Outline: Outline: Inti dari Kurikulum "Kenalkan Yesus Padaku" Allah kita yang berdaulat: Allah - Sang Raja, Penebus, dan Pencipta - kita yang berdaulat adalah fokus dari kurikulum ini. Tujuan hidup kita adalah untuk memuliakan dan menikmati Dia selamanya. Alkitab: Alkitab, dari Kejadian sampai Wahyu, secara keseluruhan merupakan pernyataan dari kisah keselamatan yang berfokus pada Yesus. Mela…
Outline: Inti dari Kurikulum "Kenalkan Yesus Padaku" Allah kita yang berdaulat : Allah - Sang Raja, Penebus, dan Pencipta - kita yang berdaulat adalah fokus dari kurikulum ini. Tujuan hidup kita adalah untuk memuliakan dan menikmati Dia selamanya. Alkitab : Alkitab, dari Kejadian sampai Wahyu, secara keseluruhan merupakan pernyataan dari kisah keselamatan yang berfokus pada Yesus. Melalui kur…
Charles Spurgeon, widely hailed as the “Prince of Preachers,” is well known for his powerful preaching, gifted mind, and compelling personality. Over the course of nearly four decades at London’s famous New Park Street Chapel and Metropolitan Tabernacle, Spurgeon preached and penned words that continue to resonate with God’s people today. Organized around the main beliefs that underg…
If you have experienced anxiety or depression, you may have asked yourself, Why am I feeling like this? You are not alone. In this companion guide to his book for parents Why Is My Teenager Feeling Like This?, pastor and counselor David Murray introduces you to the personal accounts of eighteen teens who have struggled with different types of anxiety or depression. This guide will help you d…
Outline: Inti dari Kurikulum "Kenalkan Yesus Padaku" Allah kita yang berdaulat: Allah - Sang Raja, Penebus, dan Pencipta - kita yang berdaulat adalah fokus dari kurikulum ini. Tujuan hidup kita adalah untuk memuliakan dan menikmati Dia selamanya. Alkitab: Alkitab, dari Kejadian sampai Wahyu, secara keseluruhan merupakan pernyataan dari kisah keselamatan yang berfokus pada Yesus. Melalui kurik…
Outline: Inti dari Kurikulum "Kenalkan Yesus Padaku" Allah kita yang berdaulat : Allah - Sang Raja, Penebus, dan Pencipta - kita yang berdaulat adalah fokus dari kurikulum ini. Tujuan hidup kita adalah untuk memuliakan dan menikmati Dia selamanya. Alkitab : Alkitab, dari Kejadian sampai Wahyu, secara keseluruhan merupakan pernyataan dari kisah keselamatan yang berfokus pada Yesus. Melalui kur…
Outline: Inti dari Kurikulum "Kenalkan Yesus Padaku" Allah kita yang berdaulat : Allah - Sang Raja, Penebus, dan Pencipta - kita yang berdaulat adalah fokus dari kurikulum ini. Tujuan hidup kita adalah untuk memuliakan dan menikmati Dia selamanya. Alkitab : Alkitab, dari Kejadian sampai Wahyu, secara keseluruhan merupakan pernyataan dari kisah keselamatan yang berfokus pada Yesus. Melalui kur…
Outline: The widespread activity of the Roman Catholic Church makes it imperative that all Christians regardless of denomination should know something about its doctrines, its practices and its goals for the future. Dr. Boettner has written an interesting and informative book from the viewpoint of evangelical Protestantism which presents the two systems in strong contrast. The present day Roman…
Outline: One of the most beloved books of the New Testament, the Gospel of Matthew speaks with eloquence and power. Anna Case-Winters's incisive commentary reveals that Matthew is clearly a theological book. It is about God's saving work in Jesus Christ. Moreover, it is presented in a way that easily lends itself to the task of teaching and preaching. Case-Winters highlights five themes that sh…
Outline: In this volume, Daniel L. Migliore plumbs the depth of Paul's letters to the Philippians and to Philemon. With splendid theological reflection, Migliore explores central themes of these remarkable letters - themes that include the practice of prayer, righteousness from God, and the work of reconciliation and transformation through Jesus Christ. With great pastoral sensitivity, sparklin…
Outline: IBCD Observation gives you the opportunity to watch biblical counseling in action. Each video in the IBCD Observation series applies the philosophy and methodology of "one-another" biblical counseling to the complexities of helping others through life's struggles. These three videos focus on "Jesse," a man who has come to seek counsel from his church pastor. No major crisis of faith or…
Outline: Each video in the IBCD Observation series applies the philosophy and methodology of "one-another" biblical counseling to the complexities of helping others through life's struggles. These three sessions focus on "Jeremy," a church-going, hardworking husband and father whose long-standing enslavement to pornography is tearing his family apart. His wife "Crystal" is threatening to move o…
Outline: IBCD Observation gives you the opportunity to watch biblical counseling in action. Each video in the IBCD Observation series applies the philosophy and methodology of "one-another" biblical counseling to the complexities of helping others through life's struggles. These three sessions focus on "Danielle," a woman who finds her old struggle with an eating disorder resurfacing as she see…
