Outline: Building bridges between Christianity and Islam. Muslims and Christians both worship one God. In fact. they have much in common. Although the history between Muslims and Christians has been strained at best, it doesn't have to be that way. There are many areas of common ground between the two faiths, providing ample opportunity to build relationships. Fouad Accad grew up in Lebanon and…
Outline : The book of Revelation tends to both fascinate and confuse us with its vivid and strange imagery. When we turn to trusted scholars for help, the widely divergent interpretations of the book can sometimes cause us to throw our hands in the air and stop reading. In Revelation Verse by Verse, Grant R. Osborne offers a clear exposition of the book, showing what it meant in its first-centu…
Outline: The world needs godly, trained leaders just as much as the church does. Taking the examples of Jesus and Paul, Reeder presents a model of multiplication that intentionally and continuously raises up other leaders. With its three-pronged approach to leadership development, this book guides readers through a time-tested paradigm that works in real life and is fully grounded in Scripture.…
Outline: For a generation, Barbara MacHaffie's fascinating Her Story : Women in Christian Tradition has enabled readers to enter into and recover the oft-ignored or submerged stories of women in the Christian tradition, from biblical times to now. MacHaffie's brief history is now fully updated and revised here and combined with her lively anthology of primary readings to offer unparalled access…
Outline: Doktrin Tritunggal merupakan salah satu yang mencirikan iman Kristen. Buku ini adalah buku pertama yang menyajikan sebuah ringkasan tentang peran Tritunggal dalam teologi Kristen tentang agama-agama dalam hubungannya dengan pluralisme agama dan agama-agama lain. Mendekati studi tentang hubungan Kristen dan agama-agama lain dari perspektif Tritunggal, buku ini mensurvei semua kontribusi…
Outline: Renungan Satu Tahun untuk Anak-Anak Prasekolah 2 penuh berisi renungan yang mudah dimengerti untuk anak-anak Anda yang masih kecil. Buku ini menggandengkan pelajaran setiap harinya dengan ilustrasi Little Blessings yang indah. Anak-anak prasekolah Anda akan belajar dan merenung bersama dengan Kaitlyn, Zoe, Parker., dan Jack - bersama-sama mereka akan belajar untuk berjalan bersama deng…
Outline : Mewariskan Nilai Kehidupan. Tekanan antara generasi yang lebih tua dan lebih muda selalu saja muncul - terutama di dalam gereja. Kita telah bergumul tentang hal ini selama bertahun-tahun, memupuk kemarahan dan melumpuhkan kedua sisi kehidupan di dalam pertempuran tersebut. Kita menentang pemikiran bahwa pemimpin yang baik dapat, dan harus, bekerja sama. Namun ini adalah zaman yang kri…
Outline: Inti dari Kurikulum "Kenalkan Yesus Padaku" Allah kita yang berdaulat : Allah - Sang Raja, Penebus, dan Pencipta - kita yang berdaulat adalah fokus dari kurikulum ini. Tujuan hidup kita adalah untuk memuliakan dan menikmati Dia selamanya. Alkitab : Alkitab, dari Kejadian sampai Wahyu, secara keseluruhan merupakan pernyataan dari kisah keselamatan yang berfokus pada Yesus. Melalui kur…
Outline : Sekaranglah waktunya untuk melakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh terhadap filosofi dan praksis pelayanan kaum muda. Kita perlu menciptakan suasana yang autentik bagi anak-anak muda, untuk mencari kebenaran dan menemukan jati diri mereka di dalam Yesus. Pelayanan kaum muda harus beralih dari cara-cara perubahan perilaku dan berfokus pada penciptaan lingkungan bagi transformasi rohani yang s…
Outline : Ilmuwan Kristen memiliki kesempatan memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap kehidupan orang lain di dalam amupun di luar komunitas Kristennya. Mereka yang bersedia terjun di wilayah sains akan mengakui bahwa ini bukan tentang mengatasi Tuhan, tetapi bertumbuh menuju pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang Dia (dan ciptaan-Nya). Berpikir dan Bertindak Sainsis membantu setiap Kristen yang m…
Outline: Life is full of mystery. Is it possible that there is order in the midst of chaos? Are there solutions to everyday problems? Can there be meaning or purpose in life? Is it possible to know why we are here and where we are going? Why is there so much suffering and death? Is there life after death? Can we be enlightened here and now? Am I destined to lose all identity - to become part of…
Outline : Studi biblikal andalah panggilan mulia - yang dapat memampukan kita untuk semakin bertindak dengan adil, mencintai dengan penuh belas kasihan, dan berjalan dengan rendah hati di hadapan Tuhan. Studi biblikal dapat menolong kita memahami Injil Yesus Kristus lebih lengkap, sehingga kita dapat mengajarkannya dalam gereja-gereja kita secara lebih efektif. Berpikir dan Bertindak Alkitabiah…
Outline: Beyond DNA and its delicate spiral structure, beyond the genome and its vast stores of information, scientists now explore the mysterious epigenome that orchestrates it all. The cell, which once seemed so simple, now proves more complex with each successive discovery. Evolutionary theorists still claim that life's master codes were cobbled together by purely natural forces, but these n…
Outline: Penulis mengungkapkan rencana Tuhan untuk membesarkan hati mereka yang ada di dalam cengkeraman ketakutan. Di dalam terbitan buku ini, penulis menyelidiki akar-akar ketakutan dalam jiwa manusia dan efek-efek dari hidup di dalam cengkeraman kecemasan, kekhawatiran, dan ketakutan. Penulis menyemangati pembaca untuk menemukan sendiri bagaimana Alkitab penuh dengan kata-kata penghiburan…
