Outline: Christians today face growing challenges to show that their faith is both relevant and credible. Josh McDowell's New Evidence That Demands a Verdict combines the two original best-selling volumes into one, maintaining their classic defense of the faith, yet answering new questions posed by today's culture. Special features include: - New research and documentation of archaeologica…
Outline : According to the Christian faith, Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation not only of the nature of God the Creator but also of how God the Creator relates to the created order. The New Testament explicitly relates the act of creation to the person of Jesus Christ - who is also a participant within creation, and who is said, by his acts of participation, to have secured creation's ult…
Outline: Focusing on the private and public use of space, this volume explores the religious life of the new Muslim communities in North America and Europe. Unlike most studies of immigrant groups, these essays concentrate on cultural practices and expressions of everyday life rather than on the political issues that dominate today's headlines. The authors emphasize the cultural strength and cr…
Outline: Though Karl Barth wrote his lectures on John Calvin more than seventy years ago, the wrestling of one theological giant with another can hardly fail to be exciting and instructive. Delivered at the University of Gottingen in 1922, Barth's lectures offer a brilliant analysis of the Reformation - of Calvin in particular - while at the same time providing vital insights into the developme…
Outline: The Stranger had a message ... for the person who knows nothing about the world's bestseller - the Bible, ... and for those who want to know more. It's been called "the most misunderstood book in history." Wars have been fought in its name, scandals have been precipitated by it, politics shaped and reshaped at its word. Theologians have both defended and reviled it. Skeptics have done …
Outline: What every Christian should know about Islam's sacred text? Who does the Qur'an teach Jesus is? What does the Qur'an say about salvation? How does the Qur'an describe Christians? A Christian Guide to the Qur'an will prepare Christians to understand the central messages of the Qur'an in simple terms, and illustrates how knowledge of Islam's sacred text can provide bridges to religious u…
Outline: After the September 11 terrorist attacks against the United States, religious fundamentalism has dominated public debate as never before. Policymakers, educators, and the general public all want to know: Why do fundamentalist movements turn violent? Are fundamentalisms a global threat to human rights, security, and democratic forms of government? What is the future of fundamentalism? T…
Outline: Pada abad-abad pertama pertama Masehi telah tercatat ratusan ribu martir Kristen, akibat penganiayaan kaisar-kaisar Romawi. Namun seberat apapun penganiayaan itu, tidak mungkin mampu menghapuskan kekristenan dari dunia ini. Sejauh sejarah merekam peristiwa dunia, khususnya setelah Reformasi, iman Kristen sejati telah menjadi motor pembaharuan dan kemajuan di segala bidang. Sekarang set…
Outline: Ecclesiastes raises questions that haunt everyone to some degrees. We live in a busy world, but does our busyness have a purpose? Or will the tyranny of time render all our labor pointless? If our efforts are doomed by death, how are we supposed to live in the meantime? Douglas O'Donnell turns to Ecclesiastes to show us that lives of seeming futility "under the sun" become filled with …
Outline: - Is there a God? - What is the evidence for belief in such a being? - What is God like? - Or, is God a figment of human inspiration? - How do we know that such a being might not exist? - Should belief or disbelief in God's existence make a difference in our opinions and moral choices, in the way we see ourselves and relate to those around us? These are fundamental questions, and…
Outline: You're trapped. You don't know how you ended up in such a mess - locked in habits you can't seem to break or caught in sin. You're a Christian and this sort of thing doesn't happen to Christians ... or so you've been told. You are not alone. The Bible warns repeatedly that all Christians will struggle against Satan and his spiritual forces of darkness. While the spiritual conflict th…
Outline: Theodore Beza's A Clear and Simple Treatise on the Lord's Supper (1559) advances a tireless defense of the Reformed perspective on the Lord's Supper, responding chapter by chapter to specific arguments raised against John Calvin by his Lutheran opponent Joachim Westphal. Beza makes great use of the concept of metonymy, or a figure of speech, in his interpretation of the words of instit…
Outline: Whether it's terrorists in the Middle East who claim inspiration from Islam and express their hatred for the West, or the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, or the violence done by the religious extremists in the United States, it seems religion too often leads to lethal results. Charles Kimball, the author of When Religion Becomes Evil, builds on his bestselling book …
Outline: Modernist Islam was a major intellectual current in the Muslim world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Proponents of this movement typically believed that it was not only possible but imperative to show how "modern" values and institutions could be reconciled with Islamic ideals. While the movement declined after the 1930s, replaced by secular projects such as nationalism …
Overview: Penulis menulis buku ini untuk menjawab keresahan terhadap bahaya dari Kekristenan yang dangkal, bukan yang sejati. Kekristenan yang sejati mutlak harus dimulai dan didasarkan pada ajaran yang benar dari Firman Tuhan. Dan TULIP bisa menjadi sarana kita untuk mengenal dan mempelajari seperti apakah ajaran yang benar itu. Doktrin-doktrin dari Calvinisme dan Reformasi merupakan waris…
Outline: "Mengapa orang baik bisa menderita?" Itulah pertanyaan sepanjang masa. Ada yang menduga bahwa penyebabnya adalah dosa tersembunyi dari orang itu. Ada yang mempersalahkan orang-orang dianggap sebagai lawan, yang cemburu kepadanya. Ada yang mengaitkan dengan perselisihan dewa-dewi. Ada yang yakin penyebabnya adalah tatanan masyarakat yang tidak adil. Ada orang yang berpendirian bahwa mu…
Outline: Apakah Perjanjian Lama itu? Apa inti pokoknya? Apa makna Perjanjian Lama bagi kita yang hidup pada awal milenium ketiga Masehi? Temukanlah jawabannya dalam buku ini! Selain membantu para mahasiswa, buku ini juga bermanfaat bagi pembaca awam yang ingin mengenal Perjanjian Lama.