Outline: Each video in the IBCD Observation series applies the philosophy and methodology of "one-another" biblical counseling to the complexities of helping others through life's struggles. After twenty-two years of marriage and four children, "Dan and Debbie" find themselves entrenched in material conflict and resentment. Opposing underlying assumptions about the proper management of their ho…
Outline: Each video in the IBCD Observation series applies the philosophy and methodology of "one-another" biblical counseling to the complexities of helping others through life's struggles. These three sessions focus on "Richard," a committed Christian since his conversion in the 70's Jesus movement. Recently he has begun to struggle with serious discouragement, at times bordering on depressio…
Outline: About The Transferable Concept Series. Transferable Concepts are practical ideas or truths which can be transferred or communicated from one person to another - without distorting or diluting their original meaning. Those who master these basic Bible truths are finding muc spiritual growth in their personal lives. The Transferable Concept Series includes the following books: How To Be …
Outline: John Calvin's first catechism - originally written in French in 1537 and then in Latin in 1538 - provides a valuable, clear, and concise introduction to his thought. Now for the first time, readers have available Ford Lewis Battles's English translation of the 1538 Latin edition and a current discussion of it in the same volume. This commentary on the catechism also utilizes other sour…
Outline: Here in one book is the basic creative thinking in Christianity - represented by fifty definitive Christian writers. The selections accent the thinker's primary contribution rather than simply giving a sample of his though. Major determinative figures and ideas are represented with many minor yet intriguing excursions which add flavor and breadth. The editor, Hugh T. Kerr, has taught t…
Outline: There's more to leadership than being in the limelight. Power is appealing and leaders use and need power. The misuse of power by leaders, however, is appaling. But power from God's perspective is appropriating His strength and using it His way for His honor, not our own. In this book, Dr Eugene Habecker presents the other side of Christian leadership - using the term followership to d…
Outline: Eskatologi adalah doktrin yang terakhir dan tidak pentingkah di dalam rangkaian doktrin-doktrin Kristen? Pencerapan tepat tentang berbagai perkara akhir-akhir kehidupan perseorangan, akhir riwayat dan sejarah manusia, akhir dan awal baru dari bumi dan ciptaan yang kita kenal kini - tidak relevankah dengan moralitas-spiritualitas-realitas nyata kita? Bingungkah dengan berbagai ajaran te…
Outline: Hubungan antara iman dan budaya adalah masalah yang tidak ada habisnya. Apa budaya yang kita pegang bersifat Kristiani? Mana yang budaya dan mana yang Kristen? Apakah ada yang namanya kebudayaan Kristen? Untuk menjawab masalah ini perlulah kita menggali isi Alkitab. Buku ini berisi 10 bahan Pemahaman Alkitab tentang nisbah antara iman dan budaya untuk menolong kita rnenemukan dan mende…
Outline: In this third and final volume of A History of Christian Thought, Dr. Gonzales brings the reader from the beginning of the sixteenth century on the eve of the Reformation down to the twentieth century. The author interprets not only Roman Catholic and Reformation theology, but the theology of the Eastern church as well. Volume III begins with a discussion of the Reformation led by Luth…
Outline: Maranatha, hosiana, haleluya! Di banyak gereja Protestan di Indonesia, ketiga kata ini merupakan aklamasi liturgis yang menandai masa liturgi yang sedang dirayakan. Maranatha biasanya mewarnai Masa Adven yang mengungkapkan permohonan agar Tuhan segera datang, serta kesaksian bahwa Tuhan telah hadir. Hosiana digunakan dalam Masa Prapaskah untuk menegaskan Tuhan telah menyelamatkan, seka…
Outline: Kekristenan berawal pada iman akan Kristus dan terterap pada pelayanan dalam dunia. Ini membuktikan bahwa peranan Injil tak kunjung tertiadakan dalam menciptakan tatanan politik, sosial ... ekonomik yang adil - untuk mensejahterakan umat manusia. Tapi tindakan Allah untuk mensejahterakan manusia sering melalui sekelompok kecil orang - yakni orang-orang lugu yang tidak populer. Yang tam…
Outline: Waktu telah membuktikan Tafsiran Matthew Henry sebagai sarana yang sangat menolong untuk memperdalam pengertian dan pengenalan akan Firman Allah. Sudah lebih dari 300 tahun Tafsiran Matthew Henry tetap menjadi salah satu tafsiran favorit para guru, pengkhotbah, dan orang Kristen secara luas. Penyampaian eksposisi dan aplikasi kebenaran Alkitab yang begitu kaya dalam bahasa yang luwes d…
Outline: In Discovering Church Planting, J. D. Payne explores the biblical, historical, and missiological principles of global church planting as well as unfolding practical strategies for confronting contemporary challenges to our vital task in reaching a lost world. This comprehensive introduction to church planting shows the reader how to apply effective, international church planting practi…
