Outline: One Sunday after church, while Meg and her parents are getting their coats to head home, Meg suddenly notices she's on her own. A miscommunication between her mom and dad results in Meg being accidently left behind at church. She tries to be brave, but she feels alone and afraid. But Meg is not alone. When the people at church realize what happened, they gather around Meg with kind off…
Outline: One Saturday morning, Lucy and her brother, Lewis are each allowed to pick out a piece of candy from the store. But Lucy's delight quickly disappears when she unwraps her chocolate and discovers it melted! Envying her brother's long-lasting lollipop, Lucy spirals into a pattern of discontent: see, covet, take, and hide. Through colorful illustrations and engaging characters, Lucy's sto…
Outline : For many, the doctrine of predestination is intimidating. Often tried to personal emotions and heated debate, this topic can be difficult to study - let alone view as a blessing. This addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology series carefully examines God's word to answer fifteen commonly asked questions regarding the doctrines of election and reprobation. While reading, yo…
Outline: Family Devotions Made Easy! Enjoy having 52 weekly family devotions that you can do in as little as 5 minutes! When your schedule is packed with errands and extracurriculars, making time for family prayer can feel like a chore. How can you keep little kids, preteens, and parents engaged in prayer? 52 Weekly Devotions for Family Prayer offers a year's worth of unique family prayer meth…
Outline : A personal odyssey through the world of Christian higher education, narrated by a professional who has worked on both sides of the faculty-administrative divide. What is the world of Christian higher education really like? With thirty years of experience in Christian academia, Rick Ostrander provides an insider’s perspective on the field and its future.
Outline : Herman Bavinck's Classic Work on Christian Scholarship, Translated and Edited for the First Time in English. After completing his well-known book Christian Worldview, Dutch Reformed theologian and scholar Herman Bavincks focused his attention on how the Christian faith benefits higher learning, particularly religious studies, natural sciences, and the humanities. This translated and…
Outline: In our world, we use the word heart to refer to our emotions. But the Bible uses the word heart to refer to the governing center of life. We need to grasp the true meaning of the heart in order to better understand ourselves, our sin, and our need for redemption. As we rediscover the heart as the source of all our thoughts, fears, words, and actions, we will discover principles and pra…
Outline: Christian friendship isn't just a nine-to-have. It's vital. But it's also dangerous. If Jesus is right that there is no greater love than lay down our lives for our friends (John 15: 13), we need to learn this love as if our life depends on it. No Greater Love walks us through biblical friendship - a love that's been neglected and malnourished in our modern world. Friends can support u…
Outline : Introduce Kids to the Savior of the World This Bible reading plan for children ages 6–12 guides them through the life of Christ over the course of a year, teaching kids what Scripture says about Jesus. In less than five minutes a day, children will get to know the life and teachings of Jesus and his offer of abundant life to all who believe in him. Each weekly entry includes: -…
Outline: A Journey through the Bible for Kids Reading the Bible is like taking a trip through God's story, setting out to explore and experience the beautiful views found within. But without a map, it's easy to get lost. Exploring the Bible leads kids ages 6–12 through the Bible one day at a time over the course of a year. For use alongside any Bible, this workbook will help them see the ov…
Outline: Share if you love Jesus, Scroll past if you follow the devil. Most Christians have encountered phony posts on our feeds meant to riles us up. But not everything we see on social media is obviously absurd. As online spaces increase in importance, we urgently need to consider how to love our neighbors on the internet - and this includes sharing the truth. Rachel I. Wightman has seen this…
Outline: A Definitive Masterwork from the world's leading Christian Apologist. Throughout his career, Ravi Zacharias has faced some of the most difficult questions ever asked about the Christian faith. The most troublesome question of all, however, came from a Hindu friend. "If this conversion is truly supernatural," he asked, "why is it not more evident in the lives of so many Christians that …
