Outline : In 'Contending for the Faith', Joel Beeke and William Boekestein help children understand the struggle for reformation in England and how the Westminster Assembly sought to further the Reformation in that land. In this book, children will learn about the five documents that became key standards of Presbyterianism: the Form of Church Government, the Directory of Public Worship, the Con…
Outline : GOD IS SOVEREIGN OVER ALL. This truth has been especially precious to Christians in times past, and for good reason. When it comes to knowing and serving God, the significance of this doctrine is hard to overstate. Yet do we truly understand what God’s sovereignty means and how it ought to impact our lives? In this accessible little book, noted theologians discuss God’s sovereignt…
Outline: John Calvin's Insititutes has established itself as "one of the most important theological works ever written," writes Tony Lane. This abridged edition of the Institutes provides a readable and affordable sampler of Calvin's greatest work. Lane has condensed the 1559 edition, retaining the heart of Calvin's teaching on all his major themes and making the material accessible to non-spec…
Outline : This accessible yet comprehensive primer on major issues in evangelical theology has been updated and revised throughout.
Outline: Judges - Longing for a Leader: Faltering in Faithfulness. The refrain, "in those days there was no king in Israel, each person was doing what was right in their own eyes," unites the two themes in Judges, kingship, with all its promise and peril, and syncretism, the protection from which as the king's primary responsibility. Drawing on Hebrew narrative discourse, Boda and Conway highli…
Outline : The Beginner's Bible 100 Bedtime Devotions -- the perfect addition to your child's bedtime routine! End each day with a devotion and prayer, assuring your little one of God's perfect love for them while tackling the big questions and thoughts that always come at bedtime. With devotions covering topics on your little one's heart and mind -- courage, friendship, gratitude, and more -- t…
Outline : In one systematic volume, James Montgomery Boice provides a readable overview of Christian theology. Both students and pastors will benefit from this rich source that covers all the major doctrines of Christianity.With scholarly rigor and a pastor's heart, Boice carefully opens the topics of the nature of God, the character of his natural and special revelation, the fall, and the pers…
Outline : How should Christians read prophetic literature? Questions abound both in the academy and the church as to how to engage the prophets, particularly in light of the New Testament. The Gospel writers and the church fathers all read and appealed to the Old Testament, but are we as modern-day readers supposed to take the same approach? The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness is a dialogue …
Outline : Drawing on the best of biblical scholarship as well as the Christian tradition, J. Gordon McConville offers a substantive and useful commentary on Isaiah and explores the contemporary significance of this prophetic book.
Outline : Grandma smiled. "Little Lee, I'm going away soon, going home." Home? I thought. Grandma is already home. Lee is not sure what his grandma means when she tells him she's going home." Isn't she happy in her house, where he can always visit her? As everyone prepares for Grandma to pass away, Lee finds himself feeling more scared and confused. But Lee soon learns that walking someone home…
Outline: The European reformations meant major changes in theology, religion, and everyday life. Some changes were immediate and visible in a number of countries : monasteries were dissolved, new liturgies were introduced, and married pastors were ordained, other were hidden. Theologically, as well as practically the position of the church in the society changed dramatically, but differently ac…
Outline : The Confession of Faith stands as one of the three major doctrinal standards produced by the Westminster Assembly. It has become one of the most recognizable and influential confessions of the Reformed tradition. In his historical introduction, John Bower provides an extensive survey of the Confession's creation, a formative process spanning the Assembly's most active years of 1643-16…
Outline : Through God may seem far off, or invisible to your eyes, if you take a look around, then you just might be surprised! God is always working. Cuddle up and connect with your child as you experience the joy and awe of discovering hidden images in the pages of He Is There. With flashlight in hand, kids will clearly see God at work in creation and in their daily lives. Pick up this Shine …
Outline: At the Synod of Dordrecht, deep questions of grace, justification and faith were at stake. In this volume lines are drawn to the historical, theological and political context during that period. Patristics, Middle Ages, metaphysical questions and the church polity of Dordt are discussed as well as with some hermeneutical reflections.
