Outline: Mark Rooker discusses each of the Ten Commandments and its full meaning in the ancient context. Providing a depth of understanding that can't be obtained by looking only at the commandment itself, he shows how each one reverberates throughout the Old Testament, how it was violated in Israel's history, and how it surfaces again in the New Testament. He also includes the theological sign…
Outline: Counseling Men Effectively from God's All-Sufficient Word. Men Counseling Men is a strongly practical resource filled with the help and hope found in Scripture alone. The Bible's counsel is superior to that given by the world, addressing not just external symptoms but also the heart issues only God, our Creator, can remedy. The trusted contributors to this volume provide tested guidanc…
Outline: Konsep teologis apa yang melatari pemberian tanah Kanaan? Adakah konsep pemerintahan yang ideal atas dasar kegagalan dan kesuksesan pemerintahan raja-raja di Israel? Bagaimana memahami Yerusalem sebagai kota Allah? Bagaimana nabi-nabi memberi kontribusi bagi transformasi masyarakat secara sosial maupun spiritual? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini mewakili pokok-pokok teologis yang diangkat di …
Outline: Suara saksi-saksi Perjanjian Lama berasal dari zaman yang berbeda-beda, demikian pula tekanan dan spiritualitasnya, namun semuanya terarah kepada Tuhan yang Esa. Meneliti Perjanjian Lama berarti terjun ke dalam dunia yang majemuk dan memungkinkan dialog antara saksi-saksi yang berlainan, namun semuanya memberitakan karya dan Firman Allah dari sudut pandang masing-masing. Melalui buku i…
Outline: In this new volume in the Belief series, Amy Plantinga Pauw reveals how the biblical books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, while often overlooked, are surprisingly relevant for Christian faith today. Both biblical books probe everyday human experiences. They speak to those who seek meaning and purpose in an uncertain world and encourage us to look for God's presence in human life, not in…
Outline : Knowing Creation is an essential resource for helping scholars from the fields of theology, biblical studies, philosophy, and science appreciate one another's concerns and perspectives. This constructive and informed account of a Christian theology of creation sets forth a convincing case for a positive relationship and mutually enriching dialogue between a theology of creation and co…
Outline: Buku ini merupakan catatan ingatan Emha Ainun Nadjib tentang bagaimana benih sebuah komunitas dituai dan ditumbuhkan. Sebuah memoar yang menceritakan masa muda Emha ketika bertemu dengan berbagai sosok penting dalam hidupnya.
Outline: Ziarah ke tempat-tempat yang disebut Alkitab sangat menarik, karena walaupun sudah terpaut ribuan tahun dengan peristiwa itu - dan banyak perubahan terjadi selama itu - masih ada yang lama. Iklim, adat istiadat, kebiasaan yang seakan berhenti melewati waktu. Seperti 3 seri sebelumnya, tema dalam buku JJS 4 ini terbagi menjadi 4: tempat, peristiwa, tokoh, dan benda Alkitab dalam gambar.…
Outline: Mengunjungi Tanah Suci barangkali menjadi keinginan sebagian besar umat Kristen. Berbagai alasan dan pertimbangan dikemukakan. Bahwa dengan berkunjung ke Tanah Suci, iman mereka dikuatkan. Namun, benarkah demikian? Karena pada kenyatannya, umat mungkin bisa dibuat bingung. Betapa tidak. Karena saat berkunjung ke Tanah Suci mereka akan diperhadapkan kenyataan bahwa misalnya saja, setida…
Outline: Ketika kita cenderung melihat pekerjaan pencegahan bunuh diri sebagai tugas terapis dan dokter profesional, gereja juga dapat memainkan peran penting. Namun banyak gembala, pendeta dan konselor pastoral merasa kewalahan dan tidak punya persiapan untuk mencegah bunuh diri. Dalam buku pegangan praktis ini, penulis membekali pelayan profesional untuk bekerja dengan individu-individu ya…
Outline: Allah, kelahiran, kematian, keluarga, sahabat, orang asing, pekerjaan, doa, penderitaan, ketabahan, keramahtamahan, alam semesta. Semua ini adalah bagian dari kehidupan manusia sehari-hari; dan tentu masih banyak lagi! Buku ini menggambarkan kehidupan manusia sehari-hari, dan pada saat yang sama upaya dari manusia dalam memaknai dan merespons kehadiran serta pemeliharaan Allah dalam ke…
Outline: Alkitab mengatakan ada suatu masa ketika Allah dan Adam berjalan bersama di Taman Eden dan berbicara sebagai sahabat. Lalu, doa pun menjadi sama alaminya seperti obrolan dengan seorang rekan atau kekasih. Namun, kini banyak di antara kita yang menyuarakan komentar seperti ini: "Saya tidak selalu bersikap jujur saat berdoa. Kadang hal itu terasa seperti dipaksakan, mirip semacam ritua…
