Outline: Surveying the barriers that contemporary thinking has erected between the natural and the supernatural, between earth and heaven, Hans Boersma issues a wake-up call for Western Christianity. Both Catholics and evangelicals, he says, have moved too far away from a sacramental mindset, focusing more on the "here-and-now" than on the "then-and-there." Yet, as Boersma point out, the teachi…
Outline: How is the church in Asia to interpret and obey the Bible's message today? How can the gospel of Christ be proclaimed faithfully and effectively so that it can transform cultures? In this book, 16 Asian and two Western thinkers address these questions in relation to Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic and totalitarian cultures. This book is the first Asia-wide effort to develop evangelical altern…
Outline: Kurun waktu yang mulai dengan Aleksander Agung dan berakhir dengan Bar Kokhba adalah periode yang sangat penting, sebab justru pada periode itulah Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus hidup di muka bumi ini dan mendirikan gereja-Nya. Namun pada umumnya peristiwa-peristiwa yang menentukan yang berlangsung dalam kurun waktu ini kurang diketahui orang, karena tidak tercantum dalam Alkitab. Buku Dari …
Outline : The Gospel of Luke is an orderly historical account, but it is far from ordinary. In the longest Gospel, Luke places great stress on the unique lordship of Jesus and God's plan to bring salvation into this world. Throughout, Luke stresses that Jesus' message reaches the forgotten people groups of this world, particularly the poor and women, showing us that the gospel is truly intended…
Outline : This groundbreaking work by Darrell Bock thoroughly explores the theology of Luke’s gospel and the book of Acts. In his writing, Luke records the story of God working through Jesus to usher in a new era of promise and Spirit-enablement so that the people of God can be God’s people even in the midst of a hostile world. It is a message the church still needs today. Bock both cove…
Outline: Hubungan antara iman dan budaya adalah masalah yang tidak ada habisnya. Apa budaya yang kita pegang bersifat Kristiani? Mana yang budaya dan mana yang Kristen? Apakah ada yang namanya kebudayaan Kristen? Untuk menjawab masalah ini perlulah kita menggali isi Alkitab. Buku ini berisi 10 bahan Pemahaman Alkitab tentang nisbah antara iman dan budaya untuk menolong kita menemukan dan menden…
Outline : If we want a young seeker or new believer to read something that is both clear and filled with the gospel and good basic theology, we give them the Gospel of John. And if we want to study an incredibly deep theological masterpiece that stretches the brightest mind, we open the Gospel of John. It is the most evangelistic account of Jesus' life and ministry, and it also gives the mature…
Outline : How should one approach the task of theology? The question of methodology is increasingly one of interest among theologians, who recognize that the very manner in which we approach theology informs both the questions we ask and the conclusions we reach. This volume in IVP's Spectrum Multiview series brings together five evangelical theologians with distinctly different approaches to t…
Outline : Pulau-pulau dan pantai-pantai Asia Tenggara, dari Semenanjung Malaya, Indonesia, sampai Filipina—dalam buku ini diistilahkan “Nusantaria”—adalah kawasan kebudayaan maritim terbesar di dunia, dan sejak dulu menjadi pusat perdagangan dan pelayaran. Nusantaria merupakan satu kawasan dengan identitas budaya, bahasa, dan etnis Austronesia, bangsa pelaut dengan tradisi arung samudra…
Outline : Romans is Paul's most thorough presentation of the good news he preached. Writing to a church he had not yet met, Paul lets them know that both Jews and Gentiles need to be rescued from death, and the crucified and risen Jesus is the Savior they need. In Romans Verse by Verse, Grant R. Osborne shows readers what Romans meant to its original audience and what it means today. Throughout…
Outline: For the Beauty of the Earth provides the most thorough evangelical treatment available on a theology of creation care. Arguing that authentic Christian faith requires ecological obedience, Steven Bouma-Prediger urges Christians to acknowledge their responsibility and privilege as stewards of the earth. The second edition has been substantially revised and updated with the latest scient…
Outline: THE CLIMAX OF BONHOEFFER'S THEOLOGICAL LIFE - according to Eberhart Bethge, Bonhoeffer's close friend and biographer - occurs in his meditative commentary on Psalm 119, even though his premature death prevented its completion. Here for the first time is Bonhoeffer's final great work, along with sermons and meditations on other selections from the Psalms. MEDITATING ON THE WORD displays…
Outline : Following his account of Jesus' life and ministry in his Gospel, Luke recounts the formation of the early church in Acts. And while the apostles appear to be at the center of this narrative, all of their work is done through the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit. In every chapter in Acts, we see Spirit-empowered apostles sharing the gospel reality of the risen Christ to the end…
Outline : Written from prison, Paul's Letter to the Ephesians is packed with grand theological themes. Addressing the mystery of the gospel, the work of the Trinity, the exalted nature of Christ, the gift of salvation, the church as the body of Christ, and spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness, Ephesians remains one of the most theologically rich texts in the New Testament. In Ephesi…