Outline : VR TECHNOLOGY ISN'T JUST COMING... IT'S ALREADY HERE ARE YOU READY TO USE IT FOR CHRIST? When the printing press came along, Christians harnessed its power for the gospel. Then came radio. Television. The internet. Smartphones. All of these technologies have been used for good... but at what cost? Now it's virtual reality's turn. You might think VR and its related technologies are a…
Outline: As you look to the future for Christ’s return, learn how to live now for his glory. James Boice was known in his pastoral ministry for offering clear, practical, and biblical instruction. Never before published, this dynamic work on Revelation 1–6 gives his final thoughts on the church and on worship, as well as on facing trials in the light of heavenly realities and Christ’s re…
Outline : As an international Synod, Dort had a significant impact on the definition of Reformed orthodoxy for decades and centuries to come. Despite its tremendous influence, the decisions of Dort remain a mystery to many today and are subject to false stereotypes about disturbing Calvin's pure theology. This volume seeks to shed light on various aspects of the Synod of Dort in order to inform…
Outline: The essays in this volume aim at a clarification of the church in the 16th century : What did the reformers think about the essence and origin of the holy, apostolic and catholic church? Can human beings see the true church or not? Does it have one existence in this world and another in the world to come? The concept of church is indissolubly connected with the theological concepts of …
Outline: Sixteen internationally recognized church historians here examine Martin Luther in an uncommon way - not as Reformer or theologian but as pastor. After first introducing the pastoral Luther, including his theology of the cross, these chapters discuss Luther's preaching and use of language (including humor), investigate his teaching ministry in depth, especially in light of the catechis…
Outline : This new Handbook edited by Herman Selderhuis and written by renowned catholic and protestant church historians presents the latest results in research. Full attention is given to the coherence of social, political, cultural and ecclesiastical developments in the history of Christianity in the Netherlands. The Handbook is written for use as an academic textbook but is also accessible …
Overview: The author bequeathed to humanity a legacy of theological creativity and spirituality that continues to intrigue people from a variety of backgrounds. This book gathers the author's 1938 reflections on the character of Christian community, based on the common life that the author and his seminarians experienced at the Finkenwalder Seminary. Using the acclaimed Dietrich Bonhoeffer W…
Outline: Tahukah Anda ada peristiwa dalam Alkitab yang berlawanan dengan keadaan yang terjadi pada masa kini? Misalnya, bangsa Yahudi pernah dibebaskan oleh bangsa Iran. Yesus ditolong orang Libya dalam peristiwa memanggul salib menuju Bukit Golgota. Karena perubahan iklim, kita tidak bisa lagi menemukan sungai tempat Musa ditemukan, tetapi kita dapat menemukan lokasinya. Dalam hal lain, ada ba…
Outline: Theologia in loco (teologi di dalam tempat) adalah sebuah semboyan kontekstualisasi. Kabar Gembira atau Injil yang dihayati sebagai kabar mulia di suatu tempat bisa jadi terasa sebagai kabar buruk di tempat lainnya. Pada zaman kolonial, proses pewartaan Injil pun terhanyut ke dalam paradigma kolonial. Inilah yang dikritik oleh semboyan theologia in loco. Pada zaman pascakolonial, sembo…
Outline: Bisakah Injil bertemu dengan budaya lokal? Seperti apa jadinya pertemuan itu? Bagi orang banyak, keyakinan/budaya lokal dianggap tidak sesuai dengan Injil bahkan dianggap berdosa. Tetapi, benarkah Injil tidak bisa bertemu dan berjalan bersama dengan kebudayaan? Buku ini merupakan salah satu karya teolog Indonesia yang berbicara tentang pertemuan antara kebudayaan/keyakinan orang Toraja…
Outline: Konsep teologis apa yang melatari pemberian tanah Kanaan? Adakah konsep pemerintahan yang ideal atas dasar kegagalan dan kesuksesan pemerintahan raja-raja di Israel? Bagaimana memahami Yerusalem sebagai kota Allah? Bagaimana nabi-nabi memberi kontribusi bagi transformasi masyarakat secara sosial maupun spiritual? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini mewakili pokok-pokok teologis yang diangkat di …
Outline: Suara saksi-saksi Perjanjian Lama berasal dari zaman yang berbeda-beda, demikian pula tekanan dan spiritualitasnya, namun semuanya terarah kepada Tuhan yang Esa. Meneliti Perjanjian Lama berarti terjun ke dalam dunia yang majemuk dan memungkinkan dialog antara saksi-saksi yang berlainan, namun semuanya memberitakan karya dan Firman Allah dari sudut pandang masing-masing. Melalui buku i…
Outline: We are serious about the doctrine of the sufficiency of scripture because without it the biblical counseling movement cannot exist. There are plenty of secular counselors who believe there is no place for the teaching of Scripture in counseling. There are also plenty of conservative evangelical Christians who love the Bible but believe it is a revelation of limited scope, which is not …
Outline: Ziarah ke tempat-tempat yang disebut Alkitab sangat menarik, karena walaupun sudah terpaut ribuan tahun dengan peristiwa itu - dan banyak perubahan terjadi selama itu - masih ada yang lama. Iklim, adat istiadat, kebiasaan yang seakan berhenti melewati waktu. Seperti 3 seri sebelumnya, tema dalam buku JJS 4 ini terbagi menjadi 4: tempat, peristiwa, tokoh, dan benda Alkitab dalam gambar.…
