Outline: An Abridged Presentation of Richard Baxter's Classic Work. Originally written in 1656 and endorsed by generations of leading pastors as an essential book on the work of ministry, this abridged version of The Reformed Pastor presents the best of Richard Baxter's timeless advice in simple, modern language that's more accessible to a new generation of church leaders. In inspiring communic…
Outline: French Jesuit Henri de Lubac (1896 - 1991) was arguably the most revolutionary yet underacknowledged theologian of the twentieth century. He proposed that Western theology since the early modern period has lost sight of the key to intergrating faith and reason -- namely, the truth that all human beings are naturally oriented toward the supernatural. Originally published in 2005, The S…
Overview: In this book, the author - master teacher, deft exegete, committed churchman, and fully attuned contemporary intellectual - takes up this challenge with extraordinary energy and intelligence. The result is a capstone volume that puts all the pieces together both for students who read it straight through it at their own pace. For all who read it, the book will become a standard refe…
Outline: In appreciation of Carson's lifework, editors Andreas J. Kostenberger and Robert W. Yarbrough have assembled a team of his former students and colleagues to produce this volume of essays on contemporary New Testament studies. This book explores New Testament studies as they relate to special topics and ancillary disciplines, and it surveys the state of New Testament scholarship aroun…
Overview: A fresh, inviting text on the content of Christian faith in our contemporary context, this one- volume systematic theology offers a splendid, orthodox explication of the Christian faith for students, teachers, pastors, and serious lay readers alike. The autors not only cover all the traditional themes -- God, creation, sin, Jesus Christ, Scripture and so on -- but also relate those cl…
This convenient text utilizes material from the award-winning Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible (DTIB) to introduce students to the Bible and theological interpretation through a comprehensive book-by-book survey of the New Testament. The articles, authored by respected scholars, make unique contributions to the study of theological interpretation of Scripture. Theological …
Outline: The Pentecostal Manifestor series aims to speak for and to a rising, outward-looking generation of Pentecostal scholarship. Written by both established and newly emerging scholars, the various "manifestos" volumes will be creative staements, marked by rigorous theological scholarship, reflecting a distinctly Pentecostal engagement with wider themes and concerns in Christian thought to…
Outline: Public theology has emerged in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries as theologians have increasingly entered the public square to engage complex issues. This book brings a much-needed resource to this relatively new field. The essays contained here being a robust and relevant faith perspective to a wide range of issues as well as foundational biblical and theological perspective…
Outline: Interest in political theology has surged in recent years, and this accessible volume provides a focused overview of the field. Many are asking serious questions about religious faith in secular societies, the origin and function of democratic polities, worldwide economic challenges, the shift of Christianity's center of gravity to the global south, and anxieties related to bold and …
Outline: In the first book wholly concerned with divine authority, the author explores the extent of God's rule over created rational beings. The author challenges the view - widely supported by theists and nontheists alike - that if God exists, then humans must be bound by an obligation of obedience to this being. He demonstrates that this view, the "authority thesis," cannot be sustained by…
Outline: This book addresses one of the central theological problems of Matthew's Gospel: what are the relationships between Israel and the Church and between the mission to Israel and the mission to the Gentiles? To answer these questions, the author traces the surprising transition from the Israel-centered words and deeds of Jesus (and his disciples) before Easter to the universal mission o…
Overview: This book collects the paper presentations and seminar reports by these prominent international Calvin scholars: Heiko A. Oberman, James A. De Jong, James B. Torrance, Wilhelm H. Neuser, Paul E. Rorem, Richard C. Gamble, Richard Horcsik, Cornelis Augustijn, Luke Anderson, Erik A. de Boer, I. John Hesselink, Francis M. Higman, Nobuo Watanabe, Irene Backus, Adrianus D. Pont, Mitsuru Shi…
Outline: It is difficult to imagine our understanding of the New Testament period without Luke's writings. For this reason, the question of Luke's historical reliability has been repeatedly investigated. In this study the author affirms Luke's trustworthiness as a historian. But Luke is more than a historian. He is also a theologian who finds his interpretive key in the great theme of salva…
Outline: Since its original publication in German, the author's two-volume book has influenced an entire generation of biblical scholars and theologians. Daniel Bailey's expoert translation makes this important work available in English for the first time. A concluding essay by Bailey applies the author's approach to specific texts in Romans and 4 Maccabees.