Outline : In Paul's Lettter to the Galatyinas, the gospel itself is at stake. Paul writes to churches that he founded on his first missionary journey, telling them to resist a group of Jewish Christians who were telling the Galatians that they had to be circumcised and follow the Old Testament law in order to be saved. In Galatians Verse by Verse, Grant A. Osborne offers a clear exposition that…
Outline: Calvin: Asal Usul dan Perkembangan Pemikiran Religiusnya hadir menandai peringatan 450 tahun penerbitan pertama mahakarya Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion. Bagian biografi menunjukkan dengan jelas bagaimana karier Calvin dibentuk oleh banyak pengaruh. Kehidupan dan pemikiran Calvin dengan teliti dikaitkan dengan arus-arus politik dan intelektual di masa Reformasi yang penuh ge…
Outline: Anak-anak punya banyak pertanyaan: Dari mana aku berasal? Seperti apakah Allah itu? Apakah hanya ada satu Allah? Mengenal Iman Kristen adalah sebuah panduan bagi keluarga untuk mempelajari iman Kristen yang sesungguhnya. Buku ini diperkaya dengan berbagai aktivitas, doa, dan rujukan Alkitab. Bahan panduan yang interaktif ini akan mengakrabkan anggota keluarga satu sama lain di saat mer…
Outline: The New American Commentary is for those who have been seeking a commentary that honors the Scriptures, represents the finest in contemporary evangelical scholarship, and lends itself to the practical work of preaching and teaching. This series serves as a minister's friend and a student's guide. The New American Commentary assumes the inerrancy of Scripture, focuses on the intrinsic t…
Outline: The New American Commentary is for those who have been seeking a commentary that honors the Scriptures, represents the finest in contemporary evangelical scholarship, and lends itself to the practical work of preaching and teaching. This series serves as a minister's friend and a student's guide. The New American Commentary assumes the inerrancy of Scripture, focuses on the intrinsic t…
Outline: Krisis lingkungan hidup yang dihadapi manusia modern merupakan akibat langsung dari pengelolaan lingkunan hidup 'nir-etik'. Artinya, manusia melakukan pengelolaan sumber-sumber alam hampir tanpa peduli pada peran sumber-sumber alam hampir tanpa peduli pada peran etika. Krisis ekologis yang dihadapi umat manusia itu berakar dalam krisis etika atau krisis moral. Umat manusia kurang pedul…
Outline: Volume 3 of The Annotated Luther series presents five key writings that focus on Martin Luther's understanding of the gospel as it relates to church, sacraments, and worship. Included in the volume are The Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520); The German Mass and Order of the Liturgy (1526); That These Words of Christ, "Ths Is My Body," etc., Still Stand Firm Against the Fanatics …
Outline: Volume 5 of the Annotated Luther series presents a number of Luther's writings that reveal the reformer's view of Christian life as it intersects with the world. The topics range widely from Luther's perspectives on marriage, schools, and education, business and lending, war and serving as a soldier, the role of secular leaders, and his view of the Turks and the Jews. Each volume in Th…
Outline : The book of Revelation tends to both fascinate and confuse us with its vivid and strange imagery. When we turn to trusted scholars for help, the widely divergent interpretations of the book can sometimes cause us to throw our hands in the air and stop reading. In Revelation Verse by Verse, Grant R. Osborne offers a clear exposition of the book, showing what it meant in its first-centu…
Outline: Pasa tahun 8 Juli 1741 penulis menyampaikan khotbah paling terkenal yang pernah disampaikan di sepanjang sejaran Amerika. Tanggapan jemaat begitu menakjubkan. Sebelum penulis mengakhiri khotbahnya, orang-orang yang hadir telah menangisi keberadaan mereka dan berseru, " Apakah yang harus kami perbuat?" "Fokus dari khotbah ini," tulis E.H. Cady, "adalah keberadaan orang berdosa, baga…
Outline : The primary theme of Paul's letter to the Colossians is the lordship of Christ. Writing from prison, Paul urges the Colossian believers to remain focused on Jesus even as false teachers have infiltrated the church. In his letter to Philemon, a prominent co-worker in the Colossian church, Paul spells out some of the practical implications of Christ's lordship when it comes to relations…
Outline : How can God be three and one? How can God take on a human nature? If God planned everything, how can I be responsible? Do my prayers make any difference in God's plan? Will we finally knows everything when we get to heaven? These are questions that recognize some of the mysterious tensions that Scripture presents to us. They are good questions, but wrong answers to good questions can …
Outline: It is appropriate that the first volume in this new series of interreligious documents is on relations between Christians and Muslims. Together they comprise the world's most populous religious traditions. The many occasions of their good relations have often been eclipsed by memories of rivalry, war and confrontation; and today in Africa, Asia, Europe, and America Christians and Musli…