Outline: Mengunjungi Tanah Suci barangkali menjadi keinginan sebagian besar umat Kristen. Berbagai alasan dan pertimbangan dikemukakan. Bahwa dengan berkunjung ke Tanah Suci, iman mereka dikuatkan. Namun, benarkah demikian? Karena pada kenyatannya, umat mungkin bisa dibuat bingung. Betapa tidak. Karena saat berkunjung ke Tanah Suci mereka akan diperhadapkan kenyataan bahwa misalnya saja, setida…
Outline: Resonant Witness gathers together a wide, harmonious chorus of voices from across the musical and theological spectrum to show that music and theology can each learn much from the other - and that the majesty and power of both are profoundly amplified when they do. With essays touching on J. S. Bach, Hildegard of Bingen, Martin Luther, Karl Barth, Oliver Messiaen, jazz improvisation, S…
Outline: Gunter Stemberger's revision of H.L. Strack's classic introduction to rabbinic literature, which appeared in its first English edition in 1991, was widely acclaimed. Gunter Stemberger and Markus Bockmuehl have now produced this updated edition. Following Strack's original outline, Stemberger discusses first the historical framework, the basic principles of rabbinic literature and herme…
Outline: Harus diakui bahwa hari-hari ini kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia terhadap eksistensi Pancasila sebagai ideologi dan dasar negara terpecah antara setuju dan tidak setuju, menerima dan tidak menerima, menyadari dan tidak menyadari, dst. Terdapat cukup banyak masyarakat yang menyatakan bahwa Pancasila haruslah dipertahankan sebagai dasar negara. Bahkan sebagaian besar memandang bahwa Panca…
Outline: Charles Hodge's American context and Reformed identity illustrate the persistence and change of Reformed ideas in nineteenth century America. Encompassing philosophy, science, and several areas of theology, this volume traces the development of Hodge's ideas with an eye both to Reformed orthodoxy and to American thought. The goal of these essays is to explore trajectories in Reformed a…
Outline: In his vast treasury of writings, Abraham Kuyper addressed nearly every sphere of society, including politics, science, and the arts. But his views on business and economics are often overlooked because he rarely engaged with that sphere directly. Still, his doctrine of common grace has great significance for showing how Christ is at work in the workplace. In this anthology of essays, …
Outline: Arab and Indian traders brought Islam to the coastal trading ports of the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Java between the 11th and 15th centuries, assimilating Hinduism and various animist sects that practices the supernatural. Over the centuries Southeast Asian Muslims became known for their tolerance of religious beliefs, including those of European colonists and laborers brought from…
Outline: The Arrival Kit launches "The Year of Equipping" for all incoming Cell Group members, whether or not they are new believers. It explains that believers relate to each other through "Basic Christian Communities." It sees this lifestyle in the Kingdom of God as primary to the development of a Christian value system. It is solidly based on scripture. Each day's session begins with "theme …
Outline: Like many believers, you may wonder how to integrate heartfelt worship into your private devotional times. Face to Face : Praying the Scriptures for Intimate Worship helps you bridge the gap between Bible reading and intimate, joyous worship. Adapting and personalizing select passages from the Bible, Dr. Kenneth Boa guides you through three months of daily prayers of Adoration, Confess…
Outline: Jesus is the point of reading the Bible. Christians read Scripture to encounter Christ and be conformed to his image. Scripture is no more human text; it is God's living Word. So how should we read it? For Christians throughout the centuries, the answer has been lectio divina - "divine reading." In Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition, Hans Boersma invites Chris…
Outline: This comprehensive course provides intermediate students (TOEFL test scores 380 - 480) with the skills, strategies, practice, and confidence they need to improve their scores on all sections of the paper TOEFL test, including the Test of Written English (TWE). The Introductory Paper Test Book features: - Language skills sections that cover the intermediate-level language skills regul…
Outline: This volume deals with with the crucial subject in today's theological debate, the authority of Scripture. Editor Henry in the Preface speaks of this subject as "the watershed of theological conviction." Twenty-four international scholars, under the editorship of Dr. Carl F. H. Henry, Editor of Chritianity Today, give evangelical view on such phases of the subject a ..., inspiration, t…
Outline : Im 16. Jahrhundert war Wittenberg die wichtigste Universität der Protestanten Ungarns. Bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts weilten hier etwa 1.200 Studenten, 430 von ihnen waren direkte Schüler Melanchthons. Die Natio (Coetus) entstand am 24. Juni 1555, als sich die Wittenberger Universität in ihrer Blütezeit befand. Dieses Werk enthält neben ausführlichen Hintergrundinformationen vor…