches which have been tried and tes…
The Christian doctrine of justification is of immense interest to historians and theologians, and continues to be of major importance in modern ecumenical discussions. The present work appeared in its first edition in 1986, and rapidly became the leading reference work on the subject. Its many acclaimed features include a detailed assessment of the semantic background of the concept in the anci…
In his time, Emil Brunner (1889–1966) was acclaimed as one of the greatest and most influential theologians of the twentieth century, especially in the United States of America. From the 1930s to the early 1960s, it is arguable that no single theologian exercised so extensive and pervasive an influence on American and British theologians and preachers. It is easy to see why Brunner garnered s…
Throughout history, the church has recognized the importance of studying and understanding God’s attributes. As the Creator of all things, God is unique and cannot be compared to any of his creatures, so to know him, believers turn to the pages of Scripture. In The Attributes of God, renowned theologian Gerald Bray leads us on an exploration of God’s being, his essential attributes, his re…
This book explores the intertwining domains of artificial intelligence (AI) and ethics-two highly divergent fields which at first seem to have nothing to do with one another. AI is a collection of computational methods for studying human knowledge, learning, and behavior, including by building agents able to know, learn, and behave. Ethics is a body of human knowledge-far from completely unders…
"Freshly updated for this second edition with considerable new material, this authoritative introduction to the history of Christian theology covers its development from the beginnings of the Patristic period just decades after Jesus's ministry, through to contemporary theological trends. A substantially updated new edition of this popular textbook exploring the entire history of Christian thou…
Outline: "Aku berkata kepadamu, sesungguhnya jikalau kamu tidak makan daging Anak Manusia dan minum darah-Nya, kamu tidak mempunyai hidup di dalam dirimu." "... setiap orang yang menceraikan isterinya kecuali karena zinah, ia menjadikan isterinya berzinah." "Berikanlah kepada Kaisar apa yang wajib kamu berikan, dan kepada Allah apa yang wajib kamu berikan kepada Allah." Sama seperti orang-or…
Outline: Biografi Jusuf Tjitra atau Soe Yong Tje, sebuah catatan dan kesaksian tentang kehidupan seorang perintis gereja dan sekolah, yang juga merupakan bagian dalam mozaik sejarah Tanah Papua dan pelayanan Kristen di Tanah Papua.
Outline: Christianity and Islam are today in closer contact than ever before, both in world affairs and in the field of religion. In the political area, the West and Communism compete for the favor of emergent Muslim nations. In the field of religion, the historic faith of the Western world confronts the dominant religion of the Middle East. Yet lack of understanding between the two faiths is w…
Outline: Semua wawasan dunia membutuhkan lompatan iman, tetapi tidak semua lompatan itu sama. Sebagai buku sumber lengkap tentang kebenaran iman Kristen, Lompatan Tersingkat menyajikan penjelasan sains, historis, alkitabiah, dan penjelasan komprehensif yang mendukung iman Kristen, yang mendemonstrasikan bahwa iman kepada Yesus butuh lompatan tersingkat. Selain menyediakan bukti proaktif untuk K…
Outline: Inti dari Kurikulum "Kenalkan Yesus Padaku" Allah kita yang berdaulat : Allah - Sang Raja, Penebus, dan Pencipta - kita yang berdaulat adalah fokus dari kurikulum ini. Tujuan hidup kita adalah untuk memuliakan dan menikmati Dia selamanya. Alkitab : Alkitab, dari Kejadian sampai Wahyu, secara keseluruhan merupakan pernyataan dari kisah keselamatan yang berfokus pada Yesus. Melalui kur…
Outline: Sebelum Aku Dilahirkan adalah buku kedua dalam seri MAKSUD ALLAH MENCIPTAKAN SEKS, ditulis untuk dibaca bersama anak usia 5 sampai 8 tahun. Dengan cara penyampaian yang sesuai dengan usianya, teks yang lugas, dan ilustrasi yang informatif, Sebelum Aku Dilahirkan menjelaskan seks sebagai karunia istimewa Allah yang diberikan kepada suami-istri dan mencakup beberapa topik seperti: - Men…
Outline : Perspectives merupakan buku yang bersifat multi facetted yang mencakup dimensi Alkitab, Sejarah, Budaya, dan Strategi dalam penjangkauan dunia. Berisi tulisan-tulisan dari 150 lebih akademisi dan praktisi misi, antara lain John Stott, John Piper, Rick Warren, David Garrison, dan Don Richardson. Buku ini memberikan gambaran tentang apa yang terjadi dalam sejarah dan bagaimana Allah be…
Outline: Yesus lahir untuk apa dan untuk siapakah? Buku T'lah Lahir bagiku! - yang memuat renungan tentang kelahiran dan kedatangan Yesus Kristus, Anak Allah - memberikan kesaksian bahwa Dia lahir untuk menebus dosa manusia, kita semua. Yesus telah lahir bagiku. Itulah yang kita imani sebagai umat manusia yang dikasihi Allah. Hanya melalui Yesus, janji pemulihan dan keselamatan dari Allah bagi …