This trilogy had its origins in the long, hot and dry European summer of 1976. I was working at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, combining mastering the complex isolation of a protein thought to be implicated in phosphatidylcholine transport between biological membranes (which had been pioneered at Utrecht) with following through my continuing interest in the history and philosophy…
Outline: Although the author's monumental work, this book, is recognised as a landmar k in Protestant theology - perhaps the most important work of this century - the sheer size and range of its fourteen volumes has meant that its content and significence may not be so widely known or appreciated as it deserves to be. In this concise introduction, the introductor provides a selection of the mo…
This comprehensive systematic theology by respected theologian Robert Letham covers the whole field of Reformed Christian doctrine from biblical, historical, and theological angles. Letham begins with God’s ultimate selfrevelation as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in indivisible union, continuing on with the works of God in creation, providence, and grace. He draws deeply from Sc…
Outline: In this third and final volume of A History of Christian Thought, Dr. Gonzales brings the reader from the beginning of the sixteenth century on the eve of the Reformation down to the twentieth century. The author interprets not only Roman Catholic and Reformation theology, but the theology of the Eastern church as well. Volume III begins with a discussion of the Reformation led by Luth…
Outline: Christian theology didn't develop in a vacuum. Understanding the story behind the doctrines that have been debated, defined, and defended throughout history is crucial for truly understanding the doctrines themselves. In this groundbreaking resource, professor Gerald Bray traces the history of Christian theology from the early church to the modern era. Structured to parallel the order …
Outline : William Placher looks at "classical" Christian theology (Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, Martin Luther) and contrasts it with the Christian discourse about God that evolved in the seventeenth century. In particular, he deals with the notion of transcendence that gained prominence in this era and its impact on modern theology and modern thinking today. He persuasively argues that useful l…
Outline: This book sets out in short compass what seem to me to be the permanent essentials of Christianity, viewed as both a belief system and a way of life ... As I often tell my students, theology is for doxology and devotion - that is, the praise of God and the practice of godliness. It should therefore be presented in a way that brings awareness of the divine presence. Theology is at its h…
Outline: Speaking the Truth in Love : The Theology of John M. Frame, is a festschrift honoring Professor Frame'a career in seminary teaching and publishing. Unlike many festschrifts, this book does not merely collect essays on subjects of interest to the honoree. Rather, it analyzes Frame's own work in the fields of theology, apologetics, ethics, worship, the church, and other areas. Containing…
Outline: Though Karl Barth wrote his lectures on John Calvin more than seventy years ago, the wrestling of one theological giant with another can hardly fail to be exciting and instructive. Delivered at the University of Gottingen in 1922, Barth's lectures offer a brilliant analysis of the Reformation - of Calvin in particular - while at the same time providing vital insights into the developme…
Outline: The Stranger had a message ... for the person who knows nothing about the world's bestseller - the Bible, ... and for those who want to know more. It's been called "the most misunderstood book in history." Wars have been fought in its name, scandals have been precipitated by it, politics shaped and reshaped at its word. Theologians have both defended and reviled it. Skeptics have done …
Outline: As a pastoral sytematics, The Christian Story rises from, and strives to be a resource to, the life and witness of the church and its leadership. The first volume (revised edition, 1984) offered an introductory overview of the basic Christian doctrines. Now turning his attention to the individual doctrines. Now turning his attention to the individual doctrines, Gabriel Fackre here surv…
Outline: Richard Gamble's three-volume Whole Counsel of God explores the relationships between exegesis and hermeneutics, and between biblical, systematic, and historical theology. "He bridges the gap so many have identified between traditional systematic theology and biblical theology," Richard Pratt writes; not only that, he "penetrates beyond scholarly concerns to life issues that every beli…
Outline : The disciplines of biblical and systematic theology join forces to investigate anew the biblical covenants and the implications of such a study for conclusions in systematic theology. By incorporating the latest available research from the ancient Near East and examining implications of their work for Christology, ecclesiology, eschatology, and hermeneutics―Biblical scholar Peter Ge…
Outline: Since its original publication, C.S. Song's classic Third-Eye Theology has been regarded as a landmark work in unearthing and exemplifying the possibilities of a new kind of Asian Christian theology - one that takes its point of departure from the cultures of Asia. This new edition has been revised and updated, and includes a new preface which provides an overview of current status and…
Overview: A fresh, inviting text on the content of Christian faith in our contemporary context, this one- volume systematic theology offers a splendid, orthodox explication of the Christian faith for students, teachers, pastors, and serious lay readers alike. The autors not only cover all the traditional themes -- God, creation, sin, Jesus Christ, Scripture and so on -- but also relate those cl…
Overview: This book collects the paper presentations and seminar reports by these prominent international Calvin scholars: Heiko A. Oberman, James A. De Jong, James B. Torrance, Wilhelm H. Neuser, Paul E. Rorem, Richard C. Gamble, Richard Horcsik, Cornelis Augustijn, Luke Anderson, Erik A. de Boer, I. John Hesselink, Francis M. Higman, Nobuo Watanabe, Irene Backus, Adrianus D. Pont, Mitsuru Shi…
