Explores the art of storytelling, discussing how to develop the skill of shaping a story so that listeners are able to relate to it on a personal level, looks at the key elements of storytelling, and includes an annotated list of stories, a bibliography of collections, and a brief list of recommendations for online sources.
In 'Systematic Theology' Paul Tillich restates the Christian faith for the twentieth century. Here complete between two covers are the three volumes of this monumental work-the summation of Tillich's thought-which appeared in 1951,1957, and 1963.
Apologist Paul Copan takes on some of the most vexing accusations of our time, including that God is arrogant and jealous, punishes people too harshly, is guilty of ethnic cleansing, oppresses women, and endorses slavery. He also challenges the accusation that Christianity causes violence. Copan not only answers God's critics, he also shows how to read both the Old and New Testaments faithfully…
Religion has influenced human culture since prehistory, shaping everything from the politics of war and peace to notions of morality and issues of sex, reproduction, and family. On an individual level, it has also offered people a sense of meaning, purpose, and comfort, and even today, when science appears to offer answers to many of the world's conundrums, faith persists and many religions--in…
A multiple-view book on apologetic methods, this material deals with a very relevant topic in the midst of a changing culture. Its primary contributors are: William Lane Craig, Gary R. Habermas, Paul D. Feinberg, John M. Frame, and Kelly James Clark.
In recent years, ideas of post- and transhumanism have been popularized by novels, TV series, and Hollywood movies. According to this radical perspective, humankind and all biological life have become obsolete. Traditional forms of life are inefficient at processing information and inept at crossing the high outer space. While humankind can expect to be replaced by their own artificial progeny,…
Cafés are a natural place to engage in conversations about God. Many of us don’t just swing by for a quick caffeine fix and then dash out. We like to sit down, relax, and read a book or engage in conversation with a friend over a cup of coffee with espresso brownies or cranberry-orange muffins. I’ve enjoyed many hearty discussions at coffee shops—exchanging stories, problems, and questio…
Outline : SELURUH CATATAN ALKITAB TENTANG KEHIDUPAN YESUS KRISTUS - pergaulan, ajaran, perbuatan mukjizat, doa - me- nyatakan jatidiri-Nya, relasi akrab-Nya dengan Bapa, kepri- hatinan-Nya yang besar terhadap beragam kesengsaraan manusia, ketekunan-Nya dalam memuridkan para murid. Namun dari sekian banyak teks alkitabiah, bagian yang paling menyatakan semua keindahan diri, relasi dan tindakan Y…
Outline: Semua wawasan dunia membutuhkan lompatan iman, tetapi tidak semua lompatan itu sama. Sebagai buku sumber lengkap tentang kebenaran iman Kristen, Lompatan Tersingkat menyajikan penjelasan sains, historis, alkitabiah, dan penjelasan komprehensif yang mendukung iman Kristen, yang mendemonstrasikan bahwa iman kepada Yesus butuh lompatan tersingkat. Selain menyediakan bukti proaktif untuk K…
What do you do when you've really blown it? Is sin really as dangerous and is grace really as powerful as the Bible says they are? Is there such a thing as a new beginning? Sin and grace-these are the two themes of our lives. We all blow it and we all need to start over again. In Psalm 51, David tells his story of moral failure, personal awareness, grief, confession, repentance, commitment, …
Outline: Eskatologi adalah doktrin yang terakhir dan tidak pentingkah di dalam rangkaian doktrin-doktrin Kristen? Pencerapan tepat tentang berbagai perkara akhir-akhir kehidupan perseorangan, akhir riwayat dan sejarah manusia, akhir dan awal baru dari bumi dan ciptaan yang kita kenal kini - tidak relevankah dengan moralitas-spiritualitas-realitas nyata kita? Bingungkah dengan berbagai ajaran te…
Outline: Abortion, Fetal Issue Use, Euthanasia, Civil Disobedience, Divorce and Remarriage, Genetic Engineering and Screening, Artificial Insemination, Freezing Embryos, Cloning, Surrogate Motherhood, Homosexuality, Capital Punishment, Sexual Minority, Birth Control, Nuclear Arms, War. "So much is changing today in regard to the control of life and death and the understanding of human sexuality…
Outline: Waktu telah membuktikan Tafsiran Matthew Henry sebagai sarana yang sangat menolong untuk memperdalam pengertian dan pengenalan akan Firman Allah. Sudah lebih dari 300 tahun Tafsiran Matthew Henry tetap menjadi salah satu tafsiran favorit para guru, pengkhotbah, dan orang Kristen secara luas. Penyampaian eksposisi dan aplikasi kebenaran Alkitab yang begitu kaya dalam bahasa yang luwes d…
Outline: Having been independent from the colonization of foreign countries for more than five decades, Indonesia is now under different from of colonization, such as; jealously, envy and discontent, bringing about the black part of the history of Indonesia. Hundreds of churches and some Christian schools-the assets of the nation-became the target of jealously, envy and discontent. Lots of serv…
