Outline : GOD IS SOVEREIGN OVER ALL. This truth has been especially precious to Christians in times past, and for good reason. When it comes to knowing and serving God, the significance of this doctrine is hard to overstate. Yet do we truly understand what God’s sovereignty means and how it ought to impact our lives? In this accessible little book, noted theologians discuss God’s sovereignt…
Outline: The IN SEARCH OF ... Series is designed to examine significant issues of the 1980 and help the reader arrive at intelligent decisions relevant to the Christian ethic. The authors of the books in the series are recognized evangelical leaders who will stretch the mind and challenge the reader to think and respond. IN SEARCH OF DIGNITY by R.C. Sproul examines the meaning and importance of…
To love God is to know him. To know him we must feed upon his Word, call upon his Spirit for guidance, pick up the cross daily. Only when the race is finished will we see him as he is. In his engaging and anecdotal style, R. C. Sproul explores the dynamics of a person's longing for communion and intimacy with…
Outline : Studi singkat tentang etika zaman sekarang ini adalah suatu carayang cepat tetapiinformatif untuk memahami konsepsi alkitabiah tentang kebenaran, kesalahan, dan tanggungjawab orang Kristen. Menurut ahli teologi R. C. Sproul, etika Kristen tidak dibentuk dalam kehampaan. Etika Kristen dibangun berdasarkan pengakuan akan dua hal: kedaulatan Allah dan kasih Allah. Meskipun hukum dalam Al…
Apakah sasaran terpenting di dalam hidup Anda? Apakah sasaran itu memang layak dikejar? Dikelilingi oleh berbagai kebisingan di dalam dunia kita teramat sibuk ini, perhatian kita sering teralihkan oleh sasaran-sasaran yang remeh dan tidak berarti alih-alih berfokus pada hal yang sejati dan kekal. Di dalam buklet ini, Dr. R. C. Sproul mendeskripsikan pertandingan terpenting di dalam hidup kita: …
R. C. Sproul helps us dig out the meaning of Scripture for ourselves. He lays the groundwork by discussing why we should study the Bible and how our own personal study relates to interpretation. Then he presents in simple, basic terms the science of interpretation and gives practical guidelines for applying this science. Here is a basic book for both beginning Bible readers and those who have b…
Outline : Bagaimana kita dapat mengasihi Allah yang tidak kita kenal dengan baik? Allah telah menyatakan diri-Nya melalui perkataan yang dapat kita mengerti oleh akal budi kita. Setelah Firman Tuhan dimengerti oleh akal budi kita, maka barulah Firman itu dapat meresap ke dalam hati kita. Apabila kita rindu untuk menjadi murid Kristus yang dewasa, maka kita harus mempelajari Firman Tuhan secara …
Outline : Buku ini meringkaskan inti utama dari iman Kristen, termasuk peneguhan-peneguhan yang diakui gereja yang menangkap hal paling esensi dari pemikiran dan iman Kristen. Kredo ini dengan berani mendeklarasikan bahwa ada kebenaran yang merupakan fondasi bagi kehidupan, suatu kebenaran yang apabila dikompromikan akan membuatnya jatuh ke dalam kenihilan yang tidak berujung.
Outline: "PREDESTINASI," ide inilah yang memulai perdebatan di antara orang Kristen. Apakah Allah menentukan sebelumnya di mana kita akan berada di dalam kekekalan? R. C. Sproul pernah membenci konsep ini, tetapi pada waktu ia meneliti firman Tuhan secara teliti, maka doktrin yang indah itu pun muncul. Apabila Allah sungguh-sungguh berdaulat, dan apabila manusia telah berdosa secara radikal, ma…
Outline: Ketika para murid mendekati Tuhan berkenaan dengan masalah doa, mereka tidak berkata "Ajarilah kami cara berdoa," melainkan, "Ajarilah kami berdoa." Jelaslah bahwa bahkan orang-orang yang dekat dengan Kristus sendiri juga perlu belajar untuk berdoa. Termasuk kita. Di dalam buku ini, beberapa guru dan ekspositor Alkitab yang terbaik memberi instruksi mengenai doa, mulai dari mengapa per…
Outline: The writer shows you how in this book, a layman's guide to understanding the many non-Christian perspectives that influence our culture. This book offers insight on confronting today's moral and social issues with an effective biblical response. The writer first examines the major philosophies that affect the way Americans think and act: Secularism, Existensialism, Humanism, Pragmatism…
Outline: Luke was a 1st Century doctor and historian. He realised the importance of the carpenter whose family came from an obscure Nazerene village, yet whose life's mission was foretold for centuries before his birth. Luke was concerned to record all that he knew about him and painstakingly collected information from eyewitnesses, giving an accurate account of the most important life in his…
Overview: This third (and final) volume, covering chapters 23-33 of the confession, treats the civil magistrate, marriage and divorce, the church and communion of the saints, baptism and the Lord's Supper, church government, and final judgment and the afterlife. Also included are the Larger and Shorter Catechisms and indexes to the three volumes. Every discussion is geared toward bringing us …
Overview: This second volume (of three), covering chapters 9-22 of the confession, explains the doctrines of free will, effectual calling, justification, adoption, sanctification, faith, repentance, good works, perseverance, assurance, God's law, Christian liberty, the Sabbath, and oaths. Every discussion is geared toward bringing us to a deeper knowledge of and greater love for the doctrines …
Overview: This first volume (of three), covering chapters 1-8 of the confession, explains what we need to understand about Holy Scripture, God and the Trinity, his decree, creation, providence, the fall into sin, God's covenant, and Christ the Mediator. Every discussion is geared toward bringing us to a deeper knowledge of and greater love for the doctrines of grace set forth in God's Word.