Outline: Setiap kali kita merenungkan istilah-istilah "Kerajaan Allah", "Gereja", dan "Pelayanan", kita perlu menyadari betapa serius dan pentingnya makna yang terkandung di balik istilah-istilah tersebut. Kita harus menghadapi dan memikirkannya dengan gentar. "Bertobatlah, Kerajaan Allah sudah dekat!" adalah berita pertama Kristus ketika Ia memulai pelayananNya di dunia yang mengawali adanya G…
Outline: Libatkan, berdayakan, dan jadi berlipat ganda! Yesus mengatakan kepada para pengikutNya bahwa Dia akan membangun jemaatNya dan kemuliaan Dia memerintahkan mereka untuk pergi dan memuridkan. Sesederhana itu. Kita memuridkan dan Dia yang membangun jemaatNya. Namun, saat ini kita sering melakukan hal yang sebaliknya. Kita bekerja keras untuk membangun jemaat dengan berbagai program dan pr…
Outline: To enclaves of young converts tucked away in the mountains of Asia Minor, Paul wrote what is perhaps the oldest document in the New Testament - the letter to the Galatians. What problems were they facing? Among a variety of religious authorities espousing different teachings, how were they to know who was right? How were men and women to be put right with God? How could Christians in t…
Outline: Resonant Witness gathers together a wide, harmonious chorus of voices from across the musical and theological spectrum to show that music and theology can each learn much from the other - and that the majesty and power of both are profoundly amplified when they do. With essays touching on J. S. Bach, Hildegard of Bingen, Martin Luther, Karl Barth, Oliver Messiaen, jazz improvisation, S…
Outline: An inspiring collection of sermons on perhaps the most significant event the world ever experienced - the Cross of Christ. Through masterful sermons by great pulpit masters, the reader will gain a greater understanding of the theological, devotional, and practical importance of the Cross of Christ.
Outline : FOR YEARS, BIBLICAL COUNSELOR DARBY STRICKLAND has served women in oppressive marriages. Now she writes to anyone who wants to help, regardless of their level of experience. You will learn how to identify the toxic entitlement that drives abusive behavior and to better understand its impact on victims-including children who are raised in a home with domestic abuse. Ultimately, you wil…
Outline: The central theme of the Bible is expanded and expounded in this collection of sermons, compiled by one of today's great preachers. The reader will be encouraged by messages from such great pulpit masters. These Classic Sermons on the Birth of Christ will be a welcome addition to both preachers and teachers and will provide inspiration, ideas, and insights into this important event.
Overview: Buku ini menjulang sebagai salah satu buku klasik terbaik: bukan hanya penuh dengan perkataan yang indah, melainkan juga sederhana dan dapat diterapkan oleh setiap orang Kristen. Buku ini berisi pengajaran untuk masuk dalam kuasa Allah sehingga Anda dapat menjalani hidup yang kaya, mendalam, dan utuh seperti yang dikehendaki Allah. Penulis percaya bahwa kuasa Roh Kudus telah terlalu…
Outline: Kehadiran Roh Kudus seringkali lebih dikaitkan dengan berbagai-bagai karunia Roh Kudus. Namun, dampak terpenting kehadiran Roh Kudus di tengah kehidupan orang percaya justru bukanlah berkaitan dengan karunia, tetapi bagaimana Roh Kudus memimpin setiap orang Kristen, sehingga mereka bisa hidup secara dinamis. Oleh karena itu, kehadiran Roh Kudus memiliki peranan yang sangat penting di d…
Outline: This book by respected philosopher and theologian William Lane Craig has been thoroughly revised and updated to equip believers in the successful proclamation of biblical truth claims. The author gives careful attention to crucial questions and concerns, including: How Do I Know Christianity Is True?, The Absurdity of Life Without God, The Existence of God, The Problem of Miracles, and…
Outline: Cross-cultural evangelists historically have attempted to transplant Western church culture in their work with other peoples. More recent efforts protect the culture of native believers, helping them live as Christians within their own milieus. Anthropologist and missiologist Sherwood Lingenfelter maintains that Western-style churches often remain irrelevant, and indigienization brings…
Outline: For more than twenty years Douglas Moo's NICNT volume on Romans has been providing pastors, students, and scholars with profound insight into Paul's most famous letter. In this thorough revision of his commentary, Moo deals with issue that have come into prominence since the first edition (1996), incorporating the latest research and rewriting the text throughout for better comprehension.
