Outline: Having discovered this sad state of affairs, Craig Blomberg, a committed Evangelical scholar, and Stephen Robinson, a committed Mormon scholar, set out to listen to one another and to ferret out the genuine agreements and disagreements between them. In the conversation that develops, you will read what each believes about key theological issues - (1) the nature and bounds of Scripture,…
Outline: Seperti apakah Gereja yang Hidup itu? John Stott menjelaskan, "Kita memerlukan gereja yang lebih konservatif radikal-'konservatif' dalam arti memelihara (conserve) apa yang dengan terang-terangan dituntut oleh Alkitab, tetapi 'radikal' dalam kaitan dengan kombinasi antara tradisi dan kesepakatan yang kita sebut 'budaya'. Alkitab bersifat tetap; budaya berubah." Buku ini merangkum sejum…
Outline: Rarely does a book amass the accolades given this one: "excellent," "profound," "masterful," "first-rate," "down-to-earth," "solid," "incisive," "illuminating," "both scholarly and devotional," "remarkable," "warm," "unprecedented," "fascinating," "crisp," "pastoral, lucid and biblical," "well-written," "a vigorous book," "a landmark." That is how reviewers have described John M. Frame…
Outline: Death is one of the certainties of life. But what happens beyond death? What inexpressible wonders - or unspeakable horrors - will we encounter beyond the pale of this life? The topic of life and judgment beyond death is one that has occupied the minds of Christians in former eras but today seems to be in partial eclipse. As Bruce Milne argues, we are poorer for it - without even recog…
Outline : Tom Wright menulis dengan gaya yang mudah diterima dan bersifat anekdot sehingga menolong kita untuk memahami kitab Kisah Para Rasul yang kaya dan bersisi banyak itu. Tom Wright menunjukkan bahwa kitab Kisah Para Rasul ditulis berdasarkan Injil Lukas, untuk menggarisbawahi karya dan pengajaran yang terus berlanjut dari Yesus yang sudah bangkit dan naik ke surga melalui kuasa Roh Kudus…
Outline : ALLAH MEMANGGIL ANDA. ALLAH PERTAMA-TAMA MEMANGGIL KITA KEPADA DIRI-NYA, untuk mengenal dan mengikuti-Nya, tetapi Ia juga memanggil kita kepada tujuan hidup yang spesifik, yakni alasan keberadaan kita. Panggilan kedua atau “vokasi” ini memiliki implikasi bukan hanya atas pekerjaan atau kehidupan kita, tetapi melibatkan juga talenta, kelemahan, dan komunitas kita, dan apa yang kita…
Outline: Buku ini menampikan Injil sebagai lensa untuk mencermati dan memaknai lima area efektivitas kepemimpinan pribadi, yaitu keinginan, identitas, martabat, motivasi, dan ambisi. Setiap momen penting yang mengubah dunia menjadi lebih baik selalu melibatkan kepemimpinan. Namun, sejarah juga menunjukkan bahwa para pemimpin paling tangguh sekalipun rentan mengalami penyimpangan dan kegagalan. …
Outline: A map of today's postmodern landscape. Dramatic shifts in American culture have nudged the
Outline : Cerita apa yang diberitahukan pada Anda tentang Injil? Tentang Allah? Tentang kehidupan Kristen? Tentang Yesus? Tentang diri Anda sendiri? Jawaban Anda terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas akan menentukan jalan hidup Anda. Jawaban tersebut menunjukkan kemampuan Anda untuk memercayai, mengasihi, berharap – bahkan kemampuan Anda untuk bersukacita. Setiap cerita yang diizinkan untuk …
Outline: The Apostolic preaching of the cross, a work that can now be placed among the modern classics of biblical scholarship, delves into the minds of the apostles when they used such words as "redeem," "covenant," "propitiate," "reconcile," and "justify" - concepts that remain central to the Christian faith today. Respected scholar Leon Morris studies these themes against the background of t…
Outline: JIKA KEINGINAN ALLAH YANG JADI, GEREJA KITA HARUSNYA SEPERTI APA? Dalam bukunya yang sangat berpengaruh ini, Francis Chan menggali kebenaran Alkitab, merenungkan berbagai kegagalan dan mimpinya, serta berbagai cerita tentang Allah menggunakan orang-orang biasa untuk mengubah dunia ini. Seperti katanya, "Kita telah melenceng jauh dari apa yang Allah inginkan terhadap gerejanya. Kita tah…
Outline: Menjadi Seorang Pengikut Yesus Yang Berkomitmen Dengan Sepenuhnya. Apakah Anda seorang penggemar ataukah seorang pengikut? Kamus mendefiniskan kata penggemar sebagai "seorang pengagum yang bersemangat." Mereka ingin berada cukup dekat dengan Yesus untuk mendapatkan semua manfaatnya, tetapi tidak terlalu dekat juga sehingga mereka tidak harus mengorbankan apa pun. Para penggemar mungkin…
Outline: Ini adalah sebuah buku yang memperluas cakrawala berpikir, menumbuhkan semangat, dan menghangatkan hati, Mark Greene menyajikan pandangan yang membebaskan tentang bagaimana Tuhan dapat bekerja melalui kita dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Entah Anda seorang pelajar atau pensiunan, di tempat olahraga atau di tempat kerja, di gerbang sekolah atau di supermarket, ini adalah sebuah kerang…
Outline: Islam seringkali menjadi pemberitaaan dalam tahun-tahun terakhir ini, dan banyak hal yang telah dikatakan mengenai Islam, baik positif maupun negatif. Namun beberapa dari pernyataan-pernyataan itu mereflesikan pemahaman yang hanya sedikit atau cacat mengenai apa yang sesungguhnya dipercayai oleh orang Muslim dan bagaimana mereka bertingkah-laku. Buku ini ditulis untuk mengemukakan prak…
