Outline: Buku ini bukan hanya untuk para misiolog profesional tetapi juga bagi mahasiswa dalam persiapan pelayanan misi dan misionaris yang mengalami kesukaran dalam menghadapi tekanan-tekanan mengkomunikasikan Injil lintas budaya dan juga bagi para eksekutif yang merencanakan strategi-strategi untuk kekuatan tugas denominasionalnya atau seluruh masyarakat misinya dalam mengambil pelajaran dar…
Outline: This book is the first and only Bible of its kind - an entirely fresh approach to the study of God's Word using the New American Standard translation, the most literal word-for-word translation of the Bible available today. Other valuable features include: - Things to do. Specific instructions for every book of the Bible will lead you through the process of inductive study. - Thi…
Outline: Does God help those who help themselves? That may seem to be the message of the Books of Esther and Ruth. Some think that Ruth's attractiveness won over Naomi and Boaz, or that Esther's bold faithfulness saved her people. But a closer reading shows an embittered Naomi to have abondened the Promised Land and God's people, and Esther to have become thoroughly assimilated to the cultu…
Outline: The Larger Catechism, so rich in biblical teaching, has been long neglected, even by conservative Prebyterians who embrace it as one of their three standards. This commentary, written in the mid-twentieth century, is being published in book-form for the first time, to encourage the catechism's increased use and study. Because the Larger Catechism supplements the Shorter Catechism on…
Outline: This book makes available over fifty primary source selections that address various challenges to the Christian faith in the history of Christian apologetics. The compilation represents a broad Christian spectrum, ranging from early writers like Saint Paul and Saint Augustine, to Saint Teresa of Avila and Blaise Pascal, to more recent and present-day apologists such as C.S. Lewis, Al…
Outline: This accessible overview walks readers through centuries of creeds, councils, catechisms, and confessions - not with a dry focus on dates and places but with an emphasis on the living tradition of Christian belief and why it matters for our lives today. As a part of the KNOW series, this book is designed not only for personal study or classroom use but also for small groups and Sunda…
Outline: The Apostles' Creed is the oldest, most beautiful succint summary of Christian beliefs. Though often recited in unison during worship services, the creed begins with the phrase "I believe," making it a deeply personal profession of faith. But when was the last time you examined it closely? In this book, an excerpt from Growing in Christ, noted Bible scholar and author J. I. Packer …
Outline: John Calvin was a transformative force from modern history, delivering thousands of sermons in Geneva's St. Pierre's Cathedral, where he pastored from 1536 until his death in 1564. What better way to celebrate the 500th anniversary of his birth than for many of today's preeminet Reformed pastors to preach in Calvin's home church? The sermons in this book show how Calvin's theology i…
Outline: The Teach the Text Commentary Series gives pastors the best of biblical scholarship and presents the information needed to move seamlessly from the meaning of the text to its effective communication. By keeping the discussion in each carefully selected preaching unit to six pages of focused commentary, the volumes allow pastors to quickly grasp the most important information. Each u…
Outline: The Teach the Text Commentary Series gives pastors the best of biblical scholarship and presents the information needed to move seamlessly from the meaning of the text to its effective communication. By providing focused commentary on each psalm, this volume allows pastors to quickly grasp the most important information. Each unit of the commentary includes the big idea and key theme…
Outline: Setiap orang Kirsten dipanggil untuk berakar, bertumbuh (Kolose 2: 7), dan berbuah bagi Tuhan Yesus Kristus (Yohanes 15: 16). Demikian jugalah panggilan setiap keluarga Kristen (Mazmur 127). Keluarga Kristen merupakan institusi terkecil dari Gereja yang diciptakan Tuhan untuk merefleksikan kemuliaan Tuhan (Roma 11:36). Namun semua rancangan mula-mula Allah bagi keluarga ini gagal ka…