Outline: When studying a book as significant as the Bible it is important to grasp the facts accurately. By This Name was written to make the Bible straightforward and clear. This Companion Workbook takes it the next step, having been designed with the express purpose of walking one through the Bible's primary message, using By This Name. The WorkBook uses a discover-for-yourself approach to le…
Outline: Di tengah kegiatan harian yang padat, banyak orang tua merasakan tekanan untuk melakukan segalanya "dengan benar" sekaligus mengasuh anak "dengan baik". Tekanan-tekanan itu membuat mereka mudah kehilangan fokus akan tujuan utama sebagai orang tua. Dalam buku yang menghidupkan ini, penulis menawarkan banyak hal kepada para orang tua. Ia juga mempresentasikan sebuah cara pandang meng…
Outline: What is the origin of evil? Where does what we term evil come from? According to Paul Ricoeur, to think through evil is to think through fallibity; because human freedom is summed up as existence prior to evil. Deriving from a lecture given in Lausanne in 1985, this small text adds to the immense ouevre of this philosopher who is not regarded as a theologian but whose thinking readily …
Outline: This reader of 20th-century analyses of Christianity by representative non-Christians gives rare insight into how the Christian faith appears from the outside. Christianity through Non-Christian Eyes provides new perspectives for thinking with theological seriousness and historical sensitivity about the reality and challenges of religious pluralism, by showing the extent to which the p…
Outline: Kita hidup di dunia yang semakin sofistikated serta berpendidikan. Mengetahui apa yang kita percaya tidak lagi memadai. Kita harus mengetahui sebabnya kita percaya. Paul E. Little dengan amat teliti membahas doktrin Alkitab dan asas-asas kepercayaan orang Kristian. Bukunya yang terkenal ini menjawab tuduhan-tuduhan para pengkritik dan orang yang bersikap skeptis terhadap kebenaran Alki…
Outline: "Ecumenism" comes from the Greek oikos, "household," and in The Good News of the Kingdom members of God's household offer spirited assessments of how the family is doing in the business God gave them. In this path-breaking work, leading representatives of the major groups of conciliar and evangelical Protestants join with Catholics to reflect on basic issues in mission and evangelism. …
Outline: Isaiah is a book of literary, historical, theological and ecclesial riches. Paul R. House contends that Isaiah wrote the whole book during his long ministry and predicted the coming of the Messiah. Paul strives to treat Isaiah as a prophetic book, as a work that highlights major themes such as creation, sin in its many manifestations, proper ethical behavior, approaching judgement, and…
Outline: "I once was blind, but now I see" is the glad confession of the Christian's heart. However, what is it that a Christian now sees that so transforms his life? It is the Christian worldview. This is not an abstract philosophy so much as biblical doctrine for life. The Word of God establishes God-centered thinking, engages faithful living, and energizes ardent feeling for the kingdom of C…
Outline : Isaiah is a book of literary, historical, theological and ecclesial riches. Paul R. House contends that Isaiah wrote the whole book during his long ministry and predicted the coming of the Messiah. Paul strives to treat Isaiah as a prophetic book, as a work that highlights major themes such as creation, sin in its many manifestations, proper ethical behavior, approaching judgement, an…
Outline: Few teachings of the Puritans have provoked such strong reactions and conflicting interpretations as their views on preparing for saving faith. Many twentieth-century scholars dismissed preparation as a prime example of regression from the Reformed doctrine og frace for a mancentered legalism. In Prepared by Grace, for Grace, Joel Beeke and Paul Smalley make careful analysis of the Pur…
Outline : How should one approach the task of theology? The question of methodology is increasingly one of interest among theologians, who recognize that the very manner in which we approach theology informs both the questions we ask and the conclusions we reach. This volume in IVP's Spectrum Multiview series brings together five evangelical theologians with distinctly different approaches to t…
Outline: Paul F. Knitter, pendukung posisi "pluralis" dan penganjur pendekatan "soteriosentris" dalam teologi agama-agama, kini berpaling pada isu baru dan mendesak bagi berbagai komunitas agama dunia. Sebagai kelanjutan dari proyeknya yang sudah dirintis sejak awal, ia menemukan pijakan kokoh bagi dialog antar-agama; masalah kerusakan lingkungan dan ketidakadilan sosial. Bagi dia, selain menci…
Outline: Losing someone through suicide is deeply painful. It sparks questions, doubts, and confusion. Like ripples in a pond after a rock has been thrown in, the startling news of a suicide swamps the boats of those who are closest, and even rocks the boats of those who are far removed. This sensitively written mini-book comes alongside to offer help to those who are grieving.