Outline: Designed for the pastor and Bible teacher, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament brings together commentary features gathered together in one volume. Written by notable evangelical scholars, such volume treats the literary context and structure of the passage in the original Greek, and each author provides an original translation based on the literary structure. The …
Outline: Designed for the pastor and Bible teacher, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament brings together commentary features rarely gathered together in one volume. Written by notable evangelical scholars, each volume treats the literary context and structure of the passage in the original Greek, and each author provides an original translation based on the literary structur…
Outline : Although the doctrine of eternal generation has been affirmed by theologians of nearly every ecclesiastical tradition since the fourth century, it has fallen on hard times among evangelical theologians since the nineteenth century. The doctrine has been a structural element in two larger doctrinal complexes: Christology and the Trinity. The neglect of the doctrine of eternal generatio…
Outline: Theologians working in theological anthropology often claim that Jesus reveals what it means to be "truly human," but this often has little impact in their actual account of anthropology. ReSourcing Theological Anthropology addresses that lack by offering an account of why theological anthropology must begin with Christology. Building off his earlier study on how key theologians in chu…
Outline: The Acclaimed, Authentic Biography of the Early Church's Greatest Evangelist - the Apostle Paul. Master storyteller John Pollock makes Paul and his amazing story freshly alive, so that you can know the greatest apostle much as Luke and Timothy did as they traveled with him. As you turn the pages, you'll sense Paul's motives, his aims and priorities; what mattered to him; and what he wa…
Outline: Bonhoeffer's theological brilliance, committed discipleship, ecumenical insight and courageous participation in the struggle against Nazism have profoundly shaped contemporary Christian understanding and action. Although his early death at the hands of the Gestapo prevented him from providing us with a full and systematic theology, his writings are remarkably extensive and have become …
Outline: This study guide explains the truths of Calvinism in clear, contemporary terms. The five points of Calvinism - Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance Of the Saints - are carefully analyzed and interpreted in the light of Scripture. Each of the chapters is followed by discussion questions, making this book ideal for classes and study…
Outline: Ephesians: Power and Magic, originally published in 1989 as part of the Society for New Testament Studies Monograph series, provides important insights into the spiritual warfare metaphor of Ephesians 6: 10-2- from historical, exegetical, and pastoral perspectives. Paul proclaimed God's awesome power to those who felt powerless against supernatural forces. Clinton Arnold looks at arche…
Outline: Mengingat pentingnya pengajaran doktrin yang tepat kepada orang-orang muda di gereja, Louis Berkhof menulis pengantar yang komprehensif namun ringkas ini untuk doktrin-doktrin dasar iman Kristen dari perspektif Reformed. Berkhof merangkumkan berbagai doktrin gereja, dimulai dari doktrin Kitab Suci dan Allah dan dilanjutkan dengan pernyataan tentang antropologi, Kristologi, soteriologi,…
Outline: Tidak mudah menemukan tempat yang tenang akhir-akhir ini; bahkan mungkin sulit untuk menemukan tempat yang tenang di rumah kita sendiri. Sejujurnya, dalam banyak hal, kita merasa sulit untuk hidup tanpa kebisingan hidup kita sehari-hari. Salah satu kutukan zaman ini adalah bahwa kita tidak tahan untuk sendirian, diam, tenang. Salah satu penyebab kita menjadi kurus kering dalam kerohani…
Outline: The Critical Role of Christian Higher Education in equipping Ministers. We live in a precarious time when many are questioning the necessity of formal theological education for ministers. Theology, Church, and Ministry : A Handbook for Theological Education helps readers understand the critical role theological education plays in equipping God-called ministers for service in the church…
Outline: Leading and nurturing your family as you seek to glorify God and encourage spiritual growth in your home is both God's command and your privilege. One of the best and most effective ways to do this is through intentional, worshipful, daily family devotions where the truths of God's lifechanging Word are openly discussed chapter by chapter. Hand in hand with your Bible, this Family Wors…
Outline: This volume in the Ad Fontes series focuses on how Scripture was interpreted and used for preaching, teaching, apologetics, and worship by early Christian scholars and church leaders. Developed in light of recent patristic scholarship, it provides a representative sampling of theological contributors from both East and West, making it relevant for students in a variety of courses.