Outline: As you look to the future for Christ’s return, learn how to live now for his glory. James Boice was known in his pastoral ministry for offering clear, practical, and biblical instruction. Never before published, this dynamic work on Revelation 1–6 gives his final thoughts on the church and on worship, as well as on facing trials in the light of heavenly realities and Christ’s re…
Outline: The Will in Its Theological Relations addresses human freedom and God's decrees within a nineteenth-century debate over full-blown determinism. More specifically, John L. Girardeau challenges Jonathan Edward's doctrine of the will and its tendency to identify certain foreknowledge with causal necessity. While appreciative of Edwards as a brilliant thinker and spiritual giant, Girardeu …
Outline: The History of Apologetics follows the great apologists of church history to understand how they approached the task of apologetics in their own cultural and theological context. Each chapter looks at the life of a well-known apologist from history, unpacks their methodology, and details how they approached the task of defending the faith. By better understanding how apologetics has be…
Outline: This edited volume explores neglected aspects of the history, theology, and literary contribution of the Genevan reformer Theodore Beza (1519 - 1605). The contributors to this volume are an accomplished group of scholars who specialize in the religious and social history of 16th century reformed Protestantism. Theodore Beza at 500 celebrates the 500th anniversary of the reformer's birt…
Outline: The essays in this volume aim at a clarification of the church in the 16th century : What did the reformers think about the essence and origin of the holy, apostolic and catholic church? Can human beings see the true church or not? Does it have one existence in this world and another in the world to come? The concept of church is indissolubly connected with the theological concepts of …
Outline : This volume presents the collection of papers presented at the 12th International Congress on Calvin Research that took place in Philadelphia in 2018. The plenary papers focus on Calvin's political context and religious liberty, while the selection of short papers provides a window into current research on a wide range of topics in Calvin studies.
Outline: On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the German monk and reformer Martin Luther posting his theses in 1517, the contributors of this volume invite us to expand our understanding of "the Reformation" by an examination of aspects of Reform which are lesser known than Luther to probe some less-explored corners of the Reformation. To be sure, Martin Luther himself receives attention…
Outline: Presbyterianism has a rich, robust, resilient history. Since Presbyterianism began in Scotland in the early 1560s, its adherents have spread to Europe, North America, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Australia, and New Zealand. In some locales and ears, Presbyterians have flourished; in others, they have struggles. Today an estimated 35 million Presbyterians live in dozens of countries. Th…
Outline: Sixteen internationally recognized church historians here examine Martin Luther in an uncommon way - not as Reformer or theologian but as pastor. After first introducing the pastoral Luther, including his theology of the cross, these chapters discuss Luther's preaching and use of language (including humor), investigate his teaching ministry in depth, especially in light of the catechis…
Outline: This second edition of An Introduction to the Old Testament integrates and interacts with recent developments in Old Testament scholarship. Several distinctives set it apart from other introductions to the Old Testament: - It is thoroughly evangelical in its perspective - It emphasizes "special introduction" - the study of individual books - It interacts in an irenic spirit with th…
Outline: The Bible and ethics in a critical time. The planet is changing rapidly, and these disruptions are throwing the globe further into crisis. The future of Christianity depends on whether it is able to face these challenges with a hopeful but urgent moral and social vision. Christianity continues to break away from its Western center as churches in Asia, Africa, and Latin America experien…
