Outline: The Republic of Indonesia lies to Australia's north; its population is 136 million and its is ruled by President Suharto. What kind of man is he, and how did he come to power? What is happening in Indonesia and what are Suharto's plans for the future of his country? To gain a basic understanding of Indonesian politics, Hamish McDonald first explains the dynamics of the Javanese culture…
Outline: Christianity Confronts Culture is a practical guide to effective communication in the crosscultural setting - which exists in fact when any one person meets another. Dr. Mayers discusses crosscultural communication by means of four models, each of which approaches the subject in the light of a different discipline: social psychology, sociology, anthropology, and crosscultural education…
Outline: Peasant Society and Culture outlines a speculative foundation for the emergence of anthropology from the study of isolated primitive tribes. Using the example of the more developed peasant or rural culture, it indicates the ways in which anthropologists can approach the study of complex civilized societies.
Outline: His name has become a by-word for faith throughout the world. In the early 1830's he embarked upon an extraordinary adventure. Disturbed by the faithlessness of the Church in general, he longed to have someting to point to as 'visible proof that our God and Father is the same faithful creator as he ever was'. Praying in every penny of the costs, he supervised the building of five large…
Outline: Mengapa Soekarno menempatkan Kebangsaan sebagai sila pertama dan Ketuhanan sebagai sila kelima pada rumusan Pancasila. Apakah dengan demikian, founding father ini telah melakukan penistaan terhadap keyakinan agama? Inilah sejumlah pertanyaan yang kerap muncul saat membaca teks awal Pancasila yang dibacakan Bung Karno pada 1 Juni 1945. Teks Pancasila inilah yang sering disebut Pancasila…
Outline: World-renowned economist Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, explains that we have an opportunity to shape the fourth industrial revolution, which will fundamentally alter how we live and work. Schwab argues that this revolution is different in scale, scope and complexity from any that have come before. Characterized by a range of new technologies …
Outline: World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab offers a practical companion and field guide to his previous book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Today, technology is changing everything - how we relate to one another, the way we work, how our economies and governments function, and even what it means to be human. Incredible advances - from cryptocurrencies to AI to…
Outline: What is fashion? Where does it come from? Why has it come to permeate modern life? In the last half century, questions like these have drawn serious academic reflection, resulting in a new field of research - fashion studies - and generating a rich multidiscplinary discussion. Yet theology's voice has been conspicuously absent in this conversation. The time has finally come for theolog…
Outline: Masalah asimilasi atau pembauran antara etnis pribumi dan non pribumi masih saja selalu dibicarakan orang. Ini disebabkan perbedaan latar belakang kebudayaan yang secara langsung menyangkut banyak dimensi kehidupan mereka. Oleh karena itu rasa saling menerima, memahami dan menghormati kedua kultur yang berbeda ini merupakan suatu konsekuensi yang harus dapat diterima. Tentunya perlu su…
Outline : Seberapa pentingkah vaksinasi? Benarkah Bumi itu datar? Apakah telur baik untuk dikonsumsi? Pada era informasi seperti sekarang, yang menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan semacam itu bukan hanya pakar, melainkan juga para penganut teori konspirasi, orang awam sok tahu, hingga pesohor yang menyesatkan. Kadang, dalam rimba informasi masa kini, penjelasan pakar tidak didengar, sementara jawaba…
Outline: Dalam hal mencari sosok manusia Sunda, maka yang harus kita cari ialah siapakah tokoh ideal orang Sunda? Jawabannya bisa banyak - tergantung kepada pilihan masing-masing. Kebanyakan orang Sunda memeluk agama Islam, niscaya banyak yang memilih tokoh idealnya adalan junjungannya, Muhammad Rasulullah dan tokoh lain seperti Umar bin Khattab, dan lain-lain. Tokoh ideal sebagian orang Sunda…
Outline: Hingga saat ini masyarakat Baduy masih terikat pada pikukuh (adat yang kuat) yang diturunkan dari generasi ke generasi. Salah satu pikukuh itu berbunyi lojor teu meunang dipotong, pondok teu meunang disambungan (panjang tidak boleh dipotong, pendek tidak boleh disambung). Makna pikukuh itu antara lain tidak mengubah sesuatu, atau dapat juga berarti menerima apa yang sudah ada tanpa …
Outline: Sekali lagi penulis membuktikan kepiawaiannya sebagai seorang sosiolog yang, tanpa kehilangan hujah-hujahnya yang terkenal tajam -- dengan gaya penulisannya yang cemerlang dan padat -- melakukan kajian mengenai fenomena agama sebagai realitas sosial. Di dalamnya, penulis mengemukakan serangkaian analisa brilian mengenai sebuah cabang sosiologi -- sosiologi agama -- yang mampu menjela…