Outline: APA YANG YESUS MAKSUD KETIKA IA BERKATA, “IKUTLAH AKU”? Apakah mungkin orang berkata bahwa ia percaya kepada Yesus, tetapi tidak sungguh-sungguh lahir baru? Apakah mungkin orang mengklaim bahwa ia menerima Kristus di dalam hati, namun tidak benar-benar hidup sebagai seorang Kristen? Tidak hanya hal itu mungkin. Menurut David Platt, hal itu bahkan sangat sering terjadi. Penulis best…
Outline: Preparing for Marriage God's Way is a marriage counseling resource that uses thoughtful self-examination to reveal the personalities, backgrounds, and expectations that you and your partner are bringing to your union. Through rigorous Bible study, you will learn about God's expectations for marriage and be equipped with His solutions for dealing with typical marriage conflicts. Three f…
Outline: Tinggal Satu Langkah Lagi Menuju Petualangan Terhebat Sepanjang Hidup. Yang pasti bukan Anda! Demikian juga dengan semua orang yang Anda temui. Kita semua tidak ada yang normal menurut denisi Allah, dan semakin kita mengenal satu sama lain, hal ini akan semakin jelas. Tapi, dari semua dosa, kelemahan, dan keanehan kita, kita saling membutuhkan. Komunitas bukan sekadar istilah tetapi …
Outline: A careful and informed assessment of the "emerging church" by a respected author and scholar. The "emerging church" movement has generated a lot of excitement and exerts an astonishingly broad influence. Is it the wave of the future or a passing fancy? Who are the leaders and what are they saying? The time has come for a mature assessment. D. A. Carson not only gives those who may be u…
Outline: Even in today's secular world, scholars continue to be fascinated by the influences behind John Bunyan's famous allegories, The Pilgrim's Progress and The Holy War. In the pages of this book we discover part of the real secret of Bunyan's greatness. He was a man whose life was profoundly God-centred, and consequently he was a man of prayer.
Outline: This book sets out in short compass what seem to me to be the permanent essentials of Christianity, viewed as both a belief system and a way of life ... As I often tell my students, theology is for doxology and devotion - that is, the praise of God and the practice of godliness. It should therefore be presented in a way that brings awareness of the divine presence. Theology is at its h…
Outline : For many readers the Epistle to the Hebrews is among the most difficult books of the New Testament. Understanding its message calls for a great familiarity with its Old Testament background and a good knowledge of first-century biblical exegesis. This new, independent paperback edition of F. F. Bruce's long-standing hardcover volume on Hebrews in the New International Commentary on th…
Outline: Whether on the printed page, the television screen or the digital app, we live in a world saturated with images. Some images help shape our understanding of ourselves and the world around us in positive ways, while others lead us astray and distort our relationships. Christians confess that human beings have been created in the image of God, yet we chose to rebel against that God and s…
Outline: Robert W. Ferris has done God's global church a great service, particularly those committed to effective ministry training. In this manual he and his internationally experienced colleagues walk educators and trainers through the path to start new ministry training programmes, as well as to strengthen existing ones. In February, 1994, the World Envangelical Fellowship Missions Commissio…
Outline: This is a study of the significant issues as we engage in theological reflection in a world which is increasingly pluralistic. It calls for contextualization of theology. The context is mainly Asian with its rich mosaic of cultures, religions and history. One can no longer do theology in isolation from this pluralistic setting. Culture, religion, politics, and nature are identified as …
Outline : Melalui buku ini, pembaca akan mampu menemukan teologi yang kaya tentang Allah yang menepati janji-janjiNya. Bersama kitab-kitab lain dalam Perjanjian Lama, Kitab Ulangan berbicara banyak kepada manusia masa kini yang—sama seperti orang Israel kuno—hidup dalam ketidakpastian. Kitab Ulangan sama sekali tidak kuni, namun sungguh mendorong dan mengajak kita percaya kepada Allah yang …