Outline : This new Handbook edited by Herman Selderhuis and written by renowned catholic and protestant church historians presents the latest results in research. Full attention is given to the coherence of social, political, cultural and ecclesiastical developments in the history of Christianity in the Netherlands. The Handbook is written for use as an academic textbook but is also accessible …
Outline: First published in 1700, The Christian's Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone. The title is derived from Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It expresses what God req…
Outline: First published in 1700, The Christian's Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone. The title is derived from Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It expresses what God req…
Outline: First published in 1700, The Christian's Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone. The title is derived from Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It expresses what God req…
Outline: First published in 1700, The Christian's Reasonable Service (De Redelijke Godsdienst) ran through twenty Dutch editions in the eighteenth century alone. The title is derived from Romans 12: 1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." It expresses what God req…
Outline: Unshakable Truth in an unsteady world. In an age that is increasingly conflicted about evangelical identity and theological truth, Christians need a foundation for navigating the shifting culture. Although forgotten by some, twentieth-century theologian Carl F. H. Henry stands as one of the most influential leaders of modern evangelicalism. In this collection of essays written by leadi…
Outline: If that sounds like you, here is the help you've been looking for. Richard L. Pratt, Jr., knows the burdens many of us carry because of inadequate prayer lives. In this instructive yet often entertaining book, he offers clear biblical direction on how to pray more effectively. With remarkable care and balance he discusses key issues: from fascination with God to honest confession of ou…
Outline : Psikoterapi, Kesehatan mental, Psikologi & Psikiatri; Agama & Pelayanan Pendampingan Pastoral; Pernikahan dan Keluarga Buku ini berisikan materi pelayanan konseling berikut kasus, catatan, kegiatan, dan pekerjaan rumah yang sangat membantu pemulihan klien Anda Orang Kristen dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah yang juga dialami oleh orang lain di sekitamya. The Christian Therapist's Not…
Outline: Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International (STEMI) telah mengadakan Seminar Pembinaan Iman Kristen (SPIK) bertemakan Kristologi selama 3 tahun berselang secara serial dan merupakan seminar theologi Kristen yang paling penting dan banyak dihadiri oleh masyarakat Kristen di Indonesia. Buku ini berupaya untuk menghadirkan tema-tema Kristologi dalam seminar tersebut dalam bentuk t…
Outline: Melalui pendekatan naratif, buku Atlas dan Sejarah Alkitab ini memaparkan banyak hal menarik, mulai dari sejarah terbentuknya Alkitab (Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru), cerita awal mula penciptaan, bapa-bapa leluhur, sampai kisah rasul-rasul Kristus (terutama Rasul Paulus), dan lahirnya Gereja Perdana. Dengan menggunakan temuan-temuan mutakhir dari sejarawan dan arkeolog sebagai su…
Outline: Kitab 1 dan 2 Samuel menampilkan sejarah umat Israel pada waktu kerajaan didirikan dan raja-raja pertama memerintah. Tokoh-tokoh dalam kisah itu digambarkan secara hidup dan mengesankan. Pembaca diundang untuk memahami pikiran serta emosi para raja, pegawainya, panglima tentara, dan seterusnya. Orang-orang itu sering melakukan kesalahan, bahkan dosa yang berat; mereka tidak selalu menj…
Outline: Sering diyakini bahwa di awal milenium baru ini etika dan agama merupakan isu sentral, terutama di hadapan krisis multidimensi yang diakibatkan modernitas. Etika dan agama mendadak menjadi semacam primadona baru peradaban. Sayangnya, modernitas pun telah menyebabkan etika dan agama justru tak jelas sosoknya. Buku ini mencoba memperlihatkan berbagai dilema yang dihadapi oleh etika dan a…
Outline: Sepuluh bahan pemahaman Alkitab ini dipersembahkan kepada seluruh umat Kristen di Indonesia yang akan menyambut Sidang Raya ke-16 Persekutuan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia di Nias. Ditulis oleh sepuluh teolog dan pendeta muda dari berbagai tradisi gerejawi, baik perempuan maupun laki-laki, bahan Pemahaman Alkitab ini diharapkan dapat menuntun para penggunanya untuk memahami tema Sidang Ra…
