Overview: This comprehensive treatment of Christian doctrine was first issued in 1909 under the title The Wonderful Works of God. It has served well as a synopsis of Bavinck's larger, four-volume Dogmatics, for it presents in clear perspective all the fundamental doctrines of the Bible. Above all, the author was a thoroughly Scriptural theologian - he was always guided by the Bible as he syste…
Outline: Since its first publication this book has established itself as the leading introductory textbook world-wide. Now, the author provides a full new edition which maintains the strengths, structure and features of the first edition in its comprehensive but user-friendly style and coverage. At the same time, it has been revised and updated in light of feedback from students and lecturers i…
Outline: In this book, the author has provided a masterly account of this transition and what it signified for the meaning of Christian theology itself. In the decades preceding the outbreak of the Civil War, American theologians mastered the conceptual languages of republican political thought and commonsense moral reasoning. Because religious thinkers learned to speak these languages so well,…
Overview: This book is an acclaimed and popular introductory guide for theology and history students seeking to understand the cenral ideas of the European Reformation. Based on the author's considerable experience of teaching Reformation studies, this text requires no prior knowledge of Christian theology. The revised third edition:
- Includes a new chapter on the thought of the English Refo…
Outline: The author presents a major study of the key elements of John Owen's writings and his theology. Presenting his theology in its historical context, the author explores the significance of Owen's work in ongoing debates on seventeenth-century theology, and examines the contexts within which Owen's theology was formulated and the shape of his mind in relation to the intellectual culture …
Overview: This book introduces the reader to the most influential theologians of the Christian faith, placing them in their historical context, bringing them to life as people and explaining the key points of their thought.
Overview: This definitive analysis of the theolgy of Martin Luther surveys its development during the crises of Luther's life and then offers a systematic survey by topics. Containing a wealth of quotation from less-known writings by Luther and written in a way that will interest both secular and novice, the author's magisterial volume is the first to evaluate Luther's theology in both ways. …
Overview: This book gathers the author's responses to the most often-asked questions. They're vintage the author. Simple without being simplistic. Knowledgeable without being know-it-all. Direct but compassionate, honest and authoritative, and always deeply practical. Full of challenge and comfort. Bite-sized essays. Practical, inspirational, and Bible-based. Topical and scriptual index…
Overview: "Wlliam G. T. Shedd's Dogmatic Theology is a classic", writes Alan W. Gomes, editor of this new edition. "It is a profound work that sets forth the deepest themes of religion with a grandeur and majesty of expression that has rarely been equaled and that never will be out-dated." Gomes considers this book "one of the finest theological systems ever produced." The author's discussion…
Overview: Short, pointed essays summarize some of the author's central (and a few peripheral) ideas on theological method, apologetics, and ethics, beginning with the author's shortest and clearest presentation of his signature concept of triperspectivalism - the need to read Scripture from various perspectives, especially threefold perspectives that reflect the nature of the Trinity.
Overview: Short, pointed essays summarize some of the author's central (and a few peripheral) ideas on theological method, apologetics, and ethics, beginning with the author's shortest and clearest presentation of his signature concept of triperspectivalism - the need to read Scripture from various perspectives, especially threefold perspectives that reflect the nature of the Trinity.
Dari asal-usul (keilmuan) teologi hingga kontekstualisasi teologi di Indonesia, dari ketegangan seputar wacana teologi di sekolah teologi hingga pergumulan teologis di tengah-tengah gereja, dari isu-isu keprihatinan sosial kemasyarakatan hingga ikhtiar dalam berteologi, penulis memberikan percikan pemikirannya seputar teologi dalam buku ini.
Kedua puluh tulisan dalam buku ini berangkat dari da…
Jesus as revealer : Karl Rahner, Dorothee Soelle, Roger Haight --
Jesus as moral exemplar : Rosemary Radford Ruether, Carter Heyward, Mark Lewis Taylor --
Jesus as source of ultimate hope : James Cone, Jon Sobrino, Elizabeth Johnson --
Jesus as the suffering Christ : Jèurgen Moltmann, Douglas John Hall, Marilyn McCord Adams --
Jesus as source of "bounded openness" : Raimon Panikkar, John …
Historical theology is a history of challenge and response." Christianity has suffered attack since its birth. Out of every generation, cultural and spiritual issues have arisen that challenge the interpretation of God's Word and the correct response to that interpretation. Delving into these past issues and doctrinal battles, historical theology gives context to Christianity as we know it. In …