Outline: Systematic Theology is the culmination and creative synthesis of John Frame's writing on, teaching about, and studying of the Word of God. This magisterial opus - at once biblical, clear, cogent, readable, accessible, and practical - summarize the mature thought of one of the most important and original Reformed theologians of the last hundred years. It will enable you to see clearly h…
Westminster Theological Seminary has played a major role in the history of orthodox Reformed theology in America. Upon its founding in 1929, its original faculty affirmed that the seminary would continue the historic position of “old Princeton Seminary.” Princeton had for many decades represented the theology of Calvin and the Westminster Confession of Faith, as opposed to the liberal theol…
Like any other discipline, apologetics lacks a uniform definition. The standard that’s largely been adopted is “the defense of the faith,” but overlapping definitions abound. Apologetics has been defined as “that branch of Christian theology which seeks to provide a rational justification for the truth claims of the Christian faith,” “developing one’s authentic self so as to prese…
Readers familiar with Frame’s analysis of historic doctrines and current questions will welcome this long-awaited second installment in the Theology of Lordship series. Here he examines the attributes, acts, and names of God in connection with a full spectrum of relevant theological, ethical, spiritual truths.
The insights of Cornelius Van Til have generated intense discussion among friends and foes alike. Until now nearly everything written about Van Til has come from either uncritical followers or unsympathetic critics.
This volume, marking the one hundredth anniversary of Van Til’s birth, combines deep appreciation with incisive critical analysis of the renowned Westminster apologist’s idea…
A multiple-view book on apologetic methods, this material deals with a very relevant topic in the midst of a changing culture. Its primary contributors are: William Lane Craig, Gary R. Habermas, Paul D. Feinberg, John M. Frame, and Kelly James Clark.
Outline: "Those who believe that presuppositionalism eliminates communication between believer and unbeliever underestimate God's power to reach the unbelieving heart. They also underestimate the variety and richness of a biblical apologetic, the creativity that God has given to us as his spokeman and the many forms that biblical apologetic can take." Here John M. Frame unveils some of the "var…
Outline: Rarely does a book amass the accolades given this one: "excellent," "profound," "masterful," "first-rate," "down-to-earth," "solid," "incisive," "illuminating," "both scholarly and devotional," "remarkable," "warm," "unprecedented," "fascinating," "crisp," "pastoral, lucid and biblical," "well-written," "a vigorous book," "a landmark." That is how reviewers have described John M. Frame…
Outline: John Frame gives us an accessible introduction to "triperspectival" study - where theological issues are fruitfully viewed from multiple perspectives without compromise to their unity and truth.
Outline: Speaking the Truth in Love : The Theology of John M. Frame, is a festschrift honoring Professor Frame'a career in seminary teaching and publishing. Unlike many festschrifts, this book does not merely collect essays on subjects of interest to the honoree. Rather, it analyzes Frame's own work in the fields of theology, apologetics, ethics, worship, the church, and other areas. Containing…
Outline: Sejarah Filsafat dan Theologi Barat adalah buah karya John Frame selama empat puluh lima tahun mengajar mata pelajaran filosofis. Tidak ada survei lain tentang sejarah pemikiran Barat yang menawarkan perpaduan yang menyegarkan antara kejelasan eksposisi, wawasan kritis, dan hikmat alkitabiah. Rangkaian pertanyaan studi tambahan, bibliografi, tautan ke kuliah audio, kutipan dari para pe…
Outline: Reflections from a seasoned theologian. John Frame is remarkable for his ability to pair profound thought with lucid prose. On Theology : Explorations and Controversies gathers seventy-six concise reflections on wide-ranging matters of theology., philosophy, and ethics, divided into eight parts:
1. Theological Method
2. The Thomist Controversy
3. Systematic Theology
4. Essays from …
Outline: In this extensively redeveloped and expanded version of Apologetics to the Glory of God (1994), renowned theologian John Frame sheds light on the message and method of genuinely Christian apologetics in terms of proof, defense, and offense.
Outline: "Kita cenderung lupa betapa sering Allah melakukan perbuatan-Nya yang heba di dalam Alkitab sehingga manusia dapat 'mengenal' bahwa Dia adalah Tuhan," tulis penulis di dalam tulisannya yang tajam ini. "Kita cenderung lupa betapa sering Alkitab menekankan bahwa meskipun dalam satu arti semua orang mengenal Allah (bandingkan Roma 1:21), dalam arti lain pengetahuan yang demikian merupak…
Outline: Christians are called to stand firm on the inerrancy of Scripture. Sadly, more and more people - not only from outside the church but also from within - are denying the complete truthfulness of God's Word. Edited by pastor John Mac Arthur, these commissioned essays by a host of evangelical pastors, theologians, historians, and biblical scholars contend that the Bible is completely t…
Overview: Buku ini menelusuri secara runtun perkembangan historis pemikiran barat melalui sepuluh era. Buku ini menyoroti ide-ide fundamental yang merevolus cara orang berpikir dan bertindak mulai dari masa filsuf Yunani kuno dan para penulis Alkitab, melintasi periode Abadi Pertengahan, Renaisans, Reformasi, Pencerahan, Modern sampai kepada periode Postmodern saat ini.
Overview: Buku ini adalah edisi revisi dan diperluas dari buku Apologetika bagi Kemuliaan Allah karya theolog terkemuka Penulis. Di dalam buku ini Penulis memberikan pencerahan mengenai pesan dan metode apologetika yang benar-benar Kristen di dalam aspek pembuktian, pembelaan dan penyerangan.
Outline: This book is the fruit of the author's forty-five years of teaching philosophical subjects. No other survey of the history of Western thought offers the same invigorating blend of expositional clarity, critical insight, and biblical wisdom. The supplemental study questions, bibliographies, links to audio lectures, quotes from influential thinkers, twenty appendices, and indexes glossar…
Overview: Short, pointed essays summarize some of the author's central (and a few peripheral) ideas on theological method, apologetics, and ethics, beginning with the author's shortest and clearest presentation of his signature concept of triperspectivalism - the need to read Scripture from various perspectives, especially threefold perspectives that reflect the nature of the Trinity.
Overview: Short, pointed essays summarize some of the author's central (and a few peripheral) ideas on theological method, apologetics, and ethics, beginning with the author's shortest and clearest presentation of his signature concept of triperspectivalism - the need to read Scripture from various perspectives, especially threefold perspectives that reflect the nature of the Trinity.
'The Word of God' is a multi-faceted concept. God speaks but Word is one of Jesus's names. God's personal communications take other forms, through prophets, apostles, and the written Word. Frame investigates them all.--From publisher description.