Outline: Kerukunan beragama bukan basa basi! Melainkan hidup, eksistensial dan riil. Karena itu di Indonesia tidaklah etis melancarkan propaganda agama murahan, yakni mendiskreditkan satu agama guna menyanjung agama lainnya. Jadi, kalaupun buku ini diterbitkan guna berbicara tentang hal-hal pokok yang mendasari pergumulan iman Kristiani, bukanlah untuk mempropagandakan agama Kristen. Sekali-kal…
Outline: With the lack of competent, up-to-date commentaries on the book of Acts, and the great amount of fresh archaeological material come to light in recent years, students of the New Testament, and all those interested in the origins of the Church, will heartily welcome this admirable addition to the New London Commentary series by the distinguished English scholar, F. F. Bruce, Professor o…
Outline: The seed of the Good News of Jesus Christ has grown and is growing strongly amidst many obstacles and much hardship in the soil of Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago with the world's fourth largest population. Now Indonesia has one of the most dynamic and fastest growing churches in the contemporary world. Unfortunately, Christians outside Indonesia rarely have the opportunity …
Outline: Berbagai pertanyaan muncul dalam pemikiran para korban pernikahan yang tidak ideal. Kebahagiaan hidup bersama yang didambakan oleh mereka berubah menjadi kehidupan yang berduka. Hal ini disebabkan oleh banyak hal, seperti perbedaan pekerjaan atau bahkan terus-menerus mengalami KDRT yang menyakitkan. Pernikahan yang idealnya merupakan ikatan cinta-kasih bisa menjadi sumber kesedihan. Da…
Outline: Natural theology is a philosophical site that is hotly debated and controversial - it is claimed by Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Evangelicals as a crucial vantage point for the intersection of theology, philosophy, science, and politics. It is strongly contested by some theologians, such as those influenced by Barth, as well as some philosophers, and scientists. This volume steers…
Outline: The similarities and differences between the traditions founded by Shakyamuri, called the Buddha, and Jesus, called the Christ, fascinate both scholars and students of religion. Interest burgeons as encounters between Christians and Buddhists increase, and as the world becomes smaller through technology and travel. By exploring the two religious founders through the lives and views of …
Outline: The extraordinary story of how, among the Masai in Tanzania, an American missioner "rediscovers" the gospel message. Dear Bishop, ...Suddenly I feel the urgent need to cast aside all theories and discussions, all efforts at strategy - and simply to to these people and do the work among them for which I came to Africa. ... just go and talk to them about God and the Christian messag…
Outline: Bagaimanakah ketiga istilah itu dapat dipahami secara Kristen? Pertama-tama kita akan diajak untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana kita sampai beriman, dan bagaimana kita memahami wahyu? Wahyu Allah dan Iman Kita membuka pemahaman kita akan ketiga istilah tersebut. Pemahaman itu selalu dihayati dalam budaya yang konkret, dengan segala latar belakangnya. Dalam rangka itu, perjumpaan iman …
Outline: Kitab Tawarikh sering dianggap sebagai kitab yang membosankan. Hal ini wajar, karena pertama kali membaca kitab ini, pembaca disodori serentetan nama yang kadang sulit untuk dibaca, apalagi untuk memahami makna di baliknya. Namun, ketika pembaca mengetahui maknanya, maka inilah yang membuat kitab ini menarik. Buku tafsir Kitab Tawarikh berbahasa Indonesia masih langka. Kalau pun ada, i…
Outline : Kristologi adalah studi yang mengacu pada Kristus, sebagai tokoh pusat dalam iman Kristen. Banyak topik penting dalam pembahasannya, antara lain mengenai Siapakah Kristus, Kekekalan-Nya, Kemanusiaan dan Ke-Ilahian-Nya, Inkarnasi dan Kenosis yang dialami Kristus serta bidat-bidat yang menyebarkan ajaran sesat mengenai Kristus. Dengan membaca buku ini diharapkan Anda dapat memiliki peng…
Outline: Seorang manusia baru bisa mengerti tentang dirinya, sesamanya, dan lingkungannya pada saat dia memiliki pengenalan yang benar tentang siapa dirinya menurut kebenaran yang dinyatakan oleh Penciptanya. Doktrin Manusia dan Dosa merupakan uraian ringkas namun padat mengenai hakikat manusia, penciptannya yang istimewa sebagai gambar Allah, tujuan keberadaannya, dan posisinya di antara semua…
Outline: Alkitab mengajar kita bahwa orang Kristen adalah mereka yang percaya kepada Kristen. Tetapi seperti iman yang menyelamatkan itu? Apakah iman seperti lompatan membuta ke dalam kegelapan? Apakah iman merupakan pengetahuan tentang Allah? Apakah iman diterjemahkan ke dalam sesuatu yang bisa dilihat oleh orang-orang di sekitar kita? Seberapa banyak iman baru cukup? Di sini iman Kristen dika…
Outline : Maria adalah seorang perempuan yang rendah hati, taat kepada Allah, tetapi mempunyai ketabahan yang luar biasa. Kita sungguh tertantang oleh tanggung jawab serta responsnya terhadap panggilan Allah ketika mempelajari ibu Juruselamat kita. Saat ini Allah masih mencari laki-laki dan perempuan seperti Maria - hamba Tuhan yang sejati.