Outline: In this volume, the author examines the character and purpose of Luke and Acts and introduces Luke's social, historical, and literary context. He presents Luke's narrative as a "kingdom story" that both announces the arrival of God's reign in Jesus and describes the ministry of the early church, revealing the character of the kingdom as dramatically at odds with the Kingdom of Rome. …
Outline: The Pentecostal Manifestor series aims to speak for and to a rising, outward-looking generation of Pentecostal scholarship. Written by both established and newly emerging scholars, the various "manifestos" volumes will be creative staements, marked by rigorous theological scholarship, reflecting a distinctly Pentecostal engagement with wider themes and concerns in Christian thought to…
Outline: Sit in the Courtroom as the Savior Testifies Witness the disturbing display of events as Jesus stands against His detractors and the unbridled might of the Roman Empire. In this unsparing up-close account, you will experience the greatest injustice in history - the trial and punishment of Jesus of Nazareth - and gain a fresh appreciation for the enormity of the stakes. His innocen…
Outline : Penulis menunjukkan pendekatan kepada pelayanan yang menumbuhkan para remaja dan membuat mereka tetap setia bergereja - pendekatan yang berpijak dengan teguh kepada Alkitab dan dipolakan menurut sarana-sarana anugerah : Firman, sakramen, doa, pelayanan, dan komunitas. Pelajarilah bagaimana para remaja bukan hanya membutuhkan pelayanan yang lebih mendalam, tetapi mereka pun mengingin…
Overview: Seri Dasar-Dasar Iman memperkenalkan pembaca kepada doktrin dan praktik Reformed yang mendasar, namun pembahasannya sesuai dengan situasi semua gereja. Penulis menyibakkan ajaran Kitab Suci mengenai doktrin adopsi dan menunjukkan makna yang sebenarnya dari adopsi sorgawi kita. Ia menolong kita untuk merasakan apa yang dirasakan oleh setiap anak adopsi: penerimaan, memiliki keluarga,…
Outline: In this book we want to get to know Abraham Kuyper in the context of his own time. What was the special character of his time? What was the spirit of the age? There is a definite starting point to be found: Kuyper, like his predecessor, Groen van Prinsterer, always referred to a certain point of departure in characterizing his own time - the formidable events of the French Revoluti…
Outline: Public theology has emerged in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries as theologians have increasingly entered the public square to engage complex issues. This book brings a much-needed resource to this relatively new field. The essays contained here being a robust and relevant faith perspective to a wide range of issues as well as foundational biblical and theological perspective…
Outline: This book responds to the crisis of American democracy as perceived by such diverse thinkers as Christopher Lasch, Michael Sandel, Mary Ann Glendon, and Robert Putnam. Despite their philosophical differences, these thinkers highlight a common theme: a decline in the institutions of civil society once hold to be the vital center of the American polity. In place of these institutions …
Outline: The author is well known for his incisive views on the intersection of culture and Christianity and for his efforts to make the thought of major Dutch theologian Abraham Kuyper accessible to average Christians. In this volume the author provides the scholarly "backstory" to his popular books as the interprets, applies, expands on - and at times even corrects - Kuyper's remarkable visi…
Outline: Throughout history Christian thinkers have attempted to come to terms with the validity of views of scholars committed to non-Christian views of reality. This book gives twelve case studies of how important Christian thinkers in ancient, medieval and modern times have led the way in relating to non-Christian wisdom. The reader is given a sympathetic insight into the personal struggl…
Outline: The Hebrew Book of Job is universally acknowledged as an exquisite piece of literary art that ranks among the most outstanding compositions in world literature. Yet it is also widely recognized as an immensely difficult text to understand. In elucidating that ancient text, this inaugural Illuminations commentary by C. L. Seow pays close attention to the reception history of Job, inc…