Outline: An Urgent Call for Christians everywhere to explore the nature of Kingdom amid the political upheaval of our day. Should Christians be politically withdrawn, avoiding participation in politics to maintain their prophetic voice and to keep from being used as political pawns? Or should Christians be actively involved, seeking to control and utilize political systems to control the levers…
Outline: Selama enam puluh tahun terakhir ini telah timbul minat baru kepada karya kaym Puritan. Pembacaan karya-karya mereka telah memberikan manfaat yang besar bagi umat Allah di berbagai belahan dunia. Inilah yang dialami oleh editor buku ini, Richard Rushing: "Betapa menggetarkannya bagi saya untuk membaca tulisan tokoh-tokoh Puritan ... Di setiap kesempatan [kebenaran-kebenaran firman Alla…
Outline: Orang Kristen harus mengenal penafsiran Alkitab, yang merupakan dasar iman dan teologinya. Isi buku Hermeneutik : Prinsip dan Metode Penafsiran Alkitab mencakup berbagai hal yang perlu diketahui oleh seorang penafsir. Pembahasan mengenai prinsip dan metode penafsiran Alkitab dalam buku ini didukung bermacam topik, di antaranya persiapan penafsir, buku referensi yang dibutuhkan, pengena…
Outline: Semua manusia telah berdosa, hal ini sungguh tidak dapat dipungkiri. Semua jelas juga bahwa Allah tidak ingin membiarkan kita mati dalam dosa tanpa pengharapan apa pun. Allah sangat memperhatikan keselamatan manusia. Bukti-bukti dari Alkitab menyaksikan dan mengukuhkan hal ini. Namun, ada banyak sekali penafsiran berbeda mengenai keselamatan manusia dan pengaruhnya kepada kehidupa…
Outline : This monumental work is the culmination of Brevard Child's lifelong commitment to constructing a biblical theology that takes seriously the shape of the canon of Scripture and the role of communities that formed it and continue to draw life from it. Capping more than thirty years of research and reflection. Childs surveys the full biblical panorama. He addresses the formidable challen…
edited by James D.G. Dunn.
edited by Bruce W. Longenecker, Baylor University, Texas.
Outline: Most Christians would agree that the Bible provides a basis for mission. But Christopher Wright boldly maintains that there is a missional basis for the Bible! The entire Bible is generated by and all about God's mission. In order to understand the Bible, we need a missional hermeneutic, an interpretive perspective in tune with this great missional theme. We need to see how the familia…
Outline: St. Paul was a pivotal and controversial figure in the fledgling Jesus-movement of the first century. The New Cambridge Companion to St. Paul provides an invaluable entryway into the study of Paul and his letters. Composed of sixteen chapters by an international team of scholars, it explores some of the key issues in the current study of his dynamic and demanding theological discourse.…
Outline: Gunter Stemberger's revision of H.L. Strack's classic introduction to rabbinic literature, which appeared in its first English edition in 1991, was widely acclaimed. Gunter Stemberger and Markus Bockmuehl have now produced this updated edition. Following Strack's original outline, Stemberger discusses first the historical framework, the basic principles of rabbinic literature and herme…
Outline: Originally published in 1520, The Freedom of a Christian is one of Martin Luther's most well-know and enduring treatises. In it, the German Reformer examines Christian ethics and how justification by faith alone liberates believers, while also developing ideas and doctrines that were key to the Reformation. Featuring a new translation from the original German into English by renowned R…
Outline : This book initiates a dialogue where one does not exist, and continues a dialogue where one has been tentatively initiated, regarding the concept of God in the neoclassical philosophy of Charles Hartshorne and that found in analytic philosophers who adhere to classical theism. Two distinctive features of the book are a careful examination of Hartshorne's use of position martices in th…
The modern chasm between "secular" work and "sacred" worship has had a devastating impact on Western Christianity. Drawing on years of research, ministry, and leadership experience, Kaemingk and Willson explain why Sunday morning worship and Monday morning work desperately need to inform and impact one another. Together they engage in a rich biblical, theological, and historical exploration of …
Outline : Christians are taught in their churches and schools that prayer is the most powerful way to experience God. But few receive instruction or guidance in how to make prayer genuinely meaningful. In Prayer, renowned pastor Timothy Keller delves into the many facets of this everyday act. With his trademark insights and energy, Keller offers biblical guidance as well as specific prayers for…
Outline: The question of why God would allow pain and suffering in the world has vexed believers and nonbelievers forever. In Walking with God through Pain and Suffering, Timothy Keller takes on this enduring issue and shows that there is meaning and reason behind pain and suffering, making a forceful and groundbreaking case that this essential part of the human experience can be overcome only …