Outline: Kemunculan wabah Covid-19 telah menjadi ancaman bagi dunia. Setiap orang tenggelam dalam rasa takut dan khawatir akan penderitaan yang mereka alami. Jumlah korban yang terinfeksi virus kian bertambah, parahnya hingga menyebabkan kematian. Di tengah pergumulan tersebut, tidak sedikit dari umat Kristen mempertanyakan keberadaan Allah. Mengapa wabah ini harus menimpa mereka? Buku ini akan…
Overview: Beginning in the late 1960s, a biblical counseling movement sought to reclaim counseling for the church and provide a Christian alternative to mainstream psychiatry and psychotheraphy. This book is an informative and thought-provoking account of that moment. The author's historical account combines careful scholarship with a unique, eyewitness insight. This book is an invaluable r…
Outline; Was Adam really a historical person, and can we trust the biblical story of human origins? Or is the story of Eden simply a metaphor, leaving scientists the job to correctly reconstruct the truth of how humanity began? Although the church currently faces these pressing questions - exacerbated as they are by scientific and philosophical developments of our age - we must not think that t…
Outline: If God knows human actions in advance, do humans really have freedom of choice? Throughout the centuries various solutions have been offered as to how to retain or reconcile both the concepts of divine omniscience and human freedom. One solution focuses on the idea of middle knowledge. This theory originates with the Spanish Jesuit Luis de Molina, was contested by Reformed theologians …
Overview: Dalam buku ini juga dibahas: bagaimana permulaan Injil ditabur, timbulnya jemaat mula-mula, hasil-hasil konferensi dan persidangan sinode serta ujian yang dihadapi selama pendudukan di Jepang dan pergumulan GKE hingga tahun 1960 bahkan sampai sekarang ini. Dengan buku ini pembaca dapat mengakui karya Tuhan yang amat besar di Indonesia sehingga pembaca pun dapat berseru, "Tuaiannya su…
Outline: Meditasi tentang Iman, Pengharapan, dan Kasih ini memuat usaha menjelaskan konsep iman, pengharapan, dan kasih dengan menjernihkan hal-hal ini dari konsep-konsep lain yang mirip, seperti penyamaan iman dengan sikap gampang percaya (credulous) yang naif, menjernihkan apa yang dipahami sebagai pengharapan dalam Alkitab, dengan membedakannya dari "berpikir positif" atau wishful thinking, …
Outline: Buku "INJIL & KEBUDAYAAN" yang berisi 15 tema ini disunting dari khotbah "Christmas Series: Rally 15 Hari Khotbah Injil" yang disampaikan oleh Pdt. Jimmy Pardede pada tanggal 25 November sampai dengan 9 Desember 2020 di GRII Bandung.