Outline: Pertanyaan utama yang muncul pada KTT Bumi di Rio, Juni 1992, ialah "apakah masih ada masa depan tempat semua orang ditawari pengharapan akan kehidupan, dan masih ada bumi yang terpelihara demi kemampuannyaa memberi kehidupan tadi?" Dalam bahasa yang jelas dan enak dibaca, buku ini mengemukakan akibat peristiwa besar internasional bagi gereja-gereja dan gerakan oikumenis. Penulis men…
Outline: Buku ini menguraikan masalah-masalah yang mendasar dalam ilmu bela negara, khususnya negara Indonesia, seperti: wawasan nusantara, ketahanan nasional, politik strategi nasional, politik strategi hankamnas, sistem hankamrata. Dalam edisi baru ini disajikan perbaikan dan penyempurnaan isi sehingga membantu mahasiswa dalam proses pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang peran setiap warga …
Outline: "Konsep Ketahanan Nasional yang dicanangkan bangsa Indonesia akan terwujud apabila mereka memanfaatkan segala sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya alam yang dikerahkan melalui Pembangunan Nasional secara komprehensif. Dikatakan demikian karena meliputi bidang ideologi, politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, serta pertahanan dan keamanan (Ipoleksosbudhankam) nasional demi kesejahteraan dan …
Outline: Interest in political theology has surged in recent years, and this accessible volume provides a focused overview of the field. Many are asking serious questions about religious faith in secular societies, the origin and function of democratic polities, worldwide economic challenges, the shift of Christianity's center of gravity to the global south, and anxieties related to bold and …
Outline: Dalam buku yang berimbang ini, penulis - seorang theolog Injili dan ahli sejarah gereja - akan menolong para pembaca untuk memahami nuansa dari ajaran Katolik Roma. Dengan mengikuti buku resmi Catechism of the Catholic Church (Katekismus Gereja Katolik), penulis meringkas dan menilai doktrin Katolik dari sudut pandang Alkitab dan theologi Injili. Dengan memperhatikan persamaan-persa…
Outline: Pendeta yang populer, guru Alkitab, dan konselor Paul David Tripp memberikan bimbingan praktis mengenai cara menemukan sukacita sejati dan kepuasan kekal sehingga orang Kristen dapat belajar untuk hidup dengan bebas di dunia yang penuh kegilaan.
Outline: In a sweeping reconsideration of the relation between religion and modernity, the author surveys the roles that religions may play in the public sphere of modern societies. During the 1980s, religious traditions around the world, from Islamic fundamentalism to catholic liberation theology, began making their way, often forcefully, out of the private sphere and into public life, causi…
Outline: Filsafat mengajukan pertanyaan dan masalah yang sering dianggap mengacaukan iman Kristen. Orang Kristen tidak perlu menghindar dari diskusi ini. Ada "kabar baik filosofis bagi orang Kristen," kata penulis. Posisi Kristen adalah "bukan sekedar alternatif yang masuk akal," tetapi "posisi yang konsisten, meyakinkan, dan sekaligus masuk akal yang mampu menawarkan solusi untuk masalah yan…
Outline: Buku ini yang berisi 12 tema ini disunting dari materi rekaman Kelas Pembinaan "Pernikahan dan Keluarga" yang disampaikan oleh penulis, di dalam 3 periode pada tahun 2018 - 2019, di GRII Bandung. Pacaran, Pernikahan, dan Keluarga: 1. Relasi dan Komunikasi 2. Kasih, Ordo, dan Kesetaraan 3. Kasih Kristus dan Saling Menerima 4. Pernikahan dan Seksualitas 5. Theologi, Relasi, dan Ke…
Outline: Teks-teks Perjanjian Lama sesungguhnya merupakan firman Allah yang limpah. Dalam terang Perjanjian Baru, mutiara-mutiara kebenaran itu dikhotbahkan lalu kemudian dijadikan buku. Buku ini merupakan kumpulan khotbah itu, yang disampaikan di GRII Kebun Jeruk-Jakarta dan GRII Semarang. Dalam buku ini, penulis menguraikan perjalanan kehidupan Nuh dalam kesendiriannya bersama Tuhan yang…
Outline: Kumpulan ceramah-ceramah tentang gereja sebagai mempelai wanita Kristus yang disampaikan di dalam konferensi tahunan Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary mengemas tiga tema utama: memandang kepada keindahan mempelai wanita Kristus, menyusuri jalan bersama mempelai wanita Kristus, serta berbagi kesedihan dan pengharapan bersama mempelai wanita Kristus. Topik-topik spesifik yang dibaha…