Outline: The Book of Daniel. Isn't ultimately about Daniel - it's about the Gospel of Jesus. Often we read the book of Daniel in one of two ways - either as a book about a heroic man whose righteousness should inspire us to keep the faith, or as a roadmap to the end times that can, through careful study, tell us the day and hour (or nearly so) of Christ's return. Both, says Bryan Chapell, are s…
Outline: Taking his theme from 2 Corinthians 11: 2, Edward Pearse discusses the blessed marriage that exists between believers and Christ. He shows what makes Christ the perfect Bridegroom and how it is that God accomplishes this grand espousal. This is a work of great spiritual value, charged with experiential vitality and liberally sprinkled with gospel exhortations. Read and see that there i…
Outline: 'Every believer in Jesus Christ deserves the opportunity of personal nurture and development. All new believers are expected to achieve his or her full potential for God. And most of them would if they had the opportunity." But all too often the opportunity isn't there. The art of making disciples can be lost amid programs, busy-ness, and uncertainty about what is to happen and how. To…
Outline : The Lord's commitment to make himself known throughout the nations is the overarching missionary theme of the Bible and the central theological concern of Exodus. Countering scholarly tendencies to fragment the text over theological difficulties, Ross Blackburn contends that Exodus should be read as a unified whole, and that an appreciation of its missionary theme in its canonical con…
Outline : If Christians are supposedly all about love, why do we seem to fight so much? With a personal touch and the trained eye of sociologist, Cleveland brings to bear the latest studies and research on the unseen dynamics at work that tend to separate us. Here are the tools we need to understand how to overcome the hidden forces that divide us. In this eye-opened book, you'll find the hidde…
Outline: Buku ini terinspirasi dari Mother Teresa yang sangat dikenal dengan gerakannya di Calcutta. Gerakan yang mencerminkan bahwa kebutuhan utama manusia adalah menikmati hidup yang bermakna dan bahagia dengan cara mencinta sesamanya. Dan, salah satu kekuatan cinta adalah memaafkan. Jika Anda bisa mengampuni, Anda akan menikmati hidup yang berlimpah, relasi dan karir pembaca akan bertumbuh.…
Outline: Pasa tahun 8 Juli 1741 penulis menyampaikan khotbah paling terkenal yang pernah disampaikan di sepanjang sejaran Amerika. Tanggapan jemaat begitu menakjubkan. Sebelum penulis mengakhiri khotbahnya, orang-orang yang hadir telah menangisi keberadaan mereka dan berseru, " Apakah yang harus kami perbuat?" "Fokus dari khotbah ini," tulis E.H. Cady, "adalah keberadaan orang berdosa, baga…
Outline: George Campbell Morgan was one of the truly great Bible scholars of his time. In How to Live, one of sixty books by the author, he outlines God's formula of life. Included are discourses on Paul's estimate of life, as evidenced in Philippians, the life of power of Christ from John's Gospel, the new life as portrayed in the cleansing of Naaman, and the controlled life in the Potter's ha…
Outline: In the midst of a troubled world, Christians believe in a good God who, as the Creator, has never lost interest in his broken creation. The key evidence for, and the chief symbol of, this divine commitment is the cross of Christ. This God, revealed in Scripture, has a project : and central to the divine strategy is Christ, his coming and his cross. The troubles and calamities will end.…
Outline: The deity of Christ. The purpose of the church. The accuracy of the Bible. Christine doctrine need not be intimidating or dull. Knowing the essentials of your faith - from the Trinity and the Atonement to Satan and the end times - will not only reinforce personal convictions but inspire boldness in witnessing. Whether you're a new believer or merely in need of a refresher course, this …
Outline: Theological conversations about violence typically frame the conversation in terms of victim and perpetrator. Comprehensive theological responses to violence must also address the role of collective passivity of the bystanders of violence. Beyond Apathy examines the theological significance of bystander participation in patterns of violence and violation within contemporary Western cu…
Outline: A new commentary for today's world, The Story of God Bible Commentary explains and illuminates each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible's grand story. The first commentary series to do so, SGBC offers a clear and compelling exposition of biblical texts, guiding everyday readers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the Bible in their own contexts. In story-centric approac…
Outline: When the book of Acts is mentioned, a cluster of issues inevitably springs to mind including speaking in tongues and baptism with the Holy Spirit, church government and practice, and missionary methods and strategies. At the popular level at least, Acts is still often used more for answers to debates that were not necessarily Luke's concern than listened to for his own emphases. Alan T…
Outline : What are the roles of canon and community in the understanding and articulation of Christian doctrine? Should the church be the doctrinal arbiter in the twenty-first century? In Canonical Theology John Peckham tackles this complex, ongoing discussion by shedding light on issues surrounding the biblical canon and the role of the community for theology and practice. Peckham examines the…
Outline : The primary theme of Paul's letter to the Colossians is the lordship of Christ. Writing from prison, Paul urges the Colossian believers to remain focused on Jesus even as false teachers have infiltrated the church. In his letter to Philemon, a prominent co-worker in the Colossian church, Paul spells out some of the practical implications of Christ's lordship when it comes to relations…