Outline: In this accessible textbook, Henry Virkler and Karelynne Ayayo combine hermeneutical theory with practical steps for exegesis. The authors outline a five-step hermeneutical procedure that includes: (1) historical-cultural and contextual analysis, (2) lexical-syntactial analysis, (3) theological analysis, (4) genre identification and analysis, and (5) application. The key distinctive of…
Outline: One of the greatest crimes of this generation of Christians is our neglect of the gospel, and it is from this neglect that all our other maladies spring forth. Absent from too many pulpits are the essential themes that make up the very core of the gospel - the justice of God, the radical depravity of man, and the blood atonemet. In The Gospel's Power and Message, Paul Washer addresses…
Outline: Explaining The Trinity to Muslims. This book is a culturally relevant presentation of the truth of the Trinity to the Muslim mindset. Originally it was issued through a Turkish secular publishing house and had a countrywide repercussion, even in Islamic circles. It is a useful presentation for both Muslim and Christian readers, providing fundamental keys for understanding and explainin…
Outline: Do you: - dream about writing the Great American Novel? - regret not finishing your paintings, poems, or screenplays? - want to start a business or charity? - wish you could start dieting or exercising today? - hope to run a marathon someday? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you need ... The War of Art In this powerful, straight-from-the-hip examination of t…
Outline: Even if they want to, many Christians find it hard to talk to others about Jesus. Is it possible this difficulty is because we're trying to speak a language we haven't actually sent time practicising? Is it possible we have neglected to understand for ourselves how the good news of Jesus impacts every facet of our lives? To become fluent in a new language, you must immerse yourself in …
Outline: Although "born again" Christians have received much attention in the media, some theologians and missiologists are downplaying the importance of conversion. While the media portray a shallow understanding of the concept, theologians engaged in dialogue with representatives of other world religions tend to shy away from anything which might be labeled "proselytizing." Both tendencies de…
Outline: Jika masih hidup, dan diminta melukiskan situasi sekarang, Mohammad Hatta hanya perlu mencetak ulang tulisannya yang terbit pada 1962: "Pembangunan tak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya..." Perkembangan demokrasi pun terlantar karena percekcokan politik senantiasa. Pelaksanaan otonomi daerah terlalu lamban sehingga memicu pergolakan daerah." Demokrasi dapat berjalan baik, menurut Hatta, ji…
Outline: There is little doubt that in recent years the nature of the Genesis narrative has sparked much debate among Christians, Genesis : History, Fiction, or Neither? introduces three prominent interpretive genres and their implications for biblical understanding. Each contributor identifies his position on the genre of Genesis 1-11, addressing why it is appropriate to the text, and contribu…
Outline: For Christians, the issues raised by the different views on creation and evolution are challenging. Can a "young earth" be reconciled with a universe that appears to be billions of years old? Does scientific evidence point to a God who designed the universe and life in all its complexity? Three Views on Creation and Evolution deals with these and similar concerns as it looks at three d…
Outline: Stan Telchin, a Messianic Jew and former pastor, explores in depth the heart and soul of Messianic Judaism. He exposes the motive behind its creation, its controversial doctrines and its ineffectiveness in Jewish evangelism. Messianic Judaism has grown significantly in fewer than four decades. While intended originally to appeal to Jewish people, unexpectedly it appeals also to Gentile…
Outline: Waktu telah membuktikan Tafsiran Matthew Henry sebagai sarana yang sangat menolong untuk memperdalam pengertian dan pengenalan akan Firman Allah. Sudah lebih dari 300 tahun Tafsiran Matthew Henry tetap menjadi salah satu tafsiran favorit para guru, pengkhotbah, dan orang Kristen secara luas. Penyampaian eksposisi dan aplikasi kebenaran Alkitab yang begitu kaya dalam bahasa yang luwes d…
Outline: Anthony Thiselton's lengthy New International Greek Testament Commentary volume The First Epistle to the Corithians (2000) has become a standard work on 1 Corinthians. In this "shorter" commentary Thiselton draws on his excellent exegesis from that volume but combines it afresh with keen practical and pastoral application for readers at all levels. Thiselton delves deeply into the cont…
Outline: Syekh Ahadiyat (orangtua angkat Jayengsari dan Rancangkapti) memiliki seorang putra bernama Cebolang. Pemuda itu pergi mengembara mencari ilmu diiringi empat orang abdinya. Di awal perjalanan, mereka singgah di berziarah ke makam Syekh Jambukarang di Purbalingga. Disana, atas karomah dari Hyang Maha Agung, mereka mendapatkan restu untuk melanjutkan pengembaraan. Hal ini membuat niat me…
Outline: Dua putra Ki Bayi Panurta bersama kerabat Wanamarta mengembara mencari Syekh Amongraga yang pergi dan meninggalkan duka mendalam bagi Niken Tambangraras. Pengembaraan secara diam-diam ini ternyata mengantarkan mereka berkunjung kepada Ki Demang Kidang Wiracapa, yang tak lain adalah sahabat lama Ki Bayi Panurta. Di sana mereka disambut secara istimewa dan diberikan berbagai ilmu luhur. …
Outline: Jayengresmi, Jayengraga, dan Kulawirya pergi meninggalkan Desa Pulung melanjutkan pengembaraannya. Mereka singgah di padepokan milik teman Ki Bayi Panurta yang bernama Ki Sinduraga dan Ki Datuk Danumaya. Mereka juga sempat tersesat di Desa Tegaron yang ternyata adalah sarang penjahat. Mereka hendak dirampok dan dibunuh. Namun dengan keahlian ilmu olah kanuragan dan mangunah yang dimili…