Outline: In many parts of the world, Christians are struggling to understand their role in society. What is the mission of the church? Is it limited merely to the proclamation of the gospel? What is the relationship between Church and State? In Singapore, these questions are also being asked. These articles have been transcribed from talks that were given over the past two years. They are now p…
Outline: Designed for the pastor and Bible teacher, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament brings together commentary features gathered together in one volume. Written by notable evangelical scholars, such volume treats the literary context and structure of the passage in the original Greek, and each author provides an original translation based on the literary structure. The …
Outline: Bonhoeffer's theological brilliance, committed discipleship, ecumenical insight and courageous participation in the struggle against Nazism have profoundly shaped contemporary Christian understanding and action. Although his early death at the hands of the Gestapo prevented him from providing us with a full and systematic theology, his writings are remarkably extensive and have become …
Outline: Menolong orang agar bebas dari keterikatan dosa dan bertumbuh dalam Kristus. Dibangun di atas konsep-konsep yang ditemukan dalam Victory over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, panduan pelayanan konseling dari Neil Andersons ini memberikan informasi yang jelas dan contoh-contoh yang bagus untuk membantu Anda memahami apa itu konseling kemuridan. Jika Anda seorang pendeta, konselor a…
Outline: Volume 4 of The Annotated Luther series presents an array of Martin Luther's writings related to pastoral work, including sermons, hymns, letters, writings on prayer and the Christian life, as well as his widely used Small Catechism. Prefaces to his own writings contain his reflections on his own reforming work. Each volume in The Annotated Luther series contains new introductions, ann…
Outline: "Pluralisme sekarang ini, seperti yang ditekankan oleh golongan postmodernis, adalah ciri khas masyarakat dewasa ini." "Seseorang tidak boleh menghakimi kelompok minoritas dengan menggunakan rumusan-rumusan universal tetapi mendengar mereka dari perbedaan yang mereka mau ungkapkan. Jadi hal yang ditonjolkan adalah pluralitas penalaran, bukan kesatuan penalaran." "Unsur-unsur dalam keny…
Outline : Because one death touches many lives, it is important for both those who are dying and those who love them to be prepared for the pain and grief that accompany it. Here Deborah Howard shares words of comfort and encouragement for everyone coping with suffering and death. Her compassion, firm faith in Christ, and years of working as a hospice nurse create a uniquely sensitive, experien…
Outline: Some Aspects of Malay Customs and Practices is written to enable non-Malay Singaporeans, especially community leaders, to have a better understanding and appreciation of Malay customs and practices. It also aims to provide some handy tips to non-Malay Singaporeans on how they can interact with the Malay community at large. The contents of the book are presented in a Question and Answer…
Outline: Asia is the continent where more than half of the world's population resides. This same continent contains millions of gods and goddesses of all the living religions that control the spiritual life of the masses. How can Christians in Asia effectively communicate the God of the Bible to other Asians who have different concepts of God in Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Islam? In th…
Outline: Buku ini dirancang untuk membantu para pemimpin dan penanggung jawab dalam lembaga-lembaga misi dan gereja-gereja pengutus dalam membuat rencana member care yang komprehensif bagi para utusan misi mereka. Sembilan bab dalam bagian pertama buku ini menguraikan secara komprehensif sebuah program member care. Sembilan bab berikutnya membahas topik-topik yang menjadi tantangan untuk para u…
Outline: KH. Ahmad Dahlan dan KH. Hasyim Asy'ari adalah sama-sama keturunan Sunan Giri (Syekh Maulana 'Ainul Yaqin), yang apabila ditarik garis ke atas, nasabnya sampai kepada Rasulullah Saw. Ketika keduanya lahir, oleh orang tua mereka masing-masing diberi nama depan yang sama, yaitu Muhammad. Nama kecil KH. Ahmad Dahlan adalah Muhammad Darwis, sedangkan nama kecil KH. Hasyim Asy'ari adalah Mu…
Outline: "Daniel," tulis D.S. Russell, "adalah buku paling mengagumkan yang berbicara lantang untuk masa kini seperti yang dilakukannya pada saat pertama kali ditulis. Pesannya dengan tegas menyatakan bahwa Tuhan Allah berkuasa mengendalikan bukan saja sejarah, tetapi juga akhir dari sejarah." Mempertunjukkan kepercayaan dan kesetiaan yang menggelora, Daniel menawarkan pesan positif tentang har…
Outline: Exploring the Personal and Social Effects - of this momentous upheaval - Perhaps no period in Christian history experienced such vast religious tumult and rapid social change as the European Reformation, when it quickly became apparent that social and political issues - finding deep resonance with the common people - were deeply entwined with religious ones raised by the Reformers. Led…
Outline: Bringing alive the lost world of the Middle Ages - From the fall of Rome and the conversion of the Germanic tribes to the dawn of the Reformation, here is a rich and concrete exploration of the religious life ways and spirituality of medieval peasants and artisans, warriors and clerics, wives and children, and even the dead, in their daily interactions with each other, the church, the …