Outline: With succinct and probing analysis, this book reintroduces the Apostles' Creed to a new generation, proving that its message is much more than abstract concepts to be argued by theologians. In this book, the author addresses the great questions that the creed answers: - How can we know God? - Who needs the Church? - Can we still believe in the resurrection? - Is there really only…
Outline: Evangelical Theology is a systematic theology written from the perspective of a biblical scholar. The author contends that the center, unity, and boundary of the evangelical faith is the evangel (i.e. gospel). In his unique approach, the evangel is the epicenter and unifying thread in evangelical theology and the hermeneutical lens through which the various subfields of theology need…
Overview: Suatu buku kerja mengenai doktrin-doktrin utama dalam Alkitab. Dalam buku ini pembaca akan diajak mempelajari doktrin-doktrin sentral Alkitab, dan karena disusun dalam bentuk manual pengajaran (PA), buku ini dapat dipakai untuk studi kelompok maupun pribadi. Beberapa tema penting yang akan dipelajari di dalamnya antara lain: Doktrin mengenai Alkitab, Doktrin mengenai Allah dan kara…
Overview: This comprehensive treatment of Christian doctrine was first issued in 1909 under the title The Wonderful Works of God. It has served well as a synopsis of Bavinck's larger, four-volume Dogmatics, for it presents in clear perspective all the fundamental doctrines of the Bible. Above all, the author was a thoroughly Scriptural theologian - he was always guided by the Bible as he syste…
Outline: Since its first publication this book has established itself as the leading introductory textbook world-wide. Now, the author provides a full new edition which maintains the strengths, structure and features of the first edition in its comprehensive but user-friendly style and coverage. At the same time, it has been revised and updated in light of feedback from students and lecturers i…
Outline: In this book, the author has provided a masterly account of this transition and what it signified for the meaning of Christian theology itself. In the decades preceding the outbreak of the Civil War, American theologians mastered the conceptual languages of republican political thought and commonsense moral reasoning. Because religious thinkers learned to speak these languages so well,…
Overview: This book is an acclaimed and popular introductory guide for theology and history students seeking to understand the cenral ideas of the European Reformation. Based on the author's considerable experience of teaching Reformation studies, this text requires no prior knowledge of Christian theology. The revised third edition: - Includes a new chapter on the thought of the English Refo…
Outline: The author presents a major study of the key elements of John Owen's writings and his theology. Presenting his theology in its historical context, the author explores the significance of Owen's work in ongoing debates on seventeenth-century theology, and examines the contexts within which Owen's theology was formulated and the shape of his mind in relation to the intellectual culture …
Overview: This book introduces the reader to the most influential theologians of the Christian faith, placing them in their historical context, bringing them to life as people and explaining the key points of their thought.
Overview: This definitive analysis of the theolgy of Martin Luther surveys its development during the crises of Luther's life and then offers a systematic survey by topics. Containing a wealth of quotation from less-known writings by Luther and written in a way that will interest both secular and novice, the author's magisterial volume is the first to evaluate Luther's theology in both ways. …
Overview: This book gathers the author's responses to the most often-asked questions. They're vintage the author. Simple without being simplistic. Knowledgeable without being know-it-all. Direct but compassionate, honest and authoritative, and always deeply practical. Full of challenge and comfort. Bite-sized essays. Practical, inspirational, and Bible-based. Topical and scriptual index…
Overview: "Wlliam G. T. Shedd's Dogmatic Theology is a classic", writes Alan W. Gomes, editor of this new edition. "It is a profound work that sets forth the deepest themes of religion with a grandeur and majesty of expression that has rarely been equaled and that never will be out-dated." Gomes considers this book "one of the finest theological systems ever produced." The author's discussion…
Overview: Short, pointed essays summarize some of the author's central (and a few peripheral) ideas on theological method, apologetics, and ethics, beginning with the author's shortest and clearest presentation of his signature concept of triperspectivalism - the need to read Scripture from various perspectives, especially threefold perspectives that reflect the nature of the Trinity.
Overview: Short, pointed essays summarize some of the author's central (and a few peripheral) ideas on theological method, apologetics, and ethics, beginning with the author's shortest and clearest presentation of his signature concept of triperspectivalism - the need to read Scripture from various perspectives, especially threefold perspectives that reflect the nature of the Trinity.
Dari asal-usul (keilmuan) teologi hingga kontekstualisasi teologi di Indonesia, dari ketegangan seputar wacana teologi di sekolah teologi hingga pergumulan teologis di tengah-tengah gereja, dari isu-isu keprihatinan sosial kemasyarakatan hingga ikhtiar dalam berteologi, penulis memberikan percikan pemikirannya seputar teologi dalam buku ini. Kedua puluh tulisan dalam buku ini berangkat dari da…
Jesus as revealer : Karl Rahner, Dorothee Soelle, Roger Haight -- Jesus as moral exemplar : Rosemary Radford Ruether, Carter Heyward, Mark Lewis Taylor -- Jesus as source of ultimate hope : James Cone, Jon Sobrino, Elizabeth Johnson -- Jesus as the suffering Christ : Jèurgen Moltmann, Douglas John Hall, Marilyn McCord Adams -- Jesus as source of "bounded openness" : Raimon Panikkar, John …
Historical theology is a history of challenge and response." Christianity has suffered attack since its birth. Out of every generation, cultural and spiritual issues have arisen that challenge the interpretation of God's Word and the correct response to that interpretation. Delving into these past issues and doctrinal battles, historical theology gives context to Christianity as we know it. In …