Outline: Tahukah Anda apa ciri dari tulisan yang disebut berasal dari E (Elohis)? Bagian mana saja teks-teks Alkitab yang dianggap berasal dari E? Buku ini merupakan buku kedua dari tiga serangkai dari Robert B. Coote yang membahas sejarah sumber Pentateukh, yang membahas E. E adalah sekelompok teks di dalam kitab Kejadian dan Keluaran dengan serangkaian ciri yang membedakannya dari Y (Yahwis)…
Outline: Theologia in loco (teologi di dalam tempat) adalah sebuah semboyan kontekstualisasi. Kabar Gembira atau Injil yang dihayati sebagai kabar mulia di suatu tempat bisa jadi terasa sebagai kabar buruk di tempat lainnya. Pada zaman kolonial, proses pewartaan Injil pun terhanyut ke dalam paradigma kolonial. Inilah yang dikritik oleh semboyan theologia in loco. Pada zaman pascakolonial, sembo…
Outline: "Khotbah yang tidak memiliki aroma kebesaran Allah mungkin terasa menghibur untuk sesaat," kota John Piper, "tetapi tidak akan menyentuh jeritan tersembunyi dari jiwa: 'Perlihatkanlah kemuliaan-Mu!" Piper yakin bahwa tidak ada masalah kehidupan yang tidak bisa dipulihkan oleh pengenalan yang sejati akan keagungan Allah, keyakinan yang telah dibuktikannya melalui beberapa dekade pelayan…
Outline: Waktu telah membuktikan Tafsiran Matthew Henry sebagai sarana yang sangat menolong untuk memperdalam pengertian dan pengenalan akan Firman Allah. Sudah lebih dari 300 tahun Tafsiran Matthew Henry tetap menjadi salah satu tafsiran favorit para guru, pengkhotbah, dan orang Kristen secara luas. Penyampaian eksposisi dan aplikasi kebenaran Alkitab yang begitu kaya dalam bahasa yang luwes d…
Outline: Sukma Syekh Amongraga mengembara, terbang ke Gua Langse, Gua Songpati, dan Gunung Merapi, namun di situ ia selalu menemukan ludah bekas kunyahan sirih yang dikenalinya milik Sultan Agung. Tubuhnya bergetar menahan gejolak murka, menyadari bahwa dirinya telah terungguli oleh Sultan Agung. Ia memutuskan untuk kembali ke raganya, menguatkan tekad untuk bersemadi memohon wahyu Hyang Widi a…
Outline: Siapa tidak ingin badannya sehat, pikirannya senang, dan hubungannya dengan orang lain harmonis? Itu hidup yang berkualitas. Kualitas hidup adalah kondisi menyeluruh hidup kita dan apa produk sehari-harinya. Namun, betulkah hidup kita berkualitas? Sering kali tidak. Oleh karena itu, Kristus menyediakan diri, "Aku datang supaya mereka mempunyai hidup ..." (Yohanes 10: 10). Kita adalah m…
Outline: Bagi masyarakat Jawa, keris memiliki beberapa peranan penting. Selain sebagai senjata, keris juga dipercaya memiliki kekuatan yang dapat menghubungkan antara pemiliknya dengan dunia spiritual. Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat, nyatanya tak mampu menggeser nilai-nilai kepercayaan masyarakat Jawa terhadap keris. Buku ini akan memandu Anda mengenal "sosok" keris, sekaligus mencar…
Outline: Manusia bertemu dengan keraguan, persahabatan, orang asing, kerapuhan, penyerahan diri, kesakitan, bahkan kematian dalam penziarahan iman sehari-hari. Semuanya adalah kejutan yang selalu dapat ditemukan di setiap persimpangan labirin kehidupan yang dilewati. Namun, ada kalanya manusia merasa kesulitan menemukan Allah di dalamnya! Tulisan ini berupaya untuk melihat apa yang dialami oleh…
Outline: Pertanyaan "Apakah Tuhan ada?" selalu mengusik para filsuf dari segala zaman. Sebagian menunjukkan berbagai macam argumen untuk mendukung jawaban afirmatif. Akan tetapi, sebagian lainnya secara skeptis menanggapi jawaban dan argumen tersebut. Graham Oppy adalah kelompok filsuf yang kedua. Di dalam buku ini, Oppy mengevaluasi argumen-argumen yang mendukung dan menentang keberadaan Tuhan…
Outline: Di sekitar kita ada pemangsa, hanya tidak terlihat. Namanya Setan: Iblis, ular, bapak segala dusta, ilah dunia ini. Sebagian orang Kristen meremehkan kuasanya. Sebagian lagi terlalu jauh dalam mengambil posisi sebaliknya, melihat iblis ada "di balik setiap pohon", bahkan menyalahkannya ketika mereka takluk dalam pencobaan. Sungguh menakutkan melihat wajah iblis dan menyadari bahwa dia …
Outline: The voice of God is a heartbeat away. In Fearfully & Wonderfully Made, Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey revealed how God's voice is encoded in the very structure of our bodies. In His Image takes up where its predecessor left off, beckoning us once again inward and onward to fresh exploration and discovery. Brand and Yancey show how accurately and intricately the human body portrays th…
Outline: Mark Rooker discusses each of the Ten Commandments and its full meaning in the ancient context. Providing a depth of understanding that can't be obtained by looking only at the commandment itself, he shows how each one reverberates throughout the Old Testament, how it was violated in Israel's history, and how it surfaces again in the New Testament. He also includes the theological sign…