Outline: Stevri I. Lumintang adalah penulis buku yang berjudul "Theologia Abu-Abu: Pluralisme Agama", (706 halaman) yang telah diterbitkan tiga kali (2002, 2004 dan 200*), dengan memaparkan tantangan dan ancaman racun pluralisme dalam theologia Kristen masa kini. Dalam bukunya yang kedua, berjudul "Theologia & Misiologia Reformed" (780 halaman), beliau mengemukakan keindahan, keteguhan dan kese…
Outline: Dengan melakukan penyelidikan obyektif terhadap teks-teks, Maurice Bucaille telah dapat menumbangkan beberapa ide lama yang selama ini diperoleh manusia dari Perjanjian Lama, Injil dan Qur'an, yaitu dengan membedakan dalam keseluruhannya, hal-hal yang berasal dari wahyu dan hal-hal yang dinodai kekeliruan atau tafsiran manusia. Penelitiannya telah menjernihkan Kitab-kitab suci kembali.…
Outline: This book presents the first collaboration of Catholic and Protestant theologians on a comprehensive statement of religious faith in the more than four hundred and fifty years since the separation of the churches. Written by an international team of 40 Protestant and Roman Catholic theologians, it is the most important expression in our day of the growing determination of Christians th…
Outline: Has historic Christianity - the Christianity of the New Testament, of the apostles and the early church - anything to say to the modern world? In the age of existentialism, anti philosophy and musique concrete, the Happenings and the new theology, many people have assumed that a religion based on revealed truth is totally irrelevant. But in this book Dr. Francis Schaeffer contends that…
Outline: Robert Traill's treatment of Christ's intercessory prayer for His people is a masterpiece of Puritan experiential doctrine. Mining the depths of John 17: 24, Traill discovers the comforts of the doctrine of election, the blessing of our hope of heaven, and the believer's delight in the glory of Christ - all founded on the immovable love of the Father of His Son. Traill's exposition is …
Outline: In our postmodern, pluralistic world, there are plenty of genuinely spiritual people who consider Christ a way to heaven, or even their way to heaven, but who refuse to acknowledge Him as the only way for everyone. In their estimation, anyone who stresses an exclusive, saving faith in Jesus Christ is at the least intolerant and, at worst, completely ignorant. Yet as Rod Rosenbladt sho…
Outline: This one volume presents a comprehensive overview of Christian education in today's churches and provides a step-by-step plan for establishing and maintaining an effective teaching ministry: - Build from a powerful foundation - Presenting God as the ultimate teacher of all mankind and Jesus as the master teacher, The Teaching Ministry of the Church explores the roles of the Holy Spiri…
Outline: In A Christian's Response To Islam after giving a brief account of the history, doctrines, and practices of Islam, he explains the inadequacy of Islam to meet man's deepest needs. In addition he discusses the difficulties faced by a Muslim who considers becoming a Christian, the ability of Almighty God to overcome these difficulties, and the responsibility and privilege in which all Ch…
Outline: The Qumran covenanters as a penitential community - Mark A. Jason offers a detailed investigation of the place of repentance in the Dead Sea Scrolls, addressing a significant lacuna in Qumran scholarship. Jason established the importance of repentance as a fundamental way of structuring and describing religious experience within the Qumran community. Jason shows that repentance was a c…
Outline: Since his death in 1947, the writings of missionary Roland Allen have remained in constat demand. When Allen's careful analysis in Missionary Methods first appeared 82 years ago, it made a startling impression. And as Allen himself predicted, the true depth of his writings only began to be fully probed fifty years later. Profoundly biblical, Allen's "methods" are drawn from a scrupulou…
Outline: Since his death in 1947, the writings of missionary Roland Allen, have remained in constant of demand. When Allen's careful analysis in Missionary Methods first appeared 82 years ago, it made a strartling impression. And as Allen himself predicted, the true depth of his writings only began to be fully probed fifty years later. Profoundly biblical, Allen's "methods" are drawn from a scr…
Outline: A Companion Correspondence Course to ..... All that the Prophets have spoken. Using a discover-for-yourself approach to learning, this study helps you sort out in logical sequence the events found in the Word of God, and gives you the opportunity to determine the signifiance of each story. For ease of learning, lessons are divided into bite-sized amounts, making it do-able for busy liv…
Outline: Apabila kita ingin memasuki dunia studi Perjanjian Baru, apakah yang ingin kita harapkan akan kita peroleh? Apakah gunanya? Apakah relevansinya? Penulis buku ideal ini mengantar pembaca untuk mengenali dunia Perjanjian Baru yang sangat berbeda dari dunia kita. Juga diberikan pengantar dan sarana-sarana bantu untuk memahaminya. Buku penuntun ini membahas delapan pokok penting: - Membac…
Outline: Salah satu masalah misioner gereja dan orang Kristen di Asia masa kini adalah bagaimana 'mengakarkan kembali' cara beragama mereka pada konteks Asia. Dalam kosa-kata pendidikan teologi masa kini upaya demikian disebut 'kontekstualisasi' teologi. Buku ini adalah salah satu studi sistematis-historis tentang pandangan-pandangan Protestan Asia mengenai misi dalam kurun waktu 1910-1961-1991…
Outline: The relationship between the Christian and Muslim worlds has been a long and tortuous one. Over the course of centuries, the balance of power has swung in pendulum fashion - at times the initiative seems to have lain with the Muslim community, with the Christian world simply being compelled to react to developments outside itself; at other times Muslims have found themselves having to …
Overview: This book is more than just a comprehensive collection of information on Christian education. It is a working tool written by a group of Christian educators to provide both a clear understanding of basic principles of Christian education and a practical guide for day-to-day administration of church education programs. This book explores a full range of critical issues in Christian e…
Outline: The Old Testament displays a remarkable literary and theological unity through a variety of genres. But applying a single, one-size-fits-all method of exegesis can lead to confusion, misunderstanding, and even wrong interpretations or applications. The Handbook for Old Testament Exegesis series offers six books that provide readers with an enhanced understanding of different Old Testam…