Outline: Imagine enjoying a feast with bowls full of food at your end of the table while your brothers and sisters sit hungry at the other end with empty or nearly empty bowls before them. This scenario is an apt metaphor to describe a world where 2.7 billion people survive on less than $2 day while others are well fed and prosperous. In the face of just such a global reality, Westerners have b…
Overview: The Engaging Culture series is designed to help Christians respond with theological discernment to our contemporary culture. Each volume explores particular cultural expressions, seeking to discover God's presence in the world and to involve readers in sympathetic dialogue and active discipleship. These books encourage neither an uninformed rejection nor an uncritical embrace of cul…
Outline: Masih di ibukota Mataram, Cebolang belajar berbagai macam ilmu. Di antaranya, Sastra Jendra Hayuningrat, ilmu nepton, dan petungan dengan aksara Jawa. Cebolang juga berguru pada pertapa dari Gunung Merapi, belajar perhitungan hari menurut petungan dan pasaran, ilmu bermain kartu, menilai dan memilih wanita, ilmu asmaragama, sejarah ilmu makrifat Jawa, juga sejarah Islam di Jawa. Di Pra…
Outline : Masih di ibukota Mataram, Cebolang belajar berbegai macam ilmu. Diantaranya, Sastra Jendra Hayuning, ilmu nepton, dan petungan dan pasaran, ilmu bermain kartu, menilai dan memilih wanita, ilmu asmaragama, sejarah ilmu makrifat Jawa, jugga sejarah Islam di Jawa. Di Prambanan, Cebolang belajar tentang Babad Pengging dan asal usul candi Prambanan, Suluk Hartati, asal usul manusia, Wirid …
Overview: Buku ini merupakan kumplulan esai yang dipersembahkan kepada Carl. F.H. Henry, seorang teolog Injili terkemuka masa kini, dalam rangka peringatan ulang tahunnya yang ke-80, oleh teolog-teolog terkenal dan juga para praktisi yang cukup diakui di bidang mereka masing-masing. Mereka menuliskan apa yang mereka pandang sebagai jawaban Alkitab bagi masing-masing bidang budaya yang telah m…
Outline: This book responds to the crisis of American democracy as perceived by such diverse thinkers as Christopher Lasch, Michael Sandel, Mary Ann Glendon, and Robert Putnam. Despite their philosophical differences, these thinkers highlight a common theme: a decline in the institutions of civil society once hold to be the vital center of the American polity. In place of these institutions …
Outline: We are increasingly addicted to habits - and devices - that distract and "buffer" us from substantive reflection and deep engagement with the world. And we live in what Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor calls "a secular age" - an age in which all beliefs are equally viable and real transcendence is less and less plausible. Drawing on Taylor's work, the author describes how these re…
Outline: How can we live wisely in the twenty-first century, alert to God and to other people amid the ups and downs of modern life? We find ourselves in the middle of complex situations, relationships, responsibilities, ongoing dramas, and challenges. Our response to these circumstances requires us to draw on many sources and to exercice imagination, discernment, and judgment. In this sequ…
Outline: Christians feel increasingly useless, argues the author, not because we have nothing to offer a post-Christian society, but because we are trying to serve as "sponsoring chaplains" to a civilization that no longer sees Christianity sas necessary to its existence. In our individualistic, technologically oriented, consumer-based culture, Christianity has become largely irrelevant. The …
Outline: The authors yearn for change. They long to see Christianity penetrate the structures of society, reforming and remodling our culture. From scholarship in the universities to politics, business and family life, the Christian vision can transform our world. To stimulate such change the authors analyze our troubled age, show us how it got that way and suggest a solution. Their clear pr…
Outline: The writer shows you how in this book, a layman's guide to understanding the many non-Christian perspectives that influence our culture. This book offers insight on confronting today's moral and social issues with an effective biblical response. The writer first examines the major philosophies that affect the way Americans think and act: Secularism, Existensialism, Humanism, Pragmatism…
Outline: Written expressly to encourage renewal in evangelical theology, this book explores the interface between Christian faith and the modern world in unique and the modern world in unique ways and with uncommon riger. The author's sweeping analysis examines the collapse of theology in the church, the academy, and modern culture, raising profound questions about the future of conservative Pr…
Overview: In this book the author conduct an archaeological investigation and critique of four modern worldviews. In grand vision charged with profound insight, they engage us in an honest, interdisciplinary, and global dialogue, always pointing the way forward, beyond the modern age.
Overview: "American Christians are going to have to come to terms with the brute fact that we live in a secular culture, one in which our beliefs make increasingly little sense. We speak a language that the world more and more either cannot hear or finds offensive to its ears." From the inside, American churches are hollowed out by the departure of young people and by an insipid pseude-Christ…
Outline: The author offers a rich biblical theology in light of our contemporary culture that contends that Christians should - indeed, must - be engaged in the surrounding culture. By exploring what Scripture has to say about the role of culture and by gleaning insights from a variety of theologians of culture - including Abraham Kuyper, T. S. Eliot, H. Richard Niebuhr, and C. S. Lewis - he c…
Overview: This authorative book is the most comprehensive examination ever of the sacredness of human life. Never before has one volume explored this subject in such a multifaceted way, encompassing biblical roots, theological elaborations, historical cases, and contemporary ethical perspectives. Traving the concept of the sacredness of human life from Scripture through church history to the …
Overview: In this sweeping and brilliantly provocative book, eminent sociologist as the author articulates a discruptive and compelling alternative narrative of the course of Western civilization since the Renaissance and the Reformation. Humanism is commonly credited with building Western civilization as we know it - bringing about the liberation of the individual, democracy, universal rights…
Telling the dramas of suffering / Arthur W. Frank --
Hoping, willing, and narrative re-envisioning / Cheryl Mattingly --
At the gates of the labyrinth: a meditation on suffering / Paul A. Komesaroff --
Just one critter / Jonathan Shay --
Suffering, pharmaceutical advertising, and the face of mental illness / Joseph E. Davis --
"Meditations on impermanence" / Deborah J. Haynes --
A convers…
Weak ontology: genealogy and critical issues / Stephen K. White --
White noise / William E. Connolly --
The 'weak ontology" thesis / Charles Taylor --
The ideas of individual infinitude / George Kateb --
The politics of avoidance: the limits of weak ontology / Jodi Dean --
Respect for persons / Charles Larmore --
Ontology and narrative / Leslie Paul Thiele --
Ontology: a useful category …
Dari asal-usul (keilmuan) teologi hingga kontekstualisasi teologi di Indonesia, dari ketegangan seputar wacana teologi di sekolah teologi hingga pergumulan teologis di tengah-tengah gereja, dari isu-isu keprihatinan sosial kemasyarakatan hingga ikhtiar dalam berteologi, penulis memberikan percikan pemikirannya seputar teologi dalam buku ini.
Kedua puluh tulisan dalam buku ini berangkat dari da…