Outline: Suicide is not new, but its acceptability and even popularity are quite new. Statistics indicate that more than 101 people take their own lives every day. However, those who work in the field of crisis intervention also testify that a significant number of suicides are preventable provided help is available. This mini-book will help you to recognize the warning signs of suicidal thinki…
Outline: The apostle Paul gave the gospel the first place in his preaching, endeavoured with all his might to proclaim it clearly, and even went so far as to pronounce a curse upon all those who would pervent its truth. Yet how sad it is that many, even among those considering themselves evangelicals, have reduced the gospel message to a few trite statements to be repeated, and view conversion …
Outline: Evangelicals are no strangers to the creation versus evolution debate. Now the argument has spread beyond the contents of the creation account in Genesis 1 and into Genesis 2-3, with speculation about the historicity of Adam and Eve and the Fall. But does it matter which position one holds? Is anything really at stake? The faculty of The Master's College have come together to show that…
Outline : The problem of evil is one we're all familiar with ... but what about the problem of good? If Christianity is true, why do many people seem to live moral, fulfilling lives outside the gospel? Do such moral non-Christians really need the gospel, or will their good deeds save them? Is the traditional view of hell really justified? And if it is, how do we evangelize people who seem more …
Outline: The deity of Christ. The purpose of the church. The accuracy of the Bible. Christian doctrine need not be intimidating or dull. Knowing the essentials of your faith - from the Trinity and the Atonement to Satan and the end times - will not only reinforce personal convictions but inspire boldness in witnessing. Whether you're a new believer or merely in need of refresher course, this bo…
Outline: Meski pada umumnya, kuliah di bidang Alkitab dan teologi membutuhkan makalah penelitian, terutama di tingkat pascasarjana, tetapi sangat sedikit STT yang menyertakan pelatihan penelitian. Para profesor memiliki dua pilihan: menggunakan waktu kelas yang berharga untuk mengajar mahasiswa atau menurunkan standar mereka. Dari Topik ke Tesis : Pedoman Karya Tulis Penelitian Teologis menawar…
Outline: Waktu telah membuktikan Tafsiran Matthew Henry sebagai sarana yang sangat menolong untuk memperdalam pengertian dan pengenalan akan Firman Allah. Sudah lebih dari 300 tahun Tafsiran Matthew Henry tetap menjadi salah satu tafsiran favorit para guru, pengkhotbah, dan orang Kristen secara luas. Penyampaian eksposisi dan aplikasi kebenaran Alkitab yang begitu kaya dalam bahasa yang luwes d…
Outline: Jatidiri Allah jauh melampaui yang dapat diungkapkan oleh bahasa manusia. Tetapi Alkitab memakai yang dapat diungkapkan oleh bahasa manusia. Tetapi Alkitab memakai satu kata khusus untuk mengungkapkan kekhususan karakter Allah, yaitu dengan kata Ibrani HESED. Hesed sangat kaya arti, tidak dapat diterjemahkan penuh ke dalam satu kata atau frasa apa pun. Kata itu sering diterjemahkan seb…
Outline: Volume 3 of The Annotated Luther series presents five key writings that focus on Martin Luther's understanding of the gospel as it relates to church, sacraments, and worship. Included in the volume are The Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520); The German Mass and Order of the Liturgy (1526); That These Words of Christ, "Ths Is My Body," etc., Still Stand Firm Against the Fanatics …
Outline: The deity of Christ. The purpose of the church. The accuracy of the Bible. Christine doctrine need not be intimidating or dull. Knowing the essentials of your faith - from the Trinity and the Atonement to Satan and the end times - will not only reinforce personal convictions but inspire boldness in witnessing. Whether you're a new believer or merely in need of a refresher course, this …
Outline : Menurut tradisi, filsafat telah bertindak sebagai ancilla theologiae (pembantu teologi) dengan mengambil peran ministerial (pelayanan) atau menolong. Namun, menganggap bahwa teologi memiliki "peran magisterial" - yakni, otoritatif - bukan dilakukan dengan merendahkan filsafat, melainkan dengan menyanjungnya karena filsafat telah memberikan bantuan yang besar agar kita dapat memahami d…
Outline : Dietrich Bonhoeffer is best known for his role in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler and his subsequent execution at the hands of the Nazis. However, most of us are less familiar with his tireless work educating seminary students for a life of pastoral ministry―a role that occupied him for most of his adult life. Anchored in a variety of influential lectures, personal letters, and m…