Outline: Karl Marx is the most influential political philosopher of the past 150 years. Understanding him is essential to understanding post-WWII Europe, American foreign policy, contemporary China and North Korea, and much of the rhetoric in today's colleges and political circles in the United States. The author's concise volume highlights the key features of Marx's worldview, including seve…
Outline: In this book, based on lectures that the author was invited to deliver in Japan, the author traces the dominant contours of religion as perceived by the sociologist. His themes range from the study of sectarianism, on which he is one of the world's leading authorities, to the subtleties of the relationship between religion and culture in modern societies of the West and the East. Alt…
Outline: "Konsep Ketahanan Nasional yang dicanangkan bangsa Indonesia akan terwujud apabila mereka memanfaatkan segala sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya alam yang dikerahkan melalui Pembangunan Nasional secara komprehensif. Dikatakan demikian karena meliputi bidang ideologi, politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, serta pertahanan dan keamanan (Ipoleksosbudhankam) nasional demi kesejahteraan dan …
Outline: In a sweeping reconsideration of the relation between religion and modernity, the author surveys the roles that religions may play in the public sphere of modern societies. During the 1980s, religious traditions around the world, from Islamic fundamentalism to catholic liberation theology, began making their way, often forcefully, out of the private sphere and into public life, causi…
Outline: Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi, maka setiap upaya meningkatkan kualitas tersebut perlu dilakukan penelitian. Supaya penelitian dapat menghasilkan informasi yang akurat, maka perlu menggunakan metode penelitian yang tepat. Metode penelitian secara umum dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga, yaitu:
(1) Metode kuantitatif, disebut sebagai me…
Outline: Frustrated with the continuing educational crisis of our time, concerned parents, teachers, and students sense that true reform requires more than innovative classroom technology, standardized tests, or skills training. An older tradition - the Great Tradition - of education in the West is waiting to be heard. Since antiquity, the Great Tradition has defined education first and fore…
Overview: Buku ini menghadirkan lima tulisan hasil penelitian: Skema Keagamaan dan Fundamentalisme Agama sebuah Tinjauan Psikologi yang ditulis oleh seorang dosen psikologi; Transformasi Pelayanan Administrasi Pernikahan - Kependudukan yand dilakukan di KUA Gondomanan Kota Yogyakarta, dalam tulisan ini digambarkan tentang perubahan-perubahan penting dalam pelayanan KUA; Masih Perlukah FKUB? T…
Outline: Sources in Philosophy is a series of short (approximately 128 pages), inexpensive, paperbound volumes. Each volume conains a substantial original essay and selected readings in a major segment of philosophy. The introductory essay for each volume provides an original point of view from which the coherence and unity of the diverse selections can be appreciated. The carefully selected re…
Outline: This landmark book about America's "habits of the heart" - Tocqueville's expression for the mix of traits essential to our national character - explores the traditions Americans use to make sense of themselves and their society, and it presents one of today's major moral dilemmas: the conflict between our fierce individualism and our urgent need for community and commitment to one anot…
Outlined: The distinguished social critic Richard Sennett here shows how the excessively ordered community freezes adults - both the young idealists and their security-oriented parents - into rigid attitudes that stifle personal growth. He argues that the accepted ideal of order generates patterns of behavior among the urban middle classes that are stultifying, narrow, and violence-pence. And…
Outline: This book is gripping, authoritative account of the epic battle between modernity and militant Islam that is reshaping the Middle East. The author, a reporter who has covered the Middle East for twenty years, takes us inside the militant Islamic movements in ten countries: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Algeria, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, and Iran. She shows that just as ther…
Overview: Moving from a sweeping overview of history to blow-by-blow accounts of his negotiations with world leaders, the author describes how the art of diplomacy has created the world in which we live, and how America's approach to foreign affairs has always differed vastly from that of other nations. Brilliant, controversial, and profoundly incisive, this book stands as the culmination of a…