Outline: Sebagai sebuah tafsiran atas surat Paulus, buku ini memberikan penjelasan mendalam dan berguna bagi para penelaah Kitab Suci. Beberapa detail dan penjelasan akan istilah-istilah Yunani dari penulis sangat membantu siapa saja yang sedang mendalami Korpus Paulinum Surat Kolose ini. Sesuai karakter pembaca pertamanya, yang adalah orang-orang percaya non-Yahudi, Paulus memberi petunjuk bag…
Outline: In the Book of Daniel 2: 35 is stated that: But the stone that struck the image became a mountain and filled the whole earth. "This also is proved in the history, that the Islam has always developed itself over the earth in spite of many hindrances layed by the governments (states) of the unbelievers. Now already the Islam has become a great mountain, the moralism of which has penetrat…
Outline: The concept of contextualization has become central to explorations of inculturation and the globalization of Christianity. The term has also been used in a host of varied and often confusing ways. Models of Contextual Theology brings order to this veritable tower of Babel, sorting out, for example, what is at stake when words such as "syncretism" and "orthodoxy" are bandied about in c…
Outline: Kitab Ulangan disebut juga "Kitab Musa Kelima", Deuteronomy, atau "hukum kedua". Menurut beberapa ahli, Kitab Ulangan ini berasal dari masa pemerintahan Raja Hizkia; masa imam-imam dan nabi-nabi di ke-8 sM. Dalam kitab ini hukum kekudusan yang lama, yang terkait dengan upacara-upacara, ditafsirkan kembali untuk membuat dasar baru penguat ikatan perjanjian Israel dengan Allah. Inilah al…
Outline: Three tools - One effective means to communicate the Good News by Correspondence. - Prison Ministries will appreciate the flexibility offered by this course. If an intimate is moved, the course can "go-along," allowing for the Bible Study to continue uninterrupted. - Missions, Radio & TV ministries will find this Correspondence Course effective in teaching those in hard-to-reach a…
Outline: When studying a book as significant as the Bible it is important to grasp the facts accurately. By This Name was written to make the Bible straightforward and clear. This Companion Workbook takes it the next step, having been designed with the express purpose of walking one through the Bible's primary message, using By This Name. The WorkBook uses a discover-for-yourself approach to le…
Outline: Kerukunan beragama bukan basa basi! Melainkan hidup, eksistensial dan riil. Karena itu di Indonesia tidaklah etis melancarkan propaganda agama murahan, yakni mendiskreditkan satu agama guna menyanjung agama lainnya. Jadi, kalaupun buku ini diterbitkan guna berbicara tentang hal-hal pokok yang mendasari pergumulan iman Kristiani, bukanlah untuk mempropagandakan agama Kristen. Sekali-kal…
Outline: With the lack of competent, up-to-date commentaries on the book of Acts, and the great amount of fresh archaeological material come to light in recent years, students of the New Testament, and all those interested in the origins of the Church, will heartily welcome this admirable addition to the New London Commentary series by the distinguished English scholar, F. F. Bruce, Professor o…
Outline: The seed of the Good News of Jesus Christ has grown and is growing strongly amidst many obstacles and much hardship in the soil of Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago with the world's fourth largest population. Now Indonesia has one of the most dynamic and fastest growing churches in the contemporary world. Unfortunately, Christians outside Indonesia rarely have the opportunity …
Outline: Berbagai pertanyaan muncul dalam pemikiran para korban pernikahan yang tidak ideal. Kebahagiaan hidup bersama yang didambakan oleh mereka berubah menjadi kehidupan yang berduka. Hal ini disebabkan oleh banyak hal, seperti perbedaan pekerjaan atau bahkan terus-menerus mengalami KDRT yang menyakitkan. Pernikahan yang idealnya merupakan ikatan cinta-kasih bisa menjadi sumber kesedihan. Da…
Outline: Natural theology is a philosophical site that is hotly debated and controversial - it is claimed by Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Evangelicals as a crucial vantage point for the intersection of theology, philosophy, science, and politics. It is strongly contested by some theologians, such as those influenced by Barth, as well as some philosophers, and scientists. This volume steers…
Outline: The similarities and differences between the traditions founded by Shakyamuri, called the Buddha, and Jesus, called the Christ, fascinate both scholars and students of religion. Interest burgeons as encounters between Christians and Buddhists increase, and as the world becomes smaller through technology and travel. By exploring the two religious founders through the lives and views of …
Outline: The extraordinary story of how, among the Masai in Tanzania, an American missioner "rediscovers" the gospel message. Dear Bishop, ...Suddenly I feel the urgent need to cast aside all theories and discussions, all efforts at strategy - and simply to to these people and do the work among them for which I came to Africa. ... just go and talk to them about God and the Christian messag…