Outline: This book is a landmark new book that unpacks the core theological convictions that underlie sound counseling and offers practical wisdom for counseling today. The author guides readers through the various categories of theology, showing how eeach one addresses the day-to-day concerns that counselors address. Rich, theological insights are illustrated through powerful stories from w…
Outline: Against the prevailing models for understanding the Apostle Paul's interpretation and use of Scripture, the author proposes a fresh approach toward developing a Pauline hermeneutic. He combines historical criticism with an intertextual strategy that takes seriously the work of the early church Fathers, and in so doing fills a void in current scholarship. The author applies his method…
Outline: On 31 October 1999, exactly 482 years after Martin Luther nailed his ninety-five theses to the church door in Wittenberg, the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation signed a historic joint declaration on the doctrine of justification. Recent agreements between Lutheran, Reformed, and Episcopal churches have expressed similar commitments. But what do these agreements…
Outline: Thomas Schreiner's substantial New Testament Theology examined the unifying themes that emerg from a detailed reading of the New Testament canon. This book provides a student-level digest of Schreiner's massive work, exploring the key themes and teachings of the New Testament in a more accessible and concise way. In addition to summarizing the findings of the author's large work, th…
Outline: This book offers a fresh look at the ethics of submission, gender roles, and servant leadership in the New Testament. Through his careful interpretation of Paul's letters and broader New Testament teaching, theologian the author shows how Christ's submission to the church models as an appropriate understanding of gender roles and servant leadership. As Christ submits to the church, s…
Outline: In this exchange from the 1995 Hein/Fry Lectures Series, the authors mount important, though divergent, anayses of the contemporary situation regarding Scripture and suggest varying strategies to meet it.
Outline: With succinct and probing analysis, this book reintroduces the Apostles' Creed to a new generation, proving that its message is much more than abstract concepts to be argued by theologians. In this book, the author addresses the great questions that the creed answers:
- How can we know God?
- Who needs the Church?
- Can we still believe in the resurrection?
- Is there really only…
Outline: Evangelical Theology is a systematic theology written from the perspective of a biblical scholar. The author contends that the center, unity, and boundary of the evangelical faith is the evangel (i.e. gospel). In his unique approach, the evangel is the epicenter and unifying thread in evangelical theology and the hermeneutical lens through which the various subfields of theology need…
Outline: In this bold and compelling work, the author undertakes to reframe the central issues of Christian theodicy. By the author's estimate, theologians still draw too heavily on Augustine's response to the problem of evil. attributing pain and suffering to the mysterious "good" purposes of God. Through a close and sophisticated reading of both Old and New Testaments, the author argues tha…
Overview: Suatu buku kerja mengenai doktrin-doktrin utama dalam Alkitab. Dalam buku ini pembaca akan diajak mempelajari doktrin-doktrin sentral Alkitab, dan karena disusun dalam bentuk manual pengajaran (PA), buku ini dapat dipakai untuk studi kelompok maupun pribadi. Beberapa tema penting yang akan dipelajari di dalamnya antara lain: Doktrin mengenai Alkitab, Doktrin mengenai Allah dan kara…
Outline: The author's purpose in this book is to show how different approaches to the Old Testament can be brought together into single theology. The author confronts the issues through a series of questions that jusxtapose concepts often set in opposition to one another:
- Is the Bible a record of God's revelation or of human religion?
- How is the "